
Oct 27, 2017
My mom worked at a newspaper and managed to get us tickets to the big pre-premiere. It was crazy, an incredible level of hype, lots of famous people. I loved it at the time, the pod racing felt years ahead any other vfx of the time and I was crazy about Darth Maul. I had never seen the original trilogy


Mar 30, 2019
Went with my Dad opening weekend. Was hyped, remember spending hours downloading a quicktime file trailer from the official site and being amazed by it. I was massively into Star Wars from the age of 7ish I think so it was a big deal. I remember coming out of it and being a bit confused at the plot, thinking Anakin and Jar Jar were annoying but loving Darth Maul and the final fight.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Through the fucking roof, for so many reasons. May 19th, 1999 was the day I graduated high school and also the day that Star Wars, a film franchise that in many ways defined my teenage years, had a new film out.
I got up that morning and headed to school. I had no classes, it was graduation practice. We marched on the field, talked about what was expected, and then we were released at noon, in time for my friends and I to go see the 1:00 show of Phantom Menace. Which blew my mind with how awesome it was. Sure Jar-Jar was annoying and the pod race was a little long... but it was new Star Wars! We saw the beginning of Anakin Skywalker! Obi-Wan Kenobi as a young man! I was floored.
That night my school held the actual graduation. I got my diploma, hugged my parents, and then headed off with my friends to go to a post-graduation party. (Which was deli sandwiches and Super Smash Brothers on N64.)
Okay, in case it wasn't clear, I was a huge nerd. And on the third or fourth viewing, I finally accepted that maybe Phantom Menace wasn't THAT good of a movie. But it was still a god damn fantastic day.

Deleted member 1086

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Oct 25, 2017
Boise Area, Idaho
The movie I wanted to see that summer was South Park, remember seeing a promo for it on a TV in a hotel we were in during a trip a week or two before it came out and being like "oh shit". Didn't get to see it in theaters either, was a bit too young to go by myself and my parents weren't gonna take me. Finally saw it a year or so later.


Oct 25, 2017
I was insanely hyped. 12-years-old, and I had bought into the HUGE marketing lead up for the movie. Like, all the Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC promotional cups, toys, collectables, gimmicks, etc. You could say I was the perfect age for all that gullible shit.

But what had gotten me into Star Wars was the 1997 Special Edition re-release. I actually went into those movies only with a vague understanding of what Star Wars was from popular culture references in my TV shows and cartoons. My home wasn't a Star Wars household by any stretch. I had friends with the VHS releases of course, but I never watched them. But seeing the Special Editions was like like "WHOA, WHAT IS THIS?" It was thanks to the movies releasing back in theaters which garnered my interest in the fandom.

I actually saw The Empire Strikes Back first, before A New Hope, and it still remains my favorite today. Actually, it took me a while to really like ANH even though it was the movie that spawn the whole craze. I think having the characters be more developed and well-established really piqued my interest in their backstories and where they came from. So actually, went talking about Prequels, I've always seen it through the lens of a progressing story rather than a Beginning - MIddle - End.

But I was subscribed to Star Wars: Insider magazine and they would have lead-up articles about the production of The Phantom Menace in their pages, so it was a constant flow of new information every month about Characters, Actors, Locations, Props, Filming troubles - Basically whatever they could get their hands on. It was like having a collection of Nintendo Power or Tips & Tricks. That first issue I picked up (Issue #33 The Wampa Attack) became so worn and torn that the cover came off. I also ordered a bunch of nerdy shit from their catalogue, like ESB shirts and a dumb Stormtrooper cardboard-cutout that I still own to this day.

So going into the newest Star Wars movie in over 30 years, despite having never grown up with the originals, was a HUGE frickin' deal to me. All I could talk about was Episode I for months and months. I remember I was so excited that it coincided with the year 1999, as if it was a landmark occasion for some reason; but also calculating how long the other 2 movies would take to come out, and being super elated that Episode III would happen on my High School graduation year (lol). It was like having a Star Wars for my generation, even though that doesn't make any sense. I guess it was seen as more special at the time.

I saw it at my local 5-screen movie theater. Thinking back, it was a surprise that such a small theater had the opportunity to showcase the movie. I went on the Wednesday night it was released, worried it would be completely packed. And it was fairly sold out to be sure, but not wall-to-wall people like I was worried it would be. At that point, I had learned so much about the characters of the movie, the setup, the history of what was going to happen... watching the movie felt like expecting the expected as if I had practiced it beforehand. The stuff I didn't know about in the movie, such as character interactions or the music, is what truly grasped my attention. Good or not, the moments of utter surprise took me into a fun space of new lore and new locations to learn for my nerdy self.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I had no idea what the thread was referring to upon clicking on it, so the answer is "hype levels nonexistent"

I didn't watch my first Star Wars movie until much later and it was Episode 6


Oct 25, 2017
I won tickets off the radio to go see the fist day-time showing. Was super hyped, especially after watching the trailer that showed before "The Waterboy." Side note on that...I only went to see it because of the trailer, but ended up loving that dumb movie. I really enjoyed it at the time. Jar Jar didn't bother me at all and the pod race stuff blew my mind with the filming of it and the sound. My favorite part was, and still is, Obi Wan getting ready to kick Darth Maul's ass while those force fields were up and then him breaking into action when they went down.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C, Canada
My brother and I slept outside the theater with about 300 other nuts the week before to buy advanced tickets. It was crazy - people were blaring the star wars theme all night, lightsaber duels would break out, around 2:00 am a "pop-up" Rave suddenly appeared in the parking was fucking insanity. But the next morning we got tickets for ourselves, a friend, and her friend.

The big night arrives and we line up again 5 hours before the fucking start time because we're nuts. The two ladies join us, but what I didn't know at the time was that the reason our friend brought this other girl was that she was trying to set her up with me. I was so gooned out of my mind on star wars hype, I was completely oblivious to that fact and basically didn't say two words to her the whole night. Poor girl must have had an awful time - who knows if she was even a star wars fan.

We finally get in the theatre, get decent seats, the lights go down and the music starts. The place goes insane! I'm yelling like a lunatic. The opening scene rolls and when Qui-Gon stuck his saber in that door and it started to melt, I was frothing so bad I could have probably gone into cardiac arrest.

And then Jar-Jar made his debut. The air got sucked out of that place so fast I'm surprised our eyes didn't bulge out like Arnold at the end of Total Recall.

When it was finally over, we stumbled out of that theatre like we had just come off a three week bender. I don't what happened to the ladies - they probably snuck out at the half-way point.

But, we did go back and see it two more times that day. We were young and stupid back then.


Nov 21, 2017
I was in New York with my then girlfriend now wife. Travelled from UK not exclusively to see TPM but it wasn't out until July back home so timed it to coincide.

I still have the ticket stubs in a photo book somewhere.

First and only time I saw a film with a US audience; was slightly disappointed that it wasn't more raucous beyond the opening credits.

Theatre wasn't full but this was in the day a couple of weeks after opening (if that doesn't invalidate the thread).

Generally enjoyed the film but I had been a Star Wars nut and in the 16 years between films my imagination had somewhat inflated my expectations.

Got chatted up in the lobby by some dude afterwards.

Bought a Maul sabre at Schwarz afterwards.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Fun fact: I was actually terrified of Star Wars as a small child. Specifically A New Hope.

But by the time TPM came around I was old enough for that to not be an issue anymore. I don't remember being particularly hyped for it, though. I was 14 at the time and I mostly just wanted to play video games, record fake radio shows, and listen to Weird Al. I went with my friends like a week after it came out.

I don't remember hating it either - I was mostly just impressed by how accurate Weird Al's parody song about the movie was. Hating the prequels came around later once I started having a better grasp of filmmaking and screenwriting.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
i saw it on a midnight screening. so my hype would have been for may 18th.

i was thoroughly crushed, as were all of my friends. i went to see it another time or two just for the pod racing spectacle with the theater just getting outfitted w/ a new sound system. the hype was pretty deflated as people left the movie.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Hype level infinite. I had already skipped school for tickets and waited in line all day, while friends would come visit and get me to order them tickets as well. Saw it at midnight, then 11 more times on every type of screen that existed at the time. No regrets.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
I was 20 yrs old and working at Circuit City. A bunch of the dudes who worked there were big Star Wars nerds. I was not. I had only seen the original trilogy a couple years earlier when they did the enhanced re-release in theaters and I didn't really get the hype was about. They were entertaining, but not mind-blowing. I still think they are basically like all the Marvel movies; I enjoy the spectacle but don't consider them to be amazing films. I was curious to see the new one, but my hype level was like 2/10.

Anywho, some of the CC guys had waited in line for something like 12 hrs to get tickets for the midnight showing on release day. One of those guys had a family emergency come up and couldn't go, so he sold me his tickets at face value. I went to that showing and it was neat to see how psyched the crowd was. People were wearing costumes, were visibly giddy while standing in line, etc. I hated Jar-Jar Binks but otherwise found it to be about as good as the other three movies. It was a fun movie experience but did not turn me into a giant Star Wars fan or anything.
Here's to 1999!

Deleted member 83122

User requested account closure
Oct 15, 2020
There are so many fantastic posts here, I am thrilled to have awakened these heartfelt, happy trips down memory lane for y'all! I wish I could reply to each one, but I just have to threadmark this: thanks for joining me in reliving one of the most memorable moments of (our) past! Keep it coming!


Oct 27, 2017
Hype was through the roof.

I paid a friend $35 to sit in line for 1 ticket to the midnight show since I was still in high school at the time and had class and he didn't have qualms about skipping school.

I saw Phantom Menance at the first showing, opening night at the Palace Theater in New Orleans (Harahan if you want to get technical, it was at the time the best theater in that Greater New Orleans area).

I actually left my then girlfriend's high school graduation early so I could get a good spot in line at the theater so I didn't end up in the seats closest to the screen. You'll notice she didn't go with me... as a poor high school senior I had next to no money and $35 for one ticket when movie prices at the time were like $6.50 was a bit high.

We broke up shortly thereafter... but whatever, I saw Phantom Menance opening night, and it only took two more viewings in theaters for the luster to wear off and me to realize "wait... is Phantom Menace not good?"

But what a ride. Every viewing I saw that opening week crowds cheered at the opening and were gobsmacked at the final duel between Obiwan and Darth Maul...

Still waiting to see the Topher Grace prequel cut, I hear it's amazing.
May 26, 2018
I was still a wee lad, and my parents had just bought me a Darth Maul lightsaber. After the ocean of Star Wars fan love I felt during the Special Edition re-releases, I was ready for the time of my life. I had been raised on Star Wars; Star Wars on VHS, Star Wars games on PC and Playstation, Star Wars in magazines and on shirts. And hearing stories of how my dad sat on the sidewalk outside the theater after seeing the original in 77, his mind completely blown. So finally getting to see a new one of my own time? It was special.

Unfortunately my dad couldn't make it to opening day as he had work, so I saw TPM with my mom and grandmother. Before the lights went down, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation and that same love I knew before. Many lightsabers were out and lit. People dressed up. If you've ever seen TPM behind-the-scenes footage of screening night in LA, it was just like that.

The theater cheered when the title appeared.

It was the last time I heard cheering for Star Wars until the title appeared again during The Force Awakens.
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The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017
I didn't see it on day one. My family went to see it a while later. The girls went to see You've Got Mail though.

Afterwards I bought my first Weird Al album, "Running With Scissors", and a copy of UHF on DVD.

I saw the movie again like 3 or 4 more times. Once at a dollar theater. I guess I was caught in the hype for the trilogy. But we enjoyed it at the time for a while before realizing how bad it actually was. I guess also I hadn't really watched the original trilogy enough at the time to be able to tell it wasn't the same.


Oct 27, 2017
West Columbia, SC
I actually dont remember I know I saw Phantom Menace in theaters maybe second week. It was a late birthday present since the film came out 2 days before. I was 9 years old. Either way I was pretty hyped and few years later I watched Revenge of the Sith in the same fashion.


Oct 25, 2017
I was about to turn 9, remember being really excited seeing posters for it all over. My mom had taken me to see the old movies and I absolutely adored them.
Honestly can't remember if we saw it on opening night or afterwards, but I ended up seeing that movie 5 times in the theater and it was my everything back then.

I'm forever thankful I was right about the right age for each of the Star Wars prequels, cause I still appreciate those movies to this day even though now I can see their flaws.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
OK, so it's May 19, 1999...

I'm ten years old and about to close out the fourth grade. I've seen the original trilogy, both the theatrical re-releases earlier in the nineties (Empire Strikes Back being an early theater memory) and our older VHS copies at home. I remember going to see Phantom Menace opening weekend with my dad and being excited. I also remember not being terribly disappointed. After all, there was podracing, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and a cool final act lightsaber fight. I had the expectations of a child and they were met.

I remember feeling similarly about both Episodes II (which came out when I was 13) and then Revenge of the Sith (16). I got that people "hated" them, but I always had enough fun with them to look past the dumb bits. And with the exception of Attack of the Clones, I can still do that now. Episode II just draaaaaags in a way none of the others do. They're all basically the same runtime, but that one feels like it's four hours instead of two.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I was in 6th grade I believe. And I remember seeing it twice. Once with my dad, who previously took me to see the 3 original when they came back out in Theatres as the new special editions, and was quite hyped for the movie. And then once with my school.

Both times, really really enjoyed it. As a 6th grader, it was really cool and very hyped up.


Oct 26, 2017
I was a senior in high school. I camped out for tickets in advance at my town's theater in the Seattle suburbs. I even got interviewed by the local paper so my cover story that I was sick and had to miss high school was blown. My weight training teacher ribbed me pretty hard about it next day at school. Heh. Oh well.

I remembered being super pumped all day at school and then went over to the theater and waited for hours since reserved seating wasn't a thing yet. I dressed up as ROTJ Luke with all black and a brown Jedi robe my mom had made me for Halloween the year previous. We had perfect seats dead center of the auditorium. There were multiple midnight showings but they were all sold out. My best friend and my cousin came with me and we had a blast just hanging out. The atmosphere in the theater before the film started was insane, everyone was pumped. People cheered at pretty much everything during the movie. I remember walking out and not really knowing how I felt about the actual movie, but it was still an amazing experience.

My favorite experience was waiting for the 3am showing AOTC at the Seattle Cinerama. We struck out on the midnight showing, so we did the next best thing. Stood outside the Cinerama downtown for hours and yet again had a good spot inside. I was a junior in college and I remember we passed around beers we snuck in. I nodded off during the Naboo romance montage. Everyone was fucking pumped when the battle at the end started.
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volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I was 21 and my/my friends hype level was off the chart.

My memory is that everyone really liked it at the time, it was only later that public opinion turned on it.

People lost their minds over the Dual of the Fates lightsaber battle. Darth Maul had DUAL LIGHTSABERS! No one had ever seen anything like that before.

The music during that scene was so great. A friend of mine learned it on the piano.


Oct 25, 2017
Zero. I was 23 years old and had no love, nor hate though, for Star Wars. Just didn't hit me in any special way. Never has. I remember the hype for the film. I only saw it much later and well you know how you feel about this film so don't need a non-star wars fan's take I am sure lol

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Just a normal day in the UK as we still had to wait a couple of months for it to come out, which just seems crazy these days!

Even when it came out I went to see it a week or so after it came out more because it was a big event movie rather than it being Star Wars. I remember at the time some people saying that it was going to be the first film ever to make $1bn in it's opening weekend!

I still remember walking out of the cinema with my mate and his brother and saying something along the lines of "It's not just me, that was a bit crap wasn't it?"


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
I was in middle school, I had my dad take me to buy tickets the day they went on sale.

On release day, I had my dad take me out of school early, around 1 pm. I was first in line at the theater with my Gameboy color and waited until around 7 pm.
In my excitement I sat too close to the front but I still enjoyed the hell out of the movie. I only ended up seeing it once in theater.

Fun fact, my English teacher was actually one of the acting coaches for Jake lloyd and even appears in the making of phantom menace.
Tragically that teacher had a twin brother who died on 9/11 on one of the planes.


Oct 25, 2017
That may have been the hypest year in the books for me. 13 years old, preorder for the Dreamcast was in. We bough tickets in a large group of about 20 for a midnight showing. Lined up around 7pm with our lightsabers and all of our Star Wars TPM figurines. We wore the chips that came with them (they spoke when you scanned them) around our necks like dog tags. Lightsaber battles with strangers in line. Bought a flat of cokes to stay up all night and smash snacks. We were so hyped and screaming for so much of the movie. We all agreed we should watch it again and bought tickets to another showing immediately after lol. So watched twice in a row. Went home bleary eyed and did not imagine how life could get any sweeter. Little did I know that summer would the summer of Blair Witch Project and rollerblading to the theatres, going on dates with girls to see Austin Powers. Ahhhhhh 1999...
Jul 16, 2020
I was stoked. I had been following the production in the Star Wars website for years. Spent days after seeing it trying to convince myself I liked it. That old chestnut.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Who remembers seeing the trailer on a window as small as this reply box when it came out? I remember waiting who knows how many minutes just for the trailer to load on pc back in the day.
I also rewatched the south park episode 1 trailer so many times.


Oct 27, 2017
Saw it on opening day with a couple of friends who were* really into the Star Wars universe and had been hyping the movie from the first announcement.

I was never a big Star Wars fan, the OT was fun throwaway movies for me. It's Indiana Jones, in space. Nothing to take seriously. I was much more into reading hard sci-fi, like Clarke, Heinlein, Asimov and so on.

*They weren't when we exited the movie theatre later that evening.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
i'd probably seen the trailer i downloaded from ign about a dozen times (this one). but i can't remember when i actually saw the movie. i think i really liked it at the time? and going back to it in my mid and later teenage years, i still thought it was enjoyable.
Oct 28, 2017
I was super excited. Got the game the day that came out too and beat that in 1 day. I had a Phantom Menace sticker book thing and completely filled that in.

I was very excited for the movie and I loved the movie. I remember after seeing it I was in my garden re-enacting scenes. I also made up my own direct follow up and played that out in my garden, as well as my version of Episode VII where Ghost Darth Maul comes back to fight Ghost Obi Wan.


Dec 16, 2018
Zero hype. Star Wars hasn't interested me since I was 12. Have seen the latest movies out of mild curiosity. The Last Jedi is the worst Star Wars movie.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
As a huge Star Wars fan at the time, I was excited.

And it ended up being the first movie I ever walked out of (out of only two in my lifetime).
I was probably in 10th or 11th grade, and went with 3 friends. One of my friends and I just looked at each other halfway through the two hour podracing scene and literally almost at the exact same moment just stood up and walked out. Ended up sitting in the car smoking weed until the movie was over....which was far more entertaining than the movie itself.

I've come around on it a bit over the years. I no longer think it's the "worst movie ever made", especially given the quality of Episode 2, but it is a bad movie that I regretted spending that money on.


Oct 25, 2017
im in 8th grade had no idea it was such a big deal until the news showed people camping out in line for the movie.

we ended up seeing it as 8th grade graduation trip thing or whatever.
Oct 25, 2017
I was 9 years old, and had watched my brother's VHS box set countless times and was super hyped.
Saw it in theaters and loved it. Most of the terrible things went right over my 9 year old head, but I knew Maul was badass, and that's what really mattered.
Went on to play the crap out of Episode I: Pod Racing for the N64 over the next couple years.
Wasn't until I watched it again years later that I noticed how abysmal the CG was, and a few really bad plot points, but I still liked it overall.

Deleted member 83122

User requested account closure
Oct 15, 2020
Lined up around 7pm with our lightsabers and all of our Star Wars TPM figurines. We wore the chips that came with them (they spoke when you scanned them) around our necks like dog tags. Lightsaber battles with strangers in line.
Those of us that were in our late teens may have looked upon your hype and scoffed, but for me, I saw child-like wonder that had been lost to some of us after a few years of acne and angst. It was great to see the youth participate in the hype, and to this day when I see that magical sparkle of innocence, it does not offend me. It gives me hope that there can still be a world where someone can allow imagination to make things better. Thanks for sharing.


Oct 25, 2017
My hype levels are over the moon. The neighborhood kids and I are running around hitting each other with 3 and a half foot lengths of spray painted pvc pipe with hockey grip tape handles.


Oct 26, 2017
I didn't really know much about Star Wars at the time. I think I had seen snippets of the OT movies if they played on TV. I remember having a 7-11 cup or something with Qui-Gon Jinn on it.


Oct 25, 2017
I was 16, in high school, very hyped. VERY immediately let down, at the age where I wasn't sucked into the stupid gags or jar jar and found them hyper cringey, but also it was hyped up so it wasn't like "THIS IS AWFUL" it was like "That was disappointing".

Had tickets ahead of time, still probably waited a few hours at the theater for not awful seats.


Layout Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Bothell WA
17 year old junior in high school. I remember my physics teacher (a 24 yr old geek) had tickets for the midnight showing and kept hyping it up. The next day when we had class and we asked him about it, all he said was "I don't want to spoil anything for you guys, but let's just say... lots of light sabers cutting through so many robots!"

Saw it that Friday with my friends and I think we were happy with it? I may have been a bit underwhelmed but hid it cause I didn't wanna be the odd one out. We had also went to see the OG trilogy re-releases in theaters as well before Ep1 came out.