
Oct 25, 2017

Director of police investigations in northern Gaza killed

An Israeli air attack has killed the director of police investigations in northern Gaza along with his wife after their house was targeted this morning.

Raed al-Banna was responsible for securing and facilitating the entry of aid trucks into northern Gaza.

On Monday, Israeli forces killed the head of the police force, Faiq Mabhouh, who was also responsible for coordinating aid trucks into northern Gaza.

The killings come after a failed attempt by Israel to force heads of clans in Gaza to take up that responsibility.

Israeli air attack kills 36 family members in central Gaza

Displaced by Israeli bombardment, the Tabatibi family gathered to eat during the first Friday night of Ramadan – a reunion that soon turned into a bloodbath.

An air attack hit the building where they stayed as women prepared their fast-breaking meal, killing 36 members of the family.

Mohammed al-Tabatibi, 19, stood in the courtyard of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in nearby Deir el-Balah where the bodies of his relatives were spread out. "This is my mother, this is my father, this is my aunt and these are my brothers," Tabatibi said in tears.

Asked about the attack, the Israeli military said it targeted two "terror operatives" in the Nuseirat refugee camp "throughout the night".

"The circumstances of the incident are still being reviewed," it said.
Sep 6, 2020


It's sad that he is "renewing calls" for Israel to let in aid when the Israel's literal goal is to starve Palestinians. It's sad that on this particular forum this thread is so dead. It's very disillusioning. This place out of all places should be seething with outrage. Instead if it wasn't for like 4-5 people this thread would have vanished a long time ago.

Just want to say that while I don't think I have posted but once in this thread prior, I read almost every post and catch up regularly. I am American, active locally in the Democratic Party and I am absolutely seething. This thread is honestly my single best source of information on this and I appreciate you and other posters for compiling the news and keeping us informed.


Oct 25, 2017

US Congress deal bars US funds to UNRWA until March 2025, sources say

An agreement reached by U.S. congressional leaders and the White House on a massive bill funding military, State Department and a range of other government programs will continue a ban on U.S. funding for UNRWA, the main U.N. agency for Palestinians, until March 2025, two sources said on Tuesday.

WASHINGTON, March 19 (Reuters) - An agreement reached by U.S. congressional leaders and the White House on a massive bill funding military, State Department and a range of other government programs will continue a ban on U.S. funding for UNRWA, the main U.N. agency for Palestinians, until March 2025, two sources said on Tuesday.

President Joe Biden's administration said in January it was temporarily pausing new funding to United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) after Israel accused 12 of the agency's 13,000 employees in Gaza of participating in the deadly Oct. 7 Hamas attack.

The U.S. Senate passed legislation last month cutting off funding for the agency, part of a $95 billion bill providing aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan that has stalled in the House of Representativies.


Dec 15, 2017
Just want to say that while I don't think I have posted but once in this thread prior, I read almost every post and catch up regularly. I am American, active locally in the Democratic Party and I am absolutely seething. This thread is honestly my single best source of information on this and I appreciate you and other posters for compiling the news and keeping us informed.
Yeah it's the same for me. This is my main source of news and I check it multiple times per day, but I never post. The regular posters here do a good job and I don't find myself having anything I need to add. I'm sure there are a lot more people reading the thread than it seems.

I do agree with that poster's frustration and overall point and it isn't just an era thing. The outrage you would normally expect from people on the left for a genocide has definitely been muted because of who is contributing to it and it happening in a US election year. A lot of people don't want to engage with it and get frustrated or defensive when it's brought up.
Oct 28, 2017

'Man-made famine' charge against Israel is backed by mounting body of evidence

‘Man-made famine’ charge against Israel is backed by mounting body of evidence

Prospect of Israel facing war crimes charges has moved closer after UN condemnation of Gaza aid restrictions
The accusation by the UN and other humanitarians that Israel may be committing a war crime by deliberately starving Gaza's population is likely to significantly increase the prospect of legal culpability for the country, including at the international court of justice.

Amid reports that the Israel Defense Forces are hiring dozens of lawyers to defend against anticipated cases and legal challenges, the charge that Israel has triggered a "man-made famine" by deliberately obstructing the entry of aid into Gaza is backed by an increasing body of evidence.

Already facing a complaint of genocide from South Africa at the ICJ, the UN's top court – including an allegation that senior Israeli political officials have incited genocide in public statements – Israel is also the subject of a provisional emergency ruling by the court ordering it to admit life-saving aid to Gaza.

Unlike other issues related to Israel's conduct in its war against Hamas in Gaza, which has claimed more than 30,000 lives and displaced more than 85% of the population amid widespread destruction, the human-made famine occurring in the Palestinian territory appears more straightforward.

Though Israel denies the allegation, the Rome statute of the ICJ defines it as the crime of intentionally starving civilians by "depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival" including "wilfully impeding relief supplies".

Underpinning the allegations is the fact that as a belligerent occupying power in Gaza, Israel is legally responsible under article 55 of the fourth Geneva convention for "ensuring the food and medical supplies of the population", which requires the occupier to "bring in the necessary foodstuffs, medical stores and other articles if the resources of the occupied territory are inadequate".

A central plank of any case that Israel has provoked a famine is the data generated by the UN's Gaza famine review committee, staffed by international experts on food security, whose findings this week fall under the auspices of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) – regarded as the international gold standard in assessing food crises.

Highly technical, often cautious and designed to be neutral in its analysis, the committee – which had already warned of the risk of famine not least in the worst affected region of northern Gaza – has relied on World Food Programme surveys that concludedPalestinians were already facing IPC phase 4 and 5 levels of malnutrition – "emergency" and "catastrophe".

That analysis accused Israel of "systematically prevent[ing] aid" from reaching "the roughly 300,000 Palestinians who remain in northern Gaza, where the threat of starvation is most acute".

Exacerbating Israel's legal exposure over the issue of starvation are public comments made early in the war by the defence minister, Yoav Gallant, advocating a "complete siege of Gaza" and making clear that he meant: "No electricity, no food, no water."

"We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly," he said.

The claims around using starvation as a weapon of war come amid a growing and palpable sense of anxiety in the Israeli military over the mounting legal risks from its offensive on Gaza.

Speaking to the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, an unamed IDF official said: "The international legal pressure on Israel began gradually before the war, when the international criminal court supported an investigation against Israel in 2019, and in 2021 declared that they have the authority to do that.

"Now the pressure by many countries to prioritise legal action against the IDF and the state has only increased, and not only from South Africa's direction. Just this month the international criminal court issued arrest warrants against two Russian generals for allegedly attacking a Ukrainian power plant and for causing noncombatant casualties without justification."


Oct 28, 2017


With no progress whatsoever in providing aid and countless aid escorts, protection and workers being murdered, isn't catastrophe inevitable now?

I wonder how the world will react to over a million dead from this weaponized starvation campaign? People might think this number is too big but it's really not. In 2022 Oxfam looked at a famine in drought-stricken East Africa and determined that it would claim a life every 36 seconds from October to Dec 31 of that year. Gaza is suffering a man made famine though at the hands of Israel so it is different than East Africa but even being supremely generous and saying a person dies every 2 minutes this would still be a catastrophe. We are pretty much at the worst stage of this genocide so far.
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Oct 31, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
These updates will always be depressing. Still can't fathom the kinds of suffering they're going through.


Oct 27, 2017
Being insanely frustrated watching us being so far stuck up Israel's ass during this horror show makes me wonder if this is anything like how Europeans always feel whenever they would see their leaders acting like everything is just fine with the US when we're out commiting our own war crimes/atrocities.


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
The amount of war crimes Israel gets away with is astounding. And they still want you to believe they're the victims in this ongoing genocide.

International law is a joke.

The international community is a joke. So few politicians or journalists are actually calling this out or even attempting to act on what is happening.

As an ordinary person I feel helpless. I donate money, I've contacted politicians, I've attended a protest but it goes now where. The world doesn't care and I'm not sure what it will take for that to change.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
The international community is a joke. So few politicians or journalists are actually calling this out or even attempting to act on what is happening.

As an ordinary person I feel helpless. I donate money, I've contacted politicians, I've attended a protest but it goes now where. The world doesn't care and I'm not sure what it will take for that to change.
I feel you. I've invited an Arab friend of mine to go to protests with me, and she just tells me it won't achieve anything, that it's just "words in the air." On some level, I know she's got a point, which makes my heart sink. I can feel the dejection in her voice when she tells me that, as if she wishes she didn't believe that, as if she's reached a dead end. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people felt this way at this point.

I just figure at the very least, it's worth exercising the free speech I have in my country to protest its actions. There was a photographer at the last protest/march I went to who said he's been covering free speech protests since the Vietnam War. Even though those protests didn't stop the war, they were still documented evidence of people trying to advocate for humanity. Maybe I, and anyone else protesting or donating where they can, will help history remember that there was resistance, that people cried out against what's going on, that people tried to get their country to stop funding genocide.

At least, I like to think that way. Even a voice ringing out into the air can have meaning.
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Oct 28, 2017

Netanyahu tells Republicans Gaza war will continue, days after Schumer speech

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told U.S. Republican senators on Wednesday that Israel will continue its efforts to defeat the Palestinian militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip, senators told reporters after he addressed a party lunch.

"He's going to do what he said he's going to do. He's going to finish it," Senator Jim Risch said.

The conservative Israeli leader spoke to Republicans via videolink nearly a week after the Senate's Democratic majority leader, Chuck Schumer, gave a Senate speech branding Netanyahu an obstacle to peace and urging new elections in Israel.
Oct 27, 2017

US Congress deal bars US funds to UNRWA until March 2025, sources say

An agreement reached by U.S. congressional leaders and the White House on a massive bill funding military, State Department and a range of other government programs will continue a ban on U.S. funding for UNRWA, the main U.N. agency for Palestinians, until March 2025, two sources said on Tuesday.
I really hate america. So fucking disgusting.

This is so fucking hopeless. God what a disgusting thing to look at. I wish the world wasn't spineless and could hold Israel accountable for this genocide.
Dec 31, 2017
Yeah it's the same for me. This is my main source of news and I check it multiple times per day, but I never post. The regular posters here do a good job and I don't find myself having anything I need to add. I'm sure there are a lot more people reading the thread than it seems.

I do agree with that poster's frustration and overall point and it isn't just an era thing. The outrage you would normally expect from people on the left for a genocide has definitely been muted because of who is contributing to it and it happening in a US election year. A lot of people don't want to engage with it and get frustrated or defensive when it's brought up.

Yep. Need to suppress it to stomach a vote for Biden instead of demanding better from him. Disappointing behavior.


Oct 25, 2017
Let's not forget the attacks on press.


They claimed a journalist fabricated a source. The irony is his story was indirectly confirmed by the White House weeks later. They never retracted their claim or apologized.

But but but democracy is on the ballot! Freedom is on the ballot!

Fascism only sucks when its republicans doing it.

US Congress deal bars US funds to UNRWA until March 2025, sources say

An agreement reached by U.S. congressional leaders and the White House on a massive bill funding military, State Department and a range of other government programs will continue a ban on U.S. funding for UNRWA, the main U.N. agency for Palestinians, until March 2025, two sources said on Tuesday.

Cant believe they're willing to die on this hill. I hope the US involvement in creating famine is examined at the ICJ.

Israeli spokesperson Eylon Levy suspended after reports of row with Foreign Office

The row is reportedly over comments by Mr Levy in response to a statement by Lord David Cameron on aid getting into Gaza.

if you're British you've seen this guy, now he's the first propagandist to have met his match

Couldnt have happened to a more smarmy piece of shit. Wonder who they're going to replace him with.


Oct 25, 2017

Biden's Spokespeople Are the Perfect Vessels for His Soulless Gaza Policies

Over 31,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including more than 12,000 children. Over 70,000 people have suffered serious injuries. More than 1.5 million people have been displaced. Roughly half of all Gazans are crowded into Rafah and threatened with an imminent invasion. A catastrophic famine is developing, the result of an intentional and illegal strategy of starvation from the Israeli state. But day in and day out, Miller gets in front of the press and has a version of this exchange. So do his counterparts at the White House, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

And even if we're being generous, the truth is that this trio is just not doing a very good job defending the indefensible. Kirby, for instance, seems to have inadvertently drawn the ire of Saudi Arabia by suggesting that normalization between the kingdom and Israel could come before a permanent cease-fire. Similarly, after having admitted that Israeli ministers of state were responsible for blocking the delivery of flour to Gazans in need, Miller had no coherent answer as to why this wouldn't trigger the legal mechanisms that prohibit arms transfers to states that block US humanitarian aid.

This was far from the only time Miller flailed thanks to the glaring incoherence of the administration's policies. When asked by journalist Said Arikat why the United States can't explicitly condemn the killing of Palestinian women and children, Miller deflected and brought up Hamas. When asked by The Intercept's Prem Thakker about updates on the investigations into the killings of 6-year-old Hind Rajab and Al Jazeera cameraman Samer Abudaqa, Miller failed to provide much of a substantive answer and simply referred to Israel's purportedly investigating itself. And, perhaps most gallingly, when asked by Thakker about the double standard in defunding UNRWA while continuing to supply aid to the Israeli army, despite the ICJ's investigation into plausible acts of genocide, Miller asserted that there's a false equivalency in the question.

Things haven't gone much better over at the White House. Press Secretary Jean-Pierre, who as a private citizen wrote a Newsweek column condemning AIPAC and implying that Netanyahu's government was likely guilty of war crimes, has shifted her rhetoric dramatically in her current post, most famously calling some House Democrats who supported a cease-fire early on in the conflict "disgraceful." (Five months and at least 30,000 Palestinians killed later, the White House is now calling for a temporary cease-fire.) And Kirby has tried to assert that the US is Gaza's best friend, firing back at a reporter in December by saying, "Tell me, name me, one more nation, any other nation, that is doing as much as the United States to alleviate the pain and suffering of the people of Gaza. You can't. You just can't." When compared to these histrionics, the doctrine of shooting and crying looks almost legitimate.

For instance, in a February 28 interview with The New Yorker's Isaac Chotiner, Kirby responded to a question about Israel's failure to comply with American requests by saying, "Israel's not just like any other nation around the world." If Kirby meant that, for this White House, Israel is simply exempt from its legal and moral responsibilities as a state, it is perhaps the most honest thing he's said during this war.

Biden’s Spokespeople Are the Perfect Vessels for His Soulless Gaza Policies

If the president is the man in charge, these press secretaries are his robotic enforcers, playing the same hollow tunes every day.

In light of the clips of the spokespeople going around Twitter recently.

KJP is probably the most visible example of someone who sold their soul for the administration. Just fucking look at this horrible response.


In a response about the Muslim and Arab communities anger towards the administration, look how completely disinterested and incoherent she is in her response, and how she talks about the victims of oct 7 vs people of "those communities". Get the fuck off the podium if you dont want to do this job.

I hate these people so much. So goddamn unlikable. And it somehow falls to us to "do the right thing"? Nah fuck yall.
Oct 27, 2017

Biden's Spokespeople Are the Perfect Vessels for His Soulless Gaza Policies

Biden’s Spokespeople Are the Perfect Vessels for His Soulless Gaza Policies

If the president is the man in charge, these press secretaries are his robotic enforcers, playing the same hollow tunes every day.

In light of the clips of the spokespeople going around Twitter recently.

KJP is probably the most visible example of someone who sold their soul for the administration. Just fucking look at this horrible response.


In a response about the Muslim and Arab communities anger towards the administration, look how completely disinterested and incoherent she is in her response, and how she talks about the victims of oct 7 vs people of "those communities". Get the fuck off the podium if you dont want to do this job.

I hate these people so much. So goddamn unlikable. And it somehow falls to us to "do the right thing"? Nah fuck yall.

I have a lot of words I could say here but I will keep it short.

This admin is the one that actually cares? God what a nightmare. Every time these press assholes get on to answer questions its always in the most disgusting way possible.

So disgusting. Fuck this Admin as a whole. Truly evil pieces of shit.


Alt account
Feb 20, 2024
It's sad that he is "renewing calls" for Israel to let in aid when the Israel's literal goal is to starve Palestinians. It's sad that on this particular forum this thread is so dead. It's very disillusioning. This place out of all places should be seething with outrage. Instead if it wasn't for like 4-5 people this thread would have vanished a long time ago.

I think most are lurking here. I don't have much to add to the thread except outrage, but I pray constantly for a ceasefire.

The slow motion train wreck of famine is so avoidable it hurts.


Oct 25, 2018
I think most are lurking here. I don't have much to add to the thread except outrage, but I pray constantly for a ceasefire.

The slow motion train wreck of famine is so avoidable it hurts.
I mostly stay quiet because my blood is boiling most of the time. My contributions wouldn't fly. Anything I do post, I rewrite maybe 10 times before it becomes a watered down fraction of the anger and sadness I feel.
Oct 28, 2017

U.S. has submitted draft resolution demanding "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza, Blinken says

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Wednesday the U.S. has submitted a draft resolution to the UN Security Council that calls "for an immediate ceasefire" in Gaza that's "tied to the release"of hostages held by Hamas.

Why it matters: Both Israel and Hamas are facing pressure to reach a deal to free the hostages and start a truce in Gaza, where over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, per Axios' Barak Ravid, who noted this week that the first detailed negotiations in months were underway.

Now Blinken has said in an interview with Al-Hadath in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, that an agreement was "getting closer" and "the gaps are narrowing," according to a transcript released by the State Department Wednesday. "I think an agreement is very much possible," he added.

The big picture: Blinken said during the interview that the Biden administration was "pressing for an immediate ceasefire" tied to freeing the hostages.

The interviewer put it to Blinken that "some may wonder how are you pressuring Israel to do so while you are still continuing supporting them financially and militarily, and even in the United Nations by vetoing any resolution that commits for an immediate ceasefire."

Blinken replied that the U.S. had the resolution before the Security Council "that does call for an immediate ceasefire tied to the release of hostages, and we hope very much that countries will support that."
I highly doubt this will pass. U.S drafted resolution will probably mean a veto by Russia or China.
Oct 28, 2017

Reuters: Gaza's Shifa hospital a war zone as Blinken meets Sisi in Cairo

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in Cairo on Thursday as part of talks with Arab officials to seek a ceasefire in Gaza, after Israel's prime minister told U.S. Republicans there would be no let-up in the war against Hamas.

In Gaza itself, Israel's offensive focused on the Al Shifa hospital, the only partially working medical facility in the north of the Strip, for a fourth day, and local residents said they had seen buildings inside the complex in flames.

Five months of war have created critical food shortages among Gaza's 2.3 million Palestinians that in some areas now exceed famine levels, according to the United Nations.

Ceasefire talks resumed this week in Qatar, centred on a truce of around six weeks that would allow the release of 40 Israeli hostages in return for hundreds of Palestinians detained in Israeli jails.

However, the main sticking point remains that Hamas says it will release hostages only as part of an agreement that would end the war, while Israel says it will discuss only a temporary pause.

"I think the gaps are narrowing, and I think an agreement is very much possible," Blinken told Al Hadath. "The Israeli team is present, has authority to reach an agreement."

Blinken and Sisi together reviewed progress in the talks, Sisi's office and the U.S. State Department said.

Near Al Shifa, residents told Reuters via a chat app that the army had blown up houses close by as buildings in the hospital complex burned.

Rabah, a father of five, said the area was a war zone, with people trapped inside their houses amid clashes in the streets.

"Israel sent tanks back into the heart of Gaza City to destroy what is left of its homes and roads. All of that is happening in the sight of the one-eyed world," he said.

Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer said on the "Call Me Back with Dan Senor" podcast that Israel would press on into Rafah, despite mounting international concern over the impact of such an offensive.

"It's going to happen. And it will happen even if Israel is forced to fight alone," he said.

"Even if the entire world turns on Israel, including the United States - we're going to fight until the battle's won."


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018

US Congress deal bars US funds to UNRWA until March 2025, sources say

An agreement reached by U.S. congressional leaders and the White House on a massive bill funding military, State Department and a range of other government programs will continue a ban on U.S. funding for UNRWA, the main U.N. agency for Palestinians, until March 2025, two sources said on Tuesday.

Biden's Spokespeople Are the Perfect Vessels for His Soulless Gaza Policies

Biden’s Spokespeople Are the Perfect Vessels for His Soulless Gaza Policies

If the president is the man in charge, these press secretaries are his robotic enforcers, playing the same hollow tunes every day.

In light of the clips of the spokespeople going around Twitter recently.

KJP is probably the most visible example of someone who sold their soul for the administration. Just fucking look at this horrible response.


In a response about the Muslim and Arab communities anger towards the administration, look how completely disinterested and incoherent she is in her response, and how she talks about the victims of oct 7 vs people of "those communities". Get the fuck off the podium if you dont want to do this job.

I hate these people so much. So goddamn unlikable. And it somehow falls to us to "do the right thing"? Nah fuck yall.

U.S. has submitted draft resolution demanding "immediate ceasefire" in Gaza, Blinken says

I highly doubt this will pass. U.S drafted resolution will probably mean a veto by Russia or China.

The Biden administration is a two faced evil.

Supplying, protecting and financing a genocide while defunding the primary organization that is providing aid.

Then to save face they come up with half assed solutions to provide the aid one of which killed the recipients of that aid(air drops), the other relies on going through perpetrators of said genocide.

Now after +30k dead they call for a ceasefire while still financing and arming the genocide.

If the administration has any intention higher than saving face, they would cease arming and funding this, the fact they won't proves these calls are superficial.

The administration is a monster that operates with the facade of civility and morality.

Something that is bipartisan across the US political system, particularly when it comes to Palestine.
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Nov 1, 2017
The withholding of aid while simultaneously talking about how dire what people are facing is is so asinine I can't understand how someone defends it. I know some countries said they were increasing their giving to UNRWA. Does anyone know how much those increases make up for the US pulling $300 million or so in funding?
Oct 28, 2017


The Children Who Lost Limbs in Gaza

More than a thousand children who were injured in the war are now amputees. What do their futures hold?
Just off the acacia-lined highway to the Qatari capital of Doha is a three-story, whitewashed apartment complex built to host visitors at the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Until recently, the gated compound was unoccupied. Yet in the past several months, as part of a deal Qatar struck with Israel, Hamas, and Egypt to evacuate as many as fifteen hundred wounded Gazans in urgent need of medical care, it has begun to fill. The new residents are eight hundred and fifteen medical evacuees from the ongoing war, along with five hundred and forty-two of their relatives. Most are women and children.

Among the children was Gazal Bakr, a four-year-old wearing a miniature maroon Adidas tracksuit, its left pant leg tucked up into the elastic waistband. She hopped along furiously on her right leg. Although Gazal's name means "sweet talk" or "flirt" in Arabic, she was unflinchingly direct. "I don't like you!" she shouted as she passed the wheelchair belonging to her eighteen-year-old neighbor, Dina Shahaiber, who'd lost her left leg below the knee. Gazal, who'd just awoken from a nap, had little interest in ice cream. Instead, she wanted to do what she did most afternoons: play soccer by kicking the ball with her right foot and hopping after it. "Stop talking!" she declared to the well-meaning volunteers clucking around her. "You're making my head hurt!"

Gazal was wounded on November 10th, when, as her family fled Gaza City's Al-Shifa hospital, shrapnel pierced her left calf. To stop the bleeding, a doctor, who had no access to antiseptic or anesthesia, heated the blade of a kitchen knife and cauterized the wound. Within days, the gash ran with pus and began to smell. By mid-December, when Gazal's family arrived at Nasser Medical Center—then Gaza's largest functioning health-care facility—gangrene had set in, necessitating amputation at the hip. On December 17th, a projectile hit the children's ward of Nasser. Gazal and her mother watched it enter their room, decapitating Gazal's twelve-year-old roommate and causing the ceiling to collapse. (Multiple news reports have described the event as an Israeli attack. The I.D.F. claimed the incident could have been caused by a Hamas mortar or the remnant of an Israeli flare.) Gazal and her mother managed to crawl out of the rubble. The next day, their names were added to the list of evacuees who could cross the border into Egypt and then fly to Qatar for medical treatment. Gazal's mother was nine months pregnant; she gave birth to a baby girl while awaiting the airlift to Doha.

UNICEF estimates that a thousand children in Gaza have become amputees since the conflict began in October. "This is the biggest cohort of pediatric amputees in history," Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a London-based plastic-and-reconstructive surgeon who specializes in pediatric trauma, told me recently. I met him in the waiting room of his plastic-surgery clinic on London's Harley Street, and we walked to a nearby pub for a glass of water. Abu-Sittah, a fifty-four-year-old British Palestinian with an angular face and tender, deep-set eyes, has treated child survivors of war for the past thirty years in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, and elsewhere.

Abu-Sittah is the author of "The War Injured Child," the first medical textbook on the subject, which was published last May. In October and November, he spent forty-three days in Gaza, conducting emergency surgeries with Doctors Without Borders. He shuttled between two hospitals: Al-Shifa and Al-Ahli, which is also known as the Baptist hospital. The casualty rate was so high that, during some intense periods, he didn't leave the operating room for three days. "It felt like a scene from an American Civil War movie," he said.

In Gaza, Abu-Sittah was performing as many as six amputations a day. "Sometimes you have no other medical option," he explained. "The Israelis had surrounded the blood bank, so we couldn't do transfusions. If a limb was bleeding profusely, we had to amputate." The dearth of basic medical supplies, owing to blockades, also contributed to the number of amputations. Without the ability to irrigate a wound immediately in an operating room, infection and gangrene often set in. "Every war wound is considered dirty," Karin Huster, a nurse who leads medical teams in Gaza for Doctors Without Borders, told me. "It means that many get a ticket to the operating room."

To mark the gravity of these procedures, and to mourn, Abu-Sittah and other medical staff placed the severed limbs of children in small cardboard boxes. They labelled the boxes with masking tape, on which they wrote a name and body part, and buried them. At the pub, he showed me a photograph he'd taken of one such box, which read, "Salahadin, Foot." Some wounded children were too young to know their own names, he added, telling the story of an amputee who'd been pulled from rubble as the sole survivor of an attack.


The number of child amputees carries long-term implications, Abu-Sittah told me, listing his concerns. Israeli forces destroyed Gaza's only facility for manufacturing prosthetics and rehabilitation, the Hamad hospital, which was inaugurated in 2019 and funded by Qatar. The leading manufacturer of child prosthetics, the German company Ottobock, is working to supply the necessary components to children up to the age of sixteen, with donors in place to fund the project through its foundation. Procuring prosthetics, however, is only the first step. "Child amputees need medical care every six months as they grow," Abu-Sittah said. Because bone grows faster than soft tissue and severed nerves often reattach painfully to skin, child amputees require ongoing surgical interventions. In his experience, each limb requires eight to twelve more surgeries. To track this cohort, Abu-Sittah is consulting with the Centre for Blast Injury Studies at Imperial College London and the Global Health Institute at the American University of Beirut; their goal is to create a cloud-based database of medical records that can follow these kids wherever they go. For the rest of their lives, these amputees will need answers regarding their medical history. Abu-Sittah knows how this works: for years, as a pediatric trauma surgeon, he's fielded calls from his former patients.

Abu-Sittah, who'd recently travelled to Qatar to consult, recalled meeting a fourteen-year-old boy who'd lost his leg after being trapped under rubble. He'd spent a day beneath the debris holding the hand of his dead mother. "These are vulnerable people in the midst of the storm," he said.

On a sunny afternoon, I reclined on the beanbags with Iman Soufan, a thirty-three-year-old Palestinian volunteer who was leading art therapy. To encourage the kids to connect to something positive, Soufan told me, she had asked them to draw their favorite place in Gaza. One eight-year-old girl drew her large, happy house, then, next to it, added a puddle of blood. Soufan showed me a photograph of the picture and the caption, which read, "The war is destroying Gaza. My father is martyred. My grandfather is martyred. My grandmother is martyred. My uncle is martyred. My cousin is martyred."

As we spoke, curious children gathered around us. When a plane passed overhead, they held still, watching as it traced an arc across the sky. The response was common among children who'd experienced air strikes, a psychologist at the compound told me later. A pack of tween boys, who knew little English, poked into the conversation to pose political questions. They listed the names of world leaders and raised their eyebrows, asking me to offer a thumbs-up or thumbs-down. "Biden?" they asked. "Blinken?" I thought how unlikely it was that American boys their age would know the name of the U.S. Secretary of State, but, for these kids, such figures seemed all-powerful. Some didn't feel like talking to an American reporter. "Masalama!" a boy named Ahmed, his face covered in shrapnel scars, yelled at me as he whizzed past on a scooter. "Goodbye!"


Oct 28, 2018

EU and US pile on pressure for Gaza ceasefire

EU leaders call for ‘immediate humanitarian pause’ while US expected to bring UN resolution calling for truce without delay
EU leaders have overcome their differences to call for an "immediate humanitarian pause leading to a sustainable ceasefire" in Gaza, hours before the US is expected to bring a resolution to a vote at the UN calling for a truce and a hostage deal without delay in the face of a looming famine.

The EU declaration, at a Brussels summit late on Thursday, marked the first time European leaders had agreed a declaration on the Middle East since October. The US draft resolution to be put to a vote in the UN security council on Friday morning also reflects greater urgency in Washington's position. It is the first time the Biden administration has put forward language calling for an "immediate ceasefire", although it continues to link a truce with a hostage deal.

The council will vote on the US resolution at the same time as CIA and the Mossad spy chiefs William Burns and David Barnea are expected to arrive in Qatar on Friday in the hope of clinching an elusive truce-for-hostages deal between Israel and Hamas. Speaking in Egypt, the US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, said difficult work remained to be done but added: "I continue to believe it's possible."

The EU declaration calls for the "unconditional release of all hostages" by Hamas, but does not make its demand for a halt to Israeli military operations dependent on a deal. In Brussels, Charles Michel, the president of the European Council, said all 27 EU members had agreed "a strong and unified statement on the Middle East" which including a call for "full and safe humanitarian access into Gaza".

The eight-paragraph EU text expressed deep concern over the "imminent risk of famine caused by insufficient entry of aid into Gaza"

A European diplomat said the shift in US language in its draft resolution helped clear the path to an EU consensus on a European declaration, allowing countries such as Austria and the Czech Republic to "revisit their position".

Blinken characterised the US draft resolution as calling for "an immediate ceasefire tied to the release of hostages".

"After many rounds of consultations with the Security Council, we will be bringing this resolution for a vote on Friday morning," the US mission spokesperson at the UN, Nate Evans said, noting it had been under discussion by council members for several weeks.

David Cameron accuses Israel of blocking key aid crossing in Gaza

An Israeli official denied the claim in an online row with the UK foreign secretary and has since been suspended
David Cameron has accused Israel of demanding the closure of a key aid crossing into Gaza, in a clash with a British-born government spokesperson that has reportedly resulted in the official's suspension.

In a blistering letter, the UK foreign secretary said aid was not getting into Gaza owing to "arbitrary denials by the government of Israel and lengthy clearance procedures, including multiple screenings and narrow opening windows in daylight hours".

The spokesperson, Eylon Levy, whom Israeli media reported as having been suspended, had tweeted Lord Cameron suggesting Israel was not placing any obstacles in the delivery of aid.

Levy has not commented on the cause of his suspension, but British MPs said some of the claims were not cleared inside the Israeli government. There were also reports of a previous clash between Levy and Cameron that had created tensions.

In a letter to the chair of the foreign affairs select committee chairwoman, Alicia Kearns, Cameron denied a claim by Levy that the UN had requested Kerem Shalom crossing be closed on Saturdays. Cameron said Israel closes the vital aid crossing for the Sabbath.

The tone of the Cameron letter is remarkable for the frankness with which he attributes the problems in distributing aid, flatly contradicting Israeli assertions that the number of aid trucks crossing into Gaza had reached a satisfactory level.

He wrote: "You cite claims that international donors should send as much aid as they wish and Israel will facilitate its entry. I wish that were the case. It is of enormous frustration that UK aid into Gaza has been routinely held up waiting for Israeli permissions. For instance, I am aware of some UK-funded aid being stuck at the border just under three weeks waiting for approval.

"The main blockers remain arbitrary denials by the government of Israel and lengthy clearance procedures including multiple screenings and narrow opening windows in daylight hours."

He added that the number of trucks entering Gaza by daily average was 165 but with large fluctuations. He said this was an improvement on January but that more urgent progress was needed to get the figure up to the 500 trucks a day that arrived before the Hamas attack on Israel of 7 October .

He also argued one of the key reasons for distribution issues within Gaza was that Israel was preventing the necessary staff from getting visas. He wrote "this needs to change", and said more than 50 visas were awaiting Israeli approval to allow experienced staff to enter Gaza.

Part of Cameron's evident frustration is that he and his special envoy for humanitarian affairs in the occupied Palestinian territories feel they have been raising the same checklist of requests since mid-January.

Cameron said Israel had the ability to turn the water supplies back on by allowing fuel to enter Gaza for water pumping and salination. He said that in northern Gaza 300,000 people were without water. "Israel has the ability to turn the taps back – they should do so," he wrote.
Oct 28, 2017

Axios: Israeli defense minister will bring a long weapons wish list to Washington

Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant will come to Washington next week with a long list of U.S. weapons Israel wants to receive in an expedited manner, two Israeli and U.S. officials said.
Why it matters: Since the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas, Israeli Defense Forces have become increasingly reliant on U.S.-made weapons for the war in Gaza and would depend on them if the conflict with Hezabollah in Lebanon escalates.
  • U.S. weapons supply to Israel is increasingly being scrutinized as many inside the Democratic Party and some inside the Biden administration call for putting conditions on Israeli use of U.S.-made weapons.
Driving the news: Gallant is expected to arrive in Washington on Sunday for his first visit to the U.S. since assuming office more than one year ago.
  • He is expected to meet with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, with White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and other senior U.S. officials, Israeli officials said.
Behind the scenes: Gallant and Austin spoke on the phone on Wednesday and discussed the Israeli minister's upcoming trip, Israeli and U.S. officials said.
  • The officials added Gallant told Austin he is coming with a list of specific weapon system requests.
  • A senior Israeli official said the requests will not only include short-term requests for the war in Gaza but also long-term ones, including the option to purchase more F-35 and F-15 fighter jets.
  • Israel wants to have the supply of the jets and other weapon systems expedited as much as possible, the Israeli official said.
  • Gallant told Austin he is bringing with him the director-general of the Ministry of Defense, retired Major General Eyal Zamir, who is in charge of Israel's weapons purchases. Gallant stressed he wants senior Pentagon officials to meet Zamir on the sidelines of the visit to discuss the technical details for Israel's defense requests, the source said.
Between the lines: Israeli officials say they are concerned about the pace of U.S. weapons shipments and that the Pentagon could slow-walk their delivery as Biden faces mounting scrutiny over weapons supplies to Israel.
  • A U.S. official said there is no slow-walking and added Austin will tell Gallant that the pace of weapons supply is connected to available U.S. supply and the need for Congress to approve supplemental funding.


Oct 25, 2017
I mostly stay quiet because my blood is boiling most of the time. My contributions wouldn't fly. Anything I do post, I rewrite maybe 10 times before it becomes a watered down fraction of the anger and sadness I feel.
yeah. every time i open my mouth regarding the subject i'm skirting way too close to a ban. but i've had my eyes open.


Dec 6, 2018

Majority in U.S. Say Israel Has Valid Reasons for Fighting; Fewer Say the Same About Hamas

57% of Americans express some sympathy with both Israelis and Palestinians, including 26% who say their sympathies lie equally with both groups.

Younger americans are more likelily to sympathize with Palestinians

4. Emotions, news and knowledge about the Israel-Hamas war

Most Americans report having strong emotional reactions to the Israel-Hamas war, including sadness (83%), anger (65%) and exhaustion (51%).

Not surprised majority of americans aren't aware of Israel-Palestinian conflict lol


Oct 25, 2017

International community must act immediately to stop Israeli army's massacre of Palestinians at Al-Shifa Hospital

"About four times during that period, I saw soldiers lead groups of detainees—[always] at least three people and [never] more than 10—into the hospital buildings, particularly the morgue building where bodies had previously been kept," added M.K. "Gunshots were heard, with the soldiers then leaving the area to bring another group there."

Another witness, who preferred to remain completely anonymous due to safety concerns, and who was able to leave Al-Shifa Medical Complex recently, confirmed to the Euro-Med Monitor team that he witnessed Israeli forces taking eight or 10 Palestinian civilians at a time towards the morgue area. He then heard heavy gunfire, and the Israeli forces later left without the civilians.
These civilians were likely subjected to unlawful killings and executions, as all the information obtained by Euro-Med Monitor's field team suggests that since Al-Shifa Medical Complex was restored on Sunday/Monday night, 100 Palestinians were killed by Israeli gunfire in and outside of it.

Following death of three patients, concerns raised about Israeli detention of medical personnel at Al-Shifa Medical Complex

"The Israeli forces evacuated the patients from all the specialty buildings and forced them to gather in the reception building, then forcibly asked those who could walk to leave, while about 22 patients remained unable to move and their fate is unknown," a woman who had beenaccompanying a patient in Al-Shifa Complex told the Euro-Med Monitor team.

She went on to say that the conditions inside the Medical Complex are appalling and catastrophic. The Israeli army has closed the internal pharmacy and denied the sick and injured any medication, causing some of their wounds to rot, she explained. All of the doctors and nurses have beendetained for "investigation" and are unable to perform their duties amid a lack of food and electricity, which has resulted in the deaths of three patients so far.
Euro-Med Monitor has obtained a leaked clip showing dozens of women and children trapped in a basement inside Al-Shifa Medical Complex, following the men's arrest. In the footage, the Israeli army can be heard threatening the trapped people, over loudspeakers, to follow their orders "or else the buildings will be bombed over [their] heads".
Meanwhile, Israel's army is still arbitrarily detaining hundreds of civilians for the fourth day in a row, including medical personnel and immobile patients, amid an environment of intimidation and heavy Israeli gunfire.

About 400 people have already been detained, including journalists, medical personnel, and displaced people, many of whom have been tortured and forced to remain fully nude or dressed in flimsy white clothes. More than half of these individuals have been transported in trucks and military vehicles to Israeli detention facilities.
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Apr 20, 2022
I wish when those asshole US representative speakers hold press meetings and say drivel like there's a famine or the Gazans really need aid fast someone would question them and ask "why do they need aid desperately? Who's been indiscriminately killing them so quickly and destroyed all their infrastructure that they're in famine? Who has been killing 3rd party aid and health workers for months now?".

I'd like to see them squirm and wriggle their way out of avoiding trying to put any hint of war crimes against israel and by association USA itself. A slip up of guilt would be so amazing to watch.


Oct 25, 2017
I wish when those asshole US representative speakers hold press meetings and say drivel like there's a famine or the Gazans really need aid fast someone would question them and ask "why do they need aid desperately? Who's been indiscriminately killing them so quickly and destroyed all their infrastructure that they're in famine? Who has been killing 3rd party aid and health workers for months now?".

I'd like to see them squirm and wriggle their way out of avoiding trying to put any hint of war crimes against israel and by association USA itself. A slip up of guilt would be so amazing to watch.

Anytime the questions go in that direction that's their pivot to redirect.


Oct 25, 2017
That fucking drone footage

Fuck Israel, Fuck the US, fuck everyone enabling the wholesale slaughter of innocent people.
Oct 27, 2017
Man you got direct drone footage of a family being bombed.

How much clearer do you want? So disgusted by how the world is being. Fuck america, fuck Israel, fuck every country backing this


Jan 17, 2018
At this point someone should interfere. Someone should send a military to Gaza and get the IDF the hell out of Palestinian Territories. And I'm not talking about Peacekeepers, it should be an actual military with an actual Navy, Air Force and heavy artillery, otherwise this slaughter will never end.

As gut wrenching as this drone footage is it's not surprising at all. Thanks to the umbrella the US provides Israel has a carte blanche to commit whatever atrocities they feel like without any repercussions.
Oct 27, 2017
Reminds me of when they blew up those 4 kids playing soccer on the beach in 2014. No doubt they do this often.

The way they shot at the one trying to crawl away. You can't say they kill civilians by accident, or from collateral damage, or whatever excuse. They go out of their way to do it.

When you hear them spouting off about killing terrorists or whatever, remember it's stuff like this and like them executing civilians at Al Shifa above that they're doing.
Oct 28, 2017


What's next: The Security Council is expected to vote on an alternative resolution put forward by eight member states, calling for an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan to lead to a permanent ceasefire.

That text also demands the release of all hostages without linking it to the ceasefire.

The U.S. is expected to veto.
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