For US politics and election threads


Oct 29, 2017
Some people are thinking a last minute switch will beat Trump, which is borderline laughable IMO. If they yank Biden, and then Gavin/Whitmer/whoever get's wrecked, not only does Trump win, but 2028 is already in jeopardy because the people who you thought were waiting in the wings to lead the party already got a L in the Win/Loss column on the national stage. And add to that the broken loyalty and fragmentation you create within the Democratic party, which must remain 100% united. Dems would be toast. I think that's an even bigger danger than if Biden stays in it.

If Biden stays in and loses, there's still hope for a "from the ashes" moment for one of the aformentioned Dems in 2028. As bad as 4 more years of Trump will be, the last thing we need to do is set up an easy handoff to another GoPer in 2028. Plus, if Biden wins, a Dem handoff in 2028 to one of the aforementioned Dem hopefuls is a lot more likely.

Knee-jerk reactions are very very bad in politics.

Stick with Biden, win or lose. If HE chooses to bounce, then so be it. Be if he's up for it, we gotta support him all the way.
No offense, but when we are rightfully being told democracy is on the line, it really comes off contradictory when people are being told to suddenly ignore the peril and let the fait of democracy for 300 million people come down to the counsel of Biden by unelected family members and an unelected campaign staff that's ambitions and financial incentives are tied to the president's campaign and whom all just thought it was a good idea to hype up and agree to a debate with a gish gallop machine with no fact-checkers. To think about 2028 if we must.

Also, that is a hard sell for the purple democrat down ballot if their tight margins begin slipping in the next week as polls begin coming out

Biden is not king of the Democrats and I think people forget that. There are literally thousands of down ballot races that his campaign affects. Many in contested battles where the enthusiasm and persuasion Biden brings will make or break their campaigns. They are unlikely to be comforted by the idea that Jill and Hunter and the guy calling his own party "The Invertebrate Bedwetting Brigade" are offering words of encouragement(though that is a sold line, I have to give it to em lol).


Dec 2, 2017
Either way Dems have to prepare for both options. Even if he doesn't want to step down because he's feeling ok at the moment, it's a vicious circle because from now on he'll get even more anxious which will make it more likely to happen again and so on. If he's very tired which is likely given his age, it won't make things any better. It's the Dem's responsibility to be preparing for the worst.
As there isn't much time left, they might have to go with the practical solution, so Kamala.
The fact that the debate is on the table is a good thing in my opinion.
Even though it's a tough situation to deal with, the big mistake would be to be passive, hoping for the best.
Whatever decision is ultimately taken, it must be a real choice.
The silver lining is that it didn't happen closer to the election day, at least they still have time to think about it.


Oct 25, 2017
Not that we need anymore hypotheticals but... if the Dems do make a swap at the DNC, will any of the Red States, or even the battleground states with GOP control, actually replace Biden on their ballots with this new candidate without any pushback? Something tells me there will be an attempt to block any changes by the GoP's clown car lawyer army, it'll wind up in SCOTUS, and they will side with....who?


Oct 30, 2017
Some people are thinking a last minute switch will beat Trump, which is borderline laughable IMO. If they yank Biden, and then Gavin/Whitmer/whoever get's wrecked, not only does Trump win, but 2028 is already in jeopardy because the people who you thought were waiting in the wings to lead the party already got a L in the Win/Loss column on the national stage. And add to that the broken loyalty and fragmentation you create within the Democratic party, which must remain 100% united. Dems would be toast. I think that's an even bigger danger than if Biden stays in it.

If Biden stays in and loses, there's still hope for a "from the ashes" moment for one of the aformentioned Dems in 2028. As bad as 4 more years of Trump will be, the last thing we need to do is set up an easy handoff to another GoPer in 2028. Plus, if Biden wins, a Dem handoff in 2028 to one of the aforementioned Dem hopefuls is a lot more likely.

Knee-jerk reactions are very very bad in politics.

Stick with Biden, win or lose. If HE chooses to bounce, then so be it. Be if he's up for it, we gotta support him all the way.

I think he's toast as is. Doesn't your gut tell you the same thing? And even if he isn't, one more fuck up like last week will surely pound the last nail in his coffin with ease. The coffin in this case barely being metaphorical.

I agree that it would be a very bad look to replace him now. Which is why they should have started planning for this four damn years ago.


Shinra Employee
Sep 13, 2022
My problems is if they don't switch him out now for bare minimum Harris and he fucks up again.....then you're pulling him even closer or after the primaries?

Hell of a gamble either way


Oct 28, 2017
It sounds like Biden's condition is a lot worse than the White House is letting on.

Based on so many articles and stories I think it is. Just too many various journalists with sources, to deny something is up. The correct course of action is where most of the disagreement is I think.


Oct 25, 2017
Not that we need anymore hypotheticals but... if the Dems do make a swap at the DNC, will any of the Red States, or even the battleground states with GOP control, actually replace Biden on their ballots with this new candidate without any pushback? Something tells me there will be an attempt to block any changes by the GoP's clown car lawyer army, it'll wind up in SCOTUS, and they will side with....who?

The DNC is where the nominee is picked. Biden is uncontested at the moment, but he's not the nominee yet. If Democrats pick someone other than Biden at the DNC, its not a swap, it's just choosing the nominee.


Oct 29, 2017
Posted Yet? So many threads are moving so fast, apologies if so:

D.N.C. Member Pitches Process to Replace Biden as Nominee in Memo to Party Chair

The process, outlined by James Zogby, starts with an unlikely prospect: President Biden announcing that he would drop out of the race.​

Potential candidates would then need to secure the endorsements of 40 current D.N.C. members, including four from each of the party's four regions, from the roster of roughly 400 members.

"Given the relatively small number of D.N.C. members," he wrote, "such a process will most likely result in not more than five potential nominees."
The party would then host two televised events for the candidates to "make their cases before Democratic voters across the country."

The process would conclude at the party's August convention in Chicago, Mr. Zogby suggested, where candidates would be formally nominated and votes would be taken among the delegates.

"The excitement generated by this process and the attention it will be given will be a plus for our eventual nominee," he wrote.

The article notes, this person is not some central power holder, but does have influence within the executive DNC, but it gives an idea of what a condensed primary could look like. It also notes it would require Biden to release his delegates when stepping down.

Personally, if they did something like this it would be the most energy-inducing and forward-thinking thing Democrats have done in some time.

Two open debates, polls to follow, then rolling right into the convention where you have a televised version of the sort of jostling that used to happen pre-1970.

Every Trump attack would get all of the media looking at the 4-5 candidates to offer the counterattacks, Democrats would get the sort free advertising Trump got in 2016 and it would supercharge Democratic messaging and attacks.


Oct 25, 2017
Call me am optimist, but even if Trump wins I feel like 2028 will still be more like the polish elections then the Russian ones. In Russia the results where set in stone, while in Poland there was a clear thumb on the scale giving one party a huge advantage, but the opposition was able to overcome it eventually and is now starting to fix things. Not saying it will not be bad of course, because it would be. But I don't believe, or at least want to believe, that there is no hope at all for America if trump wins. It will be very hard, but not impossible.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
They are debating on switching him out with only what 3 months before the election? Yeah that isn't going to help anyone.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Call me am optimist, but even if Trump wins I feel like 2028 will still be more like the polish elections then the Russian ones. In Russia the results where set in stone, while in Poland there was a clear thumb on the scale giving one party a huge advantage, but the opposition was able to overcome it eventually and is now starting to fix things. Not saying it will not be bad of course, because it would be. But I don't believe, or at least want to believe, that there is no hope at all for America if trump wins. It will be very hard, but not impossible.
There is always hope. I don't think Trump will cancel the election. There are too many blue states with too much economic power for that to ever work. He will certainly try to sue to run for a 3rd term assuming he's still alive.


Oct 25, 2017
Being tired from having to travel the world causing him to ... almost fall asleep on stage during a debate?


Oct 26, 2017
Reached out to my Representative and Senators asking for them to speak out and ask Biden to step down and to run VP Harris.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.

What the hell, indeed. I'd say context is crucial, but having a convicted felon just chillaxing around the White House is insanely poor optics, not the least when considering Hunter's, well, everything.

Not that this validates any of the rabid right-wing conspiracies surrounding the poor sap, of course -- miss me with your disingenuous horseshit, Reddit -- but this is the kind of thing we'd blast Trump for whenever he had uncleared family members running about.
May 21, 2018
I mean, valid excuse or not, if I did that I'd probably almost fall asleep on a debate stage too as a 48 year old in decent health. But I'm not running for any office

You're also not president and dealing with all of that crap that comes with it.

Not that it excuses his team making the schedule, if we can see it from that angle. I don't know what they were thinking.


Oct 28, 2017
What the hell, indeed. I'd say context is crucial, but having a convicted felon just chillaxing around the White House is insanely poor optics, not the least when considering Hunter's, well, everything.

Ya. If the sources were confused about Hunter being there then this is not normal for them. I think doing stuff that isn't normal at this point in time is not the best idea.


Oct 29, 2017
Call me am optimist, but even if Trump wins I feel like 2028 will still be more like the polish elections then the Russian ones. In Russia the results where set in stone, while in Poland there was a clear thumb on the scale giving one party a huge advantage, but the opposition was able to overcome it eventually and is now starting to fix things. Not saying it will not be bad of course, because it would be. But I don't believe, or at least want to believe, that there is no hope at all for America if trump wins. It will be very hard, but not impossible.
Trump is also, thankfully, old

And doesn't live a healthy lifestyle.

The only reason his debate performance wasn't amongst the worst in history is because Biden's was that bad

He's not a young Stalin or Hitler, but I also am not as confident.

To me what worries me and always has is the party itself. Shit didn't start with Trump and it won't end with him. I lived in deep red states and it's a preview of what Republicans seek to do nationally, which is rig the system in a way where you have the facade of democratic choice, but in reality it's a brutally corrupt uni-party rule that deteriorates all QOL, even most of the people that think they like Republicans. Except doing it on the national stage has so many more far reaching consequences and harms that can be brought. Especially with the SC as it is.

But I do think it's not entiriely hopeless, but I also don't know how much is truly fixable in our lifetimes


Oct 25, 2017
Jan 15, 2019

I could've sworn he didn't have any big trips right before the debate and the post above mine seems to confirm this. He's claiming to have still been tired from a Europe trip thirteen days after returning from it. I don't know how to interpret that other than either A) he's straight up lying and wasn't still recovering from travel or B) he's physically incapable of carrying out the duties of the presidency because a trip overseas fatigues him for 10+ days afterward.

He needs something better than this to assuage concerns, and I feel like the cold hard truth is that he doesn't have any ammo left. This is just who he is and what we're left with.


Oct 29, 2017

Wasn't he at Camp David for 6 days prepping?


Mr. Biden is entering his fifth day of preparations at the presidential retreat in the woods of northern Maryland for Thursday's debate against Donald J. Trump. Camp David has become the epicenter for an administration and campaign effort to help Mr. Biden shake off the rust that often comes with being an incumbent on the defense, and combat widespread voter concerns that he is too old to be an effective president.
This was written June 24th before the debate…


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i could see how the traveling coulda made him sick in the first place, but he wasnt jetlagged or sommit during the debate


Oct 28, 2017
Awww, the president did too many regular president things and got too sweepy to rise to the occasion. Is this real or is this right wing propaganda making up things about the presidents cognitive health?


Developer at Insomniac Games
Oct 25, 2017
Burbank CA
Not that we need anymore hypotheticals but... if the Dems do make a swap at the DNC, will any of the Red States, or even the battleground states with GOP control, actually replace Biden on their ballots with this new candidate without any pushback? Something tells me there will be an attempt to block any changes by the GoP's clown car lawyer army, it'll wind up in SCOTUS, and they will side with....who?

In theory they have to because the new nominee would be the official nominee.

If they played games and kept Biden on the ballot, J think that would backfire politically and everyone in that state would know those electors would vote for the actual nominee.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
We still riding with the NYT after they made their intentions towards Biden clear? lol

This has to stop.

There are legitimate criticisms of NYT and the media in general, but a lot of the posts on Era recently ate turning into "don't trust the media!" rhetoric that we have historically mocked when the other side does it.

There's no denying that the NYT might have an agenda in what they're reporting. But we also saw it with our own damn eyes and if you think that debate was some random one-time occurance, I have a bridge to sell you.

We also have NBC News reporting that Hunter Biden is now sitting in on meetings and numerous sources pointing to their being legitimate worry about Biden's current abilities.

If you don't agree with the idea that he needs to step down, I get it. It would be brand new territory and we have no idea if it would help or hurt dems in November. But we have to stop with this "everyone is just out to get Joe!" narrative.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
Here is more


They don't specify what the meetings were about just that it is unusual. Not unusual that he is at the house at times just the attending of meetings with the President and his "senior advisors."

Even the reporting acknowledges that this isn't unusual. Sources are stipulating that it's the regularity of Hunter's attendance since they got back from Camp David is what's unusual.

But they got back from Camp David...on Sunday. It's Tuesday.


Oct 28, 2017
This has to stop.

There are legitimate criticisms of NYT and the media in general, but a lot of the posts on Era recently ate turning into "don't trust the media!" rhetoric that we have historically mocked when the other side does it.

There's no denying that the NYT might have an agenda in what they're reporting. But we also saw it with our own damn eyes and if you think that debate was some random one-time occurance, I have a bridge to sell you.

We also have NBC News reporting that Hunter Biden is now sitting in on meetings and numerous sources pointing to their being legitimate worry about Biden's current abilities.

If you don't agree with the idea that he needs to step down, I get it. It would be brand new territory and we have no idea if it would help or hurt dems in November. But we have to stop with this "everyone is just out to get Joe!" narrative.
A historically unpopular president where most polls show that the vast majority of people do not think he should run for president. His loyal 30% or so of his parties base tell everyone that they are delusional about the president's mental health and despite what you see on camera consistently is actually fake news and the media is out to get him. This president is also very right wing on the border and full throatedly supports a brutal foreign leader who is committing unspeakable acts on an innocent populace. This president also showed up with a spray tan, to show how not old he is. Biden fucked up by not releasing a hat.

There are many policy reasons on why Biden is better than Trump but Democrats aren't helping themselves look sane.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
at this point i feel gaslit by the narrative that it's only a stutter. that was maybe the case four years ago, but at this point i can no longer deny what my eyes and ears are clearly telling me. they need to figure out a way to nominate someone else


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly do not understand this impetus to constantly talk about the debate failure. It just seems like accepting the Republican framing of it.

It's not just Republican framing. That Biden's debate performance was a total disaster is not Republican framing nor is it just something being pushed in Trumper/MAGA circles. People (not necessarily you, just in general here) have to stop acting like its all just unwarranted FUD.


Oct 28, 2017
Even the reporting acknowledges that this isn't unusual. Sources are stipulating that it's the regularity of Hunter's attendance since they got back from Camp David is what's unusual.

But they got back from Camp David...on Sunday. It's Tuesday.

What? It does say it is unusual for him to be in these meetings. It is not unusual for him to be at the house. 1:14 in the segment.


Oct 29, 2017
Someone posted this in the thread below the tweet; I'm assuming this is a legit timeline that was posted?

The France trip was June 5th through June 9th.

The Italy trip was June 12th through June 14th.

He was settled in at Camp David the week before the debate.

The debate was on June 27th, almost two weeks after his return from the second trip.

this can't be right can it?

please tell me he isn't pinning it on the D-Day stuff as in, the event where Rishi Sunak got in trouble for fucking off early?

that was like, three weeks ago