
Oct 28, 2017
Remember the Palestinians need a Ghandi like figure if they want peace.

It's truly amazing how Israel has managed to get the rest of the world believe this narrative of them being the poor little state in the middle East fighting for its survival.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll be honest, did not even expect that tweet from Blinken, the spineless fucker he is. So this is a step up. (Psaki also mentioned it.)

Now it's time for them to grow some balls and get real with the language. This was not an "intrusion". This was an assault, it was state violence.


Oct 25, 2017

Intruding. They were intruding huh?

Not surprising, but fuck off mate.

We are deeply disturbed?! Is that it? She was an American citizen, living up to your fucking values of freedom and this is all you have to say?! She was killed by Israelis and even in death that wasn't enough for them. and all you have to say is "we are deeply disturbed"?!


Nov 7, 2017
We are deeply disturbed?! Is that it? She was an American citizen, living up to your fucking values of freedom and this is all you have to say?! She was killed by Israelis and even in death that wasn't enough for them. and all you have to say is "we are deeply disturbed"?!
They are deeply troubled that those images found their way to people outside of Israel.


Oct 30, 2017
How f*cked up in the head can you be to do this...?!

There is not a single shred of humanity left in these people. None whatsoever.

Just... F*cking monsters!!


Jun 21, 2019
They're behaving like the worst nazi or red army scumbags, treating Palestinians like animals or worse. It's so fucking disgusting seeing the West criticizing Russia while not giving a single fuck about Israeli crimes.

When you point this basic fact out, the dumbest among us start screaming whataboutism.


Oct 27, 2017

Seeing the Palestinian flag really sets them off:

Of course, Israeli state apparatus is quick to disseminate misinformation that gets regurgitated by some media.

Bad muslims came to start a riot with actions that were against the family's wishes.

Here's the BBC Radio 4 interview mentioned above with the brother of Shireen Abu Akleh:


Newshour - Brother of Shireen Abu Akleh says White House "should take action" - BBC Sounds

Brother of killed Al Jazeera reporter wants the US administration to act

In the interview, the brother also referred to IDF admitting the possibility they shot her, he was referring to this:

The interim Israeli investigation acknowledged that the Israeli vehicles were parked about 200 meters away from Abu Akleh, and said that if she was shot by an Israeli soldier, it must have been because the soldier "fired several bullets from a special slit in the jeep and through a telescopic site at a terrorist … and there's a possibility that the reporter stood near the terrorist."

That version of events was flatly contradicted by several other journalists who were with Abu Akleh at the time and insisted that they were nowhere near any of the Palestinian militants in the camp.

Hagai El-Ad, the executive director of B'Tselem, told me by phone on Friday that there is no reason to expect the Israeli army to release any more of the video it collected from soldiers after the incident. The Israel Defense Forces, El-Ad said, has a track record of only releasing video evidence "when it is beneficial to support the Army version of events."

The rights activist also called it "grotesque" that the United States had called for Palestinian authorities to conduct a joint investigation with Israel, given that Israel had repeatedly used slow-moving investigations to "whitewash" the killing of Palestinian civilians living under Israeli military rule.

"throwing rocks"
"human shields"
"the only democracy"
"Israel has a right to defend itself"

Palestinians don't ever seem to have a right to defend themselves apparently, despite the right to resist occupation being sanctioned under international law.

Over 50 journalists killed by Israel since 2001, and who knows how many medics and children. Most of their casaulties in the last attacks were women and children with their "precision strikes".

70 fucking years of occupation and the slow erosion of Palestine.

The only thing that anyone can really do to support Palestinians (since governments won't) is to support BDS (which the UK is now also fighting against) - despite MPs like Julie Elliott pointing out the hypocrisy.

And don't ever let anyone claim it's not apartheid:




While this continues:

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Alt account
Jan 24, 2022
This is one of the most repulsive things I've ever seen. My god. Israel, who just murdered a journalist, manages to set the bar even lower. Fucking won't even allow her the dignity of a funeral in peace.
Oct 27, 2017
Incredibly evil. Fuck Israel. Fuck the Western media reporting this as "clashes" between mourners and IDF.

I suppose at least they were able to bury her, instead of the body being taken hostage.


Nov 6, 2017

Seeing the Palestinian flag really sets them off:

Of course, Israeli state apparatus is quick to disseminate misinformation that gets regurgitated by some media.

Bad muslims came to start a riot with actions that were against the family's wishes.

Here's the BBC Radio 4 interview mentioned above with the brother of Shireen Abu Akleh:


Newshour - Brother of Shireen Abu Akleh says White House "should take action" - BBC Sounds

Brother of killed Al Jazeera reporter wants the US administration to act

In the interview, the brother also referred to IDF admitting the possibility they shot her, he was referring to this:


"throwing rocks"
"the only democracy"
"Israel has a right to defend itself"

Palestinians don't ever seem to have a right to defend themselves apparently, despite the right to resist occupation being sanctioned under international law.

Over 50 journalists killed by Israel since 2001, and who knows how many medics and children. Most of their casaulties in the last attacks were women and children with their "precision strikes".

70 fucking years of occupation and the slow erosion of Palestine.

The only thing that anyone can really do to support Palestinians (since governments won't) is to support BDS (which the UK is now also fighting against) - despite MPs like Julie Elliott pointing out the hypocrisy.

And don't ever let anyone claim it's not apartheid:




While this continues:


"Are we the bad guys?"


Oct 25, 2017
These bastards went to her home while her parents and loved ones were still mourning before the funeral. I thought it couldn't get worse yet it did get worse.

Sometime I think maybe I should be shocked but I can't get shocked. These bastards have been pulling this kind of shit for years and went unchecked.

Seeing the casket almost fall to the ground because of these bastards is enraging. It wasn't enough to kill her, they even can't let her get buried in peace. Those people carrying her really deserve respect for not budging to the occupying force.

Fuck Israel and their defenders.
The lowest I've seen it gone is when I saw Israelis sitting on hills to watch Palestinians get bombed like it's popcorn entertainment.




Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
The lowest I've seen it gone is when I saw Israelis sitting on hills to watch Palestinians get bombed like it's popcorn entertainment.



Imagine watching children blown up like it's a spectacle, then going home and sleeping like you was at 4th of July parade.

Garbage country full of garbage people.


Oct 28, 2017
They not only kill the woman, but now they attack her funeral and further desecrate her memory? This honestly might be one of the most despicable things I've ever seen.


Oct 25, 2017
Imagine watching children blown up like it's a spectacle, then going home and sleeping like you was at 4th of July parade.

Garbage country full of garbage people.
what an incredibly stupid inflammatory generalisation

let me guess, you're an american and very likely voted for biden in 2020, despite knowing that he is one of the biggest supporters of Israel in USA, and a self described zionist, yet you knowingly voted him in, despite having a choice of a candidate that is one of the few rare ones to oppose Israel

if we're going to start with these generalisations as you did we might as well bring it back down to reality to USA and its electorate like you. it's easy to generalise


Dec 22, 2017
The lowest I've seen it gone is when I saw Israelis sitting on hills to watch Palestinians get bombed like it's popcorn entertainment.



Humanity is just layers upon layers of genocide and everything beautiful it creates is more or less indirectly fincanced with what we've stolen from killing and enslaving each other. Even peace and prosperity are bought with the blood and suffering of the weaker.

I hope once humanity wipes itself out, nature can heal again and that no species like us will ever appear again until earth looses its ability to support life normally due to its age.
Oct 28, 2017
what an incredibly stupid inflammatory generalisation

let me guess, you're an american and very likely voted for biden in 2020, despite knowing that he is one of the biggest supporters of Israel in USA, and a self described zionist, yet you knowingly voted him in, despite having a choice of a candidate that is one of the few rare ones to oppose Israel

if we're going to start with these generalisations as you did we might as well bring it back down to reality to USA and its electorate like you. it's easy to generalise
A settler colonial state is garbage by definition, you're right about saying it's full of garbage people if it was meant to convey exclusivity but I don't think that's what rusty meant.
Oct 27, 2017
what an incredibly stupid inflammatory generalisation

let me guess, you're an american and very likely voted for biden in 2020, despite knowing that he is one of the biggest supporters of Israel in USA, and a self described zionist, yet you knowingly voted him in, despite having a choice of a candidate that is one of the few rare ones to oppose Israel

if we're going to start with these generalisations as you did we might as well bring it back down to reality to USA and its electorate like you. it's easy to generalise
This doesn't work like you think it does.

First off, Biden was the pick before anybody could do anything about it. The democrats were doing all it could to make him win. So did the media.

Bernie never had a chance. And if I recall right, Rusty was out there talking about how bad Biden was at the time (which if you were seeing the way the forum was at the time, was a good way to get attacked by everyone).

The simple thing is, the US is rigged against the status quo. Minority votes were always taken for granted instead of being earned. I don't need to remind you how many people over here and else were, were making you the devil if you decided you don't want to support Biden because you knew they wouldn't change anything for the better.

Not to mention, Trump was in the picture. Surely this is another factor for why many begrudgingly wanted Biden over him? The issue however is how once he won nobody wanted to talk about the concerns from minorities.
A settler colonial state is garbage by definition, you're right about saying it's full of garbage people if it was meant to convey exclusivity but I don't think that's what rusty meant.
This as well.
Oct 27, 2017
what an incredibly stupid inflammatory generalisation

let me guess, you're an american and very likely voted for biden in 2020, despite knowing that he is one of the biggest supporters of Israel in USA, and a self described zionist, yet you knowingly voted him in, despite having a choice of a candidate that is one of the few rare ones to oppose Israel

if we're going to start with these generalisations as you did we might as well bring it back down to reality to USA and its electorate like you. it's easy to generalise

You only ever post in threads on Israel's crimes when you see an excuse to claim someone is being anti-semitic or to otherwise tone police. It is transparent as fuck.

Israel is a settler colony engaged in apartheid and genocide. A lot of people there, and elsewhere, support that violent project. To the point that some will spectate bombardments or hold parades through Palestinian neighborhoods to antagonize the residents. Calling those people garbage in that specific context is entirely justified. It was clear Rusty was talking about the kinds of people depicted in the photographs.

And yes, we absolutely could and should say similar things about other countries.

The Masked Mufti

The Wise Ones
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
what an incredibly stupid inflammatory generalisation

let me guess, you're an american and very likely voted for biden in 2020, despite knowing that he is one of the biggest supporters of Israel in USA, and a self described zionist, yet you knowingly voted him in, despite having a choice of a candidate that is one of the few rare ones to oppose Israel

if we're going to start with these generalisations as you did we might as well bring it back down to reality to USA and its electorate like you. it's easy to generalise
This is a stupid ass post.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
what an incredibly stupid inflammatory generalisation

let me guess, you're an american and very likely voted for biden in 2020, despite knowing that he is one of the biggest supporters of Israel in USA, and a self described zionist, yet you knowingly voted him in, despite having a choice of a candidate that is one of the few rare ones to oppose Israel

if we're going to start with these generalisations as you did we might as well bring it back down to reality to USA and its electorate like you. it's easy to generalise

Which choice are you referring to?


Dec 1, 2017
Can someone smarter than (low bar) explain why Israel seems to get a pass for all the shitty stuff they're doing and why are the US pouring money into them?


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
Another major reason is a lot of pro-Isreal lobbyist in washington.
Oct 25, 2017
The lowest I've seen it gone is when I saw Israelis sitting on hills to watch Palestinians get bombed like it's popcorn entertainment.



These types of people are so entrenched in hatred that I can't imagine their minds ever changing on hating Palestinians. Seriously, watched a documentary or even street interview on the subject and people are just comfortable where they are in life. We're here, the Bad Guys are over there, and they need to disappear- type shit
Mar 3, 2018
What's really fucking bizarre to me (not that the killing of the journalist wasn't abhorrent or any of the other atrocities) is the fact that they deny they shot her and call it propaganda by Al Jazeera and others…and then go ahead and attack the funeral. Like…what the fuck?