Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
Not according to this chart:

Wall Street Journal - and NewsCorpse as a whole - is full of legit psychopaths.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I just hit the $30k club, so I got that going for me.

I also live in one of the most expensive states...

goddamn it must be nice to be rich! I'll never know.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Congrats, OP. It's nice to see a thread detailing positive experiences, too. I crossed the line a while ago, but as a government attorney, my salary's publicly viewable anyway, at least for the most part. As other folks have mentioned, it's more of an addition by subtraction thing -- it's not enough to afford anything super extravagant, but that lack of anxiety is quantifiable, and you can actually plan for the future.

But yeah, not all lawyers pull in immense biglaw salaries.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
You know OP to an extent same. Graduating college next week and I landed an offer with a company that is starting me at an annual salary that is 4 times that of my last one. Not hitting 100k with the offer but it gets me close and it feels like the closest thing I'll ever get as a reward for working my butt off through crappy full time jobs, hurricanes, and a global ass pandemic all while doing school full time.

Still congrats OP!


Oct 27, 2017
Six here, but live in a no so expensive location. Quiet neighborhood...that's all I have to say.


Oct 25, 2017
Sollefteå, Sweden

Meanwhile I take care if 200 teenagers 8hours/five days a week so the future of this planet doesnt get fucked up any more than it already will be, and earn a whooping $42 000 / year. 👍👍


Oct 28, 2017
Congrats! Since you are still paying off your student loans, I hope that's also good news that you managed to get into 6 figures pretty early in your career!


Nov 1, 2017
I hit 6 figures recently, but it wasn't a "finally" for me. 5 years ago I was thrilled to make 50k, having been sitting around 25-30 for several years. I just happened to get in a lane where it's hard for companies to get experienced people, but it's also hard for me to get a permanent position. So I usually ditch before my contracts are up and ask for more money at new companies. I actually make the most from this one company that has had me back 3 times. They surprised me with what felt like a huge offer the second time, so I asked for a similar bump the third time and got it. I'm making like 2.5x what I was making when I left the first time.

I really never took for granted I'd be on this position, but once I realized I could I decided to go for it and test the limits. I grew up thinking I just want to make like $30 an hour and I'll be happy. My pay is more like $60 now.

The biggest life change though was going from $13/hr to $18/hr. That felt so significant. I could finally afford to save.

Mr. Shakedown

Oct 27, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
Lmfao. This post is a whole mood right here.

IT sucks. :/
RIGHT?! I've never really liked it but I listed to everyone who was like "oh just tough it out and eventually you'll be making the BIG BUCKS™ and you'll love it then!"

Here I am 16 years later and if anything I hate it even more, despite the fact that on the low end of my more recent pay scale I'm making over double what my first job in the field paid and at the most I was making $102k / year. Yes I absolutely love having to spend a significant portion of my life putting out fires, driving out to remote locations to fix a computer that a plant supervisor neglected to mention is completely saturated in industrial lubricant, and sitting in meetings talking to assholes I don't like about shit I don't care about.


Oct 25, 2017
I just hit $200k+ thanks to signing a new contract in April. I was high as fuck when my first payslip came through on the new rate, it didn't seem real reading it... not bad for a high school dropout...


Oct 26, 2017
Congrats OP. Make sure you are putting enough in 401k/equivalent (hopefully your employer does some kind of matching too).

With interest rates so low, have you thought about just stretching it to a 30 year mortgage?

Don't do that. 15 year rates are rock bottom too. Get a 15 year fixed if you can. You'll pay a LOT less over the life of the loan.


Oct 25, 2017
Congrats! It's one of those numbers I didn't think I would hit at my age (130K at 33), and honestly it wasn't life changing. I just have more disposable income and don't have to think about small purchases at all.

Don't forget to increase your retirement contributions as your salary increases. I recently doubled my contributions (I always contributed enough to maximize the employer match but no more) and don't really feel the difference on pay day, but the 401K certainly feels it.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
Just accepted a new job that I start Wednesday thats close enough on the cusp of six figures. Pretty stoked. It'll go really far where I live.


Oct 25, 2017

It's kinda surreal having crossed over that threshold myself In 2019, when I was 27. I figured as a video production major living in Oklahoma I'd just live in the $30-40k range my whole life, working at the various little tiny creative/ad agencies around town. Or even less than that working at one of the TV news stations. But through a series of lucky events I managed to turn my music hobby into a good lucrative career.

Still though, here where I live, my wife and I were able to buy our first house on a combined income of just over $60k. She's also a media major!


May 16, 2018
I'm expecting a lot of people on era to hate on you OP .... But I'm genuinely happy for you. Keep grinding, but always remember to try and give back your blessings and good fortunes while taking of yourself and your family.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Oh I forgot, OP. You're officially rich according to a lot of ERA lol.
Oct 28, 2017
Congrats. At this point in my life I make a little more than half that and I don't expect that to change much in the future.

Resident Guru

Oct 28, 2017
Congrats! When I broke 100k I was really able to start really moving in terms of retirement savings and net worth. That was about 6 1/2 years ago. Will gross 169k this year and my net worth just broke 700k last month. I'm very blessed to be where I am now. I'm spendy with vacations, eating out, and electronics but our cars are older and paid for and we live in a very modest house given my income.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Congrats! When I broke 100k I was really able to start really moving in terms of retirement savings and net worth. That was about 6 1/2 years ago. Will gross 169k this year and my net worth just broke 700k last month. I'm very blessed to be where I am now. I'm spendy with vacations, eating out, and electronics but our cars are older and paid for and we live in a very modest house given my income.
Getting close to that milli! Do you have a target figure for retirement?

Joe White

Oct 27, 2017
Earning over 100k€ a year in Finland would take you into top 1% and make your income and taxes public. That publicity has some of benefits, but also downsides when meeting new people (googling your name will return your wealth).


Oct 27, 2017
Earning over 100k€ a year in Finland would take you into top 1% and make your income and taxes public. That publicity has some of benefits, but also downsides when meeting new people.

Holy shit, really? That is Fucking wild, doesn't it make you a target for grifters and scammers?


Oct 27, 2017
is it terrible that when i saw the job offer i thought "boy i can't really go on ERA to celebrate" because i knew i'd get dragged for it? lmfao

The forum is doing you a service. It's an important lesson to learn, and the stakes are lower when it's a bunch of online strangers.

A lot of people you know IRL will think the same things, they just won't say them out loud, and won't forget about it.


Oct 29, 2017
Oh I forgot, OP. You're officially rich according to a lot of ERA lol.

these kind of posts feel like they are made in poor taste, its an attempt to dunk on era for being poor or whatever, but its also ignoring the fact that its not an america-only forum and a 6 figure usd salary would be considered incredibly well off in a lot of places on earth, so yeah. Not everyone is familiar with american standards of living.
Dec 31, 2017
I didn't know law grads were struggle bussing out there like that. <100k starting with 300k debt is borderline not worth it. I'm glad you're on the up and up.

these kind of posts feel like they are made in poor taste, its an attempt to dunk on era for being poor or whatever, but its also ignoring the fact that its not an america-only forum and a 6 figure usd salary would be considered incredibly well off in a lot of places on earth, so yeah. Not everyone is familiar with american standards of living.

this too. I'm happy for people making a good living. But when people get defensive "it's not even that much" - you just come off like a twat.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
You sound young OP. Congrats! I suspect you aren't even close to your peak. Each jump should get progressively larger.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
these kind of posts feel like they are made in poor taste, its an attempt to dunk on era for being poor or whatever, but its also ignoring the fact that its not an america-only forum and a 6 figure usd salary would be considered incredibly well off in a lot of places on earth, so yeah. Not everyone is familiar with american standards of living.
100k can be very well off in many parts of the world, even adjusting for currency. But the whole pushback in that thread is that there's a thing called Cost of Living.

Not to mention the OP is a lawyer, a profession where many graduates, have substantial loans to pay off. Not sure if the OP has loans.

But given those realities, 100k is far from rich, at least to me.

I've always defined rich as being financially independent--no need to work to maintain your lifestyle.

It is a very comfortable, no doubt about it. I think 100k and up single earners only make up 8 percent of the US population, so yes, it is privileged. I agree there. The average yearly wage in the US is around 66k.


Oct 25, 2017
Grats OP. Now get your expenses in order so you can really start racking up savings.

I'm nearing 40 and my base isn't at 6 digits yet (w/ field time and such I can barely squeak it out sometimes), but we live relatively simple and I've put in decent amounts into Roth/401k since I've started my career. That shit snowballs over time.


Oct 27, 2017
Living in the Bay Area (Silicon Valley), when I crossed $100k is when I was able to bring my lifestyle back up to where it was in Florida making $65k. Of course, all my debts (mostly from expensive dental problems, and my car) are the real issue - when I finish paying those off, that's when I'll feel rich :)

Joe White

Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit, really? That is Fucking wild, doesn't it make you a target for grifters and scammers?

Not so much anymore, but initially there was increase on those right after getting published. Now days it's mainly added caution and uncertainty when meeting new people, and luckily I don't need to be dating anymore.


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
these kind of posts feel like they are made in poor taste, its an attempt to dunk on era for being poor or whatever, but its also ignoring the fact that its not an america-only forum and a 6 figure usd salary would be considered incredibly well off in a lot of places on earth, so yeah. Not everyone is familiar with american standards of living.

Nah, it's more about pointing about how people here lack the perspective of how different costs of living can impact how much you make and taking their personal local experience without accounting for it is just being ignorant about that. In most cases the people making that claim that six figures makes you rich also would qualify as being rich because they make more than most people in the world if you ignore the cost of living aspect.

Future Gazer

▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
So not only does the average era poster have an 8 inch penis, it also seems a 6 figure salary is the norm around here. Truly a master race of individuals.


Oct 25, 2017
just tell the man congrats instead of doing the "HEHEH ERA'S GONNA BE MAD ABOUT THIS HAHA" you fucking losers. nobody that ive seen is even shitting on the guy, and you morons start this garbage every single thread about money.

anyway, congrats OP. and i didnt know you were a lawyer. i remember reading that law was super crowded with not enough jobs years ago because it was the route you were to take if you wanted to make the big bucks right out of school and people flocked to it. i guess today that's tech, and definitely much less school work.

do you think people still say that or has the cost/benefit perception of law school changed?


Oct 27, 2017
just tell the man congrats instead of doing the "HEHEH ERA'S GONNA BE MAD ABOUT THIS HAHA" you fucking losers. nobody that ive seen is even shitting on the guy, and you morons start this garbage every single thread about money.

anyway, congrats OP. and i didnt know you were a lawyer. i remember reading that law was super crowded with not enough jobs years ago because it was the route you were to take if you wanted to make the big bucks right out of school and people flocked to it. i guess today that's tech, and definitely much less school work.

do you think people still say that or has the cost/benefit perception of law school changed?

No, that's exactly the reality.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish I cracked the higher tier of 5 figure salary bracket myself.

Congrats on the incredible wealth OP.


Oct 29, 2017
Congrats op. Im a subspecialist physician and just finished training last year. I broke 300k last year and will break 400k this year.

About to be 34 with a wife and third baby on the way.

Grew up poor with single mom working as a waitress.

We have student loans but they'll be paid off in 18 months.

I feel pretty rich.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Wife and I are both teachers. We won't see over $100k together after maxing out in about 7 years.
Truth is if you want to get anywhere near that level in teaching (where I'm from anyway) you have to go into management and basically lose all free time, accept monumental accountability and never actually get any time in a classroom.

Not worth it.