Oct 30, 2017
I'm a software dev new to working in a digital agency. I end up working on a large group of projects, sometimes slicing my time into 40 minute chunks - 40 minutes dev time on a task for x project, then 40 minutes on y project. Constant task switching.

I have never had a single handover, and I've never heard of one happening because doubling up dev time means costing money. Every task you're left to do on your own, even if you've never seen the project before in your life, there is no documentation, and you have no background in the technology.

Typically it's one dev per project.

There is always intense time pressure, always. Everything has to be done immediately. No time for tests, testing, or anything.

Project managers blame devs for any problems, and scapegoat them. There is no sense of being on the same team with them.

Projects are constantly mismanaged - site is going live next week, and at the very last minute, it turns out it's broken and has security issues. I didn't work on it, I've never looked at it, and suddenly I'm out on it for four hours and I'm expected to have fixed all the issues.

Project managers fight over developer time, and will rearrange the developer time without consulting them - you'll just be told what you're working on that moment at best.

I worked from 8 until 1:30, and took a 30 min walk. I came back and ate at my desk trying to solve an issue with a front end dev, and got told I shouldn't have taken a break. Moments later, the same project manager came over and told us we missed the deployment window and it's our fault, what are we going to do about it. While we were fixing the bugs we got assigned to do, and had never seen before.

Projects get completely lost - oh hey can you estimate how long to get assets and meta information off for the 75,000 items on this website we made 10 years ago, have no documentation for, have lost the code for, and don't know where it's hosted anymore? I'll give you two hours.

I was asked how long a deploy would take. I told them it varies, there's only one build agent and it's shared over 5 projects. If we're lucky, it'll be 30 mins or so. If we're unlucky and other people are building, it'll be longer. I was told that cant be true, I don't know what I'm talking about, the other devs never said that. I showed them the single agent, how the agents queue up tasks, how I have no control. No, that isn't right. Okay let's go talk to the other devs and you ask them. No, you're just wrong.

I fucking hate this place. Someone make me feel better.
Oct 27, 2017
San Francisco
Yeah, that's toxic.

Id start looking for new work because a company that operates like that won't be a company for long.

If the first step to fixing problems is blaming someone, then there is no respect amongst the ranks.

Dixie Flatline

alt account
Sep 4, 2019
New Orleans
What's your pay? If it isn't high then they don't expect you to stay there long. Sounds like a company that intentionally has a high turnover rate since the market is large enough to support that model.
Oct 30, 2017
I work as a software engineer and what the OP is describing to me is a completely dysfunctional workplace ecosystem.

The OP should find a better job.
Yeah, I was in a rush to get a job as we had to move quickly for my wife's job. The interview process was great, the leads were nice (and I still like tech team a lot). It sounded great.
It's a nightmare.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I would consider leaving.

No time for tests? I take that personally, what the fuck.


Oct 25, 2017
The project manager is great at projecting his failures on you and other Devs it sounds like.

Shit blowing up occasionally is just the way things are, shit blowing up constantly is a failure of management.
Oct 30, 2017
The project manager is great at projecting his failures on you and other Devs it sounds like.

Shit blowing up occasionally is just the way things are, shit blowing up constantly is a failure of management.
Totally agree. I'm fine with the occasional high stress/intense period. If it's madness all the time, it's just horribly managed.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like a terrible place to work. I would say try to get out of there as soon as you can for your own mental and physical health.


Oct 27, 2017
I am lost, if there's one dev per project why are you getting tasked to random half done projects? No documentation? So what you basically start your task and just go off the other programmers random comments in their codebase? RUN OP RUN


Deleted member 11822

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like your place has a ton of management issues. The main red flag to me is you having to constantly switch context. Also when blame starts getting thrown around thats another massive red flag, and red flag three!
I do too. It's fucking idiotic. I love unit tests and testing , and this place doesn't have a single tests.
Start looking for a new gig you need to get out of there ASAP.

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
I fucking hate this place. Someone make me feel better

I used to work at a public school in 2016 before I decided to quit my job. The place was horrible, to the point in which whenever I entered the teachers' lounge, teachers would stop talking and start whispering. I always felt I didn't quite fit in there. Sometimes, during teacher meetings, the same group of teachers would extend the meeting duration just to discuss and try to find out who had used more coffee and/or sugar.

Few months after I left, a friend of mine who still worked there told me the following story. It turns out one of the teachers had a sick child who needed surgery, so people at the school gathered funds for them. When it was the turn of the teachers, the principal gave every one of them a white envelope, so donations could stay anonymous. My friend told me that one day, the principal came into the teachers' lounge to open the envelopes and, while most of them had money inside, there were two that had the following items:

One of them had a math worksheet.
The other one had a $10CLP coin (around 0,01 USD).
Oct 30, 2017
I am lost, if there's one dev per project why are you getting tasked to random half done projects? No documentation? So what you basically start your task and just go off the other programmers random comments in their codebase? RUN OP RUN

Comments? Give me a break. I'm mostly anti-comment - if there's a comment, you haven't named things right, unless it's a complex algorithm. But I'd take comments. There are no comments at all AND the naming is horrible.
Oct 29, 2017
Hey OP, I worked at a place very similar sounding. No development projects were given the time they needed and management always thought they knew better. If you were approached with a task and told the manager that the job was either impossible to do with the current code base and/or not worth doing because of the time requirement you'd be scoffed at as if you didn't know what you were talking about.

No job was worth doing if it took more than a couple days so the entire system was slapped together pieces of code that were hastily written. The owner of the company was the guy driving the general shitty attitude towards developers and was an intense micromanager on top of it all.

Job hunting fucking blows but working in a toxic work environment is far worse for your mental health. You should try and find a new job before you go insane or get yourself fired (which is what happened to me!).


Oct 27, 2017
Comments? Give me a break. I'm mostly anti-comment - if there's a comment, you haven't named things right, unless it's a complex algorithm. But I'd take comments. There are no comments at all AND the naming is horrible.
/**Dear maintainer: Once you are done trying to 'optimize' this routine,and have realized what a terrible mistake that was,please increment the following counter as a warningto the next guy: total_hours_wasted_here = 42**/
Oct 30, 2017
Hey OP, I worked at a place very similar sounding. No development projects were given the time they needed and management always thought they knew better. If you were approached with a task and told the manager that the job was either impossible to do with the current code base and/or not worth doing because of the time requirement you'd be scoffed at as if you didn't know what you were talking about.

No job was worth doing if it took more than a couple days so the entire system was slapped together pieces of code that were hastily written. The owner of the company was the guy driving the general shitty attitude towards developers and was an intense micromanager on top of it all.

Job hunting fucking blows but working in a toxic work environment is far worse for your mental health. You should try and find a new job before you go insane or get yourself fired (which is what happened to me!).
Thanks, totally agree. Both outcomes are possible at this point. I'm not done probation, which is 6 months, so I could be out of a job tomorrow with nothing to show for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Project managers blame devs for any problems, and scapegoat them. There is no sense of being on the same team with them.
this is where i stopped reading.

yes, your workplace is toxic.

the PMs job should be to take the heat off of consultants/devs/whatever.
unless of course the person is just incompetent but from everything you described thats not whats happening.


Oct 25, 2017
had that happen to me too, suffered extreme burnout and I'm still not all together back mentally. You've got more choices than just this job more than likely, especially in software development. Look elsewhere.

Wood Man

Oct 30, 2017
So you worked 5 hours straight, took a 30 minute break and was told you shouldn't have taken a break? That's bullshit and your project managers sound like overpaid clowns.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
How dare you take a 30 minute break!!!!!!!!

Yea, you should start looking elsewhere if you haven't already
Oct 30, 2017
Thanks everyone...I'm feeling better.
Shitty environments have a gaslighting like effect. I need the outside viewpoint
Oct 30, 2017
I second this. 40-minute projects is laughable. You won't grow as an engineer.
I know it. They're basically 40 min tasks to look at bugs, add features, etc.
I have about 15 years experience in .net, .net core, angular, embedded c, c++, Java, typescript, etc working on larger projects, leading quality improvements, etc.
This is the worst place I've ever worked.


Oct 27, 2017
Develop your skills, and find another job...

That said, software development is plagued by poor management. Start to figure out ways cope with it.


Oct 25, 2017
Iowa USA
Find another job. The companies I've left had issues, but the things you mentioned would make quit in a week if I was you.

There are companies out there that are pretty chill. You basically can work at your own pace. What you describe is stress cranked to 11 all the fucking time. I can't believe they gave you shit for taking a break.

Also your company doesn't understand software development, or has never heard of agile. They micromanage you. And it seems all they do is blame people when something fails.

Seriously, if you are stressed all the time, get out. You have skills that a lot of companies want. Don't put up with unrealistic employers. Nothing good has ever come out of that. They will work you to the bone, and when push comes to shove they won't show any loyalty to you.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
Leave. If other employers say why? Because the upper management was blaming everyone for everything, and didn't know how to manage anything.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like management nightmare. How the hell have they get anything done at all.

No wonder issues come up frequently.

To OP, start looking for another job. You have a lot if experience, so it shouldn't be too hard to find one.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Sounds like places I've worked at in the past. That right there tells me your company is toxic af. Abandon ship.