Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Shouldn't have broken her in the first place.
That's kinda the exact point that's being made. They were being assholes who were so afraid to look at the bigger picture or confront their issues that they came up with an incredibly dumb plan to go back to normal.

... when did we decide It Takes Two was 2021's consensus winner?!?!
It won the most GOTY awards out of any game released last year. For good reason. The game slaps.


Oct 25, 2017
That's kinda the exact point that's being made. They were being assholes who were so afraid to look at the bigger picture or confront their issues that they came up with an incredibly dumb plan to go back to normal.

...Which wheels us right back around to my original statement of "fuck Cody and May, all my homies hate Cody and May' lol.


Oct 27, 2017
k there is no way It Takes Two has worse writing than Oblivion, which has some of the blandest most boring generic fantasy shit imaginable on top of really bad voiceovers and a million errors and glitches.


Oct 25, 2017
May isn't so bad (I'm only to the tree), but Cody fucking sucks. I have no desire to play as this obnoxious loser. May is right to dump his ass.


Oct 30, 2017
Yeah the story isn't amazing but it's an absolute joy to experience with someone

Played it with my girlfriend and we both loved it
Yea this basically. Me and the missus had an absolute blast and lots of laughs with It Takes Two. Definitely the best couch co-op I've played in years. We both have divorced parents, so going in I was expecting to hate the story, but somehow we were able to laugh it off and enjoy the whole experience immensely.

This thread is reminding me to complete a second playthrough with swapped characters soon!
Oct 27, 2017
My wife and I are almost finished with it, and yeah the characters are pretty bad. The story itself isn't a bad idea, but the way the characters are written is really abrasive and the game is incredibly clumsy with tone.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The elephant scene was the funniest part of the game. The parents suck and should not stay together and the uncanny valley child who is clearly voiced by an adult doing a poor imitation of a child is creepy and just as dumb as the parents. I mean her parents could have been dead from carbon monoxide poisoning for all she checked. So in summation... the story and characters all suck but goddamn is the gameplay and world fun and innovative.
Aug 2, 2020
IDK how to feel about the game, i have dealt with shitty parents all my life so maybe my opinion is biased, but i feel the message and the way it ends is kinda "outdated"? i dont exactly know which word to use, but yeah, their relationship was not a very well written development IMO, i expected them to grow up as persons and still divorce but under better terms, with less toxicity

I liked the characters and i had fun while playing it tho, cant really complain much, its still fun and a fantastic experience.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
The elephant scene was the funniest part of the game. The parents suck and should not stay together and the uncanny valley child who is clearly voiced by an adult doing a poor imitation of a child is creepy and just as dumb as the parents. I mean her parents could have been dead from carbon monoxide poisoning for all she checked. So in summation... the story and characters all suck but goddamn is the gameplay and world fun and innovative.
I mean, why would a child suspect that anything was wrong when her parents were in positions that made it look like they were sleeping? She's after all, a child.

i expected them to grow up as persons and still divorce but under better terms, with less toxicity
That's exactly what happens.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Wait what? idk why i dont remember that, then my opinion of the game changes for the better lol
The final convo has them saying that no matter what happens they'll always love their daughter, because realistically the adventure didn't magically fix everything about their relationship. It just got them to look at the bigger picture i.e. the effect it's having on their kid, who also realistically, blames herself. When they very obviously could've stuck with the standard "everything's fine" ending.

Brodo Baggins

Oct 27, 2017
The elephant scene was the funniest part of the game. The parents suck and should not stay together and the uncanny valley child who is clearly voiced by an adult doing a poor imitation of a child is creepy and just as dumb as the parents. I mean her parents could have been dead from carbon monoxide poisoning for all she checked. So in summation... the story and characters all suck but goddamn is the gameplay and world fun and innovative.

I interpreted the parents as more in a non-lucid fugue state. So they were still moving around and generally existing, but non-responsive so she just thought they were ignoring her.

And yeah the game leaves it totally open ended whether they end up still separating or not. The important part of the message is that they need to work together for their daughter's well being.
Sep 21, 2019
Oh, you haven't seen anything yet...omg. Wait until you get to the headscratcher of an ending that just does not work.

Edit: removed vague spoilers

It makes absolutely no fucking sense.

And the elephant scene was not funny. I found it disturbing, especially because the main characters offer no remorse for mutilating a sentient being and literally dance in their daughter's tears afterwards. It's warped and a complete tonal misfire.

The game is a solid 9/10 for me on gameplay alone, but even that starts to sag by the end, and the story is there as filler and nothing more.

The book is the best character.

2021's game of the year was Returnal, imo.


Dec 8, 2020
Not to derail, but you know I didn't realize Bethesda had 3 game of the years, Starfield comes out this year and you'd think it didn't exist based on the Elden ring goty talk.

On topic, I disagree, though to be fair I played through it at launch not expecting a goty and with my father of all people haha. I have no experience with divorce first or second hand so I just assumed they were two people who had grown apart and eventually be broken down by each other leading to they're flawed personalities.

Tbf on Starfield, they haven't really done much advertising on the game among small releases of concept art and that teaser back in 2021 showing when it comes out.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah the writing was pretty damn bad. I hated the parents in this game so much. By the end my friend that I played it with and I were both just hoping they'd follow through with the divorce. They treated their daughter poorly and the whole sequence with the elephant was bizarre. Not to mention the book character was obnoxious.

This is the kind of game you play strictly for the gameplay and not the story.

John Harker

Knows things...
Oct 27, 2017
Santa Destroy
Made a thread about this awhile back but yes, it's absolutely FUCKING AWFUL. My wife and I STRUGGLED to finish it.
Cody and May are probably some of the worst goddamn parents and characters I've seen in a long time.

Agreed. I appreciate the game for what it is and think it's an amazing risk in todays market and yet they did nail their ambition and we're well rewarded for it….

But I really hated the characters, and felt the game was WAAAAAYY too long. It tilted toward insufferable, especially as a young father, and it took my buddy and I like 6 months to get through it since we stopped enjoying it after awhile and it felt like work. Like our marriages 🤪


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I can't agree more, and I'll also never understand the praise from the ganeplay either.

Incredibly shallow platforming. The asynchronous nature of the multi-player is a cool idea but feels super gimmicky and equates to taking turns standing around. I'll really never understand how it got nominated for GOTY anywhere, let alone won.


Jul 27, 2019

Is It Takes Two the worst written consensus Game of the Year game... Ever?

Fixed the question, and yes.


Oct 9, 2019
Yes, it's awful. Wait until you get to the end lol, you still have some bad stuff to come.

Josef Fares is the new David Cage. What's up with these game directors who start feeling like they need to be writers? Usually makes their game worse. Kojima has some of that as well.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Worse written than fallout 3, the game where a town is formed around a still working atomic bomb, or go to a town and just buy a slave... the elephant scene and main characters being self centered asshats for a while really attacked some of you to the core, huh.


Oct 27, 2017
As a man I can't stand how the father is written. It's the typical modern scared, whiny man that is useless and complains about everything being too scary and needs to be calmed down all the time.

Super fucking annoying. But the game play is fun.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
I can't agree more, and I'll also never understand the praise from the ganeplay either.

Incredibly shallow platforming.

Congrats, this is one of the more baffling takes I've seen on this forum. And if you've been here long, you know how baffling this place can get.

The core moveset of the game includes:

• Run
• Fast Run
• Jump
• Double Jump
• Crouch
• Dash/dodge
• Butt-stomp
• Swing on pipes/bars
• Throw grappling hook

And that's just the standard moves; when you add in all of the level-specific tools and weapons, most of which factor into the core gameplay, the suggestion that the game has "incredibly shallow platforming" is ludicrous.

The asynchronous nature of the multi-player is a cool idea but feels super gimmicky and equates to taking turns standing around.

Is it possible you accidentally paused the game? Because otherwise, there's never any reason for you to be "taking turns standing around". The game has you doing things constantly, whether it's required gameplay or just allowing you to explore.


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2020
death stranding is an insult to good writing so id go with that. the gameplay is exquisite tho, except combat.


Oct 25, 2017
People coming off not liking Cody and May makes it seem the story isn't a big of a failure as it's made out to be.

Was the story great? No, but it's refreshing for a game to actually be getting awards off gameplay alone.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
OP can you finish like a single game or show before making a thread


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't like it as much as most people seemed to, but yeah, that elephant scene was gross and misplaced.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
Story aside, it's one of the best co-op games I've ever played and my wife and I had a great time. The different levels and mechanics are fantastic. Although I also giggled through the elephant torture scene, mostly because it was a toy brought to life by a curse and not a person so I didn't care what happened to it.
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
Dragon Age Inquisition is an amazing experience and I am defending this opinion with my life if I must.

It gets even better with all the DLCs, especially Trespasser.

As for It Takes Two, the gameplay is superb but the characters themselves are ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Oct 27, 2017
The story was largely forgettable and it never really tried to be much more than two people who had grown to hate each other, the writing largely succeeded in portraying them as the hateful people they had become.

Death Stranding on the other hand was incomprehensibly bad, I could not believe how nobody questioned many parts of that story and it's characters, it's a beautiful disaster in many ways. The redeeming part of Death Stranding is the originality of many of its concepts, the world building is actually remarkably well done, but the story told inside that world is just so bad.


Oct 27, 2017
death stranding is an insult to good writing so id go with that. the gameplay is exquisite tho, except combat.
I found bola gunning MULEs in the face to be highly satisfying. The writing also just felt so deliberately... literal... that I fell under its rather hokey and long-winded charms after a few hours of settling in. And I haven't played or really liked a Kojima game since MGS3.

On the other hand, ITT just had nothing really to it. I appreciated the gameplay at times, but didn't love it like a lot of others did. My wife also could not hang with some of the coordination required.


Nov 4, 2017
"The chamber is filled with radiation. Someone will have to sacrifice their life to turn the water purifier on"
"Hey super mutant, since you're immune to radiation, mind going in there and turning the purifier on?"
"No, Wanderer. You must do it, for it is your destiny."



Jan 1, 2021
naaahh, as the whole package, it's well deserved

edit: 2019 supposed to be Sekiro, but if youre counting the whole consensus, it's supposed to be Control


Nov 5, 2017
It Takes Two really grew on me at the end of the story. The first 3/4 I was annoyed since I thought the anti-divorce message was hammy. Dr Hakim though was funny, having divorced myself it reminded me exactly of all the bullshit advice we'd get.

The levels where the game shows how the characters lost their passions for their hobbies and became these sad, one dimensional people were redeeming. Now should Fares have structured the game better so that the story wouldn't have felt shit for the first 6-8 hours? Yes. Does it work as a whole? Yes.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
Everything is the worst or best ever.

I don't really remember my time with the game but it's what it was. I guess I deal with a lot more badly written movies than I do bad games :0