
Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
Amazing how Democrats are supposedly both the dumbest people around but cunning enough to steal elections in Republican run states while leaving not a modicum of evidence that a single court has found compelling as of yet.

That cognitive dissonance must be painful, but I have zero sympathy.

Heres one better, they accept the wins of the downticket races but at the same time the races they lost were due to fraud....on the SAME FUCKING BALLOT.


Oct 30, 2017
Here's hoping they are discouraged by this fraudulent election and decide to just sit out the Georgia runoffs, and other future elections.


Nov 1, 2017
Speaking of Biden winning, I guess Facebook has been slapping down all of these bullshit conspiracy theory claims of election fraud - so have seen a Lot of conservative posters say they are migrating to Parler and WeHe. 😂 AND they are exchanging handles for there on FB.
Good riddance.

Not sure if that will long term make them dumber or more volatile or what. At least on Facebook we can call them out on their garbage.


Oct 25, 2017
One interesting point about this whole thing is seeing my definition of 'charismatic' differ so much from other peoples. Cunt can barely string a sentence together and even some liberals describe him as that. Is charisma just being loud?


Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of Biden winning, I guess Facebook has been slapping down all of these bullshit conspiracy theory claims of election fraud - so have seen a Lot of conservative posters say they are migrating to Parler and WeHe. 😂 AND they are exchanging handles for there on FB.
Good riddance.

Not sure if that will long term make them dumber or more volatile or what. At least on Facebook we can call them out on their garbage.
Making Facebook smart again.

blame space

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
the cat's out of the bag. if anything, getting flagged or whatever gives them more credibility in their heads. it's not a problem that can be solved like that. or at all maybe.


Nov 6, 2017

This type of stuff must really hurt for his base. What news channel do they have now?


Apr 18, 2018
Sleep Deprivation Zone
I swear if Trump announced that oxygen was bad for you they would all hold their breath.

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019
One interesting point about this whole thing is seeing my definition of 'charismatic' differ so much from other peoples. Cunt can barely string a sentence together and even some liberals describe him as that. Is charisma just being loud?
Trump has infinite confidence. He never admits he's wrong, never apologizes, never concedes a point, and is always 100% condescending.

If you're a certain kind of weak-minded individual (and that is exactly who Trump appeals to: not just stupid, not just ignorant, but weak-minded people) Trump seems like one of those "smartest guy in the room" characters from fiction, like Dr. House or Sherlock Holmes. Because you're dazzled by his bullshit.

To anyone capable of critical thinking, Trump is a raving lunatic, and an asshole to boot.


Oct 30, 2017
I hope they just stop voting then. Will probably be better for the US. Lol.The cult of Trump is something I can never understand. What's so appealing about a fat, incompetent, corrupt and now loser like him? It's hilarious.


Aug 6, 2018
Trump, Trump campaign/admin, and Trump supporters would all still be acting like this and making these accusations regardless of whether they believe it or not.


Jan 14, 2018
Can we not attribute it to stupidity and instead, to just plain old scumbaggery? Tired of giving these fucks excuses.


Oct 28, 2017
Trump has infinite confidence. He never admits he's wrong, never apologizes, never concedes a point, and is always 100% condescending.

If you're a certain kind of weak-minded individual (and that is exactly who Trump appeals to: not just stupid, not just ignorant, but weak-minded people) Trump seems like one of those "smartest guy in the room" characters from fiction, like Dr. House or Sherlock Holmes. Because you're dazzled by his bullshit.

To anyone capable of critical thinking, Trump is a raving lunatic, and an asshole to boot.
Thats an insult to Dr House
Yes i went there,a fictional character is smarter than Trump
Oct 27, 2017
People really don't want progress in this country.

What the fuck are conservatives so afraid of?

they are afraid that they will lose their status, a friend who is whitesent me a list of Biden's proposed executive actions and was complaining about opening our borders and letting people in, I really think that they just are afraid of minorities moving here and they themselves becoming a minority. They don't want to become a part of a diverse culture, they want to maintain that status they feel they are entitled to.


Oct 29, 2017
They want it both ways. I see 'Trump losing but you don't see any of us rioting like the libs' also the memes and wall of text about Biden getting fraudulent votes to steal the ejection.
What is it MFers? If the 2nd claim is true you all should be in the streets demonstrating against this.

Lost Lemurian

Nov 30, 2019
Thats an insult to Dr House
Yes i went there,a fictional character is smarter than Trump
That's how Trump supporters see Trump, though. To them, he's the guy making the big, cool speech, clowning on all the lesser intellects around him.

To us, though, every Trump speech sounds like Billy Madison's explanation of the Industrial Revolution.

JaY P.

Oct 27, 2017

This type of stuff must really hurt for his base. What news channel do they have now?

This genie cannot be bottled up again. You cannot build an alternate universe for these people then suddenly expect it to stop. Trumpers have moved on to OANN, AM Radio, QAnon, and parlor.

Like I said in previous threads, I'm not going to feel fully satisfied until Biden is sworn in and takes the office. These are not normal times. Trump will not concede and neither will his supporters.

In all honesty the only way we could have avoided this scenario was through a complete landslide. Although Biden did win, they also came out in droves to support their demagogue. This is not going to end any time soon. I fear it may get worse. I hope I'm wrong.


Nov 6, 2017
This genie cannot be bottled up again. You cannot build an alternate universe for these people then suddenly expect it to stop. Trumpers have moved on to OANN, AM Radio, QAnon, and parlor.

Like I said in previous threads, I'm not going to feel fully satisfied until Biden is sworn in and takes the office. These are not normal times. Trump will not concede and neither will his supporters.

In all honesty the only way we could have avoided this scenario was through a complete landslide. Although Biden did win, they also came out in droves to support their demagogue. This is not going to end any time soon. I fear it may get worse. I hope I'm wrong.

I'm not an American or live in USA, but from the outside it certainly seems like its going to get worse before it gets better.


Oct 27, 2017
What McConnell is doing is so fucking dangerous but anything for power. We've seen that. There's 230000 people dead from Corona. The mass shootings that McConnell let's fly on his watch with little repercussion. He's the worst thing to ever happen to America in our modern era.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck, those are your in laws? Is that rough on you and your spouses relationship?


Dec 10, 2017
What McConnell is doing is so fucking dangerous but anything for power. We've seen that. There's 230000 people dead from Corona. The mass shootings that McConnell let's fly on his watch with little repercussion. He's the worst thing to ever happen to America in our modern era.



Oct 27, 2017
I experienced something similar earlier today except the blocking and unfriending part.


Nov 29, 2017
In Japan grass and plants and traffic signals for go are all said to be "blue" or "aoi", not "green" or "midori." Apparently it has something to do with the word for green being a much more recent addition to the language, but I never understood that since midori was definitely around in time for traffic lights to be green means go. Then again, some of the traffic lights there really are a little blue in hue. Anyway when double checking Wikipedia to make sure I wasn't misremembering I discovered that Japan is not the only country to have vague distinctions between blue and green, so just some interesting trivia in response to a hypothetical from the post I was quoting!


Oct 26, 2017
In Japan grass and plants and traffic signals for go are all said to be "blue" or "aoi", not "green" or "midori." Apparently it has something to do with the word for green being a much more recent addition to the language, but I never understood that since midori was definitely around in time for traffic lights to be green means go. Then again, some of the traffic lights there really are a little blue in hue. Anyway when double checking Wikipedia to make sure I wasn't misremembering I discovered that Japan is not the only country to have vague distinctions between blue and green, so just some interesting trivia in response to a hypothetical from the post I was quoting!

OH! Haha...I know that I'm Japanese. Just never made that connection in your post.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
My new favorite thing is conservatives being like... " Well news networks don't say who is president!"

Like they didn't calculate their projections based on mathematical probability or anything...


Jun 13, 2019
I feel like asking my fellow Southerners who voted for Trump to have a heart, and help their Northern MAGAt brothers and sisters in coping.

They've been holding Ls since 1865, so they've got the experience.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh oops hah. I guess I also could have accused that poster of saying all Trump supporters are from Kentucky based on Kentucky bluegrass for an equally lame dumb joke, but Japan was what came to mind first.

I think your explanation in the previous post is pretty good! We do use ao for most green colours, especially in nature.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It's like talking to a Scientology member. There is no way to have a proper, mature, and factual conversation. Its a complete waste of time. The only reason to do is to have fun trolling or getting a meme.


Nov 23, 2019
Half this country is cheering as the republicans attempt a coup. Kind of scary, not gonna lie.

Yeah it's way worse than I ever expected it would be. I have no idea how the US comes back from this sort of division. Best case scenario, these people quiet down post-Trump and hopefully things begin to normalize over time. But between Fox News, OANN, social media and the inevitable Trump media empire... Well.
Nothing Loud

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck, those are your in laws? Is that rough on you and your spouses relationship?

my husband doesn't have that close a relationship with his mom, and thankfully believes on his own that his parents are complete fucking dumbasses. He even called out his mom for posting some homophobic shit on Facebook, despite the fact we're queer and they have always been kind to us. He's on my side.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
I know, I've been dealing with this every day for the past few days. I've literally had a low grade headache for like 4 days straight. Send help

New Donker

One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Lol the latest I'm seeing shared is 'Real Clear Politics' has now removed PA from Biden...but when you dig into it, they never 'gave' Biden PA anyway.