
Feb 4, 2020
Will watch this later, and glad Steph's calling it out. How the heck did Polyphony Digital and Sony expect things to go?

Edit - Corrected to Stephanie

Exactly as it did. Push the envelope, reap as much money as you can from the awful MTX. Once people cry uncle, offer empty apology and plea for patience as you vow that this is just the beginning for the game and plans are in place to alleviate the problems they intentionally created.

Eventually make things a bit better, which people will celebrate despite you only half walking back what you intentionally did to begin with. In the meantime, continue to get cash from the people who are easily sucked in by the current awful system. Meanwhile, the players have unwittingly been conditioned to allow the Overton window on microtransactions to shift just that little bit more in terms of what they will accept for future games where the publisher does the exact same thing over again.

People were once incensed by horse armor and season passes. Those methods of monetization wouldn't register so much as a blip with media or players in 2022.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Oh, I didn't get a notification of this thread getting updated. Must have been the merging.

Anyways, a good video and it looks like I have another example along with Shadow of War that shows how microtransactions definitely do alter gameplay of single player games.


Jan 16, 2022

Why has the Nintendo weirdly been hesitant releasing GameCube games... Or most of their handheld games for that matter?

This is doubly so now given the 3DS Store shutting down meaning the legal way to buy GameBoy games is gone.

NSO was the biggest waste of money when I had a switch. The idea what Nintendo did what Microsoft did with Xbox live and even got praise for it only shows how bad discussions about these things are. No, I don't care that is the cheapest out of the console makers, since it's free on PC. Which highlights another issue, and that is a lot of people are very much tech illiterate.
You can't even purchase nso or anything from the e-shop if you are in a country that isn't supported ( like mine), even though they are selling their consoles and physical games in the region.


Oct 25, 2017
NSO was the biggest waste of money when I had a switch. The idea what Nintendo did what Microsoft did with Xbox live and even got praise for it only shows how bad discussions about these things are. No, I don't care that is the cheapest out of the console makers, since it's free on PC. Which highlights another issue, and that is a lot of people are very much tech illiterate.
You can't even purchase nso or anything from the e-shop if you are in a country that isn't supported ( like mine), even though they are selling their consoles and physical games in the region.
I agree with what you are saying, but as someone who also lives in a country that isn't officially supported I was able to set up a US account and have previously bought NSO for my son no problem.. I'm not saying you should bother (it's a terrible waste of money as you said) just want to make you aware you can actually use the eshop if you'd prefer to buy games digitally.


Jan 16, 2022
I agree with what you are saying, but as someone who also lives in a country that isn't officially supported I was able to set up a US account and have previously bought NSO for my son no problem.. I'm not saying you should bother (it's a terrible waste of money as you said) just want to make you aware you can actually use the eshop if you'd prefer to buy games digitally.
At the time which was close 2 years ago, I tried making an US account. It refused to accept my debit card and also refused to use my paypal, I asked the retail worker at the store and he told me I have to set up a fake wallet using an russian app on the google play store. It's not like I gave up, but I'm glad it happened, since that was the 2nd main reason for me to sell it off, the 1st reason being everything is much more expensive.


Oct 25, 2017

Why has the Nintendo weirdly been hesitant releasing GameCube games... Or most of their handheld games for that matter?

This is doubly so now given the 3DS Store shutting down meaning the legal way to buy GameBoy games is gone.




One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I really don't get the point of this video, yeah no shit emulators/everdrives/odes/etc allow you to play ALL the games and play them with romhacks and fan translations everyone knows that. The people who want that kind of experience will spend money on devices to get that experience. What roms and people playing them on pc emulators, portable devices like steak deck, or on things like everdrive/odes don't have to worry about is licensing fees or figuring out the legal rights issue in each region. Nintendo is pretty tapped out on both NES and SNES of games that have easy access to rerelease on a subscription service like NSO especially in English. We're missing what? Urban Champion as something Nintendo could drop any day without issue?

If you want to criticize NSO for not having gb/c/a or gc on the service I get that, but arguing that Nintendo should open this flood gate of titles just isn't realistic. The companies that have a lot of the bigger missing nes and snes games have their own collections to sell you or new updated versions. Even if Nintendo (and probably in a few months Sony with PS+++) went hard, threw money at the wall, and got the flood of games to come, the service can never truly compete with people who just go on a rom site and download every game for "free" to play on their preferred device.


Oct 25, 2017
I turned it off when they went the piracy route. I don't like Nintendo's NSO offerings either, but not liking the price or availability of something (even if that availability is tenuous) isn't an excuse to rip it off. Nintendo tried offering a far more substantial back catalogue across two console generations, and supposedly sales were in the tank even during the Wii era when console sales were brisk.

Also, I get why people necessarily compare NSO to GamePass, but the latter is a loss leader for Microsoft (to say nothing of the way they're potentially devaluing game software for every studio in the long run), and loss leading isn't something Nintendo does. That strategy is certainly up for debate, but there's a reason they've never been in really awful financial condition even when console sales were struggling.

I also tend to be a little dubious of people thinking there's some massive catalogue of unreleased games not already on NSO that make the service way more appealing if they only released them. I would bet that 90% of sales on VC came from the games that are already on there. It's missing some things like Castlevania and Mega Man, but Konami and Capcom opted to do their own collections instead this round. And who can blame them if VC sales were as bad as has been rumored?
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Cool, another video where Steph is trying to justify piracy. It's weird that someone who's always talking about game devs rights is always trying to make excuses for something that actual developers are always telling people not to do.


Jan 16, 2022
Cool, another video where Steph is trying to justify piracy. It's weird that someone who's always talking about game devs rights is always trying to make excuses for something that actual developers are always telling people not to do.
Ah, yes. Tell me more about the devs of retro games, y'know all of the devs of 10-20 year old games. Do you know honestly think "devs" see any of the money people pay in NSO subscriptions? They are mostly workers that get their regular ass wage no matter how much something sells or if it's successful.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Ah, yes. Tell me more about the devs of retro games, y'know all of the devs of 10-20 year old games. Do you know honestly think "devs" see any of the money people pay in NSO subscriptions? They are mostly workers that get their regular ass wage no matter how much something sells or if it's successful.
Well, if they're getting regular wages then they clearly must be ok with people stealing the games they work on. I'm convinced.

Dizzy Ukulele

Oct 28, 2017
That Ambernic handheld cost a lot more than what I've paid for NSO since it launched and that Ambernic doesn't allow me to play Tetris 99.

I wouldn't feel particularly smug about paying £180 to someone for the privilege of pirating games. I'd rather my money went to companies that make them. At least then I can dream that all that NSO revenue is going towards development of a new F-Zero!

Yeah, but that latest NES/SNES update was a bit grim.


Jan 16, 2022
Well, if they're getting regular wages then they clearly must be ok with people stealing the games they work on. I'm convinced.
If we have to be honest, yes ? Wages have already been given, why should they care at that point? I'm just giving you a simple example. The corporate entity cares about those stuff, not the actual dev team behind it. If it's an indie then I can understand that point(that's also muddy, if set indie studio is working with a publisher), but when we talk about mega corporations, the point falls flat. Even with indies, a lot of indie studios don't really care about "piracy" as much as era thinks.
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Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
Because everyone should know how badly NFTs failed lmao

In all seriousness, I have no idea.


Oct 28, 2017
I didn't know that actiblizz had that supervillain level of corrupting outreach until Steph brought it up here.

What's the point of having laws if companies can just buy and influence their way around it?

actiblizz isn't gonna get away with it though.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
I meant to respond to the last video with this thought:

Game companies trying to sell us NFTs as "part of the game" that "we get to take anywhere" flies in the face of the culture they themselves had cultivated over the years. For years and years, we were conditioned to buy & rebuy the same crap over and over when a company releases a similar (or in some places, the exact same!) product. What did they think would happen when they suddenly tried to peddle "yours to keep, take to all future games"? Oh wait, they're short-sighted and probably forgot how opposing their new message was to the prior.

As for the new video: I hope employees can maintain their current WFH status, if it is their choice to do so.

And I wish Steph to get well soon. I guess this video confirmed that they're actually living in UK now.


Oct 25, 2017
Re last week's video:

It would be a huge mistake to think blockchain and NFTs are going away forever just because of the public backlash.

All these ghouls are doing is conducting a temporary strategic retreat while they work out how to reframe and rebrand them in ways that consumers will be more passively accepting of.


Oct 27, 2017
Fun episode! It makes me worried as to the "value" of the coins and the unlocks, it reads like a "pay to unlock" sort of thing in the game as a whole, which wouldn't surprise me. It's a shame as it could be a very fine collection that sold well on it's own merit and the groundwork laid on it could work for future Sega collections.

For me, I'm holding off until months after it releases to get a clearer picture as to how it all works out.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Fun episode! It makes me worried as to the "value" of the coins and the unlocks, it reads like a "pay to unlock" sort of thing in the game as a whole, which wouldn't surprise me. It's a shame as it could be a very fine collection that sold well on it's own merit and the groundwork laid on it could work for future Sega collections.

For me, I'm holding off until months after it releases to get a clearer picture as to how it all works out.
The thing I don't get, is its a mere five dollars more. Why not do away with the $40 version and just have a $45 dollar version with all the stuff in? If that was the only version, I'd probably look at what you get for $45 and think it was a decent value proposition, instead of the way they've done it that has me unsure if I even want to bother.


Mar 25, 2021
The thing I don't get, is its a mere five dollars more. Why not do away with the $40 version and just have a $45 dollar version with all the stuff in? If that was the only version, I'd probably look at what you get for $45 and think it was a decent value proposition, instead of the way they've done it that has me unsure if I even want to bother.

Exactly. Split the difference and make every version $2 more so everyone gets all the content and no one would complain. Instead they chose violence.


Jan 16, 2022
The thing I don't get, is its a mere five dollars more. Why not do away with the $40 version and just have a $45 dollar version with all the stuff in? If that was the only version, I'd probably look at what you get for $45 and think it was a decent value proposition, instead of the way they've done it that has me unsure if I even want to bother.
Maybe the sales team thinks over 40 is too much, but as a separate addon is better?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This isn't the first time sega's tried this (See Monkey Ball last year with it's various dlcs) and I imagine it won't be the last. All it's done is made the initial pre-release talk be about this weird DLC for stuff that could have been in the game to begin with (Well, that and Denuvo).


Oct 27, 2017
The thing I don't get, is its a mere five dollars more. Why not do away with the $40 version and just have a $45 dollar version with all the stuff in? If that was the only version, I'd probably look at what you get for $45 and think it was a decent value proposition, instead of the way they've done it that has me unsure if I even want to bother.

I think the most absurd thing about it the sheer pettiness of what they're trying to monetize. A checkered background during gameplay. Character animations on a specific menu? Camera controls on a specific menu? It's a really petty thing to cut out of the basic game. Then you have the pre-order incentives which are included on the Deluxe edition if you pre-order but they don't show up over there... it's a fucking embarrassing mess straight out of the Ubisoft school of bullshit pre-order edition tables.

Sonic 1, 2 and 3 (and Knuckles) are some of my favorite games of all time and this collection will likely be the best version of them ever released. The fact that Sega managed to stain that with, in my opinion, overpricing and bullshit pre-order bonuses and multiple versions and whatnot has killed any interest I may have had in acquiring it until it comes out and is heavily discounted.

If that's not telling, I don't know what is. I fully agree with Stephanie on this.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah like 90% of the dlc is worthless crap nobody would ever touch. The spreadsheet just makes it look more complicated then it is. They should have just posted something like

Base game $xx
Comes with:
The game

Digital deluxe $xx
Comes with:
The game
Dlc pack 1(will be sold later)
Dlc pack 2 (will be sold later)

Pre order to get for free:
Bonus pack (will be sold later)

All the same info, but it's in simple, bulletin form and lets you assess if the dlc is worth the extra cost of the deluxe edition. You give people a spread sheet and ask them to do the homework to decipher it and you just alienate people.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Whoever decided that "Letterbox background" should be touted as a premium feature should never work in the games industry again. Embarrassing as fuck. 🤦‍♂️

Would've been better to just be honest and ask fans for more money.

Do you like Sonic? Pay us $39.99.
Do you LOVE Sonic? Pay us $44.99.


Oct 27, 2017

New Jimquisition is up! They mention Jim Ryan's comments but the bulk of the episode is on Activision-Blizzard.


Oct 27, 2017

Going to bump this but goodness I had no idea what was going on with this company! :0 I never played the game mentioned but... Damn

I have played the games and ...yeah... This video sums it up pretty well. Although I'm more inklined to think that bloober team i just a small studio that isn't that ...well very good at writing and sorts of wings it. Like I don't think there is a malicious intent it's just not very well tought true. But I 100% agree with that they should stay away from this theme. The medium is not a great game, like it's really bad and Microsoft should never market it like som sort of AA game and the team is not ready for something like silent hill.

I myself is a bad writer (also wrote some horror) and sort of feel sympathy with creators that are over their head. The medium is, as a game (I'm not defending the writing), perhaps ok if you compare it to Tormented Souls or Daymare 1988? But it's just a Indi game studio that probably have to cut corners and has a lot of growing to do. I think it would be a disaster for everyone (bloober team ink) to give them silent hill.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
I didn't realize from the vague notions from posters in the Silent Hill rumor thread how bad Bloober was about this. Nor were specifics mentioned about their fumbling with mental health issues and sympathizing with child molesters.

Fucking yikes.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
Love me some Stephanie, but this latest video on Bloober is a bit harsh haha. I think making a criticism on Medium no being good is valid, but the criticisms around depictions of mental health felt a little extreme. I haven't played the game, so I'm just going by the video where it felt like it was over interpreting the intent of the developers, who probably just didn't do a great job, but had no ill intent. Anyway if they are indeed making Silent Hill, hope they do a good job and surprise everyone.