
Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
I feel like sometimes we fans think we know a franchise or series more than a developer or company does and that's kinda weird (obviously there's some exceptions there.). Especially since so many here are praising that it didn't happen with no knowledge of how it could have been with Itsuno fully at the helm.

I mean, I get it. It was juvenile. PR wasn't good. And it wasn't Devil May Cry V. But come on. If we could get a DMC 3 after what DMC 2 was then I think it's fair to want to see how a DmC 2 could be.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand. It's still snarky and condescending.

That's by the by and in addition to the substance of my post. That's why I'm kind of annoyed with DmC fans. They don't discuss content at all really and focus on surface observations.

Deleted member 35618

Dec 7, 2017
That's by the by and in addition to the substance of my post. That's why I'm kind of annoyed with DmC fans. They don't discuss content at all really and focus on surface observations.

That was my original assertion, so I'm not sure what we're even arguing about.

And yeah, I do like the substance of the gameplay of DMC. Both the combat and level design were terrific, if different from the standard DMC methodology.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
That was my original assertion, so I'm not sure what we're even arguing about.

And yeah, I do like the substance of the gameplay of DMC. Both the combat and level design were terrific, if different from the standard DMC methodology.

The fuck does that have to do with reimplementing actual gameplay mechanics from DmC into DMCV?


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I was never referring to that. I was referring specifically to the second part of that post.

That's what the second part of the post was in reference to. Whether or not someone finds gameplay substantial is of very little substance to the argument of DMCV taking significantly from DmC when it comes to gameplay. Every argument I see that pushes the "spiritual successor" angle is focused at least in part on Nero's fucking hair, or something as equally inconsequential. Which is ironic because these same people dismissed criticism of DmC because of perceived backlash to Dante's hair.

DmC fans aren't really concerned with substance, I've found.

And you know what? I like DmC just fine. I'm not crazy about it, but I think it's a good game.
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Oct 25, 2017
He should be more pumped to make Dragon's Dogma 2 than DmC2.
Dragon's Dogma 2 on the RE engine for next gen.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
well, thank God it didn't happen, now we have the ultimate Devil May Cry game, and it already feels inspired by DmC quite a bit so the fans of that game should be happy


Oct 28, 2017
Central California
Same , the 2nd half of doing levels again was stuff of nightmares especially with how slow characters move and while DmC dante can be over the top edgy at times nero could be generic hot headed anime MC to a tee too

Agreed. I found DmC Dante to be much more likeable than Nero as well. I enjoyed both games, but I felt like DmC had better pacing and boss fights. It also looked like a much "cleaner" art style as well. By clean I mean that they did a great job with the aesthetic.

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
I think part of this is Itsuno didn't want to direct more Devil May Cry games after 4, so he trusted Ninja Theory to continue the series.after all their first dmc was really good, when that fell off NT got bought and fan response wasn't so enthusiastic he ended up deciding for a DMC 4 sequel as his team really wanted to make one


Oct 31, 2017
Doesn't DMC5 have some of that DmC DNA it it already? From what it looked like it seemed a mix between new and old.


Oct 27, 2017
These replies trashing DmC is why no one likes Devil May Cry fans post-DmC. Why can't you accept that some people actually liked DmC and preferred many things it did better than the original series?
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what's worse at this point, DMC threads or Monster Hunter threads...
What happens in Monster Hunter threads? lol.
Doesn't DMC5 have some of that DmC DNA it it already? From what it looked like it seemed a mix between new and old.
More of the old to be fair..if DmC weren't around, 5 just looks like a proper continuation from the main series.
Not to say there isn't any DmC DNA in there.


Oct 26, 2017
Well we would really appreciate it if you bring DmC:DE to PC first before making 2, please?
Everyday DE isn't on PC is a slightly gloomier day.
Itsuno was quite hands-on with DmC, and as he says in the interview, he went to Cambridge every two months minimum during its production - and that's not going there for a day, that's like going for a week or two or more every two months for the better part of three years. He was really deeply involved, as was a good group of Osaka staff - which is why he feels so closely to it, probably.

This interview is mine, btw, and I spent a chunk of last week with the DMC5 guys, playing the latest build, etc etc. If one thing is absolutely clear to me from spending a little time with them, it's that the respect and even love for DmC is real.

The thing I'd like them see them do (and I said this to them) is eventually find a mind-bending way to bring the two continuities together, tbh. I'm sure it'd be very silly, but DMC already is.

I just said it'd be cool, that's all. It wasn't a part of the serious interview chat, it was just shooting the shit; I was just explaining to them I really like both strands of DMC. A full, uncut Q&A format version of the interview should be going up very soon, btw.

FWIW, here's the full interview this story was pulled from, now posted in its entirety:

Dude, awesome work. Thank you!


Oct 25, 2017
Endless console warring because the series has swapped platforms multiple times. Doesn't even matter what the thread is about, give it 7 pages or so and it's a cesspool of fandom infighting.
Exacerbated heavily by the fact that the MH series has been, at times, popular and powerful enough to have a real impact on platform success (it basically kept the PSP alive in Japan back in the day) and a lot of people who care much more about platforms than they care about games are *really* heavily invested yeah.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
I'd probably rank the series

3>DmC>1 don't care enough to rank 4 and 2. Both have positives. But also their share of negatives. I tried to go back to 4 recently and gave up pretty quick once reaching the castle. I've said before 4 feels a lot like RE6 where the good gameplay can't nevessarily save the bad level design unless you've adapted already or put time into it in the past to learn all the tricks around it.

I expect 5 to take the top spot if it continues on it's trends.
Oct 25, 2017
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Oct 27, 2017
I honestly don't get why people are still mad about DmC existing and having fans
Some people can't let go. DMC5 is on its way yet whenever a thread surfaces about DmC a mad contingent of trolls must make themselves heard about how they'll hate it forever and ever. I mean, it's a great gauge for choosing users to ignore, really.
3>DmC>1 don't care enough to rank 4 and 2.
Pretty much how I feel about these games too. DMC4's campaign is so tiring. I might give the edge to DmC instead of 3 sometimes since the control scheme in DmC is more accessible and I dislike having to lock-on to be able to dodge.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'd probably go 3 > 1 > DmC > 4 > 2 myself. Not that 4 is bad, but it's obviously unfinished + devil dice. It has better combat than DmC. DmC is kind of one-note, but at least you're not retreading half of the game. DMC4's level design can be tedious too. DmC took DMC4, asked how they could make the game more accessible, and then put their own spin on it. And they mostly succeeded albeit with some undeniable jank. If only Alex Garland actually wrote the game instead of Tameem.

1 is just a better game tho. More thoughtful combat, more thoughtful enemy design, more thoughtful encounter design, more thoughtful scenario design, and it goes on and on. It's less accessible and a little antiquated mechanically, but it all works as intended.


Oct 25, 2017
1 > 3SE > 4SE = DmCDE > 2

4SE had way better gameplay than DE but significant shortcomings in other areas such as campaign design and the campaign basically being unfinished so tend of asset reuse and backtracking. DmCDE feels festure/campaign complete and the refinements in the DE really helped the gameplay even if it can't match the gameplay of say dmc3/4/ninja gaiden black/bayonetta
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Oct 27, 2017
Itsuno gets a tattoo of DmC on his forehead: "Oh wow such a display of Japanese professionalism supporting this awful, awful title that he's clearly ashamed of and is just saving face by supporting NT!"
"Fans" know better than Itsuno what Itsuno really likes. Maybe "fans" should direct the next DMC game instead of him.
I'd play the hell out of a ninja gardening/farming game.


Sweet Commander
Oct 25, 2017
Can we, maybe not put the word 'fans' in quotation marks (aside from this context obviously)? It comes across pretty petty. People are allowed to vocalize their dislike for things and remain fans of the series.


Feb 12, 2018
I'd probably go 3 > 1 > DmC > 4 > 2 myself. Not that 4 is bad, but it's obviously unfinished + devil dice. It has better combat than DmC. DmC is kind of one-note, but at least you're not retreading half of the game. DMC4's level design can be tedious too. DmC took DMC4, asked how they could make the game more accessible, and then put their own spin on it. And they mostly succeeded albeit with some undeniable jank. If only Alex Garland actually wrote the game instead of Tameem.

1 is just a better game tho. More thoughtful combat, more thoughtful enemy design, more thoughtful encounter design, more thoughtful scenario design, and it goes on and on. It's less accessible and a little antiquated mechanically, but it all works as intended.
This is almost my list but I'd put 1 > 3 on account of not much enjoying missions 14-19 in 3.

1 is antiquated but also strong for the reasons mentioned. A bit odd to see it be re-evaluated as a bad game recently tbh on this forum and elsewhere.


Oct 28, 2017
London, UK.
These threads are always a bit funny and they go awry because I feel there is a lot of minor trolling from both sides. When you have DMC fans talking about gameplay and you've got DmC fans talking about story, it's clear why there will always be argument because people's focuses are different.

I'm biased, because I like
my character action games to the highest level I can, so I prefer the depth of DMCs gameplay for that. So of course I don't want a reboot being made in place of it, especially when it initially came from a company where gameplay is hardly their forte. And please, nobody respond with "but the definitive edition", where Itsuno's team had to step in.

Next year will be a great year for me, Bayonetta 3 and Devil May Cry 5. Detroit was good, maybe some of you should get that.


Oct 26, 2017
And please, nobody respond with "but the definitive edition", where Itsuno's team had to step in.
Except you got that backwards. Itsuno and the Osaka team supervised the development of the original version. By the time DE was in the works, they were focused on 4SE and the changes/fixes made for DE was done by NT with Rahni Tucker leading it. And as far as I know, there is no evidence towards the contrary (If there is, by all means share it).