The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
I have the disc, but when I put it in my Ps5, only the trial version is offered as an upgrade. What am I doing wrong?


May 31, 2018
I've just got to the (only click if you've finished the game) part where you have to ring the bells in the snow globe village, any idea of how long I have left? Just wondering whether me and my mate could finish the game tonight (after the State of Play, so from like 10:30pm) or not.

Sir Hound

Oct 28, 2017
We just got to the mid-game section the post above referred to and holy wow. It was so good, I can't believe the production values for a game that wasn't full-priced. This easily stands as the best co-op game I've ever played. The way you get different abilities like two halves of a puzzle is really unique. Even Portal 2 which was great in co-op, it was the same mechanics for both players all the way through the game. This thing throws them at you like it's nothing.

I do really feel like the storyline detracts from the experience. The divorce angle is way too heavy and the constant bickering is quite unpleasant to watch. It's so bad that we were debating playing further when we started out and I'm so glad we did because we both love everything else so much. This could have happily been a Honey I Shrunk the Kids caper and would have been better for it. Pushing this storyline comes across as fairly pretentious.
Oct 27, 2017
I honestly don't really "get" the intense (often negative) reactions from some people about the story.

While it's presentation is very "cute" this isn't really a kid's game, so broaching the topic of divorce in gaming was nice and new ground. I also really appreciate that
the ending was open-ended and didn't just end up with them deciding to stay together forever. It was a great touch to have Cody say "whatever happens, we'll both always be in your life"

All in all, what an amazing game, and probably one of my favorite couch co-op experiences of all time. I'm so happy that the game is apparently selling really well, and Hazelight is enjoying continued success.
Feb 10, 2018
This game is just too damn hard for my girlfriend. It leads to frustration, so we think we'll end up divorcing like the characters in the game if we keep playing it.


Oct 29, 2017
Can someone give me a %% of how far into the game I am?

EDIT - seems my spoiler tag just didn't add any text!! Never mind. I'll just say "fidget spinners" as a hint...

Whilst I think it is an amazing game, playing through with my girlfriend and there have been a few occasions where her skills just weren't up to it and she's got frustrated.

No matter what I do, she just struggles to control the camera at the same time as moving the character. It's so strange. She's getting there but man, anything requiring precision jumping is really difficult.

There's also been a few occasions where it's not even possible for me to do a section with my character, then grab the controller and do it for her when she can't. That's been a bit tough. I think games like this could benefit from a sort of "auto-pilot" mode for sections where the 2nd player simply cannot do it.


Dec 22, 2017
Can someone give me a %% of how far into the game I am?

Whilst I think it is an amazing game, playing through with my girlfriend and there have been a few occasions where her skills just weren't up to it and she's got frustrated.

No matter what I do, she just struggles to control the camera at the same time as moving the character. It's so strange. She's getting there but man, anything requiring precision jumping is really difficult.

There's also been a few occasions where it's not even possible for me to do a section with my character, then grab the controller and do it for her when she can't. That's been a bit tough. I think games like this could benefit from a sort of "auto-pilot" mode for sections where the 2nd player simply cannot do it.
You are roughly between 1/3 and 1/2 through.

EDIT - I was going to say you didn't include where you're at in the story but then I saw the spoiler tag in the quote. Weird haha.

Sir Hound

Oct 28, 2017
I honestly don't really "get" the intense (often negative) reactions from some people about the story.

Had to blindly cut the rest of your message so I didn't read the spoiler but to address it, I don't have a problem with the topic of divorce for any demographic. But for kids I think it's heavy enough to detract from the game. And for adults it basically does a piss-poor job of lending the subject any gravity or interesting discussion. It's window-dressing, and in combination with the constant sniping/bickering it's not even that good at that. My feeling, rather than two enjoyable protagonists, is basically these are two unpleasant people who I hope don't end up together. The tone is to the detriment of the rest of the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Hampshire, UK.
Don't have much more to add, but just thought I'd mention I finished this with the OH a few days ago and got the Plat. Took us about 21 hours.

Overall I think it's a better game than Brothers and A Way Out, but the story is nowhere near as good in my view. Well worth a play though, highly recommended.



Oct 25, 2017
My wife made a cake!


Oct 26, 2017
I have a question about I think the second chapter...
I am in the Tree level, and on the boat with the wasp tornados. I avoided all of the tornados and got past it, but theres nowhere for me to go. I went down what I think are all of the areas but nothing happens. I googled the walkthrough and it says a cutscene should just happen once I'm in the next area, but it hasn't.

Did I miss something?


Jun 10, 2020
This game is so awesome ! The level design, the mini-games, the powers etc… Shit, I've been playing it with my brother and we couldn't get bored.
Oct 28, 2017
My fiancé and I have been really enjoying it...until last night. She's never played any games before so it's been an exercise in patience at times, but she's been so excited play more. We were on the garden level (one of the last couple ones I think), and we booted up via quick resume on series X. I had a weird glitch where my character kept jumping in place so I exited the game and reloaded, and now our save data is missing...we can only start a new game. Such a punch to the gut. I'm just so pissed off over this. I really can't bear to start from scratch after it took us probably 12 hours or so to get to where we were.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
So me and my cousin have been playing through this the last few hours. Simply incredible. It makes me feel like a kid again, and is constantly awe and wonder inspiring. Every area exudes a whimsical artistry and playful beauty, and it makes use of the co-op format in gameplay so well. It's arguably one of the best co-op games I've experienced.

My only negative thus far is that there's pretty no proper challenge in it. You're sort of going along for the magical ride, but there's not a whole lot of real tension or danger in messing it all up. I suppose that's expected for a game like this, but a higher difficulty may have gone a long way.

Still, just a sublime and ultra beautiful, creative game. Everyone should give this a go.


Jan 13, 2018
So me and my cousin have been playing through this the last few hours. Simply incredible. It makes me feel like a kid again, and is constantly awe and wonder inspiring. Every area exudes a whimsical artistry and playful beauty, and it makes use of the co-op format in gameplay so well. It's arguably one of the best co-op games I've experienced.

My only negative thus far is that there's pretty no proper challenge in it. You're sort of going along for the magical ride, but there's not a whole lot of real tension or danger in messing it all up. I suppose that's expected for a game like this, but a higher difficulty may have gone a long way.

Still, just a sublime and ultra beautiful, creative game. Everyone should give this a go.

That's a good point, but I am kinda happy it's forgiving, and emphasize co-op mechanics over difficulty. It is the perfect game for people who want to share a game with a friend or family member who are not into video games.

It made me remember that people who don't usually play games struggle a lot to pick things up, but that's part of the fun actually, like to carry them, to see them happy when they get it.

To be honest, I think It Takes Two is leagues above Hazelight's previous two games. They struck the right cord, as opposed to the over-serious shoehorned themes of Brothers and A Way Out that honestly feels like a chore to play at times.

A bit off topic, but I think if you are both competent at video games, there are still a shortage of good local co-up, even though we are seeing them come back in a very hopeful fashion, but maybe try games like

Overcooked, Guacamele, BattleBlock Theatre, Castle Crashers, Streets of Rage. Those games, I think, are more fun for two people who both know their way around a controller/keyboard.


Oct 27, 2017
Finished the game last night, absolutely fantastic game. It very rarely falls flat and it never does for very long. For the most part it's just a non stop lovely surprise.

My journey is not quite done. My friend and I got very competitive with the mini games, only playing each once, competing to win the most. We've finished the game now and I am one ahead, we drew one game and missed one game. So to keep the crown I'm going to have to win on the game we missed in Rose's Room. God damn.

soda mixer

Jul 4, 2018
Picked this up last night. If anyone is game for a run let me know. RT_Boston

Is the game cross play? The ea faq says the friend pass isn't which kind of sucks.

Regardless, I hella want to play through this on Xbox if you or anyone else in the thread is interested! It's on sale for another two days and I think I'm going to just pull the trigger.


Nov 6, 2017
More people need to play this game. One of the most visually stunning, creative, fun games I've ever played. A must play for platformer fans. The story I agree is the weakest part, but the game itself is absolutely incredible. My current front runner for goty.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I just happened to see this game being played on twitch and it looked fun so I bought it. I've been playing with a friend non-stop this morning and wow, I'm having a blast. This is the most fun I had in a game in a long time.

I think it's 20% off steam for anyone interested in this game.


Oct 25, 2017
This is my game of the year and we're only in July. Nothing has come close to this experience for me in years. My cousin and I have been playing it together every night, maybe around the 14 hour mark because it's difficult for us sometimes. And the story is charming and hilarious but it's the gameplay - my God the gameplay is so good. What started as just a dash and a jump turned into some great puzzle mechanics, grappling hook Spider-Man insanity, mind bending time stopping collaboration, and just pure joy. I haven't played anything like this ever and I've just so blown away. Rose's Room was the real standout for me so far, just so creative and endearing. I love it so much, and I know co-op isn't the easiest to coordinate but everyone should play it with someone they love, or a stranger. It's so damn good, and I didn't love A Way Out but I enjoyed it - this makes it seem like a tech demo for all the magical wonder they evolved the game into.


Oct 30, 2017
Almost finished this with the BF and we're really enjoying the game side of it a lot. The variety on offer here is pretty insane. With each area requiring very different distinct gameplay systems. It looks nice (although I would have loved some RT) and it plays great.

What I don't the story, characters and voice acting. Ignoring the ridiculous concept of a couple staying together for their kid. The main characters are fucking annoying. They're VO work doesn't feel natural in the slightest. The child looks, moves and sounds like something an alien would make if you described a kid to them. And the sound mixing in general just doesn't feel like it's happening in the world they exist feel like it's just layered over the top. It also completely fails at being funny, which is a problem when it tries so very hard to's just...not good in that regard at all.

hopefully if we see a sequel or something similar from the team they handle all the writing/dialogue stuff a lot better or maybe just bypass it entirely and focus on the gameplay.
Oct 28, 2017
My wife and I beat this last night and we thought it was excellent. The story and writing not so much.

It's one great moment after another filled with a million "Cody!!"s


Nov 1, 2017
A bit LTTP but I just picked this up on Origin, as it was on sale and I've had it in my wishlist for ages. Wife and I are going to play it through this week, looks like a lot of fun, will report back with our impressions later.


Nov 18, 2017
Hey, thinking of buying this as a friend is visiting over the weekend and we played their previous game together.

Can I hook up a ps4 controller to the ps5 and do couch coop with the ps5 version, or am I forced to download the ps4 version in this case? I have both consoles but would prefer the ps5 version naturally.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
i guess i should ask here, what is the deal with trophies not working on PS5..?

nothing unlocks, its seriously pissing me off. i thought this was a polished, well-made game, yet trophies are broken? kind of unbelievable. how known is the glitch and is it fixable somehow? (i got no help googling). reinstall the game and start from the beginning, and hope for the best..? ugh really dont feel like it, i dont care about trophies all that much but to not get them at all because its broken is just highly annoying.


Crash Test Dummy
Oct 25, 2017
Been looking forward to this game for a while but felt like it'd eventually come to GamePass. Now that this is on GamePass I've been enjoying it a lot. I managed to beat A Way Out with my non-gamer girlfriend a while back, but she struggles with any game where you have to control the camera as well as the character movement. Its pretty funny, though frustrating at times.

This game seems long, about 12 hours by estimates but will most likely take us 25 hours based on her struggles. Anyone else have the same issues with their significant other or non-gamer family members/friends? No matter what I do I can't get her to understand how to get used to the character/camera movement with the sticks. I know this is a common issue with non-gamers though. Took us about 90 minutes to get to the first boss.

Much more "difficult" I'd say than A Way Out as this is platformer heavy though the death and re-spawns here make screwing up not a big deal at all so thats nice.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm at The Tree: Deeply Rooted on Xbox and need someone to join my game so I can continue to progress. I used LFG but no one's biting. If anyone is available now and wants to join, I'd appreciate it.

Gamertag is PermanentMan


Dec 9, 2020
Man, they really should have just called this game It Takes Two Long.

This game does not want to end.
I feel the same way. Doesn't help that my co-op partner is not at all familiar with platformers which makes everything take more time than necessary.
I was not amused when it became clear that we had to collect the four pieces of the page. I was ready to wrap up the game at that point.
I'm just not really feeling it with this game. It has charm and the gameplay is solid enough, but I have zero investment in the main characters, which is a sad first for a Hazelight game for me. Also, that book has to be the most annoying character ever.


Nov 1, 2017
Been playing this the past week with the wife, just hit chapter 4 and enjoying it a lot. Production values are sky high and its fun to play, varied moment to moment mechanics keeping us engaged.

Will see this one through to the end.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Got this for Christmas and started it with my SO a few days ago. We just got to the hack-and-slash part. This game is a delight. We died of laughter at the Fuck the Oscars Easter egg, as self-indulgent as it was, it was way too funny for me to not appreciate :D

Boy those parents are stupid jerks though lol


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
How did everyone find the length/pacing? I've played 4 hours and was shocked to see I'm only about 1/3 done. Figured this would be like 6 hours.
Oct 25, 2017
Kuwait ⇄ Leeds, England
How did everyone find the length/pacing? I've played 4 hours and was shocked to see I'm only about 1/3 done. Figured this would be like 6 hours.
I was shocked as well but pleasantly surprised because I just kept wanting more. Even when it took me 12 hours, I still wanted more. I wanted to see what other ideas and mechanics they had up their sleeves, not to mention the amount of things in the background that you could interact with. I just love all the little details and variety the game has especially for a 40$ experience with a friend pass too.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
United States
How did everyone find the length/pacing? I've played 4 hours and was shocked to see I'm only about 1/3 done. Figured this would be like 6 hours.
Length is ridiculous. The game feels like it should be half as long given how varied and polished it is. Pacing is also great imo - it changes things up so frequently that it's really tough to get bored. My first session with the game was 8 hours straight.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
I was shocked as well but pleasantly surprised because I just kept wanting more. Even when it took me 12 hours, I still wanted more. I wanted to see what other ideas and mechanics they had up their sleeves, not to mention the amount of things in the background that you could interact with. I just love all the little details and variety the game has especially for a 40$ experience with a friend pass too.

Yeah that's cool. Just means it's gonna take me like a month or two to finish depending on me and my bud can get together online lmao.


Oct 25, 2017
The mechanics and environments somehow kept up with the length, but the story felt like it was made for a game half as long.

Deleted member 91227

Feb 4, 2021
This game is just too damn hard for my girlfriend. It leads to frustration, so we think we'll end up divorcing like the characters in the game if we keep playing it.

Lol. I had a similar thought while playing it with a buddy of mine. I'd heard it was a good game for non-gamers, and my wife is definitely that. Doesn't mind my gaming as she and I are both people that need our space, alone time and own hobbies, but actively dislikes games herself.

Our marriage also hasn't been in the greatest spot (we're working on it), so I'm glad I started this with a buddy instead of urging her to play with me. Both the divorce setting and the gameplay being way too much for her (she can't even stand stuff like Super Mario Bros) would undoubtedly be a bad time and lead to bickering, lol.

In any case, had a lot of fun with what I've played so far with my friend!


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Been looking forward to this game for a while but felt like it'd eventually come to GamePass. Now that this is on GamePass I've been enjoying it a lot. I managed to beat A Way Out with my non-gamer girlfriend a while back, but she struggles with any game where you have to control the camera as well as the character movement. Its pretty funny, though frustrating at times.

This game seems long, about 12 hours by estimates but will most likely take us 25 hours based on her struggles. Anyone else have the same issues with their significant other or non-gamer family members/friends? No matter what I do I can't get her to understand how to get used to the character/camera movement with the sticks. I know this is a common issue with non-gamers though. Took us about 90 minutes to get to the first boss.

Much more "difficult" I'd say than A Way Out as this is platformer heavy though the death and re-spawns here make screwing up not a big deal at all so thats nice.

Yeah I find it quite odd that the marketing/story really seemed to encourage people to play it with their partners, who may be non-gamers, but it's both surprisingly long and not massively intuitive for non-gamers either.

I wanted to play it with my partner but she would struggle with both the length and the inputs/controls required. I decided to play it with a friend over Game Pass instead.

I'm just starting the last section and really enjoying it for the most part. It's definitely bloated out with repetitive "game-y" parts that require you to throw 3 switches etc, but still a fun and charming game.