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Oct 27, 2017
Just a reminder that Nate Silver is absolutely worthless for analysis.

The second tweet is absolutely asinine, he blatantly recognizes what the difference is but he just swipes it under the rug as to "complicate the story" by providing factual context. Then even when acknowledging the difference he has to couch his comments with a "probably".


Oct 25, 2017
Just a reminder that Nate Silver is absolutely worthless for analysis.

The second tweet is absolutely asinine, he blatantly recognizes what the difference is but he just swipes it under the rug as to "complicate the story" by providing factual context. Then even when acknowledging the difference he has to couch his comments with a "probably".

yeah I saw that and decided not to post another brainless Nate Silver take haha I just cant with this guy anymore. I unfollowed and my opinion of him is just in the gutter.


Oct 25, 2017
Just a reminder that Nate Silver is absolutely worthless for analysis.

The second tweet is absolutely asinine, he blatantly recognizes what the difference is but he just swipes it under the rug as to "complicate the story" by providing factual context. Then even when acknowledging the difference he has to couch his comments with a "probably".

Holy shit.

How can someone post that and not realize how utterly asinine it is?

He essentially backpedaled his reductive, sensationalist shit into 100% agreeing with his detractors.

Almost as if his real argument was just a matter of semantics and no substances. Some real "But all lives matter" energy.


Jul 15, 2018
The fact that I live in a world where this colossal dickhead's shit Tweets get hundreds of thousands or over a million likes is so incredibly depressing.
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Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit.

How can someone post that and not realize how utterly asinine it is?

He essentially backpedaled his reductive, sensationalist shit into 100% agreeing with his detractors.

Almost as if his real argument was just a matter of semantics and no substances. Some real "But all lives matter" energy.

He's pathologically incapable of admitting he's wrong.


Oct 27, 2017
The nonsense to focus on "thought leaders of the left" when right now there's a real struggle to find any new progressive leadership as Bernie enters his 80s after preaching the same stuff for decades.


Jan 2, 2019
Nate's been garbage for years. He's become increasingly smarmy and both sidesy. I think the pandemic broke him.

538 does excellent work, but please don't tune into him.


Oct 29, 2017
Thought leaders lol. Shit-posters with little, to no, influence.

So if you title the comic and add 69 labels á la Ben Garrison then Elon is on to something.

And Jesus Christ, Ross Douthat enters the chat. Kill me now.


Oct 27, 2017
Just a reminder that Nate Silver is absolutely worthless for analysis.

The second tweet is absolutely asinine, he blatantly recognizes what the difference is but he just swipes it under the rug as to "complicate the story" by providing factual context. Then even when acknowledging the difference he has to couch his comments with a "probably".

Galaxy Brain Take: Nate Silver sees the writing on the wall for the current US political system and is slowly but not-so-subtly trying to edge his way into enlightened centrist punditry in the hopes of still having some relevance once electoral analysis becomes pointless.


Oct 25, 2017
Galaxy Brain Take: Nate Silver sees the writing on the wall for the current US political system and is slowly but not-so-subtly trying to edge his way into enlightened centrist punditry in the hopes of still having some relevance once electoral analysis becomes pointless.

You're at least 5 years too late. Nate has been laundering tons of stupid bullshit under the guise of "objective" data parsing for a long time.


Nov 20, 2018
I just deactivated my account and deleted the app. I don't think time should be wasted caring about Twitter when there are other ways of communicating.


Oct 25, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA

it's so accurate...


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, all you're doing is ban-baiting me for disagreeing.
Dropping a hot take and proceeding to just dodge and weave to draw attention and adopting a persecution complex about the "Era hive mind" isn't going to do you any favors in terms of ban evasion.

Is the conservative stick figure not moving accurate in that drawing to you as well?


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
I can give you that, but I figured the fringe right was batshit all along
But they literally are not the fringe anymore. They are the mainstream. The LEADER of the party called any who are not batshit, RINO Republicans. What equivalence to that is going on with the left?

protests and riots for police reform? been goin on since the 1960s lol


Oct 25, 2017
But they literally are not the fringe anymore. They are the mainstream. The LEADER of the party called any who are not batshit, RINO Republicans. What equivalence to that is going on with the left?
Suggesting we have a responsibility to improve things for those with less privilege or something.


Oct 25, 2017
That chart is a actually pretty accurate

Choosing to ignore we've gone from electing politicians on the right to literally trying to kill politicians that don't adhere to demands, also a position on the right? "The left" only seems "radical" because the right has always painted anything beyond their borders as beyond the pale, failing to admit that their own party is the one moving the furthest. The same group talking about free speech is also talking about burning banned books.

Only one party seems to have the honor to talk about how things move, and it's the one that also says policies of compassion are "extreme." That is not the left. Jesus Christ would be a communist to today's political right, but they've already painted him as someone who would help destroy homeless camps with police so he's been Reaganized in a sense. That graph incorrectly implies only one side is moving and the other is standing still, and this is only true if we admit for decades the right has been a Christian fascist movement and the only thing that's changed is the elimination of the dogwhistles and coded language. Even if that is true -- and it is -- their calls for violence for everything against their view is a further example of radicalization.
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