Do you dislike the phrase Waifu/Husbando ?

  • Hate it

    Votes: 226 25.9%
  • Dislike it

    Votes: 156 17.9%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 344 39.4%
  • Like it

    Votes: 65 7.5%
  • Love it

    Votes: 81 9.3%

  • Total voters


Jan 28, 2018
Its sexist straight up, nobody uses husbando the same way they do waifu, and yet that is always the defensive play for the word.

Its also very possessive and a huge red flag for me, hell even people who don't like the constant sexualization and objectification culture towards us, use the word as a wink towards their horny base, ala Maximilian_dood.
I feel like if you don't think people use husbando in the exact same way, you have just had zero interaction with the spaces that do.

I honestly see next to zero difference between the use of waifu/husbando and the infinite number of people who say ____ my love, my husband _____ , _____ best girl, _____❤️❤️❤️, and so on and so on. It seems weird to me to zero in on this particular term. I assume it is just because people find it cringey.

99% of the time the uses are pretty inane or not serious, to fixate on it seems like making a mountain out of a mole hill.
May 21, 2018
I'm out of the loop and I don't use emoji. What is Crying emoji?

It looks like this:

😭 Loudly Crying Face Emoji

A yellow face with an open mouth wailing and streams of heavy tears flowing from closed eyes. May convey inconsolable grief but also other intense feelings...

But when anime fans are spamming this emoji it's in context to a female, underage character. Really underage, near-child to actual children characters.

I'm gonna let you guess what those people mean when they spam it.


Nov 3, 2020
It looks like this:

😭 Loudly Crying Face Emoji

A yellow face with an open mouth wailing and streams of heavy tears flowing from closed eyes. May convey inconsolable grief but also other intense feelings...

But when anime fans are spamming this emoji it's in context to a female, underage character. Really underage, near-child to actual children characters.

I'm gonna let you guess what those people mean when they spam it.
Oooooh... well, in hindsight it seems obvious but still... Guess I was too niave eh?

Can't believe some folks are so shameless


Oct 25, 2017
The way that weird creepy culture towards anime women has kind of spread out to become a larger part of the general nerd scene is easily one of my least favorite trends of the last few years. I thankfully don't have to encounter it too directly too often, but a friend of mine who likes anime and video games is getting really sick of trying to date seemingly nice nerdy guys only to have them drop phrases like "mommy milkers" on her or discover that he keeps statues of scantily clad teenagers next to his boob mousepad when they go back to his place.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
I've been watching anime for 30 years, and have never come across the term waifu from anyone I've discussed anime with in real life or the internet.

It's always been really easy for me to avoid circles who use terms I don't like.


Oct 25, 2017
Just accept I'm weird about it. I mean zero harm about the term and people who use it. Like I said before, I don't hear or see the term used as often. Though I think the term shipping has been around longer than waifu? I've just heard the term waifu used a lot more often because that's media I follow and watch.
Shipping originated from X-Files fans in the 90's.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
It looks like this:

😭 Loudly Crying Face Emoji

A yellow face with an open mouth wailing and streams of heavy tears flowing from closed eyes. May convey inconsolable grief but also other intense feelings...

But when anime fans are spamming this emoji it's in context to a female, underage character. Really underage, near-child to actual children characters.

I'm gonna let you guess what those people mean when they spam it.
Yeah I've seen this shit a lot over the last year or so. Completely unhinged and people are just loud and proud about it


Oct 25, 2017
Which, to be fair, Mulder and Scully needed to fuck. I get it yeah they're professionals and not every man-woman relationship has to end in sex, but those two had to bang, if anything is right in this world.
No arguments from me there.

I wonder how many minds would be blown to learn about the origin of "slash".

(er... do people even say that anymore?)

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
No arguments from me there.

I wonder how many minds would be blown to learn about the origin of "slash".

(er... do people even say that anymore?)
I read at one point that "slash" fell out of favour because it implies dominance or roles or something. I have no idea how true it is, I just like yelling about Digimon Adventure 02's ending. That's as far as it goes for me.
May 21, 2018
Yeah I've seen this shit a lot over the last year or so. Completely unhinged and people are just loud and proud about it

More and more the anime fandom is looking and sounding exactly like all the far-right circles that we're familiar with.

I can almost swear the fandom wasn't anything like this in the past.

It's kind of ironic in that gaming communities feel like they're slowly shifting towards more progressive attitudes, while the anime communities inch closer towards inceldom and far-right in general.

Deleted member 3924

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
More and more the anime fandom is looking and sounding exactly like all the far-right circles that we're familiar with.

I can almost swear the fandom wasn't anything like this in the past.

I don't think there's any specific collective "the anime fandom", especially with how mainstream its becoming, but for whatever reason a lot of far right types do seem to have anime avatars. More often than not, reducing fandoms to the worst of the worst being spotlighted specifically because its as bad as it is, is confirmation bias and just another justification to hate on people for no good reason. The anime industry and a bunch of people who dedicate their lives to it can have problems but being like "anime fans looking exactly like far right" is wild. ie. most of the people in the dedicated thread on this and other forums don't seem like alt-right types.
May 21, 2018
I don't think there's any specific collective "the anime fandom", especially with how mainstream its becoming, but for whatever reason a lot of far right types do seem to have anime avatars. More often than not, reducing fandoms to the worst of the worst being spotlighted specifically because its as bad as it is, is confirmation bias and just another justification to hate on people for no good reason. The anime industry and a bunch of people who dedicate their lives to it can have problems but being like "anime fans looking exactly like far right" is wild. ie. most of the people in the dedicated thread on this and other forums don't seem like alt-right types.

These aren't the worst of the worst. It's behavior that shows up in mainstream anime discourse.

Also this isn't knocking on the anime industry because it and Japanese anime fandom are entirely different things from western fandoms, and I feel like the distinction was implied in this thread.


Oct 29, 2017
I feel the term is annoying whether used ironically or unironically, given it came about during the period of Western anime fandom where guys like Gigguk made their mark. I wish the broader fandom would just transition to the more authentic term 推し(oshi) or just use English 'favorite character'.


Oct 27, 2017
I've always hated it. Especially when anime fans/gamers I've had convos with can't comprehend that I'm a fan of female characters without the desire to fuck them.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean at this point waifu is more or less just a colloquial term for "female anime character I like."

It's not really used in a hardcore sense anymore (as in you can only have one waifu, those are the rules). When it is used these days from what I've seen, it's much more casual, almost meaningless.


Nov 16, 2017
Waifu/husbando culture? No, gross. Waifu/husbando as a stupid ironic phrase to mean best girl character or best boy character? I don't care. Jimbei is my husbando.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel weird for never having a so called waifu ever in my life. Have I had crushes on characters from video games and such over the years? Of course. But I sure as hell am not calling them my waifu even unironically. I'm just glad I've never heard it in real life.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I have online friends who do this stuff that are very into anime and gatcha games. Annoying for sure. I don't need to see the gatcha girl you're trying to summon that you like the look of.. Example: "OMG She's waifu material! I NEED HER". I hope they're using it ironically at least.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
I feel weird for never having a so called waifu ever in my life. Have I had crushes on characters from video games and such over the years? Of course. But I sure as hell am not calling them my waifu even unironically. I'm just glad I've never heard it in real life.

It's my understanding that waifu/husbandu are just terms to describe a crush on non-fictional characters.

So, to say you've never had a "waifu" but you've had "crushes on characters from videos games and such"...

...yeah, you've had a waifu, even if that's not what you called it.


Oct 27, 2017
It's my understanding that waifu/husbandu are just terms to describe a crush on non-fictional characters.

So, to say you've never had a "waifu" but you've had "crushes on characters from videos games and such"...

...yeah, you've had a waifu, even if that's not what you called it.
It sounds more possessive and quite frankly cringey to me though. I don't want this person to be my wife or girlfriend or whatever so I wouldn't call them waifu or even wife. Just kinda weird.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I found this in an abandoned e-mail address that my idiot high school friends turned into a junk mail wasteland before ResetEra existed.


The e-mail didn't have a link or anything, just this image.
Nov 4, 2017
Do anime fans still say "bishi"? I remember a girl in undergrad 20 years ago who would say stuff like "Sephiroth is my bishi" without a hint of irony. When I grew my hair out he told me if I was thinner I could be her bishi 🤢🤮


Jan 1, 2018
It's always funny and weird where everyone draws it's own line. Honestly for me its nothing more than finding a certain personality attractive and the most good looking draw in a manga/anime.

The only creepy thing I can think of is if someone can't separate fiction from reality.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll use it around close friends who use it and understand the term as an absurdity. I have no idea who they are or it's a 2D character, so why would I want to marry them? I just think they're hot and "waifu" is a fun, hyperbolic term to use.


Jan 17, 2019
Any kind of attraction towards cartoons is weird and has a social stigma for a reason
Yeah, no… the wealth of illustrated smut throughout history says otherwise. Pin-up art, hentai, Jessica Rabbit…

I remember an incident in middle school where a kid showed me an Xbox magazine ad for DoA Xtreme Beach Volleyball and asked if I thought the girls were hot, to which I said "yeah I guess". He then promptly began making fun of me by announcing this information to the class. That bully 100% also thought they were hot.

Deleted member 3924

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
He then promptly began making fun of me by announcing this information to the class. That bully 100% also thought they were hot.

People who act extra offended by innocuous things are almost certainly some industrial strength projectors. Are there people who think that non fiction can't be attractive in any way, like that's some kinda admirable biological norm to uphold?

Chairmanchuck (另一个我)

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Do anime fans still say "bishi"? I remember a girl in undergrad 20 years ago who would say stuff like "Sephiroth is my bishi" without a hint of irony. When I grew my hair out he told me if I was thinner I could be her bishi 🤢🤮

Seems to be more a relic of the past and has now been replaced with "husbando".

Translators note: Bishi means Bishounen.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
All you guys are my Waifu's and Husbando's. What do you all think of that? Huge creep level?

this is a joke post


Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't bother me at all. I think it's only weird if people use it while being unable to separate reality and fiction.

Night Hunter

Dec 5, 2017
As someone who watches Anime every once in a blue moon, the term is kinda creepy, yeah.

Then again, my colleague jokingly uses the term waifu for his, well, wife, and I find that one kinda endearing
Feb 24, 2018
Yeah not a fan of the term. In part because I remember back in the 2013-14s the term being used to dismiss works with women leads. I remember on some sites you'd see characters like Star Wars' Rey being dismissed as "Waifu-Bait" (aka how these same people use woke now).

Even outside of that though, on the one hand, I don't think it's bad to find yourself attracted or having crushes with fictional characters. To me that's just healthy and in many cases what many works want, they wouldn't be pushing hyper sexualized characters if they didn't. I doesn't even have to because their physically attractive in the classical sense (see those attracted to aliens) but because they have traits or represent something like say because their caring, a bad ass autistic woman etc. Fiction is meant to get a emotional reaction from you after all and having a fantasy or drawing some fan art or fan fics for yourself, I have no issue. Seeing lesbians gush over Rika from Pokémon? That's been adorable to see to me.

What does bother me when this gets into ownership territory which is often when you see the term Waifu coming out, when people start acting they own that fictional character or starts taking over their lives and stop acting like it's a fantasy; or treat them as nothing more then sex toys for their amusement. Or when it gets to the points where it begins to become hard to talk about women in fiction without men coming in to talk about how hot they find X. As I've mentioned before, Gardevoir used to be one of my favourite Pokémon but I ended up feeling embarrassed saying that and liking them less and less because discussions about them always seemed to encourage men taking about how she's (despite Gardevoir can be male or female) their waifu and being really creepy about them. It felt like saying I like Gardevoir lumped me in with them.

Fighting game discussions can get this way like with Cammy a few years ago with stuff like "Her butt is her character!" and fans getting furious at the very idea of women wearing pants or aging like men or in some cases, having a personality or coming out as a lesbian (for those who don't know, Cammy has been character who WlW fans having been wanting to come out since the 90s and something Capcom has hinted at for years); basically that wreaks their fantasy or having to share their fantasy with other people.

And it gets more frustrating when companies begin pushing and encouraging this like flanderizing women to appeal to these men (like what's happened I feel to Capcom's Morrigan and Tekken's Anna) and sexualizing and sexualizing them more and more. Or when these fandoms attitudes and actions begin to reflect negatively on the character themself.

For example Renamon from Digimon:

This Digimon I've seen heavily sexualized by men (despite being a Child-level Digimon), treated as the ultimate waifu (which has really transphobic vibes which I'll get to) etc etc which I've often seen used to dismiss that Digimon and character; dismissed as nothing more than furry/waifu bait by other fans.

The thing is though, that's not how the character is treated by the actual fiction. While it was obfuscated by the English Dub of Tamers, Renamon in official Digimon games and media have often been used to represent non-binary and trans identies, often seeing themselves as genderless (using watashi instead of gendered pro-nouns) or identity as men or masculine; Digimon Survive having a Renamon who eventually evolves into a Sakuyamon and still prefers to be considered a man and be called by male pronouns. However sadly, so many people don't realize this because when they first experience them, they see the sexualized fan art and "waifu" crap first.

The term or the actual activity because if it's the latter... Nope, it's absolutely not.

But hey, it's typical to shit on the ways in which women like to interact with their fiction. :)
Yeah shipping in itself isn't bad, hell its something a lot of works fiction encourage (games espcially). I really only gets bad like any sort of fan activities if you try to impose it onto others (like demanding people accept say Shep x Garrus as the true canon relationship and get mad or attacking others in the they prefer Shep x Liara or SxTali etc). I feel like it's often dump on like fanfiction because it's a fandom predominantly (from what I've seen) by women and LGBTQ+ people (I've often noticed that same-sex ship are considered "less real" or valid or different-sex ones).


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who watches Anime every once in a blue moon, the term is kinda creepy, yeah.

Then again, my colleague jokingly uses the term waifu for his, well, wife, and I find that one kinda endearing
We used to do that with my wife in a tongue in cheek way, she called me husbando.
We are now divorced.
Unrelated. I think...
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2019
I feel like if you don't think people use husbando in the exact same way, you have just had zero interaction with the spaces that do.

I honestly see next to zero difference between the use of waifu/husbando and the infinite number of people who say ____ my love, my husband _____ , _____ best girl, _____❤️❤️❤️, and so on and so on. It seems weird to me to zero in on this particular term. I assume it is just because people find it cringey.

99% of the time the uses are pretty inane or not serious, to fixate on it seems like making a mountain out of a mole hill.

It's one thing to be like "I don't care about this", kinda lacking in empathy but whatever just another day on the internet

It's quite another to directly tell a woman she doesn't know what she's talking about in regards to sexism and make a bunch of assumptions about her, impressive


Jan 15, 2023
I feel like if you don't think people use husbando in the exact same way, you have just had zero interaction with the spaces that do.

I honestly see next to zero difference between the use of waifu/husbando and the infinite number of people who say ____ my love, my husband _____ , _____ best girl, _____❤️❤️❤️, and so on and so on. It seems weird to me to zero in on this particular term. I assume it is just because people find it cringey.

99% of the time the uses are pretty inane or not serious, to fixate on it seems like making a mountain out of a mole hill.


Apr 25, 2021
I think it would be creepy for me if I were to encounter someone using it seriously, but I've never heard it taken that way. Can't say I've really cared that much one way or the other.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It's just a funny term encapsulating the thirst for a fake character and acknowledging how silly it is to me. I don't think I've ever heard anyone use it seriously to any extent. It's almost always a self deprecating joke tinged with some self awareness or just stating that you think the character is cool. Or as a sarcastic way to reference their SO.

Kind of like "Best girl, or Best Boy"