is 34 OLD?

  • i’m over 34, Yes

    Votes: 521 23.4%
  • i’m under 34, Yes

    Votes: 268 12.1%
  • i’m over 34, No

    Votes: 833 37.5%
  • i’m under 34, No

    Votes: 581 26.1%
  • i wear Nike monarchs and think corvettes are cool

    Votes: 19 0.9%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I'm 38 and don't feel either young or old, although with how thin my hair is starting to get at the top of my head and the gray ones slowly popping up all over the place isn't helping the "not feel old".
Might be another story once I hit 45-50 though. Can't wait. :(


Jan 10, 2020
Turned 33 yesterday. Stopped giving a shit about how old I am / what others think about me or my age several years ago. Very, very liberating feeling.

When I was in my teens I was afraid that I will have to stop playing videogames when I grow older because " adults have more -important- things to do, life is SERIOUS"
so glad I got over that, I will play games for many years/decades to come because they are fun/art/relaxing.

Thank you Alan Watts !


Aug 25, 2019
Turned 34 this year. Luckily I don't feel any different day to day than I did 10 years ago. I've been graying since my mid-20s so I guess that helps numb the pain a bit.


Nov 12, 2017
I feel this thread is a good example why a lot of men consider suicide and have existential crisises when so many people consider mid 30s "old" and why so many young people feel also a lot of pressure of having peaked before their 30s

Mr Jones

Oct 25, 2017
Alright then you 27 year old young bastards. Go date a 17 year old....

... Can't do that, eh? You'll get in trouble eh? But you won't get in trouble if you date a 50 year old?



Oct 25, 2017
I feel this thread is a good example why a lot of men consider suicide and have existential crisises when so many people consider mid 30s "old" and why so many young people feel also a lot of pressure of having peaked before their 30s

considering your self old isn't exactly a crisis for everyone. Not everything has to be a problem.


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
If you hold the opinions of teenagers or college students in high regard (and you shouldn't) they pretty much think you die at 30, so of course they think it's old. Like that club joke in the OP... as if that's what matters most in life, rather you can still club with 21yos.

If that sounds like salt, well yeah. Nobody wants to "get older" once you hit your peak. But it'll happen to them to, so let them have their fun before it's gone. I wish all people would enjoy it while it lasts. A day will come when you look around and can't believe you're already "old" and it's gonna suck, but you'll get through it. The real kicker is we all hear things like this told to us by olds all our lives, but we really don't stop and think that it WILL REALY happen -- but it does and will. It feels like it's an eternity away, but once it arrives you won't think that at all, you'll think, wow, already?

For myself, I feel older but not old. Mind over matter.
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Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, this is how I feel as well. I still feel just as physically capable of doing everything I was capable of as a 26-year old, except now I'm a little wiser than I was then.

I find it kind of funny when people in their early 30s are talking about how their body is falling apart and what not. I guess everyone ages differently.


Oct 27, 2017
If this was like 30+ years ago then probably, but in this day and age you're not old until like your 60s.


Oct 26, 2017
I just turned 40 and there's some things I can definitely feel and see.

Minor aches here and there and some gray hairs in my beard.
Me being 34


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
36 going on 37 here and I'm at the point where I do feel my body changing now so I for sure "feel" older but I'll never be that old guy who just gets angry at new stuff that shit is lame as hell. And it always strikes me as really weird how middle aged people become less receptive to new things over time.


Nov 12, 2017
considering your self old isn't exactly a crisis for everyone. Not everything has to be a problem.
Thing is for a lot of people, especially young people coming to that age, "old" is often associated with "it is now too late to change course" or "if you haven't achieved what you wanted in your twenties, fuck you". It's very common and becoming more and more of an issue with young people being more disenfranchised.

And no, 30+ is just not "old". That's the whole problem. You're at your peak during these years, but for some reason we consider that somehow it's already past that. Yes you'll notice changes in your body but it's not like you're already freaking crumbling.

We have such a problem in general where we tend to put the bar really freaking low in numbers term. Then you get to 60 and go "holy shit, 30 to 40 was young af"


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 35 and in the best shape of my life. I feel just as young as I did when I was 18, except I have money now.
However, when I was 18, I though 35 was old. I guess it's all about perspective.


Oct 27, 2017
We have a weird ageist culture, where you basically hit about 25-ish and then everyone takes the piss out of you for being old for the next 60 years or so.

Nobody in their thirties is 'old'. You've still got decades ahead.

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I find it kind of funny when people in their early 30s are talking about how their body is falling apart and what not. I guess everyone ages differently.

I always wonder how much of that is people inadvertently admitting that they haven't/don't take care of themselves. Unless you actually have an illness or condition, your body shouldn't be "falling apart" in your early 30's.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
It's like the definition of "middle-aged".

It is pretty old in certain circles of the internet though. It's no different than 34 being old at certain physical locations as well.

34 is old at a non-adult arcade but young at bingo. Same applies to certain apps or sites on the Internet.


Nov 18, 2017
34 is the perfect age. If you've kept good care of yourself, you should be close to your peak in terms of health. You should be well established in a career and likely without kids yet so financial situation can be great.

Fuck a TikTok.


Jan 22, 2019
34 isn't youthful, but not youthful != old

A 34 year old is relatively old compared to people in their late teens and early twenties, the same way a 5yo kid probably thinks of their 18yo cousins as "old". Up until your mid-20s you're pretty still a kid, so I can guess from that perspective I can see why people think 34 is old?

At 34 you haven't even reached midlife yet, so I'm not sure how anyone can really call that old.

Completely agree. Some people's perception of age is messed up if it's basically "until you're 25, you're more or less still a child, then you're an adult, and after 30 you're just an old geezer." Looking at someone in their early 30s and thinking they're old is basically child brain shit that you do when you have no perception of how long people actually live.

Early 30s you're firmly an adult, but the categories here have to be more nuanced than "you're young then you're old." I wouldn't consider calling someone old until they were eligible for an AARP card and even then there's a world of difference between ages 50 and 80.

I feel this thread is a good example why a lot of men consider suicide and have existential crisises when so many people consider mid 30s "old" and why so many young people feel also a lot of pressure of having peaked before their 30s

For real. People genuinely don't understand how much this actually creates real anxiety for people and contributes to a lot of harmful stereotypes. I'm glad someone who's like 24 has fun saying to someone six years older than than "ha ha, you're ancient, old man" but we have such a stupid, youth obsessed culture where a lot of people genuinely believe you "peak" in life long before you even hit the halfway point of the average lifespan and it's genuinely fucked up.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
Age is weird. My father in law is almost 80 and he seems younger than my parents who are in their late 60's. Meanwhile, I dated a woman ages ago that seemed like a 70yr trapped in the body of a 20yr old.


Oct 28, 2017
I consider 30 as old because that's the age where it's getting hard to stay awake after 10 pm. If you can get used to that change, consider yourself young.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm 36, i feel ... adult? not young. not old. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Got married last year (mostly) because our first kid was on the way.

34 is the perfect age. If you've kept good care of yourself, you should be close to your peak in terms of health. You should be well established in a career and likely without kids yet so financial situation can be great.

Fuck a TikTok.

Completely agree.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah, it's definitely not old. I'd say once you start nearing 60, you are getting old. Middle-aged definition tends to be 40-60 or 45-65.

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
IRL no
On internet yep, you're dust.
This really. If your social network is entirely online at over 34 you will feel ancient as theres just a ton of social activity comparativly thats younger. It makes sense as folka get busier and have families they doof around in chats and forums online less.

IRL 34 aint old. Your finally about settled on your direction regardless of whether youve made it or not youve got a decent idea of what you will be doing or trying to achieve. These are your foundation years of settling groundwork for how you will manage your goals and day to day routine from now on as the jumping from field to field stuff slows down or stops.

This is when you socially are interacting more in the workplace and withfamily more than the internet. Its not old but its far more focused interactions and less run-out and do random shit. Your connections come more from interests and interactions relating to those scenes than just random mixers and chance interactions with alcohol involved and partying.

But 30s to 40s you can still be in fantastic shape and be active so I cant call it old. Late 40s to 50s you break down faster and get tired more. Lotta foods no longer agree and supplements tend to come into play. Thats what id call older.


Nov 27, 2017
No that's some moronic kid-maybe early 20s thinking that some people have. American society and ads are just super super youth focused. Because they were traditionally dumb and easy to get money from but now that's all age ranges.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Here's a clue. If you've ever said the phrase "well, actually I feel really young" or even worse "I feel really young again".... you're old. Young people don't ever verbally express how they feel young or defend their youngness, on the contrary they're probably more inclined say how old they feel in their 20s.

I'm 34 this year btw. And no I'm not young even though I don't view myself as old, that's not for me to say.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
Completely agree. Some people's perception of age is messed up if it's basically "until you're 25, you're more or less still a child, then you're an adult, and after 30 you're just an old geezer." Looking at someone in their early 30s and thinking they're old is basically child brain shit that you do when you have no perception of how long people actually live.

Early 30s you're firmly an adult, but the categories here have to be more nuanced than "you're young then you're old." I wouldn't consider calling someone old until they were eligible for an AARP card and even then there's a world of difference between ages 50 and 80.

For real. People genuinely don't understand how much this actually creates real anxiety for people and contributes to a lot of harmful stereotypes. I'm glad someone who's like 24 has fun saying to someone six years older than than "ha ha, you're ancient, old man" but we have such a stupid, youth obsessed culture where a lot of people genuinely believe you "peak" in life long before you even hit the halfway point of the average lifespan and it's genuinely fucked up.

Agreed, but not just that, with how shitty capitalist society has gotten, it literally takes more than 2-3 decades for most people to even have a chance at living the life and having the finances they want.


Oct 25, 2017
Well I am 33 and the right side of the hip has been hurting since yesterday so…yeah maybe I am old


Oct 25, 2017
"Old" in the sense of "not young". Specifically, you are at the point where you can absolutely under no circumstances describe yourself as "adulting" or anything of the sort; you are a straight-up whole-ass adult now and you should comport yourself accordingly.

Really this should happen in the early 30s, but there's a bit of a grace period for people who need that big three-oh to realize that yeah, it's really time to finish grad school now. (I may have been those people).


May 27, 2019
"Old" in the sense of "not young". Specifically, you are at the point where you can absolutely under no circumstances describe yourself as "adulting" or anything of the sort; you are a straight-up whole-ass adult now and you should comport yourself accordingly.

Really this should happen in the early 30s, but there's a bit of a grace period for people who need that big three-oh to realize that yeah, it's really time to finish grad school now. (I may have been those people).

you do know that some people go back to school in their 30s (and even 40s), right?


Oct 30, 2017
I'm 30 and I have so much more money than I did at even 25 plus I do the exact same shit I did at 25 without slowing down so I'm loving it. When I was a broke 20 something I thought my older friends in their 30s were actually the cool ones because they could spend $1000 on something stupid and not have to eat beans for the next month.

Stay in shape and eat well.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm in my 20s and definitely don't think people that age are old. Some people sure like to act like they are old though. Also of course 30s seems old though when you're a teenager.