Which of Batman's children would get him the best Father's Day gift?

  • Dick Grayson

    Votes: 113 51.1%
  • Jason Todd

    Votes: 7 3.2%
  • Tim Drake

    Votes: 53 24.0%
  • Cassandra Cain

    Votes: 20 9.0%
  • Damian Wayne

    Votes: 28 12.7%

  • Total voters
Nov 13, 2017
The correct answer is Barbara. She would get him the best gift. But I guess she isn't a Batkid.

I would say Tim. He's the most thoughtful and intentional.


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
Cass can read body language; she'd probably hit the mark in her gift giving because she can see how he reacts to things in ways others can't and is curious enough to pester Tim enough to piece together what to get him.
Very true!

Bruce looks WAAAAAAY too young in this picture. He literally looks the same age as his sons.
Agreed. It's way too common in both the official art and fan art.

I'm going to be honest, I still loathe Tim's real dad being dead.
I honestly prefer it, but I know I'm in the minority there. Identity Crisis is still trash!

After making my partner read through the original Robin mini-series and early issues, he jokes that Bruce killed Tim's biological parents. He always forgets that Tim's dad survived.

That's kind of messed up since he is fighting with them..
It's an aspect of the story clearly meant to be as fantastical as any other action media aimed at children, teenagers, and young adults in which the protagonists are in those age groups. But some people really want their gritty and "mature" Batman, so there's a mismatch in tone. It works when the stories are clearly a fantasy and for all ages or YA.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Going by the relationship between them it would probably be Dick, but I imagine if Jason tried even a little bit Bruce would appreciate that the most because of how hard it is for the two of them to connect on anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Damian took Bruce on a huge treasure hunt all around the world to learn more about his parents and connect with them- of course it was partly so that Damian could take over as Batman for a while while Bruce was distracted, but it was still very touching - I think 50:50 he'd either go "t-t" and do nothing, or if he thought it was important to Bruce (or if he wanted to show up his brothers) I think he could go out of his way to do something really important for Bruce and blow everyone else away


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
Nice! I pray to god we see that dope ass Robin suit come back:


Still the best Robin suit thus far.
There are parts I'm not too fond of (like the kneecaps) but I generally love this costume too! I would love to cosplay it one day. Gotta do it soon while I can still pull off looking like a teenager and not some old lady.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Damian took Bruce on a huge treasure hunt all around the world to learn more about his parents and connect with them- of course it was partly so that Damian could take over as Batman for a while while Bruce was distracted, but it was still very touching - I think 50:50 he'd either go "t-t" and do nothing, or if he thought it was important to Bruce (or if he wanted to show up his brothers) I think he could go out of his way to do something really important for Bruce and blow everyone else away
If anything, I could see Dick & Tim being the standard that Damian reaches for. Though Bruce would appreciate the effort regardless.

Trafalgar Law

Nov 6, 2017
tim easily tbh
knows him the best and most like him

or dick , dick got the most heart

jason and damian dead last

Mansa Mufasa

Jun 17, 2019
Relevant Tim panels.


No need for quotation marks! Dick is definitely the eldest son.

Damn, not a Tim fan I take it? :P

I'm glad you included her in the poll! So many people forget about her, even if they see the boys as Bruce's children. And I agree, I think that would definitely be something she would get the family to do. I can see Bruce not really wanting to ride anything and just wanting to go for quite, normal walk around the park with Cass and Alfred. Of course the other kids (and Selina) would try to get him to ride something. And Alfred is so there for all the pictures.

Alfred, as best grandfather ever, definitely also gets really great Father's Day presents!

I will never forgive DC for robbing me of this version of Tim. Yo when Ra's Al Ghul called him Detective, I cried. Tim EARNED that shit or what they've done with Cassandra Cain, Oracle and Stephanie Brown.


Oct 25, 2017
I will never forgive DC for robbing me of this version of Tim. Yo when Ra's Al Ghul called him Detective, I cried. Tim EARNED that shit or what they've done with Cassandra Cain, Oracle and Stephanie Brown.
I am so with you here.
Just recently i went on a binge of all of Tim's solo comics (which was a wayyy bigger thing than i expected) and it culminating in that incredible Red Robin run was just the greatest.
It ends with Tim in an absolutely brilliant place as a character, just as they hit the reset button and he gets morphed into basically a diet version of himself.
Got me retroactively madder about 52 than any time before.


Nov 17, 2017
Most of them in a way, I suppose. Dick is the most thoughtful and would probably give him something really heartfelt. Tim is the smartest so I am sure he could work it out. Damien would give him something like a non-lethal laser sword that folds down into his belt. But probably if I had to pick one it would be Dick, because Dick is a big softy. And yes, thinking back on it, that is the correct way to phrase that.

Mansa Mufasa

Jun 17, 2019
I am so with you here.
Just recently i went on a binge of all of Tim's solo comics (which was a wayyy bigger thing than i expected) and it culminating in that incredible Red Robin run was just the greatest.
It ends with Tim in an absolutely brilliant place as a character, just as they hit the reset button and he gets morphed into basically a diet version of himself.
Got me retroactively madder about 52 than any time before.

He really hit his stride and managed to separate him from the pack. Dick was hope in Darkness, Jason was Redemption, Damian was the biological heir but Tim? Tim was a fellow detective. A natural. Just like Bruce. I-

I need to sit down.


Sep 23, 2019
Damian Wayne is a little shit.

Probably Dick Grayson. He's a functional person with no paranoia, not manipulative but with a big heart. And the poll for once is right.


Profile Styler
Oct 25, 2017
Cass. Runner-up Damian because he'd at the very least do everything in his power to one-up the other Robins


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Damian Wayne is a little shit.

Probably Dick Grayson. He's a functional person with no paranoia, not manipulative but with a big heart. And the poll for once is right.
I'd still argue that Tim would also put forth a solid gift considering how smart he is (though as others have pointed out, he could overthink it).

Cass. Runner-up Damian because he'd at the very least do everything in his power to one-up the other Robins
Fair point


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Tim. I feel like he gets Bruce and also isn't quite as pissed at him as Dick is


Oct 26, 2017
Didn't Damian send Bruce on a vacation that was basically visiting several places that his parents visited. I believed he had an ulterior motive, he wanted Bruce out of town so he could be Batman for awhile, still very thoughtful though.


Oct 30, 2017
It's Dick. Outside of Alfred, he knows him best and he's the best thing in his life.

He was right about him and Catwoman (any relationship, really).


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
It's Dick. Outside of Alfred, he knows him best and he's the best thing in his life.

He was right about him and Catwoman (any relationship, really).
I mean, Dick is the first son, so it makes sense that he would know Bruce the best of his siblings.

It would be Damian, simply because he would refuse to be bested by his inferior brothers.
You mean his siblings, can't forget about Cassandra.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Tim is my fav but I think I wanna give this one to Jason. Just feel like he'd run out some macaroni art as a joke but it would clearly have so much desperate effort put into it like clearly you love your dad you dumb edge lord.


Oct 25, 2017
Tim , or Dick. Tim and DIck would probably know what to get him.Cass. I feel like damien would get him something extravagant. But like bruce would be like " its more the intent behind the gift than the gift itself"

Jason would get him nothing. Bruce knows that Jason bothering to talk to him at this point is kind of miracle work and a gift itself and is kind of glad jason isn't dead.


Sep 18, 2018
I feel like it's Tim. He's super smart and emotionally mature. He'd get something fun and practical that isn't overthought, like take out from Bruce's favorite restaurant or he'd clean the T-Rex and Penny, or trick the media into thinking Bruce was sick with the flu so he didn't have to pretend to be him for a week.

Dick would get something overthought or under thought after overthinking it, Damian might occasionally get something mushy but would usually get nothing, Jason would forget on purpose, Cassandra would get something weird and it's the thought that counts, Steph would stress out and over think it and then get him something small and nice, Babs would get him something super nice and personal but respectfully distanced.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm so glad to see Cass on this poll, she's the batkid that is most often forgotten, which is a real shame. I think there is a case that she would come up with a very heartfelt and surprising gift, but 9/10 it's going to either be Dick or Tim. Tim is a great detective who can read Bruce pretty well, and Dick understands Bruce the best I'd say.

I really love when the Batman books actually remember that these people are a family and care about each other. Too often the Batfamily is there to either break away from Bruce or be victimized to show how Batman needs to isolate himself. Maybe I'm a sap, but I always like the series that recognize how much they mean to each other and where they cooperate.