Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
Oct 28, 2017

Dozens killed and injured in attack on al-Mawasi

Dozens killed in Israeli attack on tent encampment in southern Gaza

Dozens hurt in continuing attacks as UN warns that 2.2 million people in the territory are in ‘urgent’ need of aid.
Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic and the Wafa news agency are reporting that dozens of people have been killed and injured in an Israeli attack on Palestinians staying in tents in the al-Mawasi area of southern Gaza.

A spokesperson for Gaza's Civil Defence that at least 20 tents were hit in the attack, AJA reports.
Oct 28, 2017

Dozens killed and injured in attack on al-Mawasi

Dozens killed in Israeli attack on tent encampment in southern Gaza

Dozens hurt in continuing attacks as UN warns that 2.2 million people in the territory are in ‘urgent’ need of aid.

Khan Younis safe zone strike: 40 killed in Israeli attack on Al-Mawasi, Gaza officials say

At least 40 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli airstrikes on a tent encampment designated as a humanitarian zone in Khan Younis, Gaza officials said early on Tuesday, in what the Israeli military said was an attack on a Hamas command centre.

Gaza civil defence officials told Agence France-Presse and the BBC that as well as the 40 people killed in the attack inside the Al-Mawasi camp, a further 60 were injured and transferred to local hospitals.

Residents and medics said the tent encampment in the al-Mawasi area was struck by at least four missiles. The camp is crowded with displaced Palestinians who have fled from elsewhere in the enclave.
The Gaza civil emergency service said at least 20 tents caught on fire, and missiles caused craters as deep as nine metres (30ft). There was no immediate comment from the Gaza health ministry, which compiles casualty figures.
"Our teams are still moving out martyrs and wounded from the targeted area. It looks like a new Israeli massacre," a Gaza civil emergency official said.

At the scene of the attack, ambulances raced back and forth to a nearby hospital, while Israeli jets could still be heard overhead, residents said.

Khan Younis safe zone strike: 40 killed in Israeli attack on Al-Mawasi, Gaza officials say

Emergency services said 20 tents caught fire in attack that Israel said targeted a Hamas command centre


Oct 27, 2017
This tragedy, could have been prevented. Disgusting that the US still sends arms to Israel and their government can't wait to use them.
Oct 27, 2017
Casually launching missiles that leave 9m deep craters at people sheltering in tents, fucking inhuman. Bu-bu-but HAmAs cOmmAnD CenTeR fuck off.


Sep 1, 2018
Its honestly really hard to not be pissed off.
Fuck the way people, especially politicians, will excuse Israel countless war crimes.
The worst part is the way a lot of those people will also openly condemn any kind of support for Palestinian. They praise Israel for its genocide yet pretend Palestinian aren't suffering. They openly support Israel yet they scream at people defending Palestinian to stay neutral and to mind their own business.
Fuck all of them.


Oct 30, 2017


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018

On mobile so i cant really quote but waiting to see if this manifests in US congress and in what form.
The most despicable group of people are Isreali politicians, IDF soldiers and the US politicians that enable them.

Been listening to a report on another murdered journalist and sitting there fuming.

Worst part is that it's a US election year and my feed is stuffed with pieces of US politicians pretending they have any humanity in them, like they have any type of morals or values.

Fucking child murderers, the whole lot of them.
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Oct 27, 2017
There's a lot of terrible things happening right now in the West Bank, which is not Gaza, where there is no Hamas. Any form of resistance is too much - a Palestinian fighting for their rights deserves to die. The rhetoric has reached an all time high of extremism, where its a total subjugation of a people, being treated as animals or worse.

I wanna highlight this part:

"The only thing that has been proven to provide security is when Palestinians are free. But they don't want to do that," Diana Buttu, an attorney in the region and former legal adviser for the Palestinian Liberation Organization, told HuffPost on Thursday. "So instead, Israel lives with this formula that the only way that they can feel secure is if Palestinians feel insecure; that's their way of operating.


Also in the West Bank:


The full report can be read and downloaded here.

Among the horrific findings in this report: 20% of ALL the Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank since 2000 have been killed after October 7, 2023—at a rate of one child every two days. Link
Israeli forces quickly and brutally cracked down on demonstrations organized in support of Palestinians in Gaza by Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, carried out drone strikes in the West Bank for the first time in two decades, and systematically blocked ambulances and paramedics from reaching children injured by Israeli soldiers. This report centers the case studies of the 141 Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between October 7, 2023, and July 31, 2024, collected by Defense for Children International - Palestine (DCIP) field researchers.

On average, Israeli forces have killed a Palestinian child in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, every two days since October 7, 2023.

Most of the children were killed with live ammunition, usually a single bullet to the head or torso. Some were shot in the back, indicating they were turned away from Israeli soldiers. Some were participating in confrontations between Israeli forces and Palestinian residents of communities in the occupied West Bank, while others were simply going about their daily lives: sitting in a car with her mother, on his way home from school, or in one case, standing inside his own house.

DCIP has documented 705 Palestinian child fatalities in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since 2000. 20 percent of all of the Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank in more than two decades were killed in the last ten months. Israel's decades-long de facto policy of shooting to kill has escalated and intensified at an alarming rate.

Israeli forces have made clear their contempt for Palestinian children's lives in their deliberate and systematic disregard for international law and even their own policies permitting the use of live ammunition in circumstances not justified under international law. Not a single Israeli soldier has been held accountable for killing any of the Palestinian children included in this report despite widespread and systematic evidence of unlawful killings.
  1. 20 percent of the Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since 2000 have been killed after October 7, 2023 at a rate of one child every two days.

  2. Israeli forces deliberately target and shoot unarmed children with live ammunition and trained snipers. Israeli forces and settlers shot and killed 116 Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between October 7, 2023 and July 31, 2024.

  3. Israeli forces have killed 25 Palestinian children in aerial attacks in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between October 7, 2023 and July 31, 2024. Some children were directly targeted while others were collateral damage as Israeli forces deployed aerial attacks in densely populated civilian areas.

  4. Israeli forces and authorities systematically deny Palestinian children their right to medical care when preventing ambulances, paramedics, or bystanders from providing medical care to a child shot with live ammunition or struck in an Israeli airstrike. In 43 percent of cases in this report, Israeli forces deliberately prevented injured Palestinian children from receiving medical care by detaining and firing live ammunition toward ambulances, paramedics, and civilians attempting to provide aid.

  5. Israeli authorities and forces systematically, deliberately, and specifically embolden Israeli settler violence towards Palestinian children. Israeli forces present during armed Israeli settler attacks fail to prevent the aggression, fail to help the Palestinian victims, and often collaborate with the settlers in inflicting lethal harm. In two cases, Israeli forces and settlers fired toward Palestinian children simultaneously, and DCIP was unable to determine which perpetrator fired the fatal bullet.

  6. Israeli forces killed at least 49 Palestinian children during the intensified large-scale and deadly incursions into Palestinian refugee camps in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between October 7, 2023 and July 31, 2024.

  7. The fatal shootings of child protesters in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza and the use of expanding bullets during the crackdowns constitute war crimes prosecutable at the ICC. In October 2023, Israeli forces shot and killed four Palestinian children with expanding bullets designed to increase in size upon impact, inflicting fatal internal injuries.

  8. Israeli authorities' practice of confiscating and withholding Palestinian bodies is a violation of international humanitarian law and international criminal law, which include absolute prohibitions on cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment. Israeli authorities have confiscated 18 Palestinian children's bodies in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between October 7, 2023 and July 31, 2024.

  9. Israeli authorities work to ensure Israeli forces continue enjoying impunity and face no consequence for the extrajudicial killing of Palestinian children. There are no known accounts of accountability during this reporting period.

The full report can be read and downloaded here.



Oct 28, 2017

Israel says American-Turkish activist killed in West Bank likely shot 'unintentionally' by army

Israeli attacks kill over 41,000 Palestinians since start of war on Gaza

Gaza’s Health Ministry says 32 Palestinians were killed and 100 wounded in the latest 24-hour reporting period.
The Israeli military has said American-Turkish activist Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, who was killed in the West Bank last week, was likely shot "indirectly and unintentionally" by Israeli forces while aiming at someone else.

The 26-year-old activist from Seattle died from a bullet wound to the head on Friday, during a demonstration against Israeli settlements in the town of Beita.

The military said its inquiry "found that it is highly likely that she was hit indirectly and unintentionally by [Israeli army] fire which was not aimed at her, but aimed at the key instigator of the riot".

Other protesters said there had been clashes between Israeli forces firing tear gas and live rounds and Palestinians throwing rocks but that the violence had subsided before Eygi was shot.
Oct 27, 2017
Quoting from the summary of the Aug 5th B'Tselem report: Full Report (118 pages) / Summary (12 pages)
...In early July 2024, there were 9,623 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons and detention facilities, almost double the number just before the war began. Of these, 4,781 were detained without trial, without being presented with the allegations against them, and without access to the right to defend themselves, in what Israel terms "administrative detention." Some were jailed simply for expressing sympathy for the suffering of Palestinians. Others were taken into custody during military activity in the Gaza Strip, on the sole grounds that they came under the vague definition of "men of fighting age." Some were imprisoned over suspicions, substantiated or not, that they were operatives or supporters of Palestinian armed groups. The prisoners form a wide spectrum of people from different areas, with varying political opinions and only thing in common – being Palestinian...

...As the testimonies reveal, the new policy is applied across all prison facilities and to all Palestinian prisoners. Among its main tenets are unrelenting physical and psychological violence, denial of medical treatment, starvation, withholding of water, sleep deprivation and confiscation of all personal belongings. The overall picture indicates abuse and torture carried out under orders, in utter defiance of Israel's obligations both under domestic law and under international law...

The transition from what appears to have initially been spontaneous acts of vengeance to a permanent, systematic regime stripping away all protections designed to uphold and ensure the most basic rights of Palestinian prisoners was made possible when the government exploited its powers to enact draconian, injurious "emergency regulations" and applied them in a brazen, gross violation of multiple norms and obligations under Israeli law, international human rights law, the laws of war and humanitarian law. The violations included the widespread, systematic and prolonged commission of the crime of torture. Equally important, in these actions, Israel is trampling basic human morality underfoot along with the most protected human rights of prisoners held in state custody.

The legal gatekeepers, such as the High Court of Justice and the State Attorney's Office, ostensibly entrusted with upholding the rule of law and protecting human rights, have bowed their heads in submission to Ben Gvir's agenda, and allowed abuses and the total dehumanization of these prisoners to become the premise for the entire system's operation. The result is a system that specializes in torture and abuse, where, at any given moment, many thousands of Palestinians are kept behind bars, most without trial, and all in inhuman conditions.

Full Report (118 pages)
Summary (12 pages)


New York, 9 September 2024: The Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict (SRSG-SVC), Ms. Pramila Patten, expresses her deep concern about recently published reports by the United Nations including OHCHR, describing a dramatic deterioration in conditions of detention for Palestinian men, women and children under Israeli custody, since the 7 October attacks and the escalation of hostilities in Gaza. These very disturbing reports of sexual violence and other inhuman and degrading treatment could amount to sexualized torture, perpetrated against Palestinian men and women and include widespread sexual slurs and threats of rape and gang rape, repeated and humiliating strip searches and prolonged forced nudity, beatings and electrocution of genitals and anus, insertion of objects into detainees' anuses, inappropriate touching of women by both male and female soldiers, and photographing or filming of naked or partially undressed detainees in humiliating positions. "Sexual violence and sexualized torture in any form and in any context, and particularly in detention settings, is unacceptable. Such abhorrent acts not only constitute a grave violation of human rights and human dignity but they also undermine efforts towards peace and stability in the region", stated Special Representative Patten who calls for the provision to the victims, of necessary medical and psychological support to begin the healing process.

Special Representative Patten recalls the extensive media coverage of the recent case of the Palestinian male detainee who was hospitalized in July with severe injuries including to his rectum, due to sexual violence allegedly perpetrated in the Sde Teiman military base. Special Representative Patten stresses the importance of upholding international human rights standards and ensuring that detention conditions strictly conform with international norms and standards, and urges Israeli authorities to grant unhindered access to relevant international bodies to detention facilities in Israel and in the occupied Palestinian Territories including Gaza and reiterates her call for independent and thorough investigations by relevant and competent UN bodies into all these alleged violations in order to bring all perpetrators, regardless of rank or affiliation, to justice.

Special Representative Patten acknowledges that some steps were taken by the Israeli Military Police Criminal Investigation Division to investigate the alleged rape of the Palestinian detainee hospitalized in July but remains concerned at the limited number of investigations opened compared to the number of complaints received. "I am particularly concerned about recent attempts by some Israeli political actors, to interfere with ongoing justice processes and/ or to justify the use of these methods. Sexual violence and sexualized torture in detention settings must never be normalized. Impunity emboldens perpetrators, silences victims and undermines prospects for peace. Perpetrators of such heinous crimes must be held accountable and justice must be served", added Special Representative Patten who calls for prompt, thorough, independent, impartial and effective investigations into all alleged violations.

SRSG Patten also expresses her deep sorrow for the recent tragic events involving the killing of six hostages by Hamas while in captivity. She extends heartfelt condolences to the grieving families and reiterates an immediate and unequivocal call for the safe and unconditional release of all remaining hostages and for an immediate ceasefire.

UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Ms. Pramila Patten, expresses serious concerns over reported instances of rape and other forms of sexual violence against Palestinian detainees - occupied Palestinian territory

News and Press Release in English on occupied Palestinian territory about Protection and Human Rights; published on 9 Sep 2024 by OSRSG Sexual Violence in Conflict

UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Ms. Pramila Patten, expresses serious concerns over reported instances of rape and other forms of sexual violence against Palestinian detainees - occupied Palestinian territory

News and Press Release in English on occupied Palestinian territory about Protection and Human Rights; published on 9 Sep 2024 by OSRSG Sexual Violence in Conflict


Oct 29, 2017


On Break
Oct 25, 2017
The Mawsawi camp massacre in Khan Yunis is looking really bad. Huge bombs dropped on refugee tents that left 9 meter deep craters. Some bodies have been completely obliterated. They can't even confirm the death count because of it. These massacres happen over and over and the US does nothing to curtail the use of such weaponry, and instead has $20 billion more on its way. Do people still want to give Biden the benefit of the doubt as to what his actual agenda is? The "I've done more for the Palestinian community than anyone else has" guy.
Oct 27, 2017
Israel asks US Congress to press South Africa to drop ICJ genocide case

On mobile so i cant really quote but waiting to see if this manifests in US congress and in what form.

Israeli officials are lobbying U.S. lawmakers to pressure South Africa into dropping its genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), according to a report published Monday... This isn't the first time that Israel has been accused of trying to intimidate those who seek to hold it accountable for its obliteration of Gaza. Earlier this year, its government launched a pressure campaign urging world governments to condemn the ICJ trial.

South Africa filed its genocide case against Israel in December, alleging that statements and actions by Israeli government officials and armed forces "are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part" of the Palestinian population in violation of Article II of the Genocide Convention...

In January, the ICJ ordered Israel to "take all measures within its power" to uphold its obligations under Article II of the Genocide Convention. Israel's far-right government and military have been accused by human rights groups of ignoring the order. As Israeli forces launched a major ground invasion of Rafah four months later, the ICJ issued another order for Israel to "immediately halt its military offensive" in the city, where around 1.5 million forcibly displaced and local Palestinian residents were sheltering. Instead of heeding the order, Israel ramped up its assault on Rafah...

Israel Lobbies US Congress to Pressure South Africa to Drop ICJ Genocide Case

At the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Karim Khan is urging the tribunal to promptly act upon his May application for warrants to arrest Netanyahu, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and three Hamas leaders—at least one of whom, political chief Ismail Haniyeh, was subsequently assassinated by Israel. Israeli and U.S. officials have threatened ICC members with retaliation if the tribunal issues arrest warrants for Israeli leaders. In June, 42 House Democrats joined Republican lawmakers in passing legislation to sanction ICC jurists in the event they authorize the Israeli leaders' arrest.

The U.S. is by far Israel's biggest benefactor, providing billions of dollars worth of weapons and invaluable diplomatic cover including United Nations Security Council cease-fire resolution vetoes. Many experts say the U.S. is complicit in Israel's genocide. A group of Palestinians, Palestinian Americans, and rights groups is seeking to hold President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin criminally accountable for supporting Israel's Gaza slaughter at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Israel Lobbies US Congress to Pressure South Africa to Drop ICJ Genocide Case

Kenneth Roth: Obviously fearing it will lose the genocide case, "Israel is lobbying members of Congress to press South Africa to drop its legal proceedings in the International Court of Justice over the war in Gaza, according to an Israeli foreign ministry cable."



Oct 28, 2017
WaPo reporter


Words can't express my disdain for this man at this moment.

He has no idea what he's talking about. This was nothing like what Blinken said today and would never be an acceptable excuse to roll out like that. It's so preposterous in light of how far it's been reported that the troops were from the protesters. There was no reason for any firing at all so no ricochet should have even happened. If a gunman fires his gun at the wall and it kills a woman is he all good because it was a ricochet? The protest was calm when she was killed!

Biden is dumb as a rock now just totally checked out. He has to be to say something like this so casually without all the details. It's so callous and irresponsible nevermind that it doesn't mesh at all with eye witnesses, what Blinken said, or what the State Dept has said when they say there is still an investigation. Biden looks to be more about Israeli pr than getting to the truth of anything. He's a truly pathetic man.


Oct 25, 2017
England m8.
WaPo reporter


Words can't express my disdain for this man at this moment.

He 100% knows what he's doing. Are we just gonna forget his stance on Israel many decades ago?

He genuinely doesn't give a single F about any Palestinian or anyone sympathetic to them.

Any concession is mealy mouthed nonsense he trots out to act like he's all about international rule based order.

Zero qualms throwing out pure lies for Israel. He's been doing it for decades.


Oct 25, 2017
The Nuremburg Trials predated the founding of the ICC in the Hague and a some of the international law it rests upon, hence my wondering if spokespeople are relevant / have ever been tried there.
I mean who cares? They are all massive assholes.
WaPo reporter


Words can't express my disdain for this man at this moment.

May this motherfucker rot in hell one day
Last edited:
Oct 27, 2017



"...The convoy was carrying 12 staff members on their way to support the polio vaccination campaign in northern Gaza...The UN vehicles were encircled by Israeli forces and shots were fired. The convoy was then approached by #IDF tanks and a bulldozer, which proceeded to ram the UN vehicles from the front and from the back, compacting the convoy with the UN staff inside. One bulldozer dropped debris on the first vehicle, while Israeli soldiers threatened staff, making it impossible for them to safely exit the vehicles. The convoy remained at gunpoint as senior UN officials engaged with Israeli authorities in an effort to de-escalate the situation..."

Vivid and shocking description of what happened to a #UN convoy which was part of the polio vaccination campaign in #Gaza yesterday. UN Spokesperson @StephDujarric says: "Yesterday's incident involving a #UN convoy stopped by Israeli forces is the latest example of the unacceptable dangers and impediment that humanitarian personnel in Gaza are experiencing. The convoy was carrying 12 staff members on their way to support the polio vaccination campaign in northern Gaza.

Its movements were fully coordinated with Israeli forces, and all details provided ahead of time. When the team was stopped at the Al Rashid checkpoint, they were informed that Israeli forces wanted to hold two UN staff members in the convoy for questioning. The situation escalated very quickly, with soldiers pointing their weapons directly towards our personnel in the convoy.

The UN vehicles were encircled by Israeli forces and shots were fired. The convoy was then approached by #IDF tanks and a bulldozer, which proceeded to ram the UN vehicles from the front and from the back, compacting the convoy with the UN staff inside. One bulldozer dropped debris on the first vehicle, while Israeli soldiers threatened staff, making it impossible for them to safely exit the vehicles. The convoy remained at gunpoint as senior UN officials engaged with Israeli authorities in an effort to de-escalate the situation.

The two staff members were interrogated by Israeli forces and then released back to us after seven and a half hours at the checkpoint. The convoy returned to base after being unable to complete its humanitarian mission, but all personnel came back. This incident and the conduct of Israeli forces on the ground put the lives of our staff in danger. It is critical that Israeli forces take measures to protect humanitarian staff and assets and to facilitate their work. This is what international humanitarian law requires."


Over the past week, the polio vaccination campaign in Gaza has provided evidence of what the UN and its humanitarian partners can achieve when afforded safe and secure access by the parties to the conflict.

However, the United Nations and humanitarian organizations face continuous obstruction and insecurity in their efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the devastated population in Gaza.

Yesterday, a team of twelve UN staff members, whose movement was fully coordinated with Israeli Defense Forces, and whose details were shared with them in advance, were stopped on its way to North Gaza to support the third phase of the Gaza Strip-wide polio vaccination campaign.

While at the checkpoint the team was informed that the IDF wanted to hold two of the UN staff members in the convoy for further questioning. The situation escalated quickly, with soldiers pointing their weapons directly towards the convoy personnel. Live shots were fired, and tanks and bulldozers approached, engaged with, and damaged UN vehicles, endangering the lives of UN staff inside the vehicles.

The convoy remained held at gunpoint while senior level UN officials engaged with the Israeli Authorities to de-escalate the situation. The two staff were eventually questioned, one by one, and then released. After seven and a half hours at the checkpoint, the convoy returned to base without being able to fulfill its humanitarian mission to support the polio campaign.

This incident highlights the ongoing dangers and obstacles humanitarian personnel face in Gaza. Despite daily coordination of humanitarian movements with the Israeli Defense Forces, our staff and assets were not provided with sufficient protection, hindering our work. Under international humanitarian law, such protection is mandatory.

Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Mr Muhannad Hadi, on the security incident affecting a UN convoy at Al Rashid Checkpoint in Gaza - occupied Palestinian territory

News and Press Release in English on occupied Palestinian territory about Safety and Security and Epidemic; published on 10 Sep 2024 by OCHA
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
I mean he ain't a puppet he is a partner to everything that has happened. He supplies the weapons for Israel to do all it wants without checks.
Biden has this mythology of Israel as some kind of ultimate reparation from the West in the aftermath of the Holocaust and thus is something that must be emphatically defended at all costs. He's always been fanatical about Israel since he's been a Senator in the 1970s. I believe he even said "we'd create a new Israel" if the state in Palestine were to no longer exist. It's an antiquated form of Zionism that he himself subscribes to and projects to the people every day while he's the President. As a result, the Palestinian people are in the process of being completely wiped out because of this nonsensical no red line policy. A truly shameful chapter in American history
Oct 27, 2017


We, the undersigned civil society organizations, are deeply concerned at the enduring devastation in Gaza. Canada risks complicity in this humanitarian catastrophe through its ongoing transfer of military goods destined to Israel, exports which are incompatible with its obligations under the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). As organizations committed to upholding human rights, the protection of civilians, peace, and justice—several of whom are present in Gaza and seeing daily the grave consequences of the transfer of weapons to conflict parties—we urge the Government of Canada to take immediate action to cease all exports of arms and arms components to Israel, as well as any and all transfers for which Israel will be the end user.

In the past ten months, more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's military campaign across the Gaza Strip, the majority being women and children. More than 92,000 have been injured and critical civilian infrastructure has been destroyed. Over the last few weeks only, Israel attacked at least seven schools. They add to the long list of schools, hospitals, refugee camps and places of worship hit since October—many of these crowded with displaced civilians sheltering from the violence.

This year marks the 10th​ anniversary of the adoption of the ATT, which Canada acceded to five years ago. Under the ATT, Canada is prohibited from exporting arms if those transfers would be used to commit serious crimes under international law including disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks. Moreover, states parties to the Treaty cannot authorize arms transfers if there is an overriding risk they could be misused, including to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian law (IHL)—the very type of behaviour that has become routine by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). These obligations are also reflected under domestic law in Canada's Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA).

In addition, the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) order to halt Israel's military offensive in Rafah due to the plausible risk of genocide as well as its July 19th​ Advisory Opinion which found that Israel's prolonged occupation of the occupied Palestinian territory is unlawful are significant international legal findings that call for concrete policy changes, and not just on the part of Israel. Canada needs to urgently review its own cooperation practices to ensure they prevent international crimes and do not contribute towards any further violations of international law.

To be sure, earlier this year it was reported that your government had paused the further authorization of arms transfers to Israel, which was a definitive step in the right direction. However, since then, the extent of this policy has not been officially outlined, proposed permits for arms transfers to Israel have not been denied but rather left in limbo for future authorization, and, most disturbingly, previously approved arms transfers have continued unabated.

We are extremely concerned that these previously authorized transfers include at least $95 million in Canadian military goods that could be exported to Israel by the end of 2025, despite the ongoing and well-documented pattern of IHL and human rights violations by Israel in Gaza and the West Bank. The continuous arming of Israel by Canada contradicts our country's commitment to upholding IHL and human rights. It also undermines efforts to end hostilities in Gaza through the implementation of a ceasefire, which Canada has pledged to support.

On August 14th​, the United States government announced that a Quebec-based company, General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems Inc., will be the principal contractor in the likely sale of $61-million US in high explosive mortar cartridges and related equipment to Israel. This announcement directly contradicts the claims made by the Canadian government that the only outstanding military exports to Israel are for "non-lethal" military equipment. In addition, all of Canada's arms exports are subject to ATT obligations, even those transferred under a General Export Permit to the United States.

Canada cannot credibly prioritize diplomatic solutions and support for peace while simultaneously contributing to the arming of a conflict in which violations of IHL are persistent and well-documented. By halting all military exports that could be used in the hostilities—including those via the United States—Canada will not only comply with its international and domestic legal obligations, but also take a principled stance in advancing the rule of law, human rights and compliance with IHL, thereby reinforcing its international reputation as a defender of these values.

We urge your office to refuse the transfer of the recently announced mortar cartridge sale with the United States and to cease all military exports to Israel—both direct and those transferred through the United States—including by revoking all extant permits. We remain committed to working with the Government of Canada to meet its legal obligations, uphold our shared values and to promote peace and justice both at home and abroad. We trust that you will give this matter the urgent attention it requires and look forward to your response.


Amnistie internationale Canada francophone
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME)
CARE Canada
Cooperation Canada
Development and Peace – Caritas Canada
Doctors of the World Canada
Human Concern International
Humanity & Inclusion Canada
Independent Jewish Voices Canada
The International Development and Relief Foundation (IDRF)
Islamic Relief Canada
Labour Against the Arms Trade
Mennonite Central Committee Canada
Oxfam Canada
Project Ploughshares
The Rideau Institute
Save the Children Canada
World BEYOND War

Open Letter: Civil society coalition urges Canada to stop all arms - Oxfam

Dear Minister Joly, We, the undersigned civil society organizations, are deeply concerned at the enduring devastation in Gaza. Canada risks complicity in this humanitarian catastrophe through its




Oct 25, 2017
A sniper bullet ricochetd perfectly through her skull

My God fuck this guy and fuck this motherfucking party.

Hes letting Israel kill americans with our own fucking money and weapons and were telling them sorry for making a fuss.