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Aug 11, 2019
OP thinking Sony executives walk into Activision and say "COD marketing RIGHT FUCKING NOW"


"Sign it, sign the fucking papers."

Na fam, Spencer doing good. He talking a lot because July is some time away, but he is gonna show the goods soon and I cannot wait.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, their jobs are to secure partnerships, expand their market, and make sure the company is running well.

Tell me, how does Spencer hyping stuff have helped them? He has done a terrific job doing the things I listed, but him hyping stuff have lead fans for disappointment.

Its to get eyes on his show, its marketing thats all it is.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
So people own PlayStation because they're not console warriors. What does that mean?

When is competition and competing on equal ground seen as bad?

Yeah, I'm sure you have no feedback for our politicians right? Because they're in a position of authority there is no way we could potentially offer criticism or alternative strategies...

If people offered actual suggestions beyond 'buy this studio because I like it and it exists and therefore makes business sense' or 'fire this person because they irritate me and I am the entire market' or 'promote this person because Twitter said they did a good thing once', sure. Most of the time, frankly, they don't. They perpetually (see many in the XBox Studios thread) conflate their opinion for gaming as a whole and fixate on minutaie born of rumour.
Oct 27, 2017
Are you really questioning whether Xbox is competing? Did you skip the last 2 years?

If anyone is seriously worried about Xbox, they should take a break through August at least.

So we can't have that discussion? It's just automatically asinine to suggest that hey, see what that guy over there is doing that's lead him to 70% market share... maybe do some of that too. I love the current XBOX strategy of GamePass and PC day 1. I don't love that they let Sony grab key exclusive content and act ho-hum about it. I LOVE their recent first party and third party investment. I love most of their strategy. I just disagree with a portion of it.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Phil was getting outplayed this gen in terms of selling the console and games to the mass market. Not getting marketing deals for Red Dead, COD and a bunch of highest selling games is weird (Cyberpunk was great but you telling me MS couldn't spend money to get more?). Sony also outspent them in ad budget. It seemed like Xbox division's marketing was hamstrung by money as weird as it sounds.
Ryan would fuck his shit up


This guy who's afraid to shave that thing he calls hair on his head? Lmao, c'mon Scooter.


Phil Spencer can go.

edit: /s. Its hard to tell these days.
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Mar 12, 2020
I personally think he has done a good job and MS has done a better job at showing what the next gen is than Sony, but for some reason the opinion seems to be that either both have not done enough or Sony has been the one to actually show next gen for real.

Because of this and how their games fared last gen I think MS and Phil need to be 110% more aggressive. This is a gen for them to regain some of the ground they lost with the software and messaging issues they had with the X1. What they are doing right now seems ok if they had been killing it this gen, but they didn't, so they need to be a lot more focused and aggressive on messaging.

Even one upping Sony on price won't work if they have nothing to show for it.

I really hope they pick it up, I want both to do great things this gen. I already know Sony will have great 1st party games, I want MS to do as well.

Deleted member 57990

User requested account closure
Jun 18, 2019
I'm glad people are being generally light-hearted about this, and rightfully pointing out what a twerp I'm being. I want to see both Playstation and Xbox do well next gen, and perhaps seeing Xbox stumble with their "gameplay reveal" gave me flashbacks to the run-up to last generation.


Oct 25, 2017
Phil Spencer is just such a solid bro. He's totally one of us. You know, a true gamer. I wish I could just, knock down a drink and shoot the shit with my buddy Phil. So solid.



Mar 13, 2020
One of the weirdest things by far that occurs on this forum is how obsessed people are with these companies' marketing strategies when we are the audience for whom marketing matters the least. We are a captive audience. They don't really have to work that hard for our attention or loyalty or money, to be honest.
Absolutely true, however I would add some nuance to that.
Getting the "core" audience to you side is beneficial to these companies because the core audience of early adopters can influence the broader public.
There are obviously other possible strategies, but marketing towards your immediate base is still useful.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Between the multiple studio acquisitions, the constant slew of day one releases on Game Pass every month, and major additions like RDR2, then releasing not one but two consoles this year (if Lockhart is real) I'm not sure how much more aggressive he can be without buying up big third party exclusives which will cause Era to have a meltdown again. Let's wait and see what their July event looks like, and their launch marketing.


Aug 20, 2018
Of course it's a war. Ask Zune owners. Ask Windows Phone owners. It's a war and if you don't play it well you go to bye bye. Business is competition. You don't need to be an ass about it but you have to compete.

are you saying Xbox is not competing? If anything else in terms of marketing their nextgen box, Xbox is the one doing the most official trumpeting while sony is laying silent for whatever reason...and i say this as a playstation fan. Xbox is definitely being more 'open' in regards to their nextgen plans now than sony and i definitely could use some of that openness for playstation.

The problem with xbox has nothing to do with fanboy wars you guys are so willing to throw the gauntlet into. It's that for whatever reason, historical, cultural or whatever, Xbox just doesn't seems to be a very global brand and it's too 'Western-centric'. I don't know how MS can change that and i don't know gamepass or having more jp games can help (og xbox and 360 certainly got plenty of jp games and some were even exclusive and they didn't really too much). But all i know is fanning even more fanboy wars is more certainly NOT helping in anyway for Xbox for the international audience. Xbox brand already got the people in US and UK by the balls, it isn't going to repeat the 360 days but it's definitely going to perform much better than the One's launch going forward and i can definitely see series x and ps5 having similiar market share in US/UK (while nintendo doing its own thing as usual). To develop the xbox brand as an international brand ala nintendo or playstation though? Your guess is as good as mine. But me as an asian here (singapore), owning a xbox only in Southeast Asia in this current era will be like an American kid in the 90s owning a turbografx 16 instead of SNES/Genesis. My one sole xbox only friend only plays multiplayer game at night here because during the day in Asia, online matchmaking can be troublesome due to the lack of players for certain games (especially fighting games).

Maybe you Xbox Advocates could try to provide feedback to spencer on how to branch out more outside of its own homebase of US/UK so that it can be more of an international brand instead of trying to ask him to be more 'aggressive' in regards to provide ammunition for fanboy wars. Just sayin.
Oct 27, 2017
If people offered actual suggestions beyond 'buy this studio because I like it and it exists and therefore makes business sense' or 'fire this person because they irritate me and I am the entire market' or 'promote this person because Twitter said they did a good thing once', sure. Most of the time, frankly, they don't.

Do you think Aron Greenberg's exclusive XBOX sneaker collection is moving the needle? Do you get hyped for the new XBOX Onesie? Do you think a new paint splatter pattern on the same controller design which will get stick drift in under a year due to poor mechanical decisions is moving the needle? Some cool stuff from their team, but some glaring misses too.


Oct 27, 2017
You're right, he needs to growl more during presentations, maybe knock over a few things on stage.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
Corrupt game journalists? Really? Can we not do this?
I won't defend his particular example but I will say that flying people out and giving press kits for games is definitely a perk that the journalists get.

Whether you call those bribes I dunno.
Oct 25, 2017
new jersey
Yeah, I think Phil's secret is that he comes across as a fairly likable human being - which is such a foreign concept to the world of videogames that fanboys absolutely need him to cut that shit out immediately.
Blame the companies. We all love it when execs go on stage and trash talk the other side for spectacle but that shit can be pretty damaging in the long run. It all creates such a cut throat atmosphere that has fanboys/fans of the console go after each other for no reason. The more Phil and other execs act friendly towards each other, the better.


Oct 25, 2017
More aggressive? Hes bought 48 studios in the last few years attacking the main issue ms had... first party. And I think he's being patient letting all the teams build better games. Xbox is fine... they have great services and the series x is a beast.

It's not his style to shit on the competition. I believe people like that and that alone will generate buzz.

Phil is fighting a different battle... hell this month ms is publishing a game on ps4 and switch. He doesnt see them as enemies. People need to understand ms just wants users in their ecosystem. People still underestimate how big putting every first party game into service day one.

As gamers get older we can buy every system and the console wars mean nothing.... I personally want them all to do well.


Oct 27, 2017
Of course it's a war. Ask Zune owners. Ask Windows Phone owners. It's a war and if you don't play it well you go to bye bye. Business is competition. You don't need to be an ass about it but you have to compete.

All imma say is this: for their business goals, it looks like they are being aggressive. It looks like they are competing.
OP thinking Sony executives walk into Activision and say "COD marketing RIGHT FUCKING NOW"


"Sign it, sign the fucking papers."

Na fam, Spencer doing good. He talking a lot because July is some time away, but he is gonna show the goods soon and I cannot wait.
Phil needs to get on stage and bite the head off of a bat.


May 24, 2018
United States
So we can't have that discussion? It's just automatically asinine to suggest that hey, see what that guy over there is doing that's lead him to 70% market share... maybe do some of that too. I love the current XBOX strategy of GamePass and PC day 1. I don't love that they let Sony grab key exclusive content and act ho-hum about it. I LOVE their recent first party and third party investment. I love most of their strategy. I just disagree with a portion of it.

Ok, fair enough. Your comparison to Windows Phone (3% global market share) felt like you were saying everything's a disaster.

Just, like I said, give it a couple months. I think you'll see some very aggressive moves during announcement season this summer.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I don't think so... Look to the number of views from the video...
Around 15M for the top videos. Which is certainly big, but it depends how we're defining 'casual public'. The market for gaming is significantly larger than 15 million people.

My point is, that UE5 video isn't going to be most people's first introduction to next-gen. It'll probably be an ad for Call of Duty that airs before the NBA Finals, or a commercial direct from one of the two console manufacturers. This video is for the people deep in the weeds.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
MS just needs new IP's and let forza, gears and Halo rest.

cause honestly outside the beastly machine, their output is basic/generic these days.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I agree. Sony money hats it's way into COD exclusive content, Destiny exclusive content, etc, Final Fantasy VII remaster, etc. I don't necessarily want that out of XBOX, but there's no point in just standing there and taking it if you keep getting punched in the mouth. All these folks preaching kumbaya on here also own a PlayStation for the shitty reasons and cosign that practice when they buy the machine and validate their strategy.

Can you articulate that a little better because "do your role" makes no sense.

What would be a shitty and a valid reason to own a PS?


Mar 22, 2020
I'm not asking Phil to Hulk out and start cussing out the compettion - I just think he needs get a little bit more cutthroat and put his customers before being so "aw, shucks" about the console he's in charge of constantly being at the back of the queue.

It feels a bit odd for me to be asking this of him, when I'm a person who avoids confrontation as much as possible in real life, but that's why I'm not in charge of Xbox and he is.
Nah, the problem isn't Phil needs to get more agressive, its just that Xbox business model doesn't allow them to spend as much as Sony developing games and that much is clear. Outside of Halo 5 none of the Xbox One 1st party games appear to have a budget as big as their PS4 counterparts, in fact that seems to still not have changed with these new studios but we will see.

Deleted member 18161

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
First of all, since it's so unusual, I should probably explain why Xbox is currently my primary platform for playing games. Like every other right-thinking person I was disgusted by Microsoft's behaviour at the start of this gen, and didn't plan to get an Xbox One. I only did so because the people I play online with all decided to stick with Xbox - because of this I kind of naturally gravitate towards getting single-player games there too. That, and my PS4 Pro's cooling fan is mind-bendingly loud, so I try to only use it when I have absolutely no choice.

Why do I think Phil Spencer needs to get more aggressive? I follow him on Twitter, and he's an extremely affable and courteous gentleman, giving praise when he thinks it's due regardless of whether it's to a competitor or not. He recently tweeted the video of the Unreal Engine 5 demo, saying he's looking forward to seeing it used in Xbox Series X games. He didn't acknowledge that the video was obviously co-sponsored by Sony, and those involved avoided referencing Xbox like their jaw would fall off if they did. He really shouldn't be so supine about it, he should be a bit pissed off and driven to do something in response that specifically serves his customers.

Also, Xbox gets excluded from the general conversation about video games time and time again. Recent examples include the Wonderful 101 Kickstarter and Final Fantasy 7 Remake - Xbox owners couldn't share in the excitement about these big events, because the companies involved consider the platform and its users unimportant. I'm sure Phil bangs the Xbox drum as best he can when he goes on his port-begging tours of Japan, but he needs to do more.

He needs to, for starters, get back the Call of Duty co-marketing deal - the way CoD went from being utterly synonymous with Xbox last gen, to where it's now an afterthought compared to the Playstation version is just... unfathomable.

He should acknowledge that overhyping the Inside Xbox "Next Gen Gameplay Reveal" was a mistake, and pledge that we'll get what we wanted to see in the June first party showcase (assuming that's true).

He should start to try to compete directly with Playstation, because at the moment it's like they're not even playing the same sport.

If cross-platform multiplayer become more prevalent next gen, then it's extremely likely I'll not even need to buy an Xbox to be able to play with my online friends. It'll be a shame to wave goodbye to Xbox after all the good times I've had with it, but Phil needs to justify Xbox's existence in the world's gaming ecosystem. If he can't do that, then maybe it doesn't deserve to be.

I really don't think Phil wants to compete with Sony directly anymore.

He wants to get as many people into his ecosystem as possible. That's why every Xbox made game is on PC (as well as Xbox One) and Game Pass on day one.

This is why he's taken a big chance by supporting a (let's face it failure of a system) Xbox One for the first two years of the current gen which in most cases is going to hamstring future first party games to an extent.

Does he want Xbox to seem like a good place to play? Of course. Does he want to go head to head with a company they've been utterly trounced by for the past seven years because of the quality of their first party games? I don't think so, not at all.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
MS just needs new IP's and let forza, gears and Halo rest.

cause honestly outside the beastly machine, their output is basic/generic these days.
I disagree. Their output just needs to be better.

and a new generation with new studios is on its way.


Oct 28, 2017
Jump over Jim Ryan's garden hedge, shit on his lawn then knock on his door and run away before he answers.

If that doesn't show he means business then he'll have to bring out the big guns and egg his windows.
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