What do you think of Sekiro?

  • Love it. It's one of From's best titles, if not the best.

    Votes: 491 28.8%
  • Liked it a ton. Has some small issues, but it's still great.

    Votes: 603 35.4%
  • Liked it, but it wasn't anything spectacular.

    Votes: 325 19.1%
  • Meh, it's there I guess.

    Votes: 157 9.2%
  • Disliked it. The game has some serious issues.

    Votes: 78 4.6%
  • Really disliked it. I didn't enjoy it at all.

    Votes: 50 2.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
My least favorite FS game that I have played since the era of Soulsborne began.

I love the:
  3. ART

I hate the:
I loved the combat the counters and everything about it about halfway through but by the end it just feels tedious and mostly because I don't enjoy any of the people I'm fighting or having to memorize their movesets to be successful. It just takes a LOT of time with very little reward. I got to the beginning of the fountainhead where you fight the
and I was just over it.

Very underwhelming overall and I prefer NIOH over it from a combat perspective.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
It was good, but way too difficult and got pretty repetitive after a while. I also didn't find the level design to be that memorable or exciting, either.

Felt like a poor man's Bloodborne.


Oct 28, 2017
Its fantastic. The game is leagues better on a pc with a stable 60. I hope next gen consoles can boost it. Its hard as fuck but its also has the most satisfying boss defeats in forever. Where i could inmediatly cheese a boss in dark souls, i had to learn it in sekiro. At least it felt that way. Its my goty so far.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
This thread highlights a bit of the silent majority/vocal minority thing that happens on resetera with GOTY-contender type games. Looking at the poll 2/3rds 'liked it a ton' or 'loved it' and nearly 85% at least liked it. Reading the thread though you'd think it was evenly divided though between those that liked it and hated it.
It's kinda logical if you think about it. When a game is universally praised and you think differently, you're more likely to give your opinion on it than someone who may just vote and don't comment since everyone knows why it's so liked.


Oct 30, 2017
I liked it a lot and watched many, many speedruns and a couple full length playthroughs. Very good setting, enjoyable characters and story. Sekiro has got to be one of this gen's most entertaining games to watch other people play. Especially after you've played it yourself and have a sense of what each encounter feels like.

The combat has some balance issues though. Too harsh and restrictive in some pretty serious ways. Dying really shouldn't halve your money and unbanked experience, especially when you have to buy ammo for all you prosthetics and special items. It promotes conservative play and grinding, when a game like Sekiro should encourage risk taking, and trial and error.

I think as a fast paced action game Sekiro is held back by Soulsborne conventions that really have no place in the kind of game it's trying to be.

I hope we get a Sekiro 2 that works out the kinks.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
I really liked it. The movement changes made it really hard for me to imagine going back to one of their more traditional souls feeling games in the future, like if they ever make a Bloodborne 2 or if Great Rune is one of those. Loved the quickness of being able to get the fuck out of bad situations.

That said, the world didn't do it for me the way Bloodborne and Dark Souls did. While I still liked it, the Lovecraftian Bloodborne aesthetic is my shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I was 3/4ths of the way done but stopped because I had other stuff to do. When I picked it back up I just decided to start a new playthrough. After going through all the bosses that were giving me trouble with ease I realized it's not that hard of a game. Those twitter posts that were jokingly calling it a rhythm game weren't too far off. Once you get the rhythm down pat it's nowhere near as hard as you thought it was.


Oct 25, 2017
Great game. My only gripes were lack of any kind of multiplayer, fashion souls, and more of a spoon fed straight story. I was really expecting to go deep down some crazy rabbit hole like we did with Bloodbourne.

Aside from this, combat was memorable and really good as well. Some boss fights were like a dance, just an amazing feel to fight and win.

Played on PS4 and I do feel as though there was some input delay I didn't experience in typical souls titles.

Would recommend this game to anyone who loves a challenging, yet gratifying game.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Platinumed it. It was enjoyable, but I don't prefer it to the likes of Bloodborne, Demon and Dark Souls. It's a great game, but it's limitations in the MP area, lack of co-op, and replayability/builds and more traditional story (More straightforward) made it just a step below the rest for me. I don't see myself going back and playing it again.


Oct 27, 2017
Just got my PS4 fixed, and this thread made me go back to the game. I managed to get the Owl down without too much hassle, and I'm on to the Divine Realm. I'm having a good time.


Apr 18, 2018
I know this thread is a bit old but I wanted to ask if I semi enjoyed nioh would I still enjoy seikiro? Im home from work for awhile due to an Injury and looking for some fun games to play I definitely had this game on my mind (currently playing re2) but didn't want to drop the cash on it if I didn't finish nioh


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
After coming off of Bloodborne, I didn't care for it at all. Found the story dull and the protagonist incredibly uninteresting.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
It was my second favorite Soulslike game (or whatever) before I beat it.

But now it's:
Lords of the Fallen

Still one of the best games this year though


Oct 27, 2017
I know this thread is a bit old but I wanted to ask if I semi enjoyed nioh would I still enjoy seikiro? Im home from work for awhile due to an Injury and looking for some fun games to play I definitely had this game on my mind (currently playing re2) but didn't want to drop the cash on it if I didn't finish nioh

Yep. Be warned it's harder than Nioh (at first, anyways). I still enjoyed Nioh more, feels more like ninja gaiden, but Sekiro is still excellent.

Boots The God

Oct 28, 2017
Id give it about a 7 out of 10. Not a bad game by any means, but I found myself less impressed by it as I progressed. I think my major issue with it is the parry system. I know it's personal preference and those who enjoy it...more power to you. I prefer dodging and blocking. Also, not having different weapons really hurt the experience too.


Oct 25, 2017
As ever, the poll bears out the vocal minority being who is trashing Sekiro, same as with every other acclaimed title.

The post game sucks, though. Not rewarding enough. Needed a true boss rush mode.


Oct 25, 2017
Above Dark Souls II, below the rest of the others. Which isn't to say it isn't great, it is still better than 95% of the titles I've played in the last few years.

For me, lack of customization and the sameness of many of the bosses really hurt it, as well as the limited number of "real" bosses and a ton of mini bosses who are often just copies of one another. Every fight has to be approached a specific way, and there isn't much room for creativity. I only found 2-3 of the special moves useful, and most of the tools were very situational. The stealth aspect was fun but can be cheesed. Beautiful game, but they could have done so much more with the world (that last area is absolutely breathtaking).


Oct 25, 2017
I liked it enough, had a hard time in the beginning but overcame it and ended up enjoying my time with it. Having said that, I still have 2 endings to unlock and I have no motivation to go and do them. So I liked it but kinda conflicted at the same time.

For me it was not a matter of it not being a Souls game and lacking in replayability or builds or w/e but more down to the fact that this game does not like it if you attack or try have initiative in fights; it just fully commits to its parry system to a fault. It is a lot of pattern recognition and then tapping a single button to build up a meter....felt really unsatisfying to me. Once you had that down there was not much else to go from there except getting better at more pattern recognition.

In this game, defense was truly the best offense.


Nov 1, 2017
Want my choices back. Such rigidity in playstyle really made me appreciate the more freeform nature of soulsborne.
It also confirmed for me character action is truly not for me.


Nov 17, 2017
Didn't finish it since I can't parry for shit, I ended up dropping it after 10 hours or less.


Nov 6, 2017
It's ok. I will never play it again. Completely forgettable. I never want to hear sword smashing against each other sound effects ever again.


Oct 25, 2017
Want my choices back. Such rigidity in playstyle really made me appreciate the more freeform nature of soulsborne.
It also confirmed for me character action is truly not for me.
Yo what?! Get on DMCV or any of the DMCs bro. Sekiro is not a character action game, something like Revengeance, Bayonetta or DMC is more that. Those games do a better job of leting the player express themselves by giving them enough tools but not limiting their playstyle like Sekiro does.


Nov 6, 2017
Also there was not a single good reason Sekiro had to have a set protagonist. You could replace him with a paint bucket.


Oct 27, 2017
I still liked it quite a bit but it definitely landed flatter than other Souls games for me. Lack of replayability beyond just like... "hey wanna play again?". I liked having builds, I liked having multiplayer content to engage with in different ways.
I also think the game benefited very little from the hard defined named character. Ultimately the game only had a little bit more story than your average souls game, and I don't know if that was worth losing customization. You could have told the exact same story with any random protagonist I custom built
There's also just some strange choices like.. The super hard owl fight is just an illusion in a memory (or something like that), but the emotionally impactful(for your character at least) fight where you kill him for real is very easy.

There are a few fights in the game too, that are easier if you ignore all the mechanics the game is trying to teach you and play it "wrong", that I think are unfortunate. People were really into Guardian Ape when that game came out, but that is 100% a fight that is easier if you just run away and poke him occasionally the whole time, instead of actually learning the parrying timing and all the shit the game should be teaching you. There are a couple other fights like that too.

None of this is to say Sekiro was a bad game, it is very good. This is just why I rank it lower on the list of Souls games, which are all very good. (Yes, even 2.)


Oct 26, 2017
Sekiro is my first From game. I felt that it was an amazing game as a whole, but it has real flaws. Indeed, it's a testament to just how high Sekiro's highs are that the game is still like, a 5/5 despite so many shortcomings. To name a few...

- Fighting multiple enemies is, at best, tolerable when the enemies you're fighting are complete trash due to the bad camera controls and mechanics that are heavily designed around one-on-one fighting.
- Having to clear adds before fighting minibosses doesn't make the game harder, it just makes it more tedious since clearing adds is very easy once you know what you're doing. Unfortunately, From seemed to think this was a really good idea because nearly every miniboss after the early game has 'em. Towards the end of the game, I stopped fighting optional bosses that had too many adds because I simply couldn't be assed to clear them all before every attempt.
- The boss fights that do not play directly into the game's strengths are of noticeably lower quality than the ones that do. All of the game's worst boss fights involve an unarmed combatant of some kind (be it a bull, an ape, or... another bull), and all of the best involve a weapon.
- Without getting too spoilery, dragonrot ends up simply being an inconsequential way to kick the player while they're down. It's ultimately completely toothless while still being annoying enough to add pressure to the process of learning a boss fight.
- The game expects a lot from the player but the controls are weirdly inconsistent. Despite having beaten the game I'm still not 100% confident about when an input has been successfully buffered or not. One of the most confusing manifestations of this is that sometimes opening the menu doesn't work - why do this? This is obviously a design choice, not a technical limitation.
- I strongly dislike when games give enemies super armor without visually communicating this to the player, and Sekiro utilizes this a lot. I understand that this game is a lot about trial and error, but I don't think that essentially forcing players to memorize when a boss has super armor amounts to anything more than padding.
- All of the active abilities and prosthetic tools are nearly completely useless. Some of them have uses on specific bosses, but you can very easily play the whole game without using any of them.
- Maybe this is a personal thing, but I completely lost the plot by about the middle of the game and I never got it back. This had some gameplay consequences as I was at times very confused about what I was supposed to be doing next.
- Items take really long to use. Yes, git gud and all that, but I really would have just preferred the game be harder in exchange for allowing items to be used in a reasonable amount of time. I just gave up on items entirely for the back nine. (Related: Divine confetti is stupid. While it's scarce it serves to lock you out of doing a bunch of optional bosses, and when it becomes readily available doing those bosses is essentially irrelevant.)

...Having said all that, Sekiro is an incredible game. When everything is working the way it's supposed to - you're fighting a good boss, slowly learning the mechanics and gradually chipping away at what seemed impossible only moments ago - there are really few games out there that can match the Sekiro experience. I can't think of any game that demands so much attention and focus to play. Even Bayonetta, a game that I think is better-designed overall and that I couldn't help but compare Sekiro to while I was playing it, doesn't have a single boss fight even in the same ballpark as Sekiro's final boss.

Much has been said about Sekiro's difficulty, and I would be remiss if I didn't mention that Sekiro is really not that hard of a game. The early game is quite challenging, but then the difficulty goes down a lot once you figure out what you're doing and it doesn't really come back up again until the very end.


Oct 26, 2017
There are a few fights in the game too, that are easier if you ignore all the mechanics the game is trying to teach you and play it "wrong", that I think are unfortunate. People were really into Guardian Ape when that game came out, but that is 100% a fight that is easier if you just run away and poke him occasionally the whole time, instead of actually learning the parrying timing and all the shit the game should be teaching you. There are a couple other fights like that too.

This is true of all the Souls games as well, and I would even say those games are even more accomodating of assorted cheesiness. I also don't think there's anything wrong with a cautious run and poke approach to bosses anyway. It's not as flashy, but it's a fine approach if it works and it's not like you are "cheating" (note: I use this approach all the time in these games! Haha)


Mar 7, 2019
Easily the one of the best games of this generation. Absolutely incredible from start to finish. It might be one of my favorite games of all time. The only disappointing thing for me is that there is no DLC for it like the rest of From's games.


Oct 27, 2017
This is true of all the Souls games as well, and I would even say those games are even more accommodating of assorted cheesiness. I also don't think there's anything wrong with a cautious run and poke approach to bosses anyway. It's not as flashy, but it's a fine approach if it works and it's not like you are "cheating" (note: I use this approach all the time in these games! Haha)

That the other games are more accommodating of cheese is why I think it's not a problem there. The thing with sekiro is that most of the fights are NOT accommodating of alternative playstyles. There is one playstyle: Get good at parrying the boss and then figure out how low you have to get their bar to be worth going on larger offensives. That is the one way to beat the boss.

Whenever the player goes into a Guardian Ape encounter and discovers they can clear it easier by running away and poking, they are hurting themselves for the future. Because they aren't growing and learning how to play the game in a way that will help them later, they are just learning bad habits. The best example of this is Owl I think, who has two versions of his fight. The first version can be beaten easily with run away tactics, but the second very much can not. I bet if you could look at how many tries it took a player to beat the second, harder, owl fight you could tell with almost 100% accuracy which players beat the first owl fight by running away a lot, and which ones beat it by learning the way the game actually wants you to play that fight. Because the people who beat the first owl the "right way" are going to be entering the second owl fight with a skill set that helps them progress.

In dark souls if a player gets through a fight by running away constantly and poking the boss occasionally, this is okay because they are learning a viable way to play almost that whole game. The player who beats the Asylum demon by running away and poking the whole fight is going to be able to beat Quelag that way, is going to be able to beat Ornstein and Smough that way, and is going to be able to beat Gwyn that way.


Oct 26, 2017
That the other games are more accommodating of cheese is why I think it's not a problem there. The thing with sekiro is that most of the fights are NOT accommodating of alternative playstyles. There is one playstyle: Get good at parrying the boss and then figure out how low you have to get their bar to be worth going on larger offensives. That is the one way to beat the boss.

Whenever the player goes into a Guardian Ape encounter and discovers they can clear it easier by running away and poking, they are hurting themselves for the future. Because they aren't growing and learning how to play the game in a way that will help them later, they are just learning bad habits. The best example of this is Owl I think, who has two versions of his fight. The first version can be beaten easily with run away tactics, but the second very much can not. I bet if you could look at how many tries it took a player to beat the second, harder, owl fight you could tell with almost 100% accuracy which players beat the first owl fight by running away a lot, and which ones beat it by learning the way the game actually wants you to play that fight. Because the people who beat the first owl the "right way" are going to be entering the second owl fight with a skill set that helps them progress.

In dark souls if a player gets through a fight by running away constantly and poking the boss occasionally, this is okay because they are learning a viable way to play almost that whole game. The player who beats the Asylum demon by running away and poking the whole fight is going to be able to beat Quelag that way, is going to be able to beat Ornstein and Smough that way, and is going to be able to beat Gwyn that way.

That's true enough, but you still have "skill check" bosses like Genchiro who really can't be beaten with a run and poke play style. I don't think it's a problem that certain bosses can be approached from different angles instead of just straight parrying. In fact, it's a good counter to people who seems to think that parrying is the ONLY viable technique in Sekiro.


Oct 29, 2017
I liked Sekiro a lot for what it was: An intense swordplay games with formidable foes. The sound design was also stellar, was hearing the clangs of sword clashes long after the game was off. Some of the bosses did seem very rote, though, in learning them, yet there is a satisfaction that comes from being able to stomp something that was previously giving you trouble. Especially through mostly skill alone, versus a bit of skill and and trying to gain levels as in other Fromsoft games, due to the more limited and relatively weak upgrades.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
i've put in hundreds of hours into every previous Souls game, doing basically everything possible..

quit Sekiro after a couple hours.

it feels completely wrong to me.. ultra-boring main character that you can't customize, jumping around feels/looks silly, overly complex combat, too colorful (i want darkness and gloom), no invasions etc etc. its a 2/10 at best.


Oct 27, 2017
Easily the one of the best games of this generation. Absolutely incredible from start to finish. It might be one of my favorite games of all time. The only disappointing thing for me is that there is no DLC for it like the rest of From's games.

Yup, pretty much how I feel. Amazing game, one of the best ones I've played for sure.


Oct 27, 2017
I am on the last boss and would rank the games like these:

1. Demon's Soul
2. Dark Souls
3. Bloodborne
4. Sekiro
5. Dark Souls 3
6. Dark Souls 2


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed the game a lot but never finished it, though I believe I was really close to the end.

For me it was really missing the RPG elements of the previous FROM games. Just felt like it was missing a huge piece of the formula with nothing to really replace it.


Oct 26, 2017
I bounced off it hard. Without the RPG elements the difficulty just didn't feel good at all. It too often felt like no progress was being made and I only got punished.