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Oct 26, 2017
I feel like gaming webcomics void got filled with youtubers, twitter, and memes. Felt like web comics birthed some early gaming memes and was a way to get your opinion out, but now there are plenty of avenues for that with a wider reach.

Yeah, I can see that. A lot of those animation Youtubers have kind of taking up the slack.


I was pretty into Megatokyo back around 2004-2005. I'm kinda glad I decided to drop it, though.

Yeah each comic had a blog post attached and I would read those while reading the backlog. You could see it going downhill as one of them wanted to basically make it a white guy in Tokyo harem manga and the other guy was a total dick.

I did love their constant sharing of BioWare and Blizzard art though - it made me a fan of those companies' art departments before I had ever played their games.

Short answer yes. But like...Also that their brand of comedy didn't really hold up for much longer. Honestly, when you look at it from a purely artistic level, DickWolves was much for damning for PA than Jerry's inability to understand trans-issues because they could never collectively escape that brand of humor and when they tried, the jokes turned into sunday funnies level of limp.

But yes, Jerry seems to have been sat down and made to understand why his being transphobic was bad for his brand, his viewers, his friends and his family. He's just kind of a thick dude.

I kind of get that. They are smart guys and probably got way too caught up in their juvenile jokes "for the boys".

Maybe as their brand got larger and became an empire they got exposed to a larger world and realized you need to change.

8-Bit Theater was really great back in the day. Not sure if it still holds up, it's been over a decade since I read it.

I weirdly dislike 8 Bit for really petty reasons. A guy hitting on my girlfriend back in the day talked her into reading those. And eventually she dumped me for him. Hahaha.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
This isn't a gaming webcomic, and is honestly completely irrelevant to your question, but I want to share this anyway because I don't know when else I'll get the chance to.

There was a (pretty good, from what I remember) webcomic that ran from 2000-2003 called One Over Zero. At times it referenced other popular webcomics of the day. This strip from 2003 lamented the comics that had ended during One Over Zero's three-year run:


In 2003, people were joking about how Sluggy Freelance has gone on forever.

In 2022, a couple weeks away from 2023, Sluggy's still going strong.


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Oct 26, 2017
I don't follow them, but apparently they had a bit of a turn around in recent years and things are going well.

For The Birds - Penny Arcade

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Christ it's been so long since I read them that their kids were barely walking.

Her and I are still very close friends though.

Want a funny off topic?

She married that guy and had three kids. I used to play L4D with him. And sometimes we would play with her first boyfriend from high school. It was weird.

And she finally divorced him last year and is going to marry the boyfriend from high school. I'm invited.

I still haven't finished 8 bit theater.


Oct 25, 2017
Bengraven That's a story indeed. So you might be next huh? ;)
Penny Arcade made a strip about "not being relevant with the kids" just last week. Excellent timing.

I still follow them. Since a couple years back they publish the full strip on Twitter, so it's easy to follow.
I admit that one is pretty funny, but I see that the art "evolved" even further. Looks like he aged his main characters up even more? Yeah, not my taste.
Oct 27, 2017
Christ it's been so long since I read them that their kids were barely walking.

Her and I are still very close friends though.

Want a funny off topic?

She married that guy and had three kids. I used to play L4D with him. And sometimes we would play with her first boyfriend from high school. It was weird.

And she finally divorced him last year and is going to marry the boyfriend from high school. I'm invited.

I still haven't finished 8 bit theater.
This feels like something from a sitcom thats gone on way too long


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Oct 26, 2017
I really wonder how long it would take for me to load up the most recent penny, arcade strip, and then go back every time I finish the strip until I get to where I left off probably nearly 10 years ago.

This feels like something from a sitcom thats gone on way too long

She asked me once a few months ago if I thought it was a bit of a cliché from some romantic comedy. I told her that it couldn't be further from the truth.


Oct 26, 2017
Her and I are still very close friends though.

Want a funny off topic?

She married that guy and had three kids. I used to play L4D with him. And sometimes we would play with her first boyfriend from high school. It was weird.

And she finally divorced him last year and is going to marry the boyfriend from high school. I'm invited.

I still haven't finished 8 bit theater.

Damn I wanna watch the anime of this


One Winged Slayer
Nov 3, 2017
My fun fact of the thread is that Katie is a legit Rocket Scientist making her comics in her spare time and i really appreciate it. (Also blew my mind that her dad is the guy that used to yell at Trump on twitter)

I read PA just about every day for a sensible chuckle in the morning but that's about it. Other webcomics i read aren't really video game related and there such an inconsistent release of them that sometimes you'll wind up with 3 new ones in a few weeks or one a month.
I think having a video game "niche" is harder when everyone is into video games and many people just post their comics to twitter.


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Oct 26, 2017
My fun fact of the thread is that Katie is a legit Rocket Scientist making her comics in her spare time and i really appreciate it. (Also blew my mind that her dad is the guy that used to yell at Trump on twitter)

I read PA just about every day for a sensible chuckle in the morning but that's about it. Other webcomics i read aren't really video game related and there such an inconsistent release of them that sometimes you'll wind up with 3 new ones in a few weeks or one a month.
I think having a video game "niche" is harder when everyone is into video games and many people just post their comics to twitter.

Whoa wait which guy yelling at Trump?!
Oct 26, 2017
I don't follow them, but apparently they had a bit of a turn around in recent years and things are going well.

For The Birds - Penny Arcade

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.
Not bad! I bought a couple of their comic collection books back in the day. I should grab them from my parents place. I remember finding them hilarious.


Oct 25, 2017
Back then I regularly visited Penny Arcade. But I lost interest when it felt like they "grew too old" for my taste. Not interested in their family stuff or whatever and I didn't like how the art style evolved.
Before that I followed Megatokyo. That was at the height of the key/Kanon craze. No idea if that one is still around. Hopefully he managed to conclude the "story".

Yeah I miss the slightly crass and sorta violent themes of the old PA comics. Stuff like the fruit fucker, DivX, Gabe and Tycho fighting over a Pac-Man watch, Tycho trying to hate Gabe to death, etc. They were really spot on with biting criticism of various gaming things.

Then they started focusing more on board games, family, and sorta became a light version of Calvin and Hobbes a decent amount of the time.

I just remember Megatokyo being very very horny


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018

I swear to God, this man had one of the most recognizable faces but unknown names during the Trump presidency.
TIL, seems like the Tiedrich's are good people

He actually shows up several times throughout Awkward Zombie's run.

Man is apparently a total goober with his wife and kids, which is heartwarming.


Oct 25, 2017
It's Awkward Zombie. Excellent at the whole "element of a game that gets hilarious or weird if you think about it" style observations.

Deleted member 41651

User-requested account closure
Apr 3, 2018
I feel fucking weird that I used to read PA religiously in the 2000s along with other web comics (and music blogs) but I stopped at some point but I don't remember when. Then it's like over a decade later and I'm all "oh yeah! That existed!"

Grain Silo

Dec 15, 2017
I don't follow them, but apparently they had a bit of a turn around in recent years and things are going well.

For The Birds - Penny Arcade

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Seeing the eternally teenaged Tycho and Gabe alongside Mike and Jerry's real kids is still weird to me. They're going to overtake the protags in age in the not too distant future.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
We don't get Castle Vidcons anymore so what's the point :(

fuck, you just brought back a rolling memory of the video game forum wars. god that shit was so good.

awkward zombie still great

also it's not a videogame webcomic but man how good is kate beaton's stuff

I just remember Megatokyo being very very horny

man! megatokyo! I wonder how that guy is doing. i reckon they were instrumental to my dumbass childhood.

at some point i think i turned on it because it frankly wasn't... very good... but hell, things are allowed to not be good, and at some point you just start appreciating effort.


Oct 26, 2017
Wait a minute, the original is the one that's in this thread now? I thought people were talking about the mistletoe. Which I never noticed before.

The one they originally posted had some stupid edgelord "humor". They didn't realize it was an edited version of it and found the correct one.


Aug 13, 2020
The only gaming webcomic I ever really found funny was Manly Guys Doing Manly Things. The art was consistently great and the bishi plague story arc was top tier.

It was pretty inevitable that the comic was going to end eventually since she was really fucking talented, but the fact she managed to hack it out until 2018 was insane.


Oct 30, 2017
fuck, you just brought back a rolling memory of the video game forum wars. god that shit was so good.

awkward zombie still great

also it's not a videogame webcomic but man how good is kate beaton's stuff

man! megatokyo! I wonder how that guy is doing. i reckon they were instrumental to my dumbass childhood.

at some point i think i turned on it because it frankly wasn't... very good... but hell, things are allowed to not be good, and at some point you just start appreciating effort.
Neko Neko Wai!

If you were on the Megatokyo forums you probably know about it... I actually met some people who were on the forums like a decade later as we realized we ran in the same circles.


Oct 27, 2017
I'd assumed it fizzled out sometime after the movie stuff fell apart, but Looking For Group is still somehow going.

I've been following it mostly out of routine for all these years, although I'd considered finally dropping it since it's felt aimless and not as funny for ages now. However, the recent writer change and story direction have me finally interested in seeing where it's going next again, so I'll probably continue to stick with it for a while.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not a video game gag comic, but Order of the Stick is a D&D-based story that's still ongoing. It's slowed down a lot (which is unfortunate, 'cause the story is really good: the early stuff is pretty crude, but once things pick up it's great), but there's a new page about twice a month.

I used to follow a lot of webcomics way back in the day, but OotS is about the only one left. Gave up on some of them (eg Sluggy), others finished or died out.


Oct 27, 2017
Strange Planet, while not entirely about gaming, has created some of my favorite video game-themed webcomics over the past few years. I've bought all the books. ❤️





Oct 25, 2017
Damn youngins don't know the glory of Castle Vidcons. The console wars reimagined as medieval melodrama. It was magnificent.






Oct 25, 2017
Wtf. I just looked up Crtl alt delete because of this thread.

So it looks like his comics aren't even funny anymore or even trying. They are super serious and it looks like he rebooted the main Ethan story. I guess he's a superhero now or somethin? What the fuck?
Dec 2, 2021
I've been following it mostly out of routine for all these years, although I'd considered finally dropping it since it's felt aimless and not as funny for ages now. However, the recent writer change and story direction have me finally interested in seeing where it's going next again, so I'll probably continue to stick with it for a while.
Huh, I'll have to check that out then. I stopped reading probably 8 or so years ago. Don't even remember why, but I did enjoy it when I followed it.