
Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
Society has already been addressing it with education initiatives and it's been a success. Also, underage sex has been declining due to cultural and technological changes on top of that. It's always going to happen to some degree. I had encounters at that age and I'm certain it was not harmful for anyone involved. We should approach those sorts of issues healthily and not with puritanism.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
What can be done about it is improved sex education and easy access to contraceptive. Anything else is puritan bullshit that always has the opposite of the intended effect.
Oct 29, 2017
Nothing should be done about it except for teaching them proper sex education and making sure they know how to practice safe sex and they have access to things that will let them have safe sex like condoms and contraceptives.

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
No, but depends on how young I guess. They're kids, but also kind of not. Defenitely give your kid proper sex ed.

The bigger problems are the intentional lack of access for contraception and resources in many places, including proper sex ed. Also sexting. That can be a huge problem with minors and sex. The dangers of that need drilled into every kid.

I had it hammered into me that sex before marriage was wrong. Being an actual believer in some of that conservative nonsense really messed with my life and exacerbated existing mental health issues. That sort of conservative attitude on sex can be very damaging.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
It's not about right vs wrong. It's about knowing there can and will be social, financial, and biological consequences. It's also about knowing the best way to mitigate them.

My hormones didn't activate the day I turned 18. That being said my approach is education, honesty, and openness.

That means having those uncomfortable conversations so they know, being real about how it can be vs how you want it, and listening as much as we try to impart wisdom.

All in all I want my kid to feel they can come and talk to me rather than "dad will be so furious".
Oct 27, 2017
I'm disappointed (but not surprised) at the amount of snarky comments at OP (like "WTF is wrong with you, of course there's nothing wrong"). I'm sure Tumblr is to blame for that. This is not an obvious thing to everyone. I work in the field of sex education and you'd be surprised at the amount of health professionals that are uncomfortable providing sex ed or sexual health care to teens who are sexually active. And to be clear, that shouldn't justify them not providing such care (but address that discomfort/prejudice and find more educational tools and resources to help them with healthy choices in their sex lives).

To answer your question, it's not a problem. Not all teens have sex (in fact, I didn't have sex in my teens) but there are those who do. You should also be aware of consent laws depending on your countries. For instance, my country has different consent laws between minors depending on whether they're straight/gay (which is fucked up). Does it mean I, as a professional or counselor, should report two gay teens to the authorities because of it? No, because you should also consider if that's an ethical decision to make and if that could trigger bigger negative consequences onto those teens (which is likely).

As others have mentioned, providing comprehensive sex education is an important aspect for teens and it will impact the way they make healthy choices in their sexual lives. Teens should also consent to whatever sexual activity they're having, be able to access condoms (external/internal) and contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies. But sex ed is a great way to empower them: to let them know that they should be doing things that they want to do, not just what they think they should (or what they think their partners want).

I have plenty of resources on this matter if you'd like some more additional information (great tools from UE, UNESCO, etc).


Oct 27, 2017
This reminds me of how I went from a very sheltered private catholic K-8th school to public high school and couldn't wrap my head around kids my age who'd already lost their virginity in junior high, let alone willingly talking about it in the open and proud of it lol.
Oct 27, 2017
trying to stop teens from being horny is like trying to stop the tide coming in.
as has been said: educate them, offer them protection, and promote mature attitudes about sex and you'll see teen pregnancy rates and abortion numbers drop


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think you can really stop it. Puberty is rough and it's gonna happen to at least a percent of kids. Best you can do is make sure they have a good sex education and access to contraceptives and other sexual health services.

Dead Guy

Oct 25, 2017
Saskatchewan, Canada
I can tell you from my personal experiences that telling them not to isn't gonna do shit. I went to a catholic school up until grade 9 and unbelievably they were still trying to push that abstinence only shit on us in like 2007. It did not work. All it did was teach us absolutely nothing about safe sex and creeped everybody the fuck out.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I'm disappointed (but not surprised) at the amount of snarky comments at OP (like "WTF is wrong with you, of course there's nothing wrong"). I'm sure Tumblr is to blame for that. This is not an obvious thing to everyone. I work in the field of sex education and you'd be surprised at the amount of health professionals that are uncomfortable providing sex ed or sexual health care to teens who are sexually active. And to be clear, that shouldn't justify them not providing such care (but address that discomfort/prejudice and find more educational tools and resources to help them with healthy choices in their sex lives).

To answer your question, it's not a problem. Not all teens have sex (in fact, I didn't have sex in my teens) but there are those who do. You should also be aware of consent laws depending on your countries. For instance, my country has different consent laws between minors depending on whether they're straight/gay (which is fucked up). Does it mean I, as a professional or counselor, should report two gay teens to the authorities because of it? No, because you should also consider if that's an ethical decision to make and if that could trigger bigger negative consequences onto those teens (which is likely).

As others have mentioned, providing comprehensive sex education is an important aspect for teens and it will impact the way they make healthy choices in their sexual lives. Teens should also consent to whatever sexual activity they're having, be able to access condoms (external/internal) and contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies. But sex ed is a great way to empower them: to let them know that they should be doing things that they want to do, not just what they think they should (or what they think their partners want).

I have plenty of resources on this matter if you'd like some more additional information (great tools from UE, UNESCO, etc).

I think at least from my American perspective, it's extremely commonplace to expect teenagers to have sex with each other and not really bat an eye about it or to think it's "wrong" in some way, I don't think it's due to Tumblr for people thinking that way. It's been embedded in American pop culture for the last few decades at least, going back to horny 80s sex crazed teenager films like Zapped or Porkys or something, and probably culturally assumed since the concept of a teenager was invented around 1950


Oct 25, 2017
Teens should be spayed and/or neutered to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Or was that cats and dogs?

The Wraith

Oct 27, 2017
Mother Nature wants teens to bang. Nothing can be done about it. Just educate them on safe sex. Nothing more you can really do.


Dec 12, 2017
I thought this was going to be a joke thread.

Anyways, it's fine as long as they're practicing safe sex & healthy relationships.
It's serious
But my perspective probably comes off as way more sex negative than I intended
I'm definitely in the camp that has no problem with it

I was just playing devil's advocate with the title


Oct 25, 2017
Why is it a problem? Like, unless I'm getting the general theme wrong, the key thing is education.

Educate on consensual sex, safe sex, and the troubles of doing anything online in a "everything eventually leaks" technological culture in hopes of preventing any concerning issues that would eventually arise.

I think the most pressing issue is the rise of sexting with pictures, as that's created a grey area in law. People who are underage are being classified as sex offenders because they are sharing themselves with people literally their same age. That seems to be the minefield we don't talk about in sex education and is definitely an issue for younger generations who have access to smartphones before they're out of middle school. I didn't have a cell phone until I was in college so this was never something I was ever at risk with. I can't even begin to imagine how, or even if, that issue is spoken about in primary education in America today.


More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Why would it be a problem? I started fucking when I was 15 with a dude who was 16.

It'd only be a problem if that dude was like... 17+ or under 14.

I was raised all "no marriage until sex" but also there was a ton of info on safe sex (condoms, bcp) and just general stuff about sex, so it wasn't an issue. Honestly, I didn't engage in so-called risky sex until much later (like my early 20s). High school was all cute first love kinda sex.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
why does every generation suddenly start worrying about teenage sex as soon as they turn into their thirties?


Oct 25, 2017
Hot take: sex at any age can be problematic.

It depends on the people involved and their relationship.

Age is but one of many factors

doesn't mean people shouldn't have sex.. it just means they should probably put some thought into it first.
Oct 25, 2017
It's squicky to think about, but it's gonna happen. Back when I was that age, I probably would have if I had anyone who was interested and who I had already had a couple years with. It is of course, completely natural.

I'd basically say as long as all participants are at least 14 and no more than 2-3 years apart in age, that's a weird grey area where it shouldn't really be encouraged, but as lots of people here have pointed out, should be prepared for by offering proper sex ed.

On a side note, I do wish high schools offered "social skills" classes (and made them mandatory). I think a key area where sex can go wrong is if one or more participants are failing to communicate properly, and beyond that, I think all high school students could benefit from being taught how to communicate with each other as adults, as it's a different paradigm than when they're kids.


Oct 25, 2017
lol, what are you gonna do?

Invest in proper sex ed in schools and all will be fine.

I know two couples who have been together since before they were 16, you bet they banged. And seemingly turned out fine.
Oct 27, 2017
Does a parents obligation to stifle minors having sex in their house vary state to state?

If you have a 15 year old kid and the 15 year old has sex with their partner with your knowledge and consent in your house, how many states are you a criminal in?


Oct 30, 2017
You can't stop it, all you can do is educate people on safe sex, give them free access to contraception and have free abortion access when needed.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Surely repressing our human nature and filling the void of intimacy with a mindless devotion to dogma is better though right? Right?