
Oct 25, 2017
Japan is terrible about women's rights. In other news today: It turns out water may actually be wet. We await further studies

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Oct 26, 2017
Megane otaku completely shook.

and yeah in all seriousness that is fucked up. I've wondered for a long time how long it is before we see a mass feminism revolution in Japan, the gears have been turning slowly for years.


Oct 25, 2017
Cant post this without translating, this isnt a Japanese forum -_-

"Why ban women from wearing glasses?"

*Woman shown fretting over glasses instead of evacuating*
Safety reasons
*Perfectly normal woman next to her pained, weeping, neglected makeup items*
Hides your makeup from clients
*Perfectly normal receptionist at a major company"
Leaves a cold impression.
*Perfectly normal woman in a kimono*
Doesn't match traditional Japanese attire.


Nov 2, 2017
Ridiculous, how dare they expect a right to see properly at their workplace.

Japan is not a great place for women's right or equality.
Oct 31, 2017
I've heard that Japan can be pretty backwards when it comes to women, but come on. It's also such an utterly pointless and pathetic thing to try and enforce.

Sea lion

Nov 8, 2017
Go mental Japanese women.
Kick up a storm because this shit is ridiculous and has been for too long


Nov 6, 2017
The blurb about women being forced to wear heels is even more ridiculous. Imagine trying to climb ladders in those things.


Oct 28, 2017
United States
I know one man who must be happy for this movement


Lady Murasaki

Scary Shiny Glasses
Oct 25, 2017
Not surprised, but I wouldn't say this is only a Japanese problem. Perhaps in terms of express prohibition and formalized in the companies dress code, but I personally was suggested to get Lasik and/or contact a lot of times in professional settings with similar ''reasons'': ''Women with glasses look too cold and uptight'' or ''What a pity you have to wear glasses'', at the same time men who wore glasses were seen as smarter and even more attractive. Considering that are studies about how glasses are associated with intelligence, taking them away only from the women says some pretty fucked up things about gender roles and expectations in the workplace.

Not to mention that with almost 2 billion people on the planet having some kind of vision impairment that requires some type of visual aid, PROHIBITING women of wearing glasses is indeed discrimination, not to mention the practical disadvantages for women with problems not easily solved by contacts like astigmatism.

Forcing women to not see or to get surgery if they want to keep their jobs is fucking outrageous.
Dec 4, 2017
Y'know, it's something that, once somebody points out, becomes rather noticeable. If you look at video clips of Japan, there's a lot more men than women wearing glasses. Especially in "working environment" situations.


Oct 31, 2017
Are they seriously showing this nonsense on TV? So fucking embarrassing.

Yes they're highlighting it because a lot of Japanese people didn't even know about it. Which is why it made the news, because a TV show exposed that certain businesses have this policy.

It says "A new form of harassment? Women banned from wearing glasses at the workplace."

Then the pictures show various reasonings behind certain businesses banning women from wearing glasses, because viewers would like to know why.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes they're highlighting it because a lot of Japanese people didn't even know about it. Which is why it made the news, because a TV show exposed that certain businesses have this policy.

It says "A new form of harassment? Women banned from wearing glasses at the workplace."

Then the pictures show various reasonings behind certain businesses banning women from wearing glasses, because viewers would like to know why.
Is it neutral reporting? or are they making fun/defending it?

Neo C.

Nov 9, 2017
If I'm allowed to wear glasses, so are women. Fuck the double standard.

Now thinking back, Japanese women I met indeed rarely wore glasses. :(
Feb 18, 2018
Talk about bad optics for Japanese business culture, am I right?

But for real, this is fucked up and dumb.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone knows the context of this?
I don't have the video source but this appears to be a different show than most of the other graphics are sourced from, and they're running through the 3 main thrusts of the arguments for the ban: "Appearance" (doesn't match kimonos, concealing your face is rude to customers, makes you look dour, doesn't match certain job types like miko for some reason) "Hygiene" (glasses can fall into food somehow, the aforementioned "adjusting glass is is haram") and "Safety." It's unclear without the source video if they're being neutral (they mention the uproar in the graphic) but the flood of accompanying graphics on the reasons behind the ban sure doesn't look great next to a middle aged man in a kimono wearing glasses like it ain't no thing.


Oct 27, 2017
How are glasses a hazard? They literally shield your eyes while giving someone the ability to see sharply.