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Alt Account
Sep 26, 2019
It's not poor project management to make the correct call to delay a release. It's an expensive and painful decision, but not a sign of bad management.
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".


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Feb 2, 2018
Every single person making a stink about this is pathetic. You're gonna get your game, you're gonna get a better game, you're gonna get more motivated and healthy devs when crunch is reduced even a little, you're gonna get other games in that three months, you're gonna get over it. Grow the hell up.
Read this in Stephen A's voice


Oct 27, 2017
I just read about how much ND had to crunch back to back for The Last of Us then Uncharted 4 immediately after in Blood, Sweat, and Pixels.

Take your time ND. It'll be worth the wait.


Apr 18, 2018
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad" as someone who knows his shit said once.


Oct 25, 2017
After reading the statement it's a smart choice to delay and especially if it's going to reduce crunch and stress. ND has extremely high standards and their games have been masterpieces because of it.


Oct 29, 2017
Kinda crazy that the press got to play 2 hours of polished product for a game not coming out for 8 months.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm perfectly fine with this delay and can't wait to play it day 1! In a way it works out better for me since I can just book 2 weeks off of work to both play this game and cover E3 2020.

It was hilarious reading the conspiracy theories and concern trolling in this thread though. Actual devs took the time to explain why this wasn't a big deal and how delays like this could happen, and I trust their perspective more than anyone else here.


Oct 25, 2017
Take all the time you need guys, we can wait. Finish the game without working crazy hours, spend time with your families, watch your health.
Oct 25, 2017
Ha no way. FFVIIR is going to slaughter The Last of Us 2. It's why they got out of its way.

People have been wanting that game for decades. Only PlayStation users know what the Last of Us even is.


Oct 27, 2017
As always, completely fine with this. Weird how they couldn't see this a month ago but regardless they've earned the right to take as much time as they need to make the game.


Nov 10, 2017
Hahaha @ slaughter. FFVII:R is not going to do jack against popular western games.
The only thing that will hold FFVIIR back is that it's only part 1 of a massive story. When TLoU2 launches it will be the complete game.

The previews of FFVIIR are shaping up to be next to perfect. Both will probably get 10s, but I just think the audience for FFVIIR is going to be bigger. Decades of fans have been waiting for this. FFVII is a legacy. TLoU was just an extremely good game.

I guess we will see tho. I'm just glad I don't have to choose between these two anymore. Because I was going so sleep on TLoU2.


Dec 1, 2017
Everybody seems to be pretty understanding with the delay, I don´t know if it we are being honest here or not.

The problem is not the delay itself, the problem is you announce a delay shortly after announcing a release date for the game. I don´t get it. I just don´t.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
Every single person making a stink about this is pathetic. You're gonna get your game, you're gonna get a better game, you're gonna get more motivated and healthy devs when crunch is reduced even a little, you're gonna get other games in that three months, you're gonna get over it. Grow the hell up.

It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".

And this is highly misinformed. Speaking as a program manager that's worked on long-term programs AND projects that have suffered unfortunate delays, when you have 10+ disciplines/departments working together to reach a goal or milestone, it's rarely the fault of any single person.

And for the responsible owner, what'd be more embarrassing professionally and from a leadership/management point of view? Advising of a potential or realized delay to the project as early as possible, adjusting your workflow to ensure you meet the new timeline? Or rushing and stressing to meet the original proposed timeline and fumbling out of the gate with issues that could have been addressed given the foresight, and dealing with the rabid fans, media and reduced review scores? Think logically.


Oct 27, 2017
I dont get what is hard to understand they where not at this point development when they announced the date when they got there they realize they made need more time.

Unexpected things happen all the time.
Jun 23, 2019
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".

lol I'm going to take the expertise and prestige of a multi-award winning studio over a denizen of Era screaming that ND are the evil bad guys.

Ha no way. FFVIIR is going to slaughter The Last of Us 2. It's why they got out of its way.

People have been wanting that game for decades. Only PlayStation users know what the Last of Us even is.

Only Playstation users know what The Last of Us is? You mean the game that got millions of views on the React channel on YouTube from watching teenagers play it? Ok.
It's poor project management to have a massive blowout release date reveal after over a year of silence and then ~1 month later delay the game by 3 months. Do that in the real world on a project and see if your boss/the client doesn't give you an earful, you certainly aren't going to be winning any employee of the month awards for "making the correct call".

I tend to disagree..first of all last of us part 2 is in the real world..these people go to work like the rest of us. I've been a project manager for about 2 decades and have had to pull the plug on launch dates for software at the last minute on more that one occasion and I can certainly tell you that it was not due to poor management on my part. One of those projects won me project of the year for my organization so any reasonable management/leadership team would understand given the right circumstances which we are not privy too since we're not in their daily stand ups or participating in any scrum meetings etc...


Nov 10, 2017
Ff7 remake should be delayed to may as well. I wanna see them go head to head.
Yea that was going to get rough. But in the end, why take away business from another exclusive? I get it and yea I would have loved to see which one people liked more, but I wouldn't want either studio to lose money over the other.


Nov 10, 2017
lol I'm going to take the expertise and prestige of a multi-award winning studio over a denizen of Era screaming that ND are the evil bad guys.

Only Playstation users know what The Last of Us is? You mean the game that got millions of views on the React channel on YouTube from watching teenagers play it? Ok.
I meant more along the lines of Only on PlayStation. Xbox and Nintendo kids likely never played it and I know a few. I'm an old head and forget kids watch more games than play them today.


Oct 27, 2017
May 29th ? That's like a psychological date, just in spring period. Another few weeks of delay and this is summer.


Oct 25, 2017
I find myself wishing for Cyberpunk to be delayed too, now. Wanted to get TLOU2 out the way first lol
Oct 27, 2017
Happy for the devs, there would have been a lot of pressure to crunch over Christmas for a February release.

Take the time needed to make the game as good as it can be in the time you have.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
ND take your time. The game will deliver and there is need to crunch the staff :)
Jun 23, 2019
I meant more along the lines of Only on PlayStation. Xbox and Nintendo kids likely never played it and I know a few. I'm an old head and forget kids watch more games than play them today.

I'm older too and trust me, TLOU was one of those games that got everyone's attention when it released, moreso because it was an exclusive. This game is going to break records easily.


Apr 6, 2018
Spare me the console warring accusations in advance as I fully realize that this game will end up really awesome and a GOTY contender for sure (the original is still one of my favorite games), but lol if this tweet didn't age well. Maybe Neil was really directing this tweet at Jim Ryan who had been hounding him to get a date out there :)

Really doubling down on the fanboyism aren't you?

I know this must have been a really hard gen for you, but looks like you found this way to make it out the other side lol

New Donker

One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
It's nice to see companies not get forced to crunch. Yes I'm bummed this, Doom and Animal crossing got delays but if it means they can take their time, so be it.
Oct 31, 2017
I can never understand why people get mad over delays for a few months. You're still getting the game, and it's not like early next year isn't packed with games.


Oct 27, 2017
Really doubling down on the fanboyism aren't you?

I know this must have been a really hard gen for you, but looks like you found this way to make it out the other side lol

Apparently you lack basic reading comprehension of what I actually put there. I suppose that some just blindly praise any move by their favored plastic box brand no matter the context.


Feb 14, 2019
No biggie! I was quite surprised when they announced it so close to FFVII remake considering Sony rarely release their big first party games that close to big third party releases...


Oct 27, 2017
The North, England
The only thing that will hold FFVIIR back is that it's only part 1 of a massive story. When TLoU2 launches it will be the complete game.

The previews of FFVIIR are shaping up to be next to perfect. Both will probably get 10s, but I just think the audience for FFVIIR is going to be bigger. Decades of fans have been waiting for this. FFVII is a legacy. TLoU was just an extremely good game.

I guess we will see tho. I'm just glad I don't have to choose between these two anymore. Because I was going so sleep on TLoU2.

'Decades of fans have been waiting for this'

The Last of Us has sold more than every version of Final Fantasy VII combined.
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