Well? WE'RE WAITING?!?!?!!??!?!

  • Yes. ($70) It's time.

  • Yes. ($80) We need to make up for not raising prices last gen.

  • (NO) What in the sam-hell is wrong with you, vex??????????? OH hell no!

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Oct 25, 2017
Racoon City
This thread is funny as so many people are contorting themselves in all kinds of ways to justify why a price hike would be good, or under what fictitous circumstances they'd accept a price hike.

"If that means no more DLC then I'm for it!" - Then you are a utter fool, there's no incentive to NOT create DLC. People are buying it, why would a corporation cut off an additional revenue stream just because their main generator is bringing in more money? Like do you not have any understanding of how capitalism works?

"If this means crunch time will end in the industry and everyone gets treated fairly then it's the least we can do!" - This isn't how capitalism works at all...like at fucking all lol. There will still be crunch time, and lowly employees will still be treated like shit. This is a feature of capitalism, not a bug.

"If this means a completed game then sure!" - See the first point. Videogames are a creative medium, there is always going to be more that the team wish they could have done, or something different they want to do, or new ideas they want to add. The internet makes that possible, there is no going back to SNES days where if it didn't make it on the cart then too bad.

"Do you guys not want to pay more? You think it's right that prices don't inflate like everything else?" - Consumers advocating on behalf of corporations against their best interest. We really are a dumb species. This is like deer advocating for being killed by lions.


Oct 26, 2017
The poll shows why it's a lose-lose situation for devs/publishers.

Prices don't change while inflation does, wages do, etc.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm surprised. Seeing as how video games are one of the few entertainment mediums where prices don't go up on the standard product. But workload generally increases. Larger teams, more complex tools. The works. It is just strange to see so many people against a ten dollar hike. Do you all seriously just NEVER want the price to increase for decades...???? Like, Ever??????

That's kinda weird guys.

Micro transactions have been introduced. Did you play games decades ago? Doesn't seem like it.


Oct 25, 2017
With all this talk about underpaid game devs and long hours of crunch, I think it is time to have this discussion. The money has to come from somewhere. What's ten extra bux on a standard game??????? Games have been 60 bones for awhile now. In fact, I think this is the longest we have gone without an actual price increase (not counting special editions, DLC, etc). Im sure someone will correct me on that if I am wrong...

But anyways, what do you think ERA??????

The money is already coming from somewhere, why do you think most big companies are moving to games as a service? It's not a good thing but that ship has sailed, it's already proved itself to be super lucrative (probably enough they could still make more money by offering the game free and doing that than by raising the price some). Raising game prices isn't going to stop that (nor do I think it will stop crunch honestly). It's just going to give the companies a little more extra profit.

And since games as a service means having to continually support the game, you won't stop crunch without stopping it. And good luck stopping it without an actual law. Consumers won't stop it when you can't get them all to agree and all they really need are the ones who like to spend a lot of money to keep spending money (hint, those people see nothing wrong with what is happening so good luck getting them to stop. They'll just roll your eyes at you). So the rest of us can boycott it all we like but it won't stop it from being lucrative as the ones that are the cash cows have no issues with it (they just see they can pay to skip grind or get that shiny thing without playing the game too much without seeing that the reason teh game makes it so hard to attain is to convince them to pay).