
The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
In a week where many will have heard that a known transphobe is hosting an awards ceremony, the LGB Alliance is trying to evict the T from LGBT and silence trans activism - while being successfuly crowdfunded, a boomer has decided we need to be patient toward transphobes or that South Park is deciding to beat the dead horse over trans athletes, I feel it's important to actually recognise that...


Trans awareness week is a week of awareness, teaching and advocacy surrounding trans people and identities. It leads into the International Transgender Day of Rememberance on the 20th November, where we reflect on and remember the many trans individuals whose lives have been lost amid anti-trans violence.

Here's some other news, shares and stories you may have missed or find interesting:
Please share any you may have come across as well.

Below you can find links to a couple of trans-focused community threads on Era.

Non-Binary |OT| 01101110 01101111 01101110 OT

N O N - B I N A R Y E R A O T 1 | 01101110 01101111 01101110 W E L C O M E A L L This thread will focus on the non-binary peoples of Era, and act as a base for us to come together and discuss, share, shoot the shit... and for anyone else who would like to engage for whatever reason. If...

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In closing I want to leave trans members of the forum with the words of Kate Bornstein. A 71yo trans person that has been a strong inspiration of mine recently. Who manages to so eloquently give support to trans individuals while ever respectful of generational differences that arise.

From their recently revised book, initially published in 1994:

"When I first wrote this book language was a big problem. People knew about transexuals. But not many people were talking about the phenomenon of people who are neither men nor women, no matter how they choose to express their gender.To embrace those people (myself included), I borrowed the word transgender. But in many circles today, that word has become simply another word for transsexual — so in my country, the newer and more inclusive word is simply trans.


Now, if anything you read in this book makes you feel bad or wrong or small and weak then please know I said something wrong. This book was written many years ago, and the culture I wrote it in is not the culture in which you're reading it. So, if you find anything to be personally insulting, please accept my apology and keep reading with the knowledge that your gender identity and how you express your gender are correct only when you feel they are correct.

I'd like you to know that I'm writing this to you at the age of sixty-eight. I'm very old. I may very well be alive as you're reading these words. But if I'm dead, I would be honoured if you call upon me as your ancestor in our mutual journey of gender exploration. I promise you that alive or dead, I will do all that's in my power to help you find and live your destiny

Trans people aren't new or a fad. We're not something to get used to.
We're people, and many have been fighting for our rights from before most here were born.


Be proud of being who you are. You're beautiful, and you deserve happiness.
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Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Thank you for this thread! Your posts are always a delight.

We're here and we aren't going away anytime soon!

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
I know we as a community " get "a month but it would be nice if Trans people got more than one "official" week. So much work still needs to be done accepting Trans folks who are still marginalized even in our own community

Osu 16 Bit

QA Lead at NetherRealm Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, IL
Trans woman checking in! Figured it out last year, came out in May. Super proud to be out and proud during these events. They can be brutal if you're still questioning or in the closet.


Oct 25, 2017
For all the problems the old place has now, the trans thread there many years ago was foundational to my current understanding of trans issues. The people there taught me the importance of listening to and believing the things trans people say in order to understand the reality they live in that I could never understand or experience on my own. This knowledge has also informed how I listen to and absorb the words of other marginalized groups in my ongoing effort to be the best version of myself so I can pass those values of acceptance and understanding onto my daughter as she grows.

Thank you trans people for being brave enough to openly be who you are in a society that is largely hostile to you.
Thank you for doing your best to educate privileged people like myself so we can be better.

Transphobia is 8000% bullshit.
Trans rights are human rights.

Deleted member 42055

User requested account closure
Apr 12, 2018
Not sure what the mood is within your community on here right now, but I want to say please don't go if you're reading this and thinking about leaving. There are good people here that will back you up and make sure assholes get called out and kicked the fuck out. Once again all my love and respect to this community which have to put up with things I can't even begin to comprehend

Deleted member 32561

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
Trans people are loved and you all should know that you have support from me. Trans girls, trans boys, nonbinary trans folk and more! Trans rights are human rights indeed.


Oct 28, 2017
You are all amazing people! ❤

❤ Trans rights are human rights ❤

I gotta draw something to celebrate aaa


Oct 28, 2017
trans rights are human rights!

I just wanted to say I try to stay out of trans related threads as best as I can because as a straight cis guy I don't know everything I should on trans matters. But I do try to be informed by reading and listening, which is what I've heard I should do!

Glad there's a trans community here and hope it grows.


Oct 28, 2017
I recently came out as trans. Mg girlfriend came out as gay. She still doesn't want to be with me despite saying she'll "see me as a woman", she wants someone with a vagina. I know it's just me personally. But it's hard to celebrate this week despite how much I want to right now :(. I want my girlfriend back.


Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
dont ever forget, despite whatever bullshit corner of the internet you find yourself in (even this one)

you are valid


Oct 25, 2017
Happy You awareness week, era trans folk. Thanks for being an awesome part of this community. :]


Oct 25, 2017
All my love to the trans community! :)

I recently came out as trans. Mg girlfriend came out as gay. She still doesn't want to be with me despite saying she'll "see me as a woman", she wants someone with a vagina. I know it's just me personally. But it's hard to celebrate this week despite how much I want to right now :(. I want my girlfriend back.
I'm sorry to hear that. No matter what unfolds, I hope it ultimately leads to your happiness.


Oct 27, 2017
Trans rights are human rights. It can't be said enough.

Just wanted to stop in and say I love ya'll! Thanks for being part of this community.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
While I no longer feel comfortable posting on this forum after, well... Best not to say now. I guess I never properly came out as trans here.
I'm a (slightly Enby)girl! Trans rights are human rights.
I have infinite respect to anyone whose transitioned come out irl. I hope I can find the courage to do that some day.


Oct 25, 2017
Happy trans awareness week from your local enby! Things have been tough for the community (even here on this forum) but never forget: we are valid, great, and here to stay!