Do you care about the Modern story / gameplay in AC?

  • Yes

    Votes: 469 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 656 46.6%
  • Ubisoft beating a dead horse

    Votes: 282 20.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
"The modern day storyline" was a terrible idea and one of the reasons why I stopped playing AC a long time ago.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it should be completely gone, it should be good, which currently is not.

It's clear that the modern day stuff is one of the last things they think about when making an AC, calling it an afterthought is understating it. And I think the big problem comes from the idea of Ubisoft of making AC their lead horse in transmedia stories, which has diluted the story SO MUCH that the story in the games is barely comprehensible. Killing the main villain of the story on a fucking comic book is baffling.

There's something really wrong if having a comic first character in your game is the main surprise/easter egg, instead of the opposite.

Deleted member 33567

User requested account closure
Nov 17, 2017
I don't like it and it is jarring, not played all of them, but it tends to be exposition or walking round a building, if it was a modern version of the regular gameplay I would give it a go. I wish they would put a toggle in the options for those that don't want it.
Oct 27, 2017
I can't bear the modern day elements, I found them a complete waste of time from the very first game.

The draw for me are these massive, stunningly recreated ancient open worlds, to keep dragging me out of this glorious fiction for some modern day bullshit is a real irritation. Black Flag was one of the worst, I was enjoying pirating on the high seas, but no, here's an office block you have to run around in looking at fucking post it notes, oh and by the way let's really drive home that the historical stuff you're enjoying isn't real and you're just playing a memory/game.


Oct 27, 2017
I wish they would put a toggle in the options for those that don't want it.
I'm kinda surprised they don't have anything like that by now. Odyssey (I don't know the DLC) already has those sections in such a separated way from the past storyline that is absurd. At least Origins had you discovering something as Bayek and then finding it with Layla, but Odyssey just pulls you out for a while and then you get back again, except for the ending.


Feb 4, 2020
I was interested in the modern day stuff right up until AC3, where they whiffed on the "epic conclusion" to Desmond's story arc so badly by turning him into a clumsy Jesus analogue, that I was basically forever done with caring about it. Now it's just the occasional junk you have to do to get back to the actual game.

They need to make a clean break from it, and just make the series about a bunch of period characters. I'm beyond tired of hearing about the "Apples of Eden".

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I only ever played the first AC game, I thought someone had told me they eventually moved away from the modern stuff. I guess that wasn't true?


Oct 27, 2017
I think they wanted it in AC1 because they wanted to put all the modern HUD and maps and snazzy UI and this was their excuse. Personally it always felt odd because there are games set in ancient period with all that 'gamey' stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
I cared in AC1, it was a nice gimmick and an interesting idea, though the gameplay sections themselves were boring.
I cared in AC2, major upgrade, you actually did some Assassin stuff.
I cared in AC:B, much like AC2, but less of it IIRC.
I shrugged in AC:R, the change and the story were interesting but the content not so much. Too easy, and FPP? Why?
I cared in AC3, until the ending.

I have not cared about the modern day story since then, it was absolute trash in every installment. It's clear that Ubisoft has no idea what to do with it since Patrice Désilets and Corey May are gone.


Oct 25, 2017
as somebody who hasn't played AC recently, I'm actually surprised to hear they still do modern day stuff because fucking no one talks about it


Oct 29, 2017
as somebody who hasn't played AC recently, I'm actually surprised to hear they still do modern day stuff because fucking no one talks about it

Oh, fans do. Mostly about how shit it is.
But really, Origins had like what, 30 mins of modern day overall in a 50 hour game? And Odyssey had 40 mins in 100 hours. It's kind of barely a thing anymore.


Oct 28, 2017
Why are the thread title and poll phrased in opposite ways?
Anyway, I wish that none of the games had modern segments.


Nov 3, 2017
I loved the modern day aspect of the series right until they wrecked it by killing Desmond off. It all felt like it was leading to something really cool, like a modern day game where I'd be running around as Desmond or something but it just went nowhere.

I appreciate that they keep trying to kick start it back up, but it doesn't ever feel like it's going anywhere either, every game the modern section always feels like it's saying "oh this is leading to something big in the next game!" and then that just... happens again.


Apr 7, 2019
Hate it every time the story is interrupted and you have to go do something in the modern era in origins it sucks but black flag its so slow and boring i at least wish their was an option to opt out or skip it entirely
Oct 27, 2017
Why they haven't made a game where you can freely switch between the modern and the past version of let's say a single city is beyond me.
Oct 29, 2017
I didn't actually mind it in Odyssey because it drops some great moments on the audience.

Maybe you should create these sort of polls after you play it? The excellent dlc would also not narratively work quite the same without modern day.

I think AC games in general could do without it and nothing would be lost but out of Origins, Unity, Syndicate and a lot of the other ones, I find it weird that anyone would draw the line here.


Oct 27, 2017
The Desmond story was interesting, but they fucked it up with nonsense Lost-style plot twits.


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
"oh boy I can't wait until we play a AC set in the modern times this is where this is leading to right?"

- me, circa whenever the fuck AC2 came out


Oct 28, 2017
It's a completely unnecessary, unpleasant distraction. Poorly done, corny, forced framing for what could have been a series of loosely connected glimpses at assassins throughout history with each game. Terrible idea.

It's bad even for the plot of an Ubisoft game, on par with a gacha game in the degree to which it's half-assed as a framework for the gameplay and HUD.


Nov 1, 2017
I think the biggest issue with the modem day story is that it's pretty obvious they have no idea where they're going with it.


Oct 27, 2017
I only ever played the first AC game, I thought someone had told me they eventually moved away from the modern stuff. I guess that wasn't true?
They did after Black Flag, the modern day stuff was reduced to a couple of cutscenes and some glitches in the Animus.

Origins tried to make a comeback to the modern day stuff, but it's as flat as hell.


Oct 27, 2017
Another classic era poll where the title and the polls answers are opposites!

Personally I find the modern bit a complete waste of my time and try to get through it as soon as I possibly can.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The Desmond arc had the right idea of it, a meta overarching arc to tie the different chapters together. I dug it. Since then the modern segment has been a bit of incoherent mess and Layla's story is sort of a half-step back to what it was but dropping a lot of plot points at the same time. What they need is a soft reboot to refocus on those dropped plot points (Juno being the big one) and string them together. There's no little direction on what the modern day storyline is suppose to move towards, unlike during the Desmond arc.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
I'd rather the series was a pure historical adventure. I personally don't enjoy the modern segments, at least in the way they have been done. I do like the alien stuff, and its angle on ancient mythology, and I think that could still be in the game without jumping to the present.


Mar 20, 2018
I liked the Modern day stuff, quite a bit in the first three, and the most when it was Abstergo/Ubisoft Employee simulator.
Sad is that i feel it dropped in quality since Origins/Odyssey, which is strange since i prefer every other aspect of Post Origins AC over what came before.


Oct 26, 2017
The modern day stuff was amazing in the Desmond games, I was really excited for the build up for a modern Assassin's game.
And then AC3 happened. Fuck it, just throw the modern part in the trash and close the lid now.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it's like an annoying ad break. I get really into Origins and Odyssey only to be pulled out and just want to get back in. Maybe should be left to a couple of cut scenes, one at the start just showing you going back in time through an animus, let the game unfold and do a thing at the end. It's become a bit of a baggage subplot. I don't mind the premise of the animus, it still has some importance underlying the reason but let me play the game throughout now, I don't want to be whipped out into a very awful 21st century American vocal fry setting.

Syndicate seemed to work quite well with the modern stuff though and mixed it up with WWII.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I absolutely loved the modern day stuff up to AC 3. Built up something amazing for me and before one of my friends passed away we'd get hyped every year and speculate crazy theories to each other. Still remember collecting the pieces of the "The Truth" video and all these over arching plotlines and building up Desmond as an Assassin. It legit kept me hooked and really wanted to see how a bunch of things would play out before it got absolutely butchered.


Oct 25, 2017
US, East Coast
I cared until AC3... I mean the twist at the end if AC2 was brilliant.

Feels like after that shark jump of an ending in 3, they've been trying to recover the modern story segment ever since.


Oct 29, 2017
It started of good when they originally communicated as a trilogy. It became an absolute mess quickly after that and was just forgettable in my opinion. I never played any AC after the second one for it's present/future stuff. They could have done way better instead just putting the centuries long Assassins vs Templar conflict to the future. It simply doesn't really add much to the overall story you drag on for thousands of years.

I always found the story within the framed time period way more exciting.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if an modern era game was ever on the table for ubisoft? Maybe they polled fans and found they didnt want it/maybe the team dosen't think it would work/who knows.


Oct 30, 2017
Such a waste of time imo.
Just tell te story from modern time and let me play in the past :) Not that I played much AC games after the Brotherhood.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
I played ~3 games of AC and never cared about the modern plot nonsense, and it actually made the pacing worse.
They should ditch the conspiracy crap altogether and focus purely on the historical aspects of the games, but I guess they won't for reasons


May 30, 2019
It was interesting in the first two games, but they completely ruined it. Wouldn't mind if they completely cut it now.


Feb 3, 2019
Yeah, it's like an annoying ad break. I get really into Origins and Odyssey only to be pulled out and just want to get back in. Maybe should be left to a couple of cut scenes, one at the start just showing you going back in time through an animus, let the game unfold and do a thing at the end. It's become a bit a baggage subplot, I don't mind the premise of the animus but let me play the game throughout now.

Syndicate seemed to work quite well with the modern stuff though.
I relate so hard to the modern day character, just put me back in the Animus plz no need for rest.

I almost forget that the modern day storyline exists until they pull me out.


Oct 25, 2017
I relate so hard to the modern day character, just put me back in the Animus plz no need for rest.

I almost forget that the modern day storyline exists until they pull me out.

Yep. Probably like a fish and being yanked out of the water by a hook and line while you're just happy as larry eating and swimming around the world you inhabit.


Oct 25, 2017
I really quite like the modern segments and find they break up the pacing nicely. I certainly think they're a little hokey, but the franchise as a whole is, and i'm fond of the new cast of characters. I never cared for Desmond and his crew, and find Layla to be considerably more interesting, though still a little flat.


Oct 27, 2017
Interesting framing device until botched badly in Assassin's Creed 3.

There's an industry article or Ubisoft presentation out there that talks about the dev group's marketing team holding the current rein's over the modern story's direction, and it fucking shows.


Oct 27, 2017
No I find it interesting, I anticipate that it will lead up to Creed games taking place in current day or even in future scenarios and that aspect would will be kinda mindblowing. Think Assassins Creed in a Cyberpunk environment that would be really awesome.


Feb 28, 2019
I was convinced they dropped it...
Didn't bother me in the first one. Then I skipped every other games and goes to III (yeah, I know, not a good decision). I find both the game and and modern story terrible. The thing is, III has in own story while modern story is a part of it. So it really felt like someone was changing the channel to see their own stuff (that I have to watch) while I wait to changing it again and contiune the story I follow.
Oct 28, 2019
I think this has been surveyed to death by Ubisoft and clearly there must be signs people do like it. Even the poll here is far closer than what you would think reading some of the posts here and on the internet - people that dislike the modern day parts tend to describe it as if it's a crime against humanity or the like.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
In theory its currently the most interesting part of these games but its so underutilised and directionless it might as well not be there. They just dont know what to do with it post AC3.