
Oct 25, 2017
You might or might not have seen a thread which didn't go down so well about these tweets:

Once again the Prime Minister of Israel is rallying the nation around being "strong" and needing to use military aggression to "defend" themselves and achieve "peace". In this case he is mostly talking about Israel pushing back against Iran's growth. That's okay right? Because Iran is the enemy! Everyone says so! But this is the same tough talk crap he uses to justify his nation's genocide in their own backyard. Israel wants to wipe Palestine from existance.

Every day they kill children, they kill humanitarian workers, they respond to rocks being thrown with machinegun fire and sniper rounds. They continue to slowly settle on the Gaza Strip as they see fit, taking the land they want without making it a major incursion into another nation's territory. Because that is no nation. It is barely acknowledged or recognized. It's people are displaced, bullied, and abused by the "stronger" Israel. They suffer because they are "weak". It is as Bibi says, to be strong is to be right, because you can solve any problem with might.

Is this what the world should stand by and let happen? Israel as it is now, is a ethnostate that exists to show the strength of a non-muslim presence in the Middle East and they are engaging in genocide and other war crimes. But their "strength" protects them from any criticism from the world at large. This is the "strength" that we give them by keeping silent and by asking each other to be more sensitive towards a nation run by monsters, because it is so uncomfortable and inconvenient to think about. Or maybe because it is too far away to relate. Or maybe because for some who grew up in certain cultures, fighting against islamic countries is seen as a positive thing. There are many reasons, but the outcome is the same - our inaction and apathy gives Israel the strength they need to continue doing what they do.


Oct 25, 2017
People who are strong and destroy will be remembered by history. But they also burn in hottest corners of hell.

They're not strong, they're pathetic.
Oct 27, 2017
So, what he is saying the allies shouldn't have stepped in?

Edit: totally misread that.

Trrribel fucking statement though. Fascist garbage
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Oct 25, 2017
I almost wish there was actually a hell so people like this would burn in it.

The Palestinian people will be finished off and erased from History while the world looks the other way and worries about 'disrespectful' comparisons between monsters of the present and monsters from the past.


Oct 27, 2017
What is this genocidal monster planning now? That speech makes it sound like they are coordinating another major offensive in the area.

His line about the 'strong' is exactly the kind of thing a bully says on the playground.


Oct 25, 2017
That rhetoric is full on warmongering, and given Israel's record I fear that slow creep into Gaza is gonna move a lot faster soon. Fuck this stain of humanity, and anyone who gives him and his regime a pass.


Oct 27, 2017
Netanyahu's rhetoric helped get Rabin assassinated, and the fact that he's had a political career at all after that is horrifying.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Before anyone says only BiBi is the zealot and the state of Israel still is democratic, read this:

Israeli court lines up behind unauthorized settlement

Reuters - An Israeli court has given legal recognition to a Jewish settlement built without Israeli government authorization on privately owned Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank, breaking new judicial ground.

Israel's ultranationalist justice minister on Wednesday hailed the Jerusalem District Court's decision, announced late on Tuesday, relating to Mitzpe Kramim, an outpost established in 1999 near the Palestinian city of Ramallah and now home to 40 families.
Imagine you're living in your house that your family lived for generations. Suddenly, IDF escorts you out of your house and let's a batshit crazy zealot family move in. They throw out all your stuff and the IDF let's them do it and stops you from going near your house. Well too bad, it's not your house anymore. It's theirs. Your new "house" is a tent in the refugee camp run by UNRWA.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
The Palestinian people will be finished off and erased from History while the world looks the other way and worries about 'disrespectful' comparisons between monsters of the present and monsters from the past.

'You're being disrespectful' is probably one of the biggest shield and armor people like Netanyahu and his supporters have to deflect any and all criticisms. One that is unfortunately also used by many others, deliberately or otherwise.


Oct 26, 2017
The Palestinian people will be finished off and erased from History while the world looks the other way and worries about 'disrespectful' comparisons between monsters of the present and monsters from the past.
Sadly the world is full of cowards who will go out of their way to coddle monsters in the name of etiquette.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
'You're being disrespectful' is probably one of the biggest shield and armor people like Netanyahu and his supporters have to deflect any and all criticisms. One that is unfortunately also used by many others, deliberately or otherwise.
No, their biggest shield is cries of anti-Semitism. Any criticism of BiBi or Israels action is because of anti-Semitism.


Oct 25, 2017
Before anyone says only BiBi is the zealot and the state of Israel still is democratic, read this:

Israeli court lines up behind unauthorized settlement

Imagine you're living in your house that your family lived for generations. Suddenly, IDF escorts you out of your house and let's a batshit crazy zealot family move in. They throw out all your stuff and the IDF let's them do it and stops you from going near your house. Well too bad, it's not your house anymore. It's theirs. Your new "house" is a tent in the refugee camp run by UNRWA.

The parallel here to the early stages of the Holocaust is breathtaking.

Deleted member 4021

Oct 25, 2017
Bibi will surely be remembered as one of the 21st century's greatest monsters. The complicity of almost all of the western world in the ethnic cleansing of Palestine is beyond shameful.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
Before anyone says only BiBi is the zealot and the state of Israel still is democratic, read this:

Israeli court lines up behind unauthorized settlement

Imagine you're living in your house that your family lived for generations. Suddenly, IDF escorts you out of your house and let's a batshit crazy zealot family move in. They throw out all your stuff and the IDF let's them do it and stops you from going near your house. Well too bad, it's not your house anymore. It's theirs. Your new "house" is a tent in the refugee camp run by UNRWA.

He's not the longest running pm in the history of Israel for nothing after all. It just shows that a great deal of people in there also support him and his views, which is unfortunate.


Oct 27, 2017
This Is not very nice and Israel should be kinda more polite about it. I hope my comment Is not considered aggresive.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Its intestesting to see how far right and radical Israeli society has gone under Netanyahu. The one bright side is a lot more Americans have opened their eyes to it and Israel's standing is no longer impervious to criticism. The one problem right now though is the Trump administration is actively accelerating the destruction of every remnant of a Palestinian society. The only thing that ever limited Israel at all has been when America's government has finally said, "yooo that's TOO much occupation and genocide, tone it down!" But now we don't even get that with this administration. Netanyahu is on cloud 9.

Xx 720

Nov 3, 2017
Before anyone says only BiBi is the zealot and the state of Israel still is democratic, read this:

Israeli court lines up behind unauthorized settlement

Imagine you're living in your house that your family lived for generations. Suddenly, IDF escorts you out of your house and let's a batshit crazy zealot family move in. They throw out all your stuff and the IDF let's them do it and stops you from going near your house. Well too bad, it's not your house anymore. It's theirs. Your new "house" is a tent in the refugee camp run by UNRWA.
That is so sickening, makes me furious


Apr 10, 2018
User banned (1 week): This forum does not allow comparisons between the Israel or the Jewish people and Nazis, period
The powers at be in Israel have been engaging in a genocide of the Palestinian population for decades now. Their policies and rhetoric is reminiscent of the Nazis.

If you want to ban me for that comparison then go ahead. Just make it permanent. I don't want to leave this forum, but my principles and dedication to peace supersede any enjoyment that ERA has given me. If the moderators want to continue to be complicit in protecting the feelings of killers, that's their problem. Just remember that there are real world consequences to shutting down the critique of mass murderers.

This forum was created to get away from the kind of authoritarian BS that ruined GAF. It seems nothing really ever changes in the end.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
To all those who say history will not remember him fondly, do you think that matters?
Do you think he cares what people say of him years after he's dead?
He's getting what he wants now and the world powers got his back and makes sure he has nothing but support for his genocidal plans, what the people of the future say about him doesn't make a difference.

If you are really serious about this issue, I highly suggest you hold your politicians and representatives accountable long term on how they deal with this topic , it may not make much of a difference considering the political establishment is hard set on backing this fascist, but its something.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck this fascist prick and anyone who supports him. It doesn't matter who is on the right side of history when innocent families are dead because people stood by and did nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
Are we allowed to make the comparison of similar historical genocidal ideologies specifically limited to far right groups within the Israeli government? Can the official policy be a little more ironed out to prevent more bannings?

Xiao Hu

Chicken Chaser
Oct 26, 2017
As I said in the last thread, one day someone from the abused side will snap and commit something dreadful. If you keep pushing a whole population far enough, there will be a point where pure revenge is the only purpose in life that remains for them. Just imagine an Intifada with dirty bombs....


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't history more or less prove Netanyahu right? Tibet was a celebrity cause de jour in the 1980s, lots of benefit concerts and Free Tibet marches and protests. Now a lot of people hail China as a global role model, corporations do anything and everything the chinese government ask them to, and they have now over 70 years essentially completed a population replacement in Tibet, replacing native Tibetans with ethnic Han chinese. And nobody says anything about it anymore.

There are numerous other examples of history essentially being written by the victors, from colonization -- something like only 6 countries weren't colonized by European powers, which explains the dominance of European history in most world history - to the numerous actual genocides that have occurred in the last 100 years which are rarely discussed and most people would have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to Armenia, Rwanda, Mao's "great leap forward", The Khmer Rouge, Serbia/Bosnia, on and on.

Even the Middle Eastern tales depend on which side you are from. If you are from an arab country, you are taught certain things about Jews and Israel and the number of conspiracy theories dwarfs Alex Jones and company. If you are Israeli you are taught that all your neighbors want the complete destruction of your country and people. I doubt anyone could make a 1 paragraph summary of the past 70 years of Israel/Palestine that both sides would agree is correct.

On the other hand places like South Africa did eventually embrace some sort of peace and reconciliation, but it needs that crazy quirk of history of needing leaders on both sides who have a lot of public goodwill and mandate to push through things that will not be popular. I wonder if Israel/Palestine will ever get that.


Oct 25, 2017
Just to get ahead of most of it and maybe should be in the OP:

It is and has been our policy that making comparisons between Jews and Nazis or Israel and Nazi Germany is one which we will not allow to be made here, due to the Holocaust. Nazism is a concept rooted and indivorcible from antisemitism, which makes these comparisons inappropriate. We understand that many of you disagree with this policy, but it is not something which is up for discussion.

This handling is a bit similar to things that lead to ERA's formation, but it is what it is. Just want people to know the situation before (more) bans drop or the topic is needlessly closed.

A mod can PM me to edit if this is stepping past a line.

As for the actual topic at hand, it's ridiculous how much of the international community and that even within the US beyond the military pocket books seem to have no issue with the treatment of the Palestinian people. Being members of a formerly oppressed people doesn't give the excuse to oppress, terrorize, and wipe out someone else in turn.

As Jeb said, contact your reps and make some noise so that someone in the state department starts taking steps someday. If the massive military funding drops, maybe that'll force the powers that be in Isreal to reassess the direction of their country and the treatment of their and neighboring people.


Oct 25, 2017
His legacy will be one only of misery and bloodshed, something that region is more than familiar with.


Oct 25, 2017
More show of how the human race just can't learn a goddamn thing. 70 years pass and now everyone wants to get in bed with fascists, the very same people who destroyed their society all those years ago.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
A philosophy to build a world of constant paranoia and hatred, one genocide at a time.


Apr 17, 2018
As the banning continues the conversation on this topic will be reduced as a byproduct, therefore reducing its general visibility on this forum out of fear of reprisal. Which aligns with American foreign policy, go us.

That said, the Israeli goverment are racist genocidal fucks.


Oct 29, 2017
Flyover State
The worst isn't the ones that remain silent, but the fact that some countries like USA unashamedly support and provide them with the material means that enable their genocidal actions.


Nov 15, 2017
Like Chomsky says, Israel is a fascist country run by psychopaths. And US is complicit.
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Oct 25, 2017
The Israeli government and the Jewish people are not anywhere near mutually exclusive.

What is it about Israel that brings out the fascistic tendencies in liberals.


Oct 25, 2017
Bibi? Why are you using this term of endearment to talk about Netanyahu?


Oct 27, 2017
The Israeli government and the Jewish people are not anywhere near mutually exclusive.

What is it about Israel that brings out the fascistic tendencies in liberals.
Years of political engineering to confuse criticism of Israel with anti-semitism.

It's like being critical of Saudi Arabia and being called an Islamophobe, it's nonsense.


Oct 27, 2017
No, the Israeli government is not the same as the Nazis. You aren't being clever or original by saying that, you aren't adding to the discussion, and you aren't changing anyone's mind.

The Nazis: believed in a worldwide Jewish-led conspiracy to oppress the "superior" races; tried to fight this conspiracy by murdering all Jews not only within their own country, but also by invading other countries and murdering Jews there, too.

The current Israeli state: believes the "land of Israel" from the Mediterraen to the Jordan river belongs to the Jewish people and no one else, and wants to eliminate non-Jews from the region by any means necessary: murder, expulsion, cultural genocide.

They're both bad, but they're nothing alike. The Israeli state isn't like the Nazis, nor even the Fascists (they're quite good to their own people). It is an extremist nationalist state with few compunctions about murdering or oppressing its perceived enemies. That's bad enough.


Oct 25, 2017
Someone should let the idiotic officials that dramatic irony through apatheid is never funny or entertaining.


Oct 25, 2017
Years of political engineering to confuse criticism of Israel with anti-semitism.

It's like being critical of Saudi Arabia and being called an Islamophobe, it's nonsense.

The comparison policy makes it sound like the country is the birthplace of the entire culture rather than, you know, a proxy state created after a war that - in the greater context of history - wasn't even that long ago.

It's beyond ridiculous.

No, the Israeli government is not the same as the Nazis. You aren't being clever or original by saying that, you aren't adding to the discussion, and you aren't changing anyone's mind.

The Nazis: believed in a worldwide Jewish-led conspiracy to oppress the "superior" races; tried to fight this conspiracy by murdering all Jews not only within their own country, but also by invading other countries and murdering Jews there, too.

The current Israeli state: believes the "land of Israel" from the Mediterraen to the Jordan river belongs to the Jewish people and no one else, and wants to eliminate non-Jews from the region by any means necessary: murder, expulsion, cultural genocide.

They're both bad, but they're nothing alike. The Israeli state isn't like the Nazis, nor even the Fascists (they're quite good to their own people). It is an extremist nationalist state with few compunctions about murdering or oppressing its perceived enemies. That's bad enough.

They're fascist states and we have a report linked on this very page that echoes the early stages of the Holocaust. No one is saying they're 1;1, but to go so far in the other direction to say they're nothing alike? Nothing? Really?

What is this, freelance propaganda? It's pathetic. It's disrespectful to everyone whose life the holocaust touched, if not ended.
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Dec 23, 2017
Cincinnati, OH
Years of political engineering to confuse criticism of Israel with anti-semitism.

It's like being critical of Saudi Arabia and being called an Islamophobe, it's nonsense.

It's because a lot of people here are using the term Nazi in attempt to show the Irony of Israel doing exactly what was done to the jews in the Holocaust...yet the jews dont equal Israelis, so the comparison is distasteful at best. And if they aren't comparing Israeli's to Nazis for that purpose, it's subconscious correlation which is even worse.

Calling Netanyahu a crazed fascist is fine by me. Israel's elite is extremist, powerful and dangerous. I don't think anyone, including the mods, are arguing that.