
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I stopped posting on this thread since I was just disappointed with Japan's action...

However, Dr. Campbell finally talked about Japan in his video from the 16 minutes mark:

Saturday 11th April, Easter Staycation

Testing data data


Oct 29, 2017
Update on Gifu, joined Aichi is claiming their own state of emergency. Makes sense since more than 50% of Gifu City commutes daily to Nagoya. BoE here isn't closing schools sadly. sooo

I live in Osaka, and my company is telling me I need to report to my schools next week to meet the staff. Japanese Teachers are still going into school in Osaka regardless of the state of emergency. However, my company's office employees are able to work from home starting next week. While they get to stay home, they throw the ALTs into the fire.

Quite literally the same situation. I know my previous working locations had like 3 people wearing masks in that small ass office of 30 people so clearly nothing will change. Not sure why so many here are taking a childish approach of not being serious unless the government tells them like an adult to definite stay home, something they are refusing to do -eyeroll-

One of my locations called in early and told me to "work from home" for 3 days but the other was like "come on in!" This lack of communication and solid plans among the leaders and community in this country is really worrisome.


Jan 31, 2018
700 new cases confirmed today

Japan coronavirus infections top 7,700 | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

The number of confirmed coronavirus infections in Japan has exceeded 7,700 as of Tuesday morning. The figure includes people found positive in airport quarantine checks, health ministry officials and those who returned to Japan on chartered planes.

from 7000 yesterday to 7700 today!

state of emergency is not working at all!


Jun 4, 2018
700 new cases confirmed today

Japan coronavirus infections top 7,700 | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

The number of confirmed coronavirus infections in Japan has exceeded 7,700 as of Tuesday morning. The figure includes people found positive in airport quarantine checks, health ministry officials and those who returned to Japan on chartered planes.

from 7000 yesterday to 7700 today!

state of emergency is not working at all!

Because of the incubation period of the virus and the testing time required you won't see any effect until next weekend at the absolute earliest


Oct 29, 2017
Have they started doing more thorough testing in JP or is it as low as it was?

There doing more, aka actually started too hence the confirmed cases. They are seeing "clusters", and using the english phasing of it so you know they are serious, all over the place. Hospitals and clinics being the big victims at the moment. It's still relatively low given the population size and claims from Abe-kun to test more are happening but still no where near enough. People are still getting rejected for testing and other places are not equipped to do so.

Dr Doom

Oct 25, 2017
there was a 70 year old man who tested postive here 2 weeks ago. tested the wife at the same time; negative.
fast forward to this passed Friday. Wife popped positive.


Oct 25, 2017
Osaka City is asking people to donate unused raincoats and ponchos as they are running out of PPE.

Osaka asks citizens for raincoats amid shortage of protective gear

The Osaka city government requested Tuesday that citizens offer unused raincoats as an alternative to protective gear that is in short supply at medical institutions amid a surge in coronavirus infections. In issuing the request, Mayor Ichiro Matsui said medical professionals at some...

Edit: English language source


J->E Localization
Oct 25, 2017
Osaka City is asking people to donate unused raincoats and ponchos as they are running out of PPE.

Osaka asks citizens for raincoats amid shortage of protective gear

The Osaka city government requested Tuesday that citizens offer unused raincoats as an alternative to protective gear that is in short supply at medical institutions amid a surge in coronavirus infections. In issuing the request, Mayor Ichiro Matsui said medical professionals at some...

Edit: English language source

They had three months to prepare for this. What were they doing with our tax dollars?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm reading the original Captain Harlock right now and the Japanese government is doing the exact same thing as the manga's.


Oct 29, 2017
Confirmed a teacher in Gifu city has it, literally did not take a week. Why the heck are they making these people come in.


Nov 2, 2017
About bloody time. Not that it really means anything based on the complete disregard for it in Tokyo anyway.

Its still scheduled to be lifted on May 6th with the whole country expected to go back to normal, which is insane. Hopefully they'll extend it if the daily numbers dont go down, but with this government I doubt it.

On the plus side theres going to be a ¥100,000 hand out to everyone.


Oct 30, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
Its still scheduled to be lifted on May 6th with the whole country expected to go back to normal, which is insane. Hopefully they'll extend it if the daily numbers dont go down, but with this government I doubt it.

On the plus side theres going to be a ¥100,000 hand out to everyone.
I've read about the handout but I'm not sure if I'd qualify. Foreign resident, working full time despite the SoE, 8 figure salary (yen!).

I do hope the money goes to those who need it (e.g. those who have been laid off) rather than just to everybody.


Nov 22, 2017
Unless they change the current language of the stipend, "kokumin" (the stipend target) does not include foreigners by definition. Will be interesting to see how the final language reads.

The stipend of 2011 clearly specified foreigners (long-term, non-illegals) as being eligible.


Oct 28, 2017
Unless they change the current language of the stipend, "kokumin" (the stipend target) does not include foreigners by definition. Will be interesting to see how the final language reads.

The stipend of 2011 clearly specified foreigners (long-term, non-illegals) as being eligible.
I never considered the possibility of being eligible, but I think since we're very clearly not "kokumin", we shouldn't have to pay "kokumin nenkin" :P


Nov 22, 2017
I never considered the possibility of being eligible, but I think since we're very clearly not "kokumin", we shouldn't have to pay "kokumin nenkin" :P

Hah. Good point.

They just announced on tv that the stipend will go to "all kokumin" regardless of income. Curious as to how children will be handled.

Politically, disbursing the stipend to Japanese nationals only would not go against the greater global trend of "take care of our own" in current circumstances, so I could see the Abe administration getting away with it (Zainichi, etc. would make a fuss though).

I fear there will be tax consequences for accepting the stipend though, so I hope they clarify that and perhaps offer an alternative (tax deduction come next year, etc.).

Edit: At this stage, it seems only the Japanese Communist Party (opposition party) is pushing for the stipend to include foreigners.
Last edited:


Nov 2, 2017
Hah. Good point.

They just announced on tv that the stipend will go to "all kokumin" regardless of income. Curious as to how children will be handled.

Politically, disbursing the stipend to Japanese nationals only would not go against the greater global trend of "take care of our own" in current circumstances, so I could see the Abe administration getting away with it (Zainichi, etc. would make a fuss though).

I fear there will be tax consequences for accepting the stipend though, so I hope they clarify that and perhaps offer an alternative (tax deduction come next year, etc.).

Edit: At this stage, it seems only the Japanese Communist Party (opposition party) is pushing for the stipend to include foreigners.

Hopefully it does include foreigners, at least those on long-term/spouse visas with families in Japan. If it doesn't why the hell do we have to pay so much tax only for us to be excluded when it comes to national hand outs?


Nov 22, 2017
Had a feeling Aso and the Ministry of Finance wasn't going to keep quiet while the Komeito cajoled Abe into the "helicopter money for all" approach.

He just went on record saying that the stipend would NOT be unilaterally disbursed to everyone, and that if you want it, you have to "ask for it" or "raise your hand."

You'd think he was handing out his own money.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
My father-in-law is staying with us at the moment. Just got a call saying the Australian government is canceling flights and only ANA is able to fly back costing about 5000 AUD and will even probably cancel those flights sooner rather than later.


Oct 27, 2017
Was at Shinjuku hospital today , was so quiet. Not sure if there just putting patients on different floors etc, but took me 20% of my usual time to get in and out.

And thay hospital is starting phone in medical appointments, so next time if covid still around, I will be able to phone up and get prescription sent to local pharmacy. So that's nice.


Oct 25, 2017

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
You know, I've had this asked a few times. One during school for something, another for when I applied for an arubaito. I don't really know or remember if I do have one, but considering I got hired, a big probably? Again, I don't really know.

Really? Man, I don't know why people hate Abe. Such a generous guy.

Wait... you should probably find your My Number card if you do have one because you would probably need it if they actually do give out checks to people especially foreigners.
They use it for everything like taxes, insurance, etc.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm an international student without a bank account in Japan and I don't have a job. would I be elegible for the stimulus?

You know, I've had this asked a few times. One during school for something, another for when I applied for an arubaito. I don't really know or remember if I do have one, but considering I got hired, a big probably? Again, I don't really know.

Really? Man, I don't know why people hate Abe. Such a generous guy.
Did you received a 通知カード some weeks after you registrered for the first time at the City office of the ward where you are living? As far as I know, you can use that as a My Number Card.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
As long as you pay taxes, shouldn't you get it?

Also, is it me or working from home means more work. I was even told to maybe work on Saturdays as well since I can't go out anywhere. I hate where I work but I do like the money I make...


Oct 25, 2017
I'm an international student without a bank account in Japan and I don't have a job. would I be elegible for the stimulus?

Did you received a 通知カード some weeks after you registrered for the first time at the City office of the ward where you are living? As far as I know, you can use that as a My Number Card.
I applied to work 2 months ago, started working last month and made a bank account AFTER my 2nd or 3rd day of working IIRC. Then told my boss just 2 weeks ago I can't work the rest of this month because of various reasons (school said not to travel outside of Tochigi, international program would be cancelled if even 1 international student got Corona, etc).

I looked around and found my 住民票コード通知票. I don't remember where I got it or if that's even the correct one. We had to go to the City Hall recently, and one of the things we had to bring was the Number Card. I didn't bring anything except my residence card, but when we went, our school gave them everything.


Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Japan
What's the requirement for foreigners to receive the stimulus? I'm curious. I do have a MyNumber... well number. The card itself is still being processed though.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah I'd not get my hopes up for the newer arrivals. Heck would not be surprised if they put a time in Japan requirement on it for foreigners.

But anyway in the latest "We can't work from home because..." excuses from companies on TV... "The computers are a little heavy" - 20-early 30's something interviewer proceeds to try to lift the imac desktop- "oh it is heavy... maybe 10kg" -all viewers in the studio agree telework is too difficult-

THIS ISN'T AN EXCUSE! How are they letting people get away with this lol.