
Oct 25, 2017

How can Palestinians be expected to coexist with a country thats been denying them their rights and slaughtering their people en masse for nearly 100 years? The onus on Palestinians to just lie down and take the abuse until Israel changes is further dehumanization.

I hope those arrest warrants are granted soon. How long do they typically take to get granted?


Oct 25, 2017

View: https://x.com/gideonle/status/1801633735030223086

Jenin has endured plenty of rough days lately, but May 21 outdid them all. In the course of one hour in the morning, snipers killed seven of the city's residents, all of them innocent passersby, even though the streets were quiet and the soldiers had no cause to open fire. They shot from high up in two buildings, called Rabia and A-Rein, just outside the camp, and the dead included two teenagers and the director of the surgical ward at the Jenin Governmental Hospital, who was just getting out of his car in the hospital's parking lot.


Oct 25, 2017

Gen Z influencers who supported Biden in 2020 turn against him

The Gaza war, lack of progress on climate change and a potential TikTok ban are spawning anti-Biden content — even among former supporters.

Across TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Twitch, anger and resentment toward Biden are boiling among Gen Z content creators who say they feel disaffected and betrayed by Biden's positions on an array of issues, including the war in Gaza, the climate crisis and the president's decision to support a potential TikTok ban. The rift has been exacerbated by the White House's evolving strategy of courting friendly influencers while shutting out others who have been critical of the administration.

Much of the anti-Biden content is being posted by young, non-White liberals with "shared ideology that the U.S. Government, and specifically Joe Biden, want to stop the flow of free speech and information," CredoIQ found. "This perceived assault on free speech is enabling anti-Biden sentiment to leap from a smaller demographic of pro-Palestine young progressives" — who are outraged by Biden's support for Israel as it wages a brutal war in Gaza — "to a potentially market-moving bloc of unenthusiastic young voters that are upset with the TikTok ban."

Finally, Joshi said many young people are outraged by the administration's failure to negotiate an end to the Israeli military campaign in Gaza. "The group that rallied people around Biden in 2020 is the same group that built a tool sending over 100 million emails to the government urging a cease-fire," she said.

Its an article that goes beyond Gaza but continues to highlight how Bidens handling of this war is extremely unpopular with young voters, many of them who were pivotal in 2020. Many Biden supporters did not take kindly to this article on social media, and continue to stick their head in the sand on the issue. The TikTok ban, another major source of anger, was also due to the pro-Palestinian sentiment of users on the platform. So many dumbasses cheered that on, without thinking about the outcome.
Oct 28, 2017

Israel pauses military activity along southern Gaza road to facilitate aid

The Israeli military said on Sunday it would hold daily tactical pauses in military activity along a main road in southern Gaza to allow more aid to flow into the enclave, where international aid organisations have warned of a growing humanitarian crisis.

Fighting in the city of Rafah, where Israel is targeting the remaining brigades of the militant Islamist Hamas movement, would continue, the military said.

It said military activity would be paused from 0500 GMT until 1600 GMT daily until further notice along the road that leads from the Kerem Shalom Crossing to the Salah al-Din Road and then northwards.

Despite growing international pressure for a ceasefire, an agreement to halt the fighting still appears distant, more than eight months since the start of the war in the Palestinian enclave.
Oct 28, 2017

Flies, mosquitoes, raw sewage and mountains of garbage threaten to worsen Gaza's health crisis

Ismail Zayda, who lives in Gaza City in the north, told CNN that water supplies had been cut off for nine months.

"The municipalities are not working, and waste in large piles is on our doorsteps and on the roads," he said.

"We are seeing large quantities of flying insects for the first time… Frankly, we have insects that we see for the first time and we do not know their names, and they sting our bodies and the bodies of our children."

Human rights groups have repeatedly sounded the alarm over "unspeakable" living conditions for Palestinians, as Israel's military campaign has pulverized neighborhoods, damaged health infrastructure and depleted food, water and fuel supplies.

In an assessment this week, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), stated that in Deir al Balah in central Gaza, where thousands of displaced are sheltering, families say that shelters are overcrowded. They have reported a range of health issues, such as hepatitis A, skin diseases, and respiratory illnesses and say that access to water is also critically low.

At one displacement site, the average amount of water available per day was less than one liter per person, well below the internationally recognized minimum requirement for survival of three litres per day, according to OCHA.

A safe water supply is essential not just for drinking and cooking, but to prevent the spread of disease.

OCHA reported this week that more than two-thirds of water and sanitation facilities and infrastructure in Gaza have been destroyed or damaged due to the conflict. It added many other facilities are out of service due to challenges including "insecurity, access impediments, and lack of power and fuel to operate generators."

The average high temperature in Gaza in the coming week is expected to be in the low 30 degrees celsius, with warmer weather likely to worsen what is already a crisis in sanitation.

Zayda spends much of the day wearing a mask, partly because some vehicles run on burned frying oil as an alternative to diesel, making breathing difficult.

"The roads are full of sewage running through the streets, waste and rubble from the bombing," he said.

The treatment of sewage amid damage to infrastructure and a lack of fuel has become an enduring problem in Gaza.

Carl Skau, Deputy Executive Director of the World Food Programme, said after a tour of Gaza this week that a million people have been pushed out of Rafah and are now "trapped" in a "highly congested area along the beach in the burning summer heat."

"We drove through rivers of sewage," he said.


Oct 28, 2017
After all the things we witnessed? I call lies on the reason why they're pausing unless there is some credible confirmation.

I think it's because they just lost a bunch of occupying soldiers, 8 I think. Nothing shifts public opinion more than when casualties start building up. Normally they would answer back by killing 200 Palestinians but I think mass murder events aren't going so well for them in the court of global public opinion so they have to actually use strategy which I don't think they have.


Oct 27, 2017
Some people think every Palestinian with a gun now is Hamas.

These people have been living through an apocalypse where they're getting their homes destroyed and children killed in droves. They're starving to death and scared. No shit they're going to be packing heat.

What the hell are they supposed to do at this point? They're terrified their family is going to be the next one shot in the head or roasted. Its a horror show.
Oct 28, 2017

Netanyahu opposed to Israeli military 'tactical pauses' for Gaza aid


Netanyahu opposed to Israeli military ‘tactical pauses’ for Gaza aid

Israeli official cites prime minister as saying pause is ‘unacceptable’ as army continues attacking Gaza.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is opposed to plans announced by the military to hold daily tactical pauses in fighting along one of the main roads into the besieged and bombarded Gaza Strip to facilitate aid delivery into the Palestinian enclave.

"When the prime minister heard the reports of an 11-hour humanitarian pause in the morning, he turned to his military secretary and made it clear that this was unacceptable to him," an Israeli official told the Reuters news agency.

The military clarified that normal operations would continue in Rafah, the main focus of its ongoing assault in southern Gaza, where eight soldiers were killed on Saturday.

Israel forces razed homes in the area and attacks there continued on Sunday, despite it being the first day of Eid al-Adha, the most important Muslim celebration of the year.


Oct 25, 2017

You'd think by this point Western outlets would at least have one person who knows Hebrew, but isn't sent straight from the Israeli FM's Hasbara program, that could check on Israel's inconsistent messaging between what they publish in each language. Maybe they could also occasionally give a report on the unhinged genocidal rhetoric uncritically aired by the Israeli media.

These two tweets are about 30 minutes apart:

View: https://twitter.com/Israel/status/1802210206299885572
@Israel said:
The @IDF regarding the humanitarian effort in Gaza:

"Starting yesterday (Saturday), a local, tactical pause of military activity for humanitarian purposes will take place from 08:00 until 19:00 every day until further notice along the road that leads from the Kerem Shalom Crossing to the Salah al-Din Road and then northwards."

View: https://twitter.com/IDFSpokesperson/status/1802218384215433457

@IDFSpokesperson said:
אין הפסקת לחימה בדרום הרצועה, והלחימה ברפיח נמשכת. כמו כן, אין שינוי בהכנסת הסחורות לרצועה. הציר המוביל את הסחורות יהיה פתוח במהלך שעות היום בתיאום עם ארגונים בינ״ל, לשינוע הסיוע ההומניטרי בלבד

Google Translate: There is no cessation of fighting in the southern Gaza Strip, and the fighting in Rafah continues. Also, there is no change in the introduction of goods into the Gaza Strip. The axis carrying the goods will be open during the day in coordination with international organizations, for the transportation of humanitarian aid only


May 8, 2018
Colton, CA
It was always going to be this way. It is how they justify continuing to oppress Palestinians. Those that support Palestinians emancipation know that resisting occupation is legal and this is 100% an occupation.
Yep, by any means necessary, get rid of the occupying force. Acting like there is some noble and correct way to resist your own genocide is ahistorical nonsense.


Jun 27, 2020
Does Netanyahu still have the support to maintain his government, or has he dropped to half or below? I think he had 64 (out of 61 needed) immediately after the election.


Oct 29, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
Like it makes a difference. Western commentators persist on this fantasy that Netenyahu's policies are aberrant rather than mainstream. The only thing the parties differ on is the method of repression
Oct 28, 2017
I understand the war cabinet was just a state-sponsored reality show to say LOOK! EVEN BENNY GANTZ IS WITH US but is there any chance at all this means Netanyahu is getting systematically weaker? Because I'd like to believe so.I need to believe so.
Netanyahu political allies were never part of the war cabinet so it won't really affect him.
Oct 28, 2017

Gaza hostilities continue despite Israeli armed forces announcement, UNRWA chief says

Hostilities continue in Rafah and southern Gaza despite the Israeli military's announcement on Sunday of tactical pauses in operations to allow humanitarian aid to enter, UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini told reporters in Oslo on Monday.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday criticized plans announced by the military to hold daily pauses in fighting along one of the main roads into the Palestinian enclave.

Lazzarini, commissioner general of UNRWA, the main organisation delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza, said that there had been no pause in the fighting.

"There has been information that such a decision has been taken, but the political level says none of this decision has been taken," Lazzarini told a press conference.

"So for the time being, I can tell you that hostilities continue in Rafah and in the south of Gaza. And that operationally, nothing has changed yet."


Oct 28, 2017
Great article.

Takeaways from the AP investigation into the Palestinian families being decimated in Gaza


Takeaways from the AP investigation into the Palestinian families being decimated in Gaza

To a degree never seen before, Israel’s air and ground campaign in Gaza is killing entire Palestinian families.

No one left to document the toll

Several families have almost no one left to document the toll and thousands cannot account for all their dead because so many bodies remain under rubble.

The AP review encompassed casualty records released by Gaza's health ministry until March, online death notices, family and neighborhood social media pages and spreadsheets, witness and survivor accounts, as well as a data from Airwars, a London-based conflict monitor. AP also geolocated and analyzed 10 Israeli strikes, among the deadliest in the war, between Oct. 7 and Dec. 24. Together the strikes killed more than 500 people.

No warning, no access

Gaza was under siege before the war, but since Oct. 7 Israel and Egypt have totally blocked access for outside reporting teams or independent investigators. Hundreds of local reporters juggled covering the relentless Israeli bombings – 6,000 in the first five days of the war – while running for their own lives and seeking shelter for themselves and their families.

In the first month after Hamas deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israel, which killed about 1,200 people, Gaza's health ministry said 300 Palestinian families lost over 10 members. That's twice as many as during the devastating 51-day war of 2014.

The 10 strikes analyzed by AP mainly hit residential buildings, homes and shelters where parents, children, grandparents were huddled together for safety. In no case was there an obvious military target or direct warning to those inside. The Salem family has lost at least 270 members in all.

Wha?? Gaza was under siege before Oct 7th? You don't say... Blinken and everyone in the west very clearly says that Hamas started everything on Oct 7th. AP is Hamas confirmed.

Why it's part of the war crimes and genocide cases

Israel has said it takes measures to mitigate agains t civilian harm. In past conflicts, it often directly warned civilians about to be targeted. But in this war, that method is rarely used, replaced by evacuation orders for entire areas that not everyone can or will obey.

When civilian deaths are involved, the laws of war come down to a question of proportionality, whether the military advantage justifies the destruction.

The world's top court, the International Court of Justice is considering whether Israel is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. The killing of families across generations is a key part of t he case.
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Oct 25, 2017

View: https://x.com/politico/status/1800640683381793049

"'We have been clear' is to a Biden spox what the phrase 'fugetaboutit' is to Lefty from Donnie Brasco," JOSH ROGIN, a longtime Washington Post columnist who covers foreign policy, told NatSec Daily. "It's a catchall for dodging legitimate questions about failed or failing policies."

Our frustration turned to curiosity, so we asked some former spokespeople about the strategy behind using the phrase. Is it to confuse journalists? To psychologically trick them into thinking they're the ones who don't know what's going on?

Administration spokespeople have a set of "media tips and tricks" that include pivot lines and ways to take back the narrative when the questioning doesn't go where they want it to go, HALA RHARRIT, a former Arab-language spokesperson in the State Department who resigned in protest over U.S. policy toward Israel in April, told NatSec Daily. Insisting the administration has "been clear" is an attempt to manage a policy that may be unpopular, or at least offer flexibility so that the administration isn't pigeonholed by specifics.

For example, the administration says it has been clear in conversations with Israel that Israel needs to limit civilian casualties, "but we actually have never taken steps to make that happen," such as broadly withholding weapons shipments to Israel, Rharrit said.

"Saying 'we have been clear' is an attempt to be a show of force, pretending like we are doing something," she added. "But in reality, it is just words."



Oct 28, 2017

View: https://x.com/haaretzcom/status/1802763138452066457

"I refuse to enlist in order to show that change is needed and that change is possible, for the security and safety of all of us in Israel-Palestine, and in the name of empathy that is not restricted by national identity," her statement of refusal read. "I refuse to enlist because I want to create a reality in which all children between the Jordan River and the [Mediterranean] sea can dream without cages."

She was sentenced to 20 days in military jail, and still refused to draft. She was then sentenced to another 20-day stretch. In April she received a third sentence of 45 days and 15 days probation, after which a committee found her to be a conscientious objector and exempted her from service after 85 days in jail.

"I realized that the army doesn't stand for the basic values I grew up with: of resolving conflicts with dialogue, of empathy, and of solidarity and equality – not in how it treats its own soldiers and not in how it conducts itself externally in the occupation and war. It's a system that is inherently very aggressive and violent, and I cannot take part in any such system."
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Oct 25, 2017

The war in Gaza has wiped out entire Palestinian families. AP documents 60 who lost dozens or more


BEIRUT (AP) — He is among the very last survivors of his Gaza family, a clan so close they knew without thinking how blood and marriage bound them across generations and city blocks.

Then, branch by branch, 173 of Youssef Salem's relatives were killed in Israeli airstrikes in a matter of days in December. By spring that toll had risen to 270.

To a degree never seen before, Israel is killing entire Palestinian families, a loss even more devastating than the physical destruction and the massive displacement.

An Associated Press investigation identified at least 60 Palestinian families where at least 25 people were killed — sometimes four generations from the same bloodline — in bombings between October and December, the deadliest and most destructive period of the war.

Nearly a quarter of those families lost more than 50 family members in those weeks. Several families have almost no one left to document the toll, especially as documenting and sharing information became harder.

Israel estimates 15,000 Hamas militants had been killed by June, but has not given evidence or explanation. It is not clear whether the count includes men like al-Agha, who worked in one of the hundreds of Hamas-linked organizations or officials in the government that administered life in Gaza for over 16 years.

The AP geolocated and analyzed 10 strikes, among the deadliest from Oct. 7 to Dec. 24, and found they hit residential buildings and shelters with families inside. In no case was there an obvious military target or direct warning to those inside, and in one case the family said they had raised a white flag on their building in a combat zone. Together, the strikes killed more than 500 people, including the two bombings that wiped out the Salems and three others that killed 30 members of the al-Agha family. AP also consulted six weapons investigators, open-source analysts and experts.

By the spring, AP documented nearly 100 members of the al-Agha family were killed in Israeli strikes. Jaser al-Agha has buried almost more relatives than he can count, including three cousins he considered brothers.

"I was waiting for my turn," he said.

"Everyone is targeted; families from all classes, poor, Bedouins, farmers, businessmen, wealthy people who are nationalist but unaffiliated with political action. There is no distinction," said Shabaan, whose family counts many dead, including nine women. "It is becoming clear that this is a targeting of the social structure."

People of Gaza will be preoccupied for months after the war ends with looking for their missing and removing those under the rubble, Shabaan said.

"If they find the bodies, they will start going after the paperwork. They will start looking for papers to prove them as humans: Their death and birth certificates, their graduation papers, their land or home deeds," he said.


The war in Gaza has wiped out entire Palestinian families. AP documents 60 who lost dozens or more

Israeli airstrikes are eradicating entire Palestinian families in Gaza, sometimes generations at a time, to a degree never seen before in previous conflicts there.

Long, depressing article. Some people get offended when you call this a genocide however.


Oct 25, 2017

Israel to 'strengthen' Jewish settlements in West Bank after countries recognize Palestinian state

Israel's government says it is looking to "strengthen" Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank after several countries unilaterally recognized a Palestinian state.

In a statement issued on Sunday, the Prime Minister's Office said all of the proposals for strengthening settlements in what Israel biblically refers to as Judea and Samaria would be voted on at the next Security Cabinet meeting.

Norway, Ireland, Spain and Slovenia have each recognized an independent Palestinian state in recent weeks, a move motivated at least in part by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's open refusal to commit to a two-state solution.

The statement also said Israel would look at what actions to take against the Palestinian Authority as it took actions against Israel in international bodies.

Earlier this month, the Palestinian Authority applied to join South Africa's case against Israel at the International Court of Justice.

Israel's far-right finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, said in May that Israel should approve 10,000 settlements in the West Bank, establish a new settlement for every country that recognizes a state of Palestine, and cancel travel permits for Palestinian Authority officials.



Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
The government or decision makers are really acting like a bunch of babies because Palestine got recognised by a couple of countries. I really don't see how Palestinians can have their own country when Israel keeps stealing the land and fragmenting West Bank. This is so awful.


Oct 25, 2017

From earlier today

Reports: Blinken promised Netanyahu US will remove limits on arms shipments to Israel

During their meeting last week in Israel, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken promised Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Washington will in the coming days remove all restrictions on weapons transfers to the Jewish state, according to reports by Channel 12 news and Germany's Bild.

The unsourced reports say that Netanyahu demanded the renewal of the same level of arms shipments as at the start of the war, lamenting that the US has in practice halted its military support for the war against Hamas in Gaza.

No hell hot enough for Blinken, Biden and this rotten administration.


Oct 25, 2017

From earlier today

Reports: Blinken promised Netanyahu US will remove limits on arms shipments to Israel

No hell hot enough for Blinken, Biden and this rotten administration.
He may be ramming new arms shipments through congress to aid Israel's genocidal campaign in Gaza but at least he acknowledged the suffering of his victims!

Biden marks Eid while acknowledging the suffering of civilians in Gaza

"In Gaza, innocent civilians are suffering the horrors of the war between Hamas and Israel. Too many innocent people have been killed, including thousands of children," Biden said in the statement. "Families have fled their homes and seen their communities destroyed. Their pain is immense."

Biden added that his administration is working to end the war and make progress toward a two-state solution.
Removing limits on arms shipments sounds exactly like what someone who is working to end the genocide would do.
He used the holiday to celebrate the contributions of the Muslim community in America and also to say that he is committed to fighting Islamophobia in the U.S.

"Hate has no place in America, whether it is targeted at American Muslims, Arab Americans including Palestinians, or anyone else," Biden said.

He added, "In the spirit of Eid al-Adha, let us all renew our commitment to values that unite us – compassion, empathy, and mutual respect – which are both American and Islamic."

virtue signaling


or virtue signalling or less commonly virtue-signaling

or virtue-signalling
: the act or practice of conspicuously displaying one's awareness of and attentiveness to political issues, matters of social and racial justice, etc., especially instead of taking effective action


Jun 27, 2020
From earlier today

Reports: Blinken promised Netanyahu US will remove limits on arms shipments to Israel

No hell hot enough for Blinken, Biden and this rotten administration.
I had to read this line several times to understand it. At first I thought it said "Blinken promised Netanyahu US will limit arms shipment to Israel", as in he is threatening Netanyahu with an arms embargo.


May 8, 2018
Colton, CA
But please, go ahead and continue to say with a straight face that Biden is working towards a ceasefire and cares about Palestinian lives.

Never regretted supporting a politician more in my life.
I got the double whammy of regret by voting for Fetterman and Biden in PA in 2020. Two of the most unhinged Zionists you'll find outside of Israel.

Democrats caving to keep that sweet war engine purring is not surprising, blood on their hands.


Oct 30, 2017
Biden marks Eid while acknowledging the suffering of civilians in Gaza

"Hate has no place in America, whether it is targeted at American Muslims, Arab Americans including Palestinians, or anyone else," Biden said.

He's right, you know.

That hate belongs overseas, where it can fuel decades of ethnic cleansing sponsored entirely by America.

This man is a heartless monster disguised as a liberal. He never gave a shit about Palestinian lives and certainly doesn't now.


Oct 25, 2017
It's so tragically comical it's almost like Netanyahu is Blinken boss or has leverage over him.
Oct 28, 2017

Gaza conflict has caused major environmental damage, UN says

The conflict in Gaza has created unprecedented soil, water and air pollution in the region, destroying sanitation systems and leaving tons of debris from explosive devices, a United Nations report on the environmental impact of the war said on Tuesday.

The war between Israel and Hamas, the Islamist movement that controls the Gaza Strip, has swiftly reversed limited progress in improving the region's water desalination and wastewater treatment facilities, restoring the Wadi Gaza coastal wetland, and investments in solar power installations, according to a preliminary assessment from the U.N. Environment Programme (UNEP).

Explosive weapons have generated some 39 million tons of debris, the report said. Each square metre of the Gaza Strip is now littered with more than 107 kilograms (236 lbs) of debris. That is more than five times the debris generated during the battle for Mosul, Iraq, in 2017, the report said.

"All of this is deeply harming people's health, food security and Gaza's resilience," said UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen.

Gaza's environment was already suffering from recurring conflicts, rapid urban growth, and high population density, before the most recent conflict began on Oct. 7.

The U.N. assessment adds to concerns about the unfolding humanitarian crisis and the environmental costs of war, with Ukraine also recording widespread ecological damage over the past two years.

"Understanding the environmental impacts of war is a grand challenge of our time," said Eoghan Darbyshire, a senior researcher at the UK-based nonprofit Conflict and Environment Observatory. "The impacts will not only be felt locally where the fighting is taking place, but may be displaced or even felt at the global scale via greenhouse gas emissions."


Oct 29, 2017
From earlier today

Reports: Blinken promised Netanyahu US will remove limits on arms shipments to Israel

No hell hot enough for Blinken, Biden and this rotten administration.
Of course he is, after all:

WestExec Advisors

WestExec Advisors LLC is a consulting firm founded in 2017 by Antony Blinken, Michèle Flournoy, Sergio Aguirre, and Nitin Chadda

Although WestExec does not disclose its list of clients, some have been reported. Its clients include Google's Jigsaw; Windward, an Israeli artificial intelligence firm; Shield AI, a drone surveillance company;[4] and Fortune 100 types".[9]

Under a financial disclosure filed by the Biden transition team in December 2020, Secretary of State nominee Antony Blinken declared that clients of WestExec included "investment giant Blackstone, Bank of America, Facebook, Uber, McKinsey & Company, the Japanese conglomerate SoftBank, the pharmaceutical company Gilead, the investment bank Lazard, Boeing, AT&T, the Royal Bank of Canada, LinkedIn and the venerable Sotheby's". In a similar form, Director of National Intelligence-designate Avril Haines disclosed that WestExec had worked with data-mining company Palantir Technologies.[10]

Pine Island Capital Partners

Blinken, as well as other Biden transition team members Michele Flournoy, former Pentagon advisor, and Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, are partners of private equity firm Pine Island Capital Partners,[165][166] a strategic partner of WestExec.

During the final stretch of Biden's presidential campaign, Pine Island raised $218 million for a special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC), a public offering to invest in "defense, government service and aerospace industries"

Pine Island Capital has been on something of a buying spree this year, purchasing the weapons system parts manufacturer Precinmac and a company until recently known as Meggitt Training Systems and now known as InVeris, which sells computer-simulated weapons training systems to the Pentagon and law enforcement agencies.

Another WestExec client, Shield AI, was founded in 2015 by a former member of the Navy SEALs to employ artificial intelligence to protect service members and civilians. It won a $1 million contract from the Defense Department in 2016 before securing its Air Force contract this year worth up to $7.2 million.

Wired magazine reported last month that Ms. Flournoy helped Shield AI develop guidelines for artificial intelligence use that incorporate human judgment, quoting her as saying that "the Department of Defense doesn't want to remove the human; it wants to make the human better."

WestExec also has represented Windward, an Israeli artificial-intelligence company, according to The American Prospect. Windward representatives did not respond to requests for comment.

Which raises some additional and obvious questions with how much Blinken's company's, which he will no doubt return to once he has left office, a company that has financial stakes and clients in the American and Israeli Defense industry, how many of those clients are directly responsible for contributing to the genocide, such as Shield AI. How his incentives are perverted knowing that generosity to that industry while in public life will have material benefits when he returns to private life.


Some say AI will make war more humane. Israel’s war in Gaza shows the opposite.

AI nudges us to prioritize speed and scale. In Gaza, it’s turbocharging mass bombing.
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Oct 25, 2017