
Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
I'm waiting for the inevitable Street Fighter 2 remix with lifebars, sound effects, announcer, and Guile theme!


Oct 27, 2017
Long legs crew represent.


Deleted member 60295

User requested account closure
Sep 28, 2019
I swear, some of ya'll are acting like Not-Jeff Goldblum beat this dumbfuck to within an inch of his life. We don't even have the full context of how this all started, but judging by his neighbors' accounts, dumbass racist white boy had this coming for a long time. He's lucky he picked a fight with a guy that knew what he was doing and yet also clearly wasn't interested in killing or grievously maiming his assaulter.


Nov 20, 2019
I swear, some of ya'll are acting like Not-Jeff Goldblum beat this dumbfuck to within an inch of his life. We don't even have the full context of how this all started, but judging by his neighbors' accounts, dumbass racist white boy had this coming for a long time. He's lucky he picked a fight with a guy that knew what he was doing and yet also clearly wasn't interested in killing or grievously maiming his assaulter.
You gotta chill b


Oct 27, 2017
It really should be emphasized just how bizarrely unrealistically atypical both of these clips are. Your typical street brawl isn't going to give someone like Not!Goldblum the time and space to pull off textbook-technical taekwondo moves like the spin kick or the roundhouse to the ribs. That he got away with that only emphasizes how blitheringly inept the shirtless dude is. Fucker starting the fight with his arms up waddling like a goddamn crab tells you right away how many brain cells he has, him coming back with a fucking plank and losing control of it after breaking Not!Goldblum's arm only highlights that more.

Like, above all else, it needs to be made clear that the bald shirtless racist is a colossal imbecile.
Yep, an actual street fight is full of brains and boogers and is incredibly disturbing. I saw mine at 13 and still think of it at 40. Don't kick him in the back. It's a laugh. These dudes could have both wound up dead.


Oct 26, 2017
can't believe he did an actual tatsumaki senpukyaku
it didn't look like a clean hit to face? but it definitely dazed shirtless dude


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Why are people saying this? Am I missing a video? It doesn't appear he broke anything. Dude was just chilling smoking after the 2x4 fight and was moving around fine in the fight itself.

What am I missing?
One of the Twitter folks said that 2x4 shot to the arm broke it.


Oct 27, 2017
It really should be emphasized just how bizarrely unrealistically atypical both of these clips are. Your typical street brawl isn't going to give someone like Not!Goldblum the time and space to pull off textbook-technical taekwondo moves like the spin kick or the roundhouse to the ribs. That he got away with that only emphasizes how blitheringly inept the shirtless dude is. Fucker starting the fight with his arms up waddling like a goddamn crab tells you right away how many brain cells he has, him coming back with a fucking plank and losing control of it after breaking Not!Goldblum's arm only highlights that more.

Like, above all else, it needs to be made clear that the bald shirtless racist is a colossal imbecile.
Bingo. He actually got lucky. A moron doing something bizarre would have changed his life. Shit that fall in "round 2" could have done it. Fighting in the road is an extremely serious decision.


Oct 26, 2017
I agree it's a fine line, and it's especially hard to make an accurate judgement when you're in the heat of a fight. All I'm saying is that we as after-the-fact spectators can afford to take a moment before responding, and yet I keep seeing responses that I believe are unfortunate.

And with that, I'm out. My apologies to anyone who honestly thinks I was just trolling.

I haven't seen you comment on how the kick you're being critical on might have saved this dude's life. The fight was not over, and it's not similar to a professional bout where the fighters have to retreat after a round or have an idea of what's in store for them. Glasses guy was in a potential life or death situation. He was attacked by shirtless guy whose intentions were unknown. If shirtless guy got the better hand of the situation there is no telling what the state of glasses guy would be.

I know what you're thinking in that the glasses guy gave a cheap shot to a submitting opponent. This wasn't the case though. Shirtless guy had no intention of stopping, he was just gathering himself/catching his breath and hoping that glasses guy was dumb enough to allow him to do so. The kick, though intended to be an incapacitating move, didn't work, and next the glasses guy was attacked by a weapon wielding shirtless guy. I know people that have been killed by 2x4's, the human body wasn't made to withstand that abuse. Glasses guy ended up with a broken arm because of that weapon, and thankfully the racist asshole didn't get a headshot.

Glasses guy should be commended for that kick, because a lesser person may have gone for something more repeated hits to the head of a downed opponent. This situation wasn't about guiding a troubled individual away from a life of hate and racism; it was a potential life and death situation where a racist man attacked another man who needed to defend himself, and that's what he did. The kick might have been enough to slow the racist asshole down, which was beneficial in the minutes to come. What else could he do other than resort to violence?
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The Fallen
Dec 3, 2017
Although the spinning kick is cool, in the initial exchange, glasses guy also mixes up a lovely body shot in his combo. Homeboy knows what he's doing haha.
Oct 25, 2017
Why does every shitty piece of white trash always do the stance shirtless guy did (holding his arms up super high and strafing like a crab)?

harry the spy

Oct 25, 2017
I'm somehow not surprised that we have someone in this feelgood thread trying to garner sympathy for a racist.

You hate to see it.
There is no reason to garner sympathy for the shirtless dude if he is the racist described for sure.
But to be fair we have no real evidence the dude is a racist (it feels bad saying this, but he does look the part) - if I wanted to hype up my awesome video of questionable violence on the internet and if I were of the mythomaniac kind I'd definitely say the loser was a racist / rapist and the winner serves at soup kitchens on the weekend.


Oct 26, 2017
I see there was a round 2 with a stick. Does that mean that the cameraman (or any neighbour) did not even try to call the police during round 1?

What a crappy neighbourhood. See two people fight, possibly with a weapon, focus on Internet karma instead of public safety, good job witnessing the start of a life-long neighbour fight which will destroy the little peace which was left in your neighbourhood for possibly ten, maybe twenty years...
Oct 25, 2017
I see there was a round 2 with a stick. Does that mean that the cameraman (or any neighbour) did not even try to call the police during round 1?

What a crappy neighbourhood. See two people fight, possibly with a weapon, focus on Internet karma instead of public safety, good job witnessing the start of a life-long neighbour fight which will destroy the little peace which was left in your neighbourhood for possibly ten, maybe twenty years...
The police were already on the way.


Oct 25, 2017
These kind of videos always make me wish I had taken up karate or any type of self-defense classes when I was younger. Granted I've been fortunate enough to live in relatively safe places, but you never know when you'll meet these crazy psychos.

Anyways, always wanted to find out what happens if you're just trying to defend yourself but accidentally kill the attacker. Are you automatically guilty? Would it matter even if there was visual evidence that it was an accident?


Nov 7, 2017
These kind of videos always make me wish I had taken up karate or any type of self-defense classes when I was younger. Granted I've been fortunate enough to live in relatively safe places, but you never know when you'll meet these crazy psychos.

Anyways, always wanted to find out what happens if you're just trying to defend yourself but accidentally kill the attacker. Are you automatically guilty? Would it matter even if there was visual evidence that it was an accident?

I imagine it depends on the situation. If you kick someone in the head when they are on the ground unconscious after you knocked them out and they die from that kick, you'll probably go to jail for that. If you are in the heat of a scuffle and knock someone out and their head hits concrete on the way down and that kills them while you were defending yourself, then you should be fine. Of course all of that depends on what you can prove as well.
Jun 22, 2019
I see there was a round 2 with a stick. Does that mean that the cameraman (or any neighbour) did not even try to call the police during round 1?

What a crappy neighbourhood. See two people fight, possibly with a weapon, focus on Internet karma instead of public safety, good job witnessing the start of a life-long neighbour fight which will destroy the little peace which was left in your neighbourhood for possibly ten, maybe twenty years...

Quite the grand little narrative you've conjured up in your mind about this "crappy neighborhood" when police had in fact already been called, lol.

Deleted member 203

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If you're a racist sexist piece of shit who starts fights, you don't get to decide when the fight ends. He's lucky the other guy only broke his ribs and nose, and judging from the fact that racist asshole came back with a 2x4, he deserved worse.


Oct 26, 2017
Quite the grand little narrative you've conjured up in your mind about this "crappy neighborhood" when police had in fact already been called, lol.

Right. My imagination was running wild, because I missed the video where the police is there. Now, I look like a fool making fun of this lovely neighbourhood.

Edit: They only called the cops after round 2 and both fighters were injured. Such a lovely place with so many smartphones behind curtains: "karma neighbourhood".


I won't dare to imagine how the situation will escalate for round 3.
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Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Bruh, are you not aware of One Piece?
I know of OP, I don't watch or read it though. I've seen some silly designs (mostly the women) from OP but this takes the fucking cake.
I'm assuming his Devil Fruit has something to do with the freaky long legs? Either way it's a hideous design and I feel my life is worse for having seen it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm assuming his Devil Fruit has something to do with the freaky long legs? Either way it's a hideous design and I feel my life is worse for having seen it.

Ahaha, nope, no devil fruit. There's a whole tribe of people with long legs...called the Longleg Tribe. There's a Longarm tribe with arms that have two elbows.


I'm so sorry to put this in your brain.

Freaky insane designs is par for the One Piece course.

Back to the OP, I'm an instant fan of Street Fighter Jeff Goldblum.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Ahaha, nope, no devil fruit. There's a whole tribe of people with long legs...called the Longleg Tribe. There's a Longarm tribe with arms that have two elbows.


I'm so sorry to put this in your brain.

Freaky insane designs is par for the One Piece course.

Back to the OP, I'm an instant fan of Street Fighter Jeff Goldblum.
Absolutely disgusting
Jun 22, 2019
Right. My imagination was running wild, because I missed the video where the police is there. Now, I look like a fool making fun of this lovely neighbourhood.

Edit: They only called the cops after round 2 and both fighters were injured. Such a lovely place with so many smartphones behind curtains: "karma neighbourhood".


I won't dare to imagine how the situation will escalate for round 3.

I mean your imagination thinks that police are capable of instant teleportation.
Also love how it's not the racist creep ruining the peace here, but specifically that a fight broke out. And yeah, the neighborhood totally asked for it.
*rolls eyes*


Oct 26, 2017
I mean your imagination thinks that police are capable of instant teleportation.
Also love how it's not the racist creep ruining the peace here, but specifically that a fight broke out. And yeah, the neighborhood totally asked for it.
*rolls eyes*

The police was called after round 2, when people should actually have called an ambulance for the hero with a broken arm, if not for the red-neck with broken ribs.

And when I talk about the peace in the neighbourhood, I am thinking about round 3, 4, 5, etc. when both dudes start screwing each other's property, cars, etc. for years. Round 2 ended with broken bones on both sides, it is not going to stop there, and internet fame is a catalyst for things to escalate.

Anyway, I don't know why I even cared in the first place: it is not my neighbourhood, I should stop over-thinking, grab some pop-corn and enjoy the show from home.
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Nov 7, 2017
The black shirt guy clearly knew kickboxing or something. You don't keep calm and throw kicks like that in a regular street fighting scenario if you don't know how to fight.


Jan 16, 2018
Ngl, these were some movie-level kicks.
As already said ITT, good for glasses guy that racist guy had no idea how to fight and allowed him to execute his moves. Still, impressive.