
Jul 29, 2018
I'm lame as hell. All I do is advocate as best I can on socials and with friends but I also can't imagine how some people aren't even capable of that. Even speaking about it with people around me at work is just impossible. I'm in a Hospital(clerical) and we literally have doctors that do half months in Israel and who have kids that are in the IDF. Thankfully even they don't talk about it much anymore. I hear some of the most ignorant shit though from other people but I can't correct them because honestly I'd probably get fired. The atmosphere of fear that surround this topic is like nothing I have ever seen except of course previous discussions on Palestine.

It truly feels like a topic that can't be broached unless you know you are safe. Idk, it gives me a lot of perspective on different historical events. How these things unfold is so sinister.

I remain unchanged in believing the only path to lasting peace is criminal prosecution for Israeli and Hamas leadership, a single democratic state where everyone's equal, reparations for Palestinians, and the right of return/right to citizenship for all Palestinians and Jews in the diaspora.

So I guess that was always considered radical lol

Who knew opposition to genocide was so controversial? The real fucked up thing is single statehood and equal rights for Palestinians feels even farther away than before.


May 31, 2022
I am struggling with feeling completely numb to this. From the day of the attack on Israel this is what I thought would happen, and now that it is… it's tragic beyond words


Oct 25, 2017
Eye on Palestine on IG has some horrific footage of the Rafah attacks so far. Major content warning, but it shows children crushed by building debris, child with severe burns and people taking their final breaths. Fucking inhumane bastards.


Oct 30, 2017
Who knew opposition to genocide was so controversial? The real fucked up thing is single statehood and equal rights for Palestinians feels even farther away than before.

I don't want to pretend like there aren't enormous challenges but I think the world, more than ever, knows the reality on the ground and many governments won't be able to act with impunity the way they're used to doing. So we may be a bit closer but the price to get there is fucking horrible behind imagination.


Oct 28, 2018

Israeli offensive on Rafah would break international law, UK minister says

Andrew Mitchell says military action on city will not eradicate Hamas and priority is to secure a permanent ceasefire
An Israeli military offensive on the city of Rafah would break international humanitarian law and not lead to the eradication of Hamas, Andrew Mitchell, the UK's deputy foreign minister, said on Tuesday, but he held back from spelling out any planned British consequences if a full-scale invasion goes ahead.

The line, agreed with the US, is aimed at limiting the options of the Israeli government so that it will accept a version of the three-stage peace deal adopted by Hamas. The UK said its aim was to secure a permanent and sustained ceasefire, and the removal of Hamas from the future governance of Gaza.
The British statement that Israel has presented no credible plan for the invasion of Rafah in southern Gaza that complies with international humanitarian law follows a similar statement by the French foreign ministry on Monday. But Mitchell went further in saying such an invasion may end up strengthening, not weakening, Hamas.
Elsewhere in Europe, the EU foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell, said: "The offensive on Rafah has resumed, despite all the demands of the international community, the United States, the member states of the European Union and all those who have asked Mr Netanyahu not to attack.

"Despite warnings and requests, the attack began at night. I fear that this is going to cause many civilian deaths again, whatever they say … because there are no safe areas in Gaza." Borrell added: "There are 600,000 children in Gaza."

He said he was still working on a proposal to pass sanctions or to curb the EU's trade agreement with Israel. The Belgian prime minister, Alexander De Croo, said in a newspaper interview: "Can we continue with Israel as a trading partner? I don't think so."
America has asked its allies to hold off threatening Israel with any public consequences if it goes ahead with a full-scale attack on Rafah, arguing the priority for the next 48 hours was to coax Israel into accepting the ceasefire plan.


Oct 28, 2017
Send them to Ukraine instead
I know we aren't suppoed to talk about Ukraine here but Hell yeah I agree with you 100%. Think of how much aid could go to an actual worthwhile conflict in Ukraine if Israel wasn't allowed to exhaust munitions at a rate unparalleled in human history, on an ethnic cleansing campaign.

Eye on Palestine on IG has some horrific footage of the Rafah attacks so far. Major content warning, but it shows children crushed by building debris, child with severe burns and people taking their final breaths. Fucking inhumane bastards.

I have seen this. It's unimaginable horror. They need a defense force against this slaughter but I know that will never happen. This is just so fucking sad and it was all completely preventable months ago.
Oct 28, 2017

'They have gone crazy': Intense tank fire on Rafah

Israel War on Gaza | Live updates | Today's latest from Al Jazeera

Captive-exchange talks continue as Israel ups the ante after surrounding Rafah with tanks and troops.
Rafah residents report heavy tank shelling in the evening in some areas of eastern Rafah.

"They have gone crazy. Tanks are firing shells, and smoke bombs cover the skies and with smoke over al-Salam and Jnaina neighbourhoods," said Emad Joudat, 55, a Gaza City resident displaced in Rafah.

"I am now seriously thinking of heading north, maybe to the central Gaza area. If they move farther into Rafah, it will be the mother of massacres."

About 1.4 million people have been crammed into tent cities and makeshift shelters and are suffering from shortages of food, water, medicine and other essentials.

Israel's military says it is conducting "a limited operation" in Rafah to kill Palestinian fighters and dismantle infrastructure used by Hamas. It ordered civilians to go to what it calls an "expanded humanitarian zone" 20km (12 miles) away.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't even have words anymore. The footage and pictures coming out of Rafah are sickening.

Every single person tied to this needs to be in the Hague, tried for warcrimes like Milosevic was.


Jul 29, 2018
US still attempting to coax Israel. That's been going well so far.

The media narrative that the US is always trying to coax the good outcome makes my blood boil. The US government can stop this whenever they want, they just value their relationship with Israel more than innocent Arabs.

Even from a geopolitical viewpoint (which I don't support viewing it like this), this whole thing is a disaster for both the US and Israeli. It's going to torpedo everything they are working towards in the region. Militarily the stated "objectives" are not achievable, but eliminating Hamas or rescuing the hostages were never the real objectives.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Hope Egypt follows through with negating the peace treaty like they said they would if Rafah was invaded, honestly. Israel needs some kind of consequence for this.


Jan 17, 2018
Even from a geopolitical viewpoint (which I don't support viewing it like this), this whole thing is a disaster for both the US and Israeli. It's going to torpedo everything they are working towards in the region. Militarily the stated "objectives" are not achievable, but eliminating Hamas or rescuing the hostages were never the real objectives.
As much as I think Israel fucked itself long term not much gonna change in a long while (politically that is, they obviously lost a lot of popular support in the West). The US and allies are still in its corner and even current Arab leaders will gladly resume "business as usual" as soon as it'll be safe for them and they'll be sure there won't be a huge backfire.


Oct 30, 2017
The media narrative that the US is always trying to coax the good outcome makes my blood boil. The US government can stop this whenever they want, they just value their relationship with Israel more than innocent Arabs.

Even from a geopolitical viewpoint (which I don't support viewing it like this), this whole thing is a disaster for both the US and Israeli. It's going to torpedo everything they are working towards in the region. Militarily the stated "objectives" are not achievable, but eliminating Hamas or rescuing the hostages were never the real objectives.

One of the most bizarre pieces of propaganda in this debacle is the "hold them tight" narrative, which Biden quotes verbatim (as have many top American and Israeli officials).

One side needs to be coddled even harder after they commit war crimes, and shielded from international courts at every turn.

The other side is made up of animals that need to be broken, with no red lines. Over 35,000 dead and millions starving but the WH shrugs because "that's war" and their lives have been erased of value.

Is it any wonder this led to genocide? I hope the ICC follows through with charges for both sides and holds all war criminals accountable for the many atrocities we've seen.


Jul 29, 2018
As much as I think Israel fucked itself long term not much gonna change in a long while (politically that is, they obviously lost a lot of popular support in the West). The US and allies are still in its corner and even current Arab leaders will gladly resume "business as usual" as soon as it'll be safe for them and they'll be sure there won't be a huge backfire.

That's the thing though, it feels like Israel is pushing to a point right now where even the most western friendly Arab leaders will have to turn away if only because they fear their own populace revolting over the geocide of fellow Arabs. I think the CIA explicitly pushing for a ceasefire is pretty illuminating. It's potentially unravelling everything they have been working towards.

But, lets not get too far down this rabbit hole.


Oct 28, 2017
Seeing so many useless reporters in Tel Aviv because they aren't allowed in Gaza is comical. They might as well be at home in bed. They have nothing to contribute, they are just on vacation. One of the biggest stories of our generation and they are all sidelined to protect the narrative. Not only is it futile because the news and images are getting out anyway but it continues to erode the credibility of western press which is already dying. I guess they are all fine with being laid off.


Jan 17, 2018
That's the thing though, it feels like Israel is pushing to a point right now where even the most western friendly Arab leaders will have to turn away if only because they fear their own populace revolting over the geocide of fellow Arabs. I think the CIA explicitly pushing for a ceasefire is pretty illuminating. It's potentially unravelling everything they have been working towards.

But, lets not get too far down this rabbit hole.
We'll see. I think normalisation between Israel and Saudi Arabia is dead for a time being and Egypt with Jordan probably gonna bark like an old dog from time to time too.

I hope you're right and there's at least some economic repercussions for Israel in a near future, but cynic in me says it's at least decades before anything substantial is going to happened.
Oct 28, 2017

Patients and medics flee major Rafah hospital

Fearful medics and patients are fleeing a hospital in Rafah and transfers of the sick and injured via a border crossing with Egypt are at a standstill due to Israel's military operation, doctors and residents said on Tuesday.

The Abu Yousef al-Najjar Hospital is located in an area of southern Gaza the Israeli army has designated a combat zone in a conflict that has seen repeated Israeli attacks on hospitals, with only a third still operational. Israel justifies such attacks by saying that Hamas uses them for military purposes - a claim both hospital staff and Hamas deny.

Doctor Marwan al-Hams told Reuters Israel had put Abu Youssef al-Najjar Hospital at the centre of the battle field. "Its threats to it resulted in people and patients leaving the hospital," he said, adding that some medical crews had also left.

The dialysis department for patients with kidney disease remained open for now, he added.

World Health Organization spokesperson Margaret Harris warned that its closure would immediately endanger the lives of some 200 dialysis patients since it is the only one in Gaza.

"If they are shut down that means all those people will die simply from kidney failure because that's what keeping them alive," she said. Other medical services in Rafah have already been disrupted with some services suspended.

The Rafah crossing to Egypt has been seized by Israel and shut, preventing both medical evacuations of the sick and wounded and imports of medicines, medical aid groups say. The Gaza health ministry said 140 patients were scheduled to leave the besieged enclave on Tuesday for treatment.

"Today, my name was at the border, and I should travel to get my legs treated," Lama Abu Holi, an eight-year-old girl at Al-Aqsa Hospital with injuries to two limbs, told Reuters. "Because the border crossing is shut today, I could not travel. I am upset."


Oct 25, 2017
It's infuriating that the Biden administration has only now come around to impeding flow of weapons as leverage, and it's unsurprising that using it this late in the game hasn't managed to stop Israel from attacking Rafah. Setting up that kind of permission structure for 6 continuous months - that we will support you no matter what you do and there will be no enforcement of the promises you make to us - and then suddenly turning around and saying "no wait, this is a red line" just doesn't work. It's so odd to see the administration now suddenly have their pants on fire trying to force a deal through after months of that absolute permission structure. I agree with others saying that beyond how inhumane US weapons support of Israel's offensive has been it's also a blunder for the entire region and the country's long-term geopolitical interests.

I hope they keep holding everything up, I hope the protests in Israel continue, but my hopes that it results in Netanyahu agreeing to any sane deal are dim. It's fucking heartbreaking. And if the Biden admin certifies that Israel is following humanitarian law through all of this that will be absolute horseshit to an insulting degree.
Oct 28, 2017

US report on Israel's wartime conduct in Gaza delayed, aides say

The Biden administration's report on whether Israel has violated U.S. and international humanitarian law during the war in Gaza has been delayed indefinitely, three Senate aides and a House aide told POLITICO.

The State Department has been expected to issue a report Wednesday with a determination on whether Israel has violated international humanitarian law since the war in Gaza began. If so, the U.S. would be expected to stop sending Israel military assistance.

But the report won't be finished by Wednesday, said the aides, granted anonymity to discuss internal communications. In an email, the Biden administration notified the Hill that it will miss the date — without providing a clear reason why.

That's more definitive than the message from State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller to reporters on Tuesday afternoon. He said that the report wasn't yet finished, but added: "We are trying very hard to meet that deadline … It's possible it slips just a little bit, but we are trying to get it done by tomorrow." Miller noted that the deadline was a self-imposed one rather than a requirement.
Mar 18, 2019
F**k Israel and the Israel lobby. Israel is a dangerous rogue state. When are other countries finally going to take action against that rogue state?


Oct 30, 2017
That means they've determined that they did and they don't want to publicly say that they did because then the US government would look bad.

It's this, without a doubt.

They needed to investigate to maintain the appearance of legitimacy, and pay lip service to humanitarian concerns.

But they will never release anything that shows that they've been full of shit for the last 6 months, or increases the risk that any of the Israeli leadership might face real consequences.

Like everything else the Biden admin has done, this was another smoke screen to let the violence continue unabated.


Oct 25, 2017


This is because theres no red line and its all bullshit.

While kids are getting blown up by bombs supplied by the US, Biden is out giving speeches calling students who are protesting these atrocities violent and antisemitic, citing this conflict is "ancient ethnic hatred" and reiterates his ironclad support for this rogue nation. This is despite escalating violence against students, as counter protestors continue to literally drive into students and harming them.

Fuck this fucking administration. People still try to argue this motherfucker is trying. He isnt doing shit and he wont. There needs to be international intervention here, fuck what the US says.


Jun 24, 2018
Chicago, IL


This is because theres no red line and its all bullshit.

While kids are getting blown up by bombs supplied by the US, Biden is out giving speeches calling students who are protesting these atrocities violent and antisemitic, citing this conflict is "ancient ethnic hatred" and reiterates his ironclad support for this rogue nation. This is despite escalating violence against students, as counter protestors continue to literally drive into students and harming them.

Fuck this fucking administration. People still try to argue this motherfucker is trying. He isnt doing shit and he wont. There needs to be international intervention here, fuck what the US says.

They are so transparent with their pretense I wonder why they even bother.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
That "red line" is just a blood stained smear across all of Gaza at this point
Oct 28, 2017

US optimistic revised Hamas proposal may break Gaza ceasefire impasse

The United States believes the remaining differences between Israel and Hamas can be bridged in negotiations over the Palestinian militant group's latest ceasefire proposal, as talks resume in Cairo on Wednesday.

In Cairo, all five delegations participating in ceasefire talks on Tuesday - Hamas, Israel, the U.S., Egypt and Qatar - reacted positively to the resumption of negotiations, and meetings were expected to continue on Wednesday morning, two Egyptian sources said.

CIA Director Bill Burns was to travel from Cairo to Israel later on Wednesday to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli officials, a source familiar with his travel said.

White House spokesperson John Kirby said Hamas presented a revised proposal, and the new text suggests the remaining gaps can "absolutely be closed." Speaking on Tuesday, he declined to specify what those were.


Oct 25, 2017

Israel Commits to Limit Rafah Operation, Grant Control of Crossing With Egypt to Private U.S. Firm

Israel has committed to the United States and Egypt to restrict its operation in Rafah, which started on Monday, aiming only to deny Hamas authority over the border crossing that connects Gaza with Egypt, and concentrating on the eastern side of the city.

The parties agreed that a private American security company will assume management of the crossing after the IDF concludes its operation. Israel has also pledged not to damage the crossing's facilities to ensure its continuous operation.
State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Wednesday that he is not aware of Israel agreeing to transfer control of the crossing. The White House also said it was unaware of such an agreement.
As part of Israel's efforts to win agreement for a Rafah operation, negotiations have been underway with a private company in the U.S. that specializes in assisting armies and governments around the world engaged in military conflicts. The company has operated in several African and Middle Eastern countries, guarding strategic sites like oil fields, airports, army bases and sensitive border crossings. It employs veterans of elite U.S. Army units.

US officials are "unaware" of such an agreement.

So its some PMC? And does this make the US an official occupying power?


Oct 25, 2017
US officials are "unaware" of such an agreement.

So its some PMC? And does this make the US an official occupying power?

It's private security company / private military contractor so it isn't official representative of US in governmental sense. Assuming company has contract directly with Israel, and not through e.g. DOD, which seems likely if US officials are denying knowing about this.

TLDR: It's private company doing contract work for Israel and thus doesn't make US occupying force, just bad look.


Oct 25, 2017

Member of the Emergency
Committee of the Ministry of Health in
Gaza told Al Jazeera: We found heads

without bodies in Al-Shifa Hospital

Member of the Emergency
Committee of the Ministry of Health
in Gaza told Al Jazeera: Thousands
of people are still missing in Al-Shifa

Medical Complex

Beheadings and kidnapping/disappearing reported at Al-Shifa in the aftermath of IDF's siege of the hospital complex.
Oct 28, 2017


One of the three hospitals in Rafah, Al-Najjar, is no longer functioning due to the ongoing hostilities in its vicinity and the military operation in Rafah.

The closure of the border crossing continues to prevent the UN from bringing fuel. Without fuel all humanitarian operations will stop. Border closures are also impeding delivery of humanitarian aid into Gaza.

Hospitals in the south of #Gaza only have three days of fuel left, which means services may soon come to a halt.

At a time when fragile humanitarian operations urgently require expansion, the Rafah military operation is further limiting our ability to reach thousands of people who have been living in dire conditions without adequate food, sanitation, health services and security. This must stop now.


Nov 10, 2020

Israel Commits to Limit Rafah Operation, Grant Control of Crossing With Egypt to Private U.S. Firm

US officials are "unaware" of such an agreement.

So its some PMC? And does this make the US an official occupying power?

A PMC? Lovely.

I feel like punching myself in the face for saying this, but at least in theory Israel's crimes could theoretically be held to account.

A PMC? *cough, Blackwater, cough*


Oct 25, 2017

Member of the Emergency
Committee of the Ministry of Health in
Gaza told Al Jazeera: We found heads

without bodies in Al-Shifa Hospital

Member of the Emergency
Committee of the Ministry of Health
in Gaza told Al Jazeera: Thousands
of people are still missing in Al-Shifa

Medical Complex

Beheadings and kidnapping/disappearing reported at Al-Shifa in the aftermath of IDF's siege of the hospital complex.

The stories that continue to come out of the Al Shifa Hospital massacre are gruesome. This is why all the doctors, nurses and patients fled Al Najjar Hospital. People realized that it's safer to be outside of a hospital than in one in Gaza due to the repeated and deliberate targeting of hospitals by Israel.
Oct 28, 2017

Israel says it reopened a key Gaza crossing after a rocket attack but the UN says no aid has entered

Israel says it reopened a key Gaza crossing after a rocket attack but the UN says no aid has entered

The Israeli military says it has reopened the Kerem Shalom crossing into Gaza but a United Nations agency says no aid has yet entered.
The Israeli military said Wednesday that it has reopened its Kerem Shalom crossing into Gaza after days of closure, but the U.N. said no humanitarian aid has yet entered and there is no one to receive it on the Palestinian side after workers fled during Israel's military incursion in the area.

The Kerem Shalom crossing between Gaza and Israel was closed over the weekend after a Hamas rocket attack killed four Israeli soldiers nearby, and on Tuesday, an Israeli tank brigade seized the nearby Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt, forcing its closure. The two facilities are the main terminals for entry of food, medicine and other supplies essential for the survival of Gaza's population of 2.3 million Palestinians.

The Israeli foray did not appear to be the start of the full-scale invasion of the city of Rafah that Israel has repeatedly promised. But aid officials warn that the prolonged closure of the two crossings could cause the collapse of aid operations, worsening the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where the U.N. says a "full-blown famine"is already underway in the north.
Oct 28, 2017

Israel pounds Gaza as truce talks resume

Israel pounds Gaza as truce talks resume

Israel bombarded Rafah on Wednesday and the military said ground troops conducted "targeted raids" in the southern Gazan city, as negotiations to halt the seven-month war resumed in Cairo.
Israel bombarded Rafah on Wednesday and the military said ground troops conducted "targeted raids" in the southern Gazan city, as negotiations to halt the seven-month war resumed in Cairo.

Israel has defied international objections and sent tanks into Rafah, which is crowded with Palestinian civilians sheltering near the Egyptian border, seizing on Tuesday a crossing that is the main conduit for aid into the besieged territory.

AFPTV footage showed Palestinians scrambling in the dark to pull survivors, bloodied and caked in dust, out from under the rubble of a Rafah building.

"We are living in Rafah in extreme fear and endless anxiety," said Muhanad Ahmad Qishta, 29.

"Places the Israeli army claims to be safe are also being bombed," he told AFP.

In devastated northern Gaza, Al-Ahli hospital said a strike on an apartment in Gaza City killed seven family members and wounded several other people.

An emergency doctor working in Rafah and nearby Khan Yunis said that with humanitarian access compromised, the health situation was "catastrophic".

"The smell of sewage is rife everywhere," said the doctor, James Smith. "It's been getting worse over the course of the last couple of days."

Meanwhile the Hamas-run government media office said health workers had uncovered at least 49 bodies from the premises of Gaza City's Al-Shifa hospital, the territory's largest which was devastated by two weeks of fighting in March.

The bodies were recovered from "a third mass grave" at Al-Shifa, following the discovery of some 30 bodies last month, said Motassem Salah, head of the hospital's emergency department.

Talks aimed at agreeing a ceasefire resumed in Cairo on Wednesday "in the presence of all parties", Egyptian state-linked media reported.

A senior Hamas official said the latest round of negotiations would be "decisive".

Hamas "insists on the rightful demands of its people and will not give up any of our people's rights," the official told AFP on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak publicly on the negotiations.

Qatar, which hosts Hamas leaders and has been mediating between the two sides, appealed "for urgent international action to prevent Rafah from being invaded and a crime of genocide being committed".

A Palestinian analyst said Israel's seizure of the Rafah crossing could be an attempt to create new facts on the ground, or a bid to "sabotage the truce talks".

"The takeover is also a symbol shown to the world that Hamas is not in control anymore," said Mkhaimar Abusada, of Al-Azhar University in Gaza.