Oct 27, 2017
Oil and iron ore prices are pretty low, which means Brazil needs to ramp-up soy bean exports, which means the Amazon is going to get strip-mined even faster.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
If anyone is interested, this video explains what the fuck happened here and has subtitles. It's a bit long.



Nov 7, 2017
This is terrible, but people need to stop acting like stuff like this is the only thing that happens and no progress is being made. It's not a binary fucked/not fucked situation.

I truly think we are fucked beyond redemption, and the optimism we were sold over the lat 50 years was all smoke and mirrors.

People in the west are just fine making kids, not watching the news and living in their own bubble while the world burns down around them.


Oct 25, 2017
I truly think we are fucked beyond redemption, and the optimism we were sold over the lat 50 years was all smoke and mirrors.

People in the west are just fine making kids, not watching the news and living in their own bubble while the world burns down around them.

This is the exact attitude people need to *not* have. If anything if you drench yourself in a constant spewel of a negative news cycle you're putting yourself in a bubble of constant sensationalist negativity because that's what the news is.

Yes it's good to be informed, but look elsewhere for crying out loud. Look at how far renewables have come and how cheaper they're continuing to be. Look at how coal is dying when back when "An Inconvienent Truth" was released it seemed unstoppable. Look at the continued growing technology in which CO2 can be pulled out of the atmosphere.

Those are all facts. If you deny those, the only one in a bubble is you.

Here's some articles to back up my facts:
Sucking carbon dioxide from the air may be cheaper than scientists thought
It's now cheaper to build a wind farm than to keep a coal plant running.
Scientists Back Efforts to Pull CO2 from the Atmosphere: A new report from the National Academics calls for concerted research into "negative emissions technologies"

Please inform yourself beyond negative news and look where progress is being made and I think you'll feel a little better.

Extra Sauce

Oct 27, 2017
So when does it become appropriate for one to attack the person who is swinging an axe at their left lung?


Oct 27, 2017
Ipatinga, Brazil
I have a different opinion. Amazon is a liability for Brazil as it is right now. Half of the territory without civilization or transport structures. As a sovereign country is our right to integrate this area and explore it, but we need to do it responsibly . Bolsonaro is the most inadequate politician to lead this process and the end result will be awful.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
The religion drived people insane, they believed that the other candidate would install communism (?) and other satanic things like respect to trans people. It's so fucked up.
Yeah sadly South America (or at least my country and parts of Brazil I've been in) seem to be really homophobic / transphoic, so saying stupid shit guarantees them a shit-ton of supporters.


Oct 26, 2017
Yikes climate change combined with the destruction of the amazon rain forest will have wide reaching effects on the world. People think about the obvious effects like droughts and the effects on wildlife but what about the effects on the medical field. 25 percent of plants used in modern medicine are currently produced in the amazon.


Oct 25, 2017


'Brutal news': global carbon emissions jump to all-time high in 2018

Rapid cuts needed to protect billions of people from rising emissions due to increase in use of cars and coal

From that same article:

But it is expected that emissions will start to decline again in 2019, as cheap gas, wind and solar continue to displace coal – coal use has dropped 40% since 2005 and it is now at its lowest level since 1979.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 28, 2017
Honestly, I hope that the Congress/Senate will put a stop at him, at least on the most crazy stuff.
Someone has to put him on a leash before he does more damage.
Oct 25, 2017
People need to stop saying the planet is fucked, the planet/world will be fine.

We, humanity, are the ones that are fucked.


Oct 26, 2017
What is it with that generation that they are so bent on destroying the world?
They came of age in an era of unprecedented (and reckless) growth. As they approach their twilight years they can only think in terms of this cancerous level of growth. The fact that we realized such growth is undesirable long term doesn't make any dent on their delusions.

That's my theory anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
For the brazilians here ... don't forget we have a BrazilEra thread with a discord. Ninguem solta a mĂŁo de ninguem

Also, for the guy who said for him to be killed ... the dude that will be in charge if he dies (which conspiracy theorists think it is likely ...) might be worst than him =P
Oct 25, 2017
I hope that the US Congress will impose sanctions on Brazil or stop this madness with military force.
Our government's not in great shape either at the moment, and Bolsanaro has Donald Trump's support. Give us 2 years minimum to vote him out and get a Democratic majority in the Senate and maybe, maybe our government will take action against Bolsanaro's regime.

Green Yoshi

Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Cologne (Germany)
Our government's not in great shape either at the moment, and Bolsanaro has Donald Trump's support. Give us 2 years minimum to vote him out and get a Democratic majority in the Senate and maybe, maybe our government will take action against Bolsanaro's regime.
Maybe states like California who would be heavily affected if 100% of the Amazonas gets destroyed must make more pressure and convince other states to do the same. It would be bad for the US economy, too.


Oct 27, 2017
Well in the long run it won't matter. If humans do enough damage they will kill off most life on earth and the earth will self correct over the next million years or so as new life forms evolve.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, are we cool with post like these?

Not looking to catch a ban but wasn't the world built on the blood of revolutions?

I'm not advocating violence but has the world really moved past that as an asnwer for atrocity?

Dude about to kill a ton of indigenous people for this too. Like what kind of super villain shit...

Bureaucracy kills.

You know what keeps me up at night? Kids in cages. Kids dying in ICE custody.

So when does it become appropriate for one to attack the person who is swinging an axe at their left lung?
Enquiring minds what to know


Oct 26, 2017
I'm not sure I can support military action to save the Amazon. That's a few levels of eco-militance above what I'm capable of considering.

And especially not under Trump.

That said, such a move does make sense in the long term.


Nov 3, 2017
I'm not sure I can support military action to save the Amazon. That's a few levels of eco-militance above what I'm capable of considering.

And especially not under Trump.

That said, such a move does make sense in the long term.
If there is one thing worth fighting for on this earth it´s the preservation of nature. There is literally nothing more important than this.


Oct 26, 2017
If there is one thing worth fighting for on this earth it´s the preservation of nature. There is literally nothing more important than this.
It's rare that I invoke slippery slope but I need to invoke it now.

If we launch military action to save the Amazon, military action is justified against any nation that produces CO2 emissions/capita above a certain threshold. Including ourselves.
RIP indigenous people.
Indigenous peoples honestly have it the worst regardless of which nation you're talking about. The only happy ones are the ones being kept secluded by international organizations.


Oct 25, 2017
Dumbfuck does not understand the National and State Park Systems. We actively set out to preserve and restore our environmental treasures before it was too late.

I'll say it again, if this dick threatens the Amazon it warrants international intervention to protect the Amazon at all costs.
Couldnt the UN intertwine?

This is a war I am willing to support, at all cost.

There is no oil to get, no precious resources just air we need to survive.

Also I thought that many comoanies do support rain forest protection? Such as Nestlé, Krombacher etc.

It's rare that I invoke slippery slope but I need to invoke it now.

If we launch military action to save the Amazon, military action is justified against any nation that produces CO2 emissions/capita above a certain threshold. Including ourselves.

Indigenous peoples honestly have it the worst regardless of which nation you're talking about. The only happy ones are the ones being kept secluded by international organizations.
The problem is not the CO2 production but the destruction of 20% of Earth Oxygen source.


Dec 14, 2017
It is 2019 and I am sorry, but any person that gets elected on the premise that he will "end communism" must thank A LOT the media. Only years and years of pure misinformation can lead to such a terrible thing.

No, people didn't "know what they were doing". They just voted the way they learnt how they should, based on the things that made sense to them.

Bolsonaro's campaign started as pure hate speech. Then from there he grew gaining power with the rich (defending neoliberalism, privatization, lower taxes, etc). Then on the last weeks he used a shitton of fake news, spread through Whatsapp to move votes from the most religious (and stupid?) people. His whole campaign was a farce but he has the media to thank. Always,


Oct 27, 2017
he was elected by whatsapp, not any kind of traditional media, without whatsapp/facebook/youtube he would not be our president.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm all in favor of military actions against facebook/google for helping Bolsonaro on the other hand. Our tech giants are too god damn big and too god damn irresponsible.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
This dude got 55% of the vote?!