Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I want to take a moment to talk about the THQ Nordic situation. Or more specifically, the response to this situation. Or, even more specifically, the lack of a response to this situation.

I'm not going to go too into what the THQ Nordic situation- there's a great thread on Era you can go to for that. But the very condensed TL;DR is, THQ Nordic decided to host an AMA on 8Chan, which is an uglier cousin of 4Chan, comprised of people who found 4Chan to be too restrictive. 8Chan has been known to organize swatting, doxxing, GamerGate bile, and host child porn; the latter was so bad that Google even delisted them temporarily in 2015.

We can argue THQN didn't know what they were getting into (which, it's your fucking job to vet your platforms before you associate with them), but once they announced the AMA, they were a) told what the site is, and b) when they started the AMA, were greeted with Nazi rhetoric and child porn, both of which they endorsed and parroted.

The worst part to me is their Twitter account. For a minute, let us consider the reality of today's society where somehow, white supremacist and Nazi rhetoric is actually normalized enough that people will defend it for "free speech", but even the most vile alt-righter won't ever endorse pedophilia or child-porn. Or so you'd think, but in spite of being told that 8Chan is a website used to host child porn content (which THQN didn't need to be told, given they were participating in objectification of "lolis" themselves), they proceeded to leave the link to that website up on their Twitter account for 15 hours. Even after issuing an apology, they did not take that link down. It took, to my knowledge, Shannon Loftis of Xbox very specifically calling them out for that link to be taken down.

And now, here's my issue: this is a bad look for THQ Nordic.They signal boosted, and kept a link to, a child porn site for 15 hours. They engaged in pedophilic, white supremacist, and pro-Nazi rhetoric. Even after their "apology", they did not take their link to said child porn hosting site down.

The amazing part? There has been a resounding shrug from the gaming media over this.

Most sites have flat out not covered it. Some did, and downplayed the issue to the point of absurdity (like Kotaku). To my knowledge, only Waypoint, Games Radar, and Game Informer have actually called THQ Nordic out on this, and Jim Sterling on YouTube. GameSpot? IGN? Polygon? VG247? DualShockers? Destructoid? USGamer? Eurogamer? Most of these outlets project themselves as progressive, and they have either not covered the issue at all, or completely downplayed it (Kotaku's article actually almost makes me wish that they hadn't bothered at all).

The gaming industry just doesn't care. It didn't care. We were already at a point where racism, transphobia, homophobia, bigotry, and Nazism was actually normalized. Now we are at a point where a publisher can endorse and explicitly post content that sexually objectifies prepubescent children, and the gaming media will just look the other way.


Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
There's nothing journalistic about some of those sites.

Nothing more than glorified ad agencies.


Oct 25, 2017
It does feel like a bit of a watershed moment for the industry when a giant publisher can extend the hand of friendship to the gamergate and alt right core and receive very little scrutiny or criticism. Surreal, but not surprising in this post-Trump world where despicable actions are normalised.


Oct 25, 2017
Agreed. Something of this caliber should not be a blip, nor should plenty of the articles be weak as they are. If they choose not to pursue and just allow THQ to sweep it under the rug, then they are complicit.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
For all the "Real Game Journalism" praise that Kotaku gets here, Their coverage about this was absolutely shameful and spineless.

I guess gaming journalists resort to calling friends inside studios to spill some juicy gossip. When its time for them to take a stand against this shit they vanish.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's one of the most embarrassing moments in gaming PR history.

It's fairly understandable for there to be a few threads on it coming from different angles.
I don't think there's any moment in gaming history that is worse.
Microsoft and Xbox taking away used games provokes 400 pages of frantic outrage, but a major publisher condoning pedophilia, and "can we just talk about games?"
Fucking hell.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
For all the "Real Game Journalism" praise that Kotaku gets here, Their coverage about this was absolutely shameful and spineless.

I guess gaming journalists resort to calling friends inside studios to spill some juicy gossip. When its time for them to take a stand against this shit they vanish.
Yeah, I was most disappointed and shocked at Kotaku's coverage, which was shocking and shameful in how toothless it was.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
It was sad listening to the Easy Allies response. They basically mentioned what happened and called it a big whoopsie, shrugged their shoulders, and literally said that it would blow over.

I love these guys, but they can definitely pull towards optimism a little too hard sometimes.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't seen anything from the Guardian which is usually pretty good at 1) keeping up with the games industry and 2) would want this to be known I'd assume


Jul 27, 2018
I don't understand? Do you want scathing op-eds or do your want news reporting? Several outlets reported on this news objectively and there haven't been any new public developments.


Oct 26, 2017
Its all some weird shit. Journalist are giving them a pass. Gamers are giving them a pass. They're just being silent while shit dies.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm kind of amazed how consistently most gamers outside of this forum can't handle larger sociopolitical discussion especially in regards to fucking 8chan but will freak over every minor bit of nonsense in regards to Fallout 76.


Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
This is not like GamerGate and this is not only a problem of journalistic coverage.

It is an industry wide problem and a consumer issue too.
If each of us was less with a "i want to play my video games" attitude and much more empathic towards the real problems we would have a much better video game industry.
There has to be a red line where PR gimmicks should not cross and if they do, all the parts (consumers, developers and publishing houses, journalists and their media) should call them out and act with haste and severity.

This time they/we all failed and so the nazis won.

Edit: There were some exceptions, some people went forward and being critical and condemning to the incident. These are indeed the good ones and i am glad they tried.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand? Do you want scathing op-eds or do your want news reporting? Several outlets reported on this news objectively and there haven't been any new public developments.
a) Several outlets ignored critical key facts (like the tweet being up for 15 hours), and b) yes you bet I want them to put THQN on blast for their behavior in scathing op-eds. if you can write 15 op-eds about how Anthem's monetization is bad, you can maybe write one on how the publisher endorsing Nazis and pedophiles may actually be bad

Sorry what

Very little coverage has been apologetic towards this situation.
I don't think I said apologetic at all?

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
The point isn't that no coverage was made, the point is that the coverage minimizes and downplays the issue, then sweeps it under the rug after the "apology".
I guess people here just aren't understanding exactly what further coverage you're asking for. Op-eds talking about why this is fucked are obviously legitimate, but how many times can you state that opinion - especially when the company themselves have also echoed it? One shitty PR rep got the head of the department to sign off on an AMA with a terrible website. There isn't a ton more to the story.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
It was sad listening to the Easy Allies response. They basically mentioned what happened and called it a big whoopsie, shrugged their shoulders, and literally said that it would blow over.

I love these guys, but they can definitely pull towards optimism a little too hard sometimes.

I get what you're saying but I wouldn't call that the optimistic view

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I'm assuming everyone reached out to thq for comment but haven't received a word.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I guess people here just aren't understanding exactly what further coverage you're asking for. Op-eds talking about why this is fucked are obviously legitimate, but how many times can you state that opinion
You say "how many times", but that point hasn't been said, period. Again, these are the same outlets that will have their home page plastered with Fallout 76 and Anthem's failure, so it's clear they don't mind milking material. But talking about an actual basic and fundamental failure of ethics in a game developer beyond just the "objective reporting of facts" is suddenly unacceptable unless there is something new to say?

- especially when the company themselves have also echoed it? One shitty PR rep got the head of the department to sign off on an AMA with a terrible website. There isn't a ton more to the story.
And this is totally untrue.
  • The head of THQN's PR team was involved in the AMA himself, no "PR rep" got the head to sign off on something the head wasn't aware of
  • The company themselves have echoed nothing. The CEO pointed at the weaselly ass apology on Twitter, the same Twitter where incidentally a link to a child porn site was kept live for 15 hours
Please look into the issue before you comment on it.


Amico fun conversationalist
Nov 4, 2017
Seattle, WA
I'm assuming everyone reached out to thq for comment but haven't received a word.

I can't speak for other outlets, but Ars Technica never received a reply to our questions, including one about THQ Nordic's use of endorsement of homophobic slurs in that 8chan Q&A. Instead, the PR agency we reached out to ignored our request, then sent us an unsolicited code for an upcoming game a few days later.

EDIT: strikethrough for accuracy
Last edited:

Big One

Oct 25, 2017
The gaming media I'm not really concerned about tbh I'm more concerned about console devs and other big time publishers not doing jack shit about it. The big three AND Valve should be cutting off all THQ Nordic products but they haven't yet. That's what's really going to hurt the company in the long run.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess people here just aren't understanding exactly what further coverage you're asking for. Op-eds talking about why this is fucked are obviously legitimate, but how many times can you state that opinion - especially when the company themselves have also echoed it? One shitty PR rep got the head of the department to sign off on an AMA with a terrible website. There isn't a ton more to the story.
There's always much more to a story and for a journalist to look for. Like what do many of their employees think? Has any journalist even bothered to contact their partners like Nickelodeon and what their response to this information is? They should be looking for further leads and get information out of everyone possible to answer questions.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The gaming media I'm not really concerned about tbh I'm more concerned about console devs and other big time publishers not doing jack shit about it. The big three AND Valve should be cutting off all THQ Nordic products but they haven't yet. That's what's really going to hurt the company in the long run.
I at least appreciate Loftis from Microsoft publicly calling THQ Nordic out on the link to the site that was still on their website after 12 hours, and her quoting it is, to my knowledge, what precipitated it being taken down in the end.


Oct 31, 2017
I'm kind of amazed how consistently most gamers outside of this forum can't handle larger sociopolitical discussion especially in regards to fucking 8chan but will freak over every minor bit of nonsense in regards to Fallout 76.
Have you considered the fact that many people in the world (not just gamers) have little interest in socio-politics in general? And are more interested in their personal hobbies.

Not up to anyone else to judge what an individual person is interested in.

But you should not be "amazed" when there's already concrete statistics that around half of eligible voters in America do not end up voting. What does that tell you?
Oct 25, 2017
I get what you're saying but I wouldn't call that the optimistic view

I say optimistic because they basically concluded that the pr guy was basically just clueless and made a mistake when there's lots of evidence to the contrary. I'm thinking they're on the side of thinking no one could be that stupid, but it came across to me as if they were kind of downplaying what happened here.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Have you considered the fact that many people in the world (not just gamers) have little interest in socio-politics in general? And are more interested in their personal hobbies.

Not up to anyone else to judge what an individual person is interested in.

But you should not be "amazed" when there's already concrete statistics that around half of eligible voters in America do not end up voting. What does that tell you?
I'm not saying that sociology and politics should be anyone's top priority, just that we suck at discussing it even if there's one very clear side everyone should be on.


Oct 25, 2017
I should also add, not getting information is also a story. That is intentional by many companies but should be used against them for not providing any new details or information. You have to apply pressure in cases like these to get information. And THQ also isn't even doing much to cover this stuff up, the stuff is out there in the open for plenty to see and hardly anyone has made any hard hitting article about all that happened. Much of it is soft and weak-kneed, some even leaving out additional information like Pollice also being involved in the AMA and posting on 8chan, much of the news is about Philipp Brock, and that can be used against outlets to make him the scapegoat by THQ.


Oct 28, 2017
My post from the other thread:

A lot of Youtubers and media are unfortunately utter pieces of shit who know that next generation THQ will be flooding the market with all these IPs they have recently been buying and developing. They don't want to be blacklisted and lose clicks on early access to all these games. They can go fuck themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the answer is simple: there just wasn't enough interest in it. Media and journalism operate on populism: if a story gets many clicks and attention, then they'll spend more time on it. THQ Nordic is a lesser-known publisher and their PR team messed up an AMA, and their staff and executives clammed up, not adding any more fuel to the fire.

There's no boycott and no one was fired so there isn't much more to the story.

Was it bad and just another symptom of the toxicity in the industry? Yes. Is it a huge black mark on THQN which will affect their future? Doesn't look like it.

Compare that to Fallout and Anthem, two hyped games from two big companies that received a lot of marketing and press buzz; any news about it will generate a lot more attention and ad revenue. They're also recent and relevant.

You see the same thing in the news: Crazy weather? Feel good story about pets? Abhorrent crimes? Front page news with follow-ups and substantial coverage.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I can't speak for other outlets, but Ars Technica never received a reply to our questions, including one about THQ Nordic's use of endorsement of homophobic slurs in that 8chan Q&A. Instead, the PR agency we reached out to ignored our request, then sent us an unsolicited code for an upcoming game a few days later.

EDIT: strikethrough for accuracy

Jeez. Just continuing on as if nothing happened. That's a bold strategy but I really don't think everyone will just forget. Or so I hope.


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
this shitheap industry literally learned nothing from gg and is apparently afraid to do anything to isolate the small garbageman anti "sjw" crowd (well, those who don't openly pander to it like playasia)

whatever action you take OP, count me in


Prophet of Truth
Nov 10, 2017
Mallorca, Spain
I guess people here just aren't understanding exactly what further coverage you're asking for. Op-eds talking about why this is fucked are obviously legitimate, but how many times can you state that opinion - especially when the company themselves have also echoed it? One shitty PR rep got the head of the department to sign off on an AMA with a terrible website. There isn't a ton more to the story.
I see what you try to say, but in this case the absence of news are the news themselves. If a politician allign him/herself with shady people, of the kind that salutes you with "heil hitler", you can bet many, many people would want extensive and clear explanations, followed by apologies so sincere that nuns cry tears of sorrow.

Not reporting on this until the aforementioned happens IS sweeping it and minimizing an absurdly horrible asociation because...Idk, maybe that people doesn't see any problem with it?


Oct 27, 2017
I can't speak for other outlets, but Ars Technica never received a reply to our questions, including one about THQ Nordic's use of endorsement of homophobic slurs in that 8chan Q&A. Instead, the PR agency we reached out to ignored our request, then sent us an unsolicited code for an upcoming game a few days later.

EDIT: strikethrough for accuracy
That's sickening.

You think the bar can't get any lower, and they still manage to disappoint.

Deleted member 51789

User requested account closure
Jan 9, 2019
There should absolutely be more condemnation for this across the gaming press outside of just news pieces. Out of curiosity, is there a link to the GamesRadar piece mentioned in the OP, as I couldn't find it on a search if their site?

With the Game Informer article coming 4 days after the event, I wonder if more sites do have things lined up which they've been working on as well. I hope so at least...

Deleted member 20892

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I can't speak for other outlets, but Ars Technica never received a reply to our questions, including one about THQ Nordic's use of endorsement of homophobic slurs in that 8chan Q&A. Instead, the PR agency we reached out to ignored our request, then sent us an unsolicited code for an upcoming game a few days later.

EDIT: strikethrough for accuracy
what the fuck
Oct 25, 2017
I can't speak for other outlets, but Ars Technica never received a reply to our questions, including one about THQ Nordic's use of endorsement of homophobic slurs in that 8chan Q&A. Instead, the PR agency we reached out to ignored our request, then sent us an unsolicited code for an upcoming game a few days later.

EDIT: strikethrough for accuracy
Jesus. This shit will never end.


Dec 25, 2017
I can't speak for other outlets, but Ars Technica never received a reply to our questions, including one about THQ Nordic's use of endorsement of homophobic slurs in that 8chan Q&A. Instead, the PR agency we reached out to ignored our request, then sent us an unsolicited code for an upcoming game a few days later.

EDIT: strikethrough for accuracy
LMFAO I ALMOST thought people in the thread completely missed this comment for a second...

Sheesh, was there a message that said "Sshhhh. ;-) " attached to this code?...