Oct 27, 2017
First of all, is there a page with all the thread I've made, I've could've sworn I made a thread about CBD stuff or whatever

second of all, what kind of cbd gummie brands should i look for when I'm buying stuff from amazong

again absolutely could've fucken sworn I did this thread awhile back


Oct 25, 2017
LMAO wrong gummies.


Edit: If you click on your profile - click on "Find" - choose "Find all threads by Funky Dude Sparks"


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017

Guess Im gonna be getting these ads for a bit now lol
Oct 26, 2017
Edit: If you click on your profile - click on "Find" - choose "Find all threads by Funky Dude Sparks"
Yeah here's a screenie just for a visual:

Isn't CBD basically snake oil? I took a bunch of it and had zero results.
I by no means know much about this stuff, but I've had some CBD do a lot and some do barely anything. Sometimes I don't feel anything but people can notice a change in my demeanor or behaviour. I think since it's not the heady part of the buzz it can vary a lot from strain to strain or person to person. Just a guess, though.


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't CBD basically snake oil? I took a bunch of it and had zero results.

It's too unregulated at this point, so product quality will vary widely, and most of the claims about its benefits are unproven, so I guess that qualifies as snake oil. I believe there's some strong evidence for its use in the treatment of types of epilepsy, and maybe some pain relief qualities that need more study, but there's no reason to take it looking for a high or for general health benefits at this point.

Darren Lamb

Dec 1, 2017


Oct 30, 2017
The moment I realized I've had too much internet for the day was when I read that one word in the title as "cummies."


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
As someone who worked for a company who hawked these stupid things, it's snake oil. At most, it might give a calming effect, because I've heard consistent anecdotes about it working on people's anxious pets. Anything else? Bullshit.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
As someone who worked for a company who hawked these stupid things, it's snake oil. At most, it might give a calming effect, because I've heard consistent anecdotes about it working on people's anxious pets. Anything else? Bullshit.
If it isn't pure snake oil, it's currently so unregulated and unreliable that it might as well be. I was given some CBD drops as a gift from a family member probably a couple years back now and it had a legitimately astonishing affect on me. It not only soothed my anxiety fully, but it improved my concentration. I'd take some before I went to bed and the affect would last through my work day. I went from a complete skeptic to a believer literally overnight. The bottle lasted probably around 45 days and I made sure to purchase the exact same brand online to try and keep my routine going.

The drops I received did absolutely nothing. If anything, they made my anxiety worse. And I'm talking about taking the "good" drops on a Friday and having it work perfectly to taking the "bad" drops on a Saturday and having no good results, then taking the "good" drops on Sunday and having the positive results again. I've bought I think three other bottles of CBD drops since hoping to get that first result again. No luck. Brand doesn't matter. Strength hasn't mattered.

Blarg. It's so frustrating. I've been nothing but disappointed because that one bottle legit changed my life for 45 days.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles
One thing I can say about the CBD gummies, is I took a few while drunk and it extended my drunk effect feeling like 5 hours or something. Never felt that relaxed and drunk at the same time. I enjoyed it.
Oct 26, 2017
I was given some as a gift from a family member probably a couple years back now and it had a legitimately astonishing affect on me. It not only soothed my anxiety fully, but it improved my concentration. I went from a complete skeptic to a believer overnight.
Yeah the first time I tried CBD I was having a super stressful night working a gig and one of the servers let me hit a pen IIRC that she mentioned was specifically for her anxiety. Can't remember if it was prescribed or something. But it was astonishing, like you said. A pleasant clarity.

I've tried a few different kinds of flower and cigarettes and none of them did what that pen did to me. Had a nice edible once. I guess what y'all are saying about regulation is accurate.
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
I've had really bad CBD (that basically did nothing) and really really good CBD

Really seems hit and miss at times.

Didn't realize how unregulated it is but that makes sense because of it. Would love to know of any tried and true brands like the OP is asking


Oct 27, 2017
CBD, to know my extensive knowledge, trials, and research, is purely marketing snaki-oil bullturd.

You want legal and actually effective? Kratom. Look up the strains – similar in scope to THC.

Keeping that as simple as possible; look into it yourself. Maybe ask your doc. but seriously good luck with that lol

Deleted member 75819

User requested account closure
Jul 22, 2020
CBD flower works extremely well. Drops and gummies are hit or miss. I dry herb vape it and it's a full-on body high without the paranoia and other psychological effects.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Been taking a CBD tincture for like a week and honestly I've been like entirely stress-free lol

I notice a pretty notable effect of just like a calmness and relaxation with like a very mild mind fuzziness that's sorta pleasant


Oct 25, 2017
When shopping for CBD products, if you live in a legalish state just go to a dispensary. Their products will generally be much more well regarded, consistently manufactured to produce the effects you want and be of better quality. Anything you're buying off amazon or off random subscription websites is too all over the place to get a reliable source. CBD is cool and can give you calming temporary relief but the quality of products swings so wildly you're better off finding somewhere dedicated to selling the product in a physical location like a dispensary. Anything else is a crapshoot.

Baron Von Beans

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If you're buying CBD from amazon, it's not going to get you high. You likely won't even feel anything. You have to go to a dispensary for the funny juice. Being said, the OTC CBD isn't useless, it has lots of medicinal uses.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not snake oil. It depends on your dose as well. I had some over the weekend and it was great. It does a great job taking care of things like inflammation.


Oct 14, 2018
From Amazon? Come'on man. They're gonna send you some green gummy bears in a jar with a home printed CBD label on it. Amazon's like the fake shit counterfeit capital of the world. Literally every kind of cream, supplement, soap, and serum they sell over $3 is awash in 1 star reviews complaining about receiving counterfeits and fakes from Amazon's warehouses.


Nov 25, 2017
I've tried CBD several times from dispensaries with no real effect, I wish it would work because I could really use it for my anxiety.... if anyone has experience with a brand that works please let me know so I can look for it.