
Oct 28, 2017
I have opportunity to go to shop I may get something.

Might need to get some food as well.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
Yep, pretty much done.

I spent way too much, especially with a wedding in March, but I love giving gifts.

No huge (physically or cost wise) gifts this year (most expensive item was about $200), but lots of little things that the fiance, friends, and kids wanted. I bought gifts for around 20 people, which is about my yearly average.


Oct 27, 2017
Have not started, really wish family members would just tell me what they want. This "Oh I dunno..." is stressin' me out man. I'll probably fumble around this weekend and knock it out, don't have much choice as Monday is the 24th. Arrrrgh.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished? Haven't even started. I'm scrambling to find money for presents, because this year has been rough.

We wanted a real tree. We usually pick one up a week before Christmas because they clear them out at a good discount. This year, though, there's no trees left, and the ones that are left are at full price. Time to dig out the plastic one. :/


Oct 27, 2017
I'm about to frantically begin my shopping and be annoyed that nothing I buy online will show up in time.
I still go home to my parents' house to celebrate so I've never really bothered to put up a tree or any other decorations. For a long time, we were real tree purists, but about 5 years ago my parents broke down and got a fake tree, so now we use that. We don't generally put up our tree until the 23rd, or sometimes even the 24th (partly out of procrastination, lol), but we leave it up into January because my mom's Catholic and "you're supposed to leave it up until the Epiphany!" and "Christmas day is the first of the 12 days of Christmas!" etc.
Yes...weirdly. This is the first year I haven't had to use the expensive ohgodohgodpleasemakeitontime delivery option on Amazon. I have one package arriving on the 24th, but hey, still gold. It's a strange feeling, this calmness. I'm even planning out my Christmas dinner/food shopping this week. I guess I made it. I'm an adult now.


Oct 26, 2017
Do the Germans have a word for the feeling of "I think I've completed all my Christmas shopping but I just can't shake this existential worry that I'm forgetting someone?"

Because that's where I am right now.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Lol, nope. A bunch of stuff for my girlfriend, and basically nothing for anyone else.

Torpedo Vegas

Oct 27, 2017
Parts Unknown.
Shopping is done. Only thing I bake is I prepare cinnamon rolls on X-Mas eve leave them set up in the fridge over night and bake them X-Mas morning. Artificial Tree, I'm not in the habit of inviting my allergies in doors for the winter.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah all the shopping is done. We traditionally get a real tree but if the prices keep rising we're going to consider the best artificial one we can find.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished shopping this past weekend. The last gift should arrive tomorrow. I only wrapped half the presents, so I'm hoping to finish on the weekend.
Oct 31, 2017
No shopping this year, no tree either. Taking my family on a trip over Christmas instead. Shared adventures and memories have more meaning than stuff, of which we already have too damned much.

Lyon N. Laap

Oct 27, 2017
Not in the slightest. Got two secret Santa's to shop for, and a friend's birthday present on the 26th. Always plan on getting things done early, but life conspires against me and leaves actually getting everything down to the wire.

Hoping to get what I need today.


Oct 31, 2017
Real. I cut it down from a local place every year the day after Thanksgiving.

Shopping is complete, unless I see something else that catches my eye. This is the first year I 'took charge' of the gift buying for the family. Well, less 'take charge' than 'just went ahead and did it'. Everyone is covered, pretty much everything is wrapped. Just need to figure out the delivery for the big gift to the wife this year, and the menu for dinner. Gonna be around 15 people.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 9, 2018
All finished. Just have to collect a few parcels and hope everything else arrives through the mail.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep! Finished buying stuff in the beginning of December, and received the last gift about a week or so ago. It was a lot easier this year since my family decided to do a drawing to find out who was buying a gift for whom, rather than buying one for everyone. Saved a lot of time and money.

My wife was actually the most difficult to get something for since our intention was to get a new bed and mattress, but ended up scrapping that due to $3k in car repairs last month. The only stuff she has shown any interest in all year were house related improvements since I usually make a note of everything she mentions throughout the year for gift ideas.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, much more fun to leave it to the last minute.

I always have an idea of what I'm getting folk, but I like the 'Jungle All the Way' consumer nightmare experience.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Presents are all bought and either wrapped or en route. I only have 6 people to buy for so I tend to just buy one present per week in the 6 weeks leading up to Xmas to spread the cost. Works better for me psychologically above all else.

Picked up my turkey today. Just gotta buy the vegetables later in the week.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Didn't buy anything yet and I'm terrified since I don't know what to get my dad, mum and GF. Have bought only one expensive thing for my sister and it still hasn't been delivered so that freaks me out too.