
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry but please don't put Andrew Garfield in the same basket than 'generic white dude action star'. He fucking killed it with Scorsese and is definitely not playing in straight to dvd garbage.

Lol forreal. How is this dude gonna put up the likes of freaking Chris Pratts acting over Garfield's

Also talking about pushes, though this is prolly due to merit considering the directors casting him, Brian Tyree Henry (Paperboi in Atlanta) is about to have a ridiculously good year


Oct 28, 2017
His movies were making money, regardless of how bad they were. They were determined to find a niche for him. I'd say it worked out for them.
ryan reynolds reminded me of the movie waiting (remember that stupid comedy about working in a restaurant) which also had dane cook and justin long, who were in lots of comedies during that 06-09 era. the mac guy was co-starring in freaking DIEHARD!!



Oct 26, 2017
Would Taylor Kitsch fall in the category? For a while they stuck him in some real stinkers.(I loved jon carter from mars btw)


Oct 25, 2017
How do people feel about Mark Hamill refusing to do the clean J-O-B for Adam Driver?

Driver: Okay, Mark, this is how we're working this. We do a little back, and forth, then I get the advantage, and win with my finish.

Hamill: No, "Mark", this is how we'll work this. I make you look like an idiot on every exchange, and then you win by count out. You got that green horn?
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Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't remember a single thing about that film. It wasn't even interesting enough to hate, it was people standing around in labs for 90 mins talking, that's basically what I do everyday.

Still, I'm sure if the Chris Evans Fantastic Four came out ten years later with the exact same script and cast people would have liked it a lot more.

It was just a product of the pre-MCU comic book movie adaptations being bad if they stuck too close to the source material, the sequel's Galactus notwithstanding.

Sgt. Demblant

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
now i don't mean to end with her because to insult her, she's just a recent one i noticed


Out of nowhere she's in a bunch of big blockbuster movies. Mummy, kingsmen, atomic blonde, star trek, this new hotel artemis coming out this summer. I don't even know if she's a good actress or good for these roles.
Hey now, don't rope her in with those (mostly) boring fucks, she's great.
WB or Marvel should give her a call.


Oct 25, 2017
Jeremy Renner, while a good actor, was punching way way way way above his weight with roles for quite a while post Hurt Locker. He must have had the best agent in town.
Would Taylor Kitsch fall in the category? For a while they stuck him in some real stinkers.(I loved jon carter from mars btw)
10000000% yes.

Deleted member 19844

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
United States
ok i looked herup, and thought it was the jurassic world lady and was ready to agree

THEN i realized thats a different person, who's ron howards daughter. and she was randomly in spiderman 3 and apollo 13. so ron howard has been trying to push his daughter for decades. now he has extra incentive because she looks just like chastain who's critically acclaimed.
Acting skills aside, now that she's an adult, i think what helps her keep getting work is that she's apparently really enjoyable to work with on a personal level. I was listening to a nerdist podcast where they were interviewing her costars and they said (without realizing the implied insult) that average actors can keep getting good roles in Hollywood by being really great to work with on set - focused, friendly, flexible. And then a few sentences later they endorsed her as being one of those really friendly, focused, flexible actors (forgetting about the "average actor" description used before that).

Also she can cry on command. Saw it on Conan - really cool.

Johnny Blaze

Oct 29, 2017
Jeremy Renner, while a good actor, was punching way way way way above his weight with roles for quite a while post Hurt Locker. He must have had the best agent in town.

10000000% yes.
Renner was also riding the Avengers success hard i think. Good for him though for getting paid. Wouldn't say Hollywood tried to push him from nobody to a huge draw but tried to bank on him being an Avenger. Unless I have the timelines all wrong.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm sorry but please don't put Andrew Garfield in the same basket than 'generic white dude action star'. He fucking killed it with Scorsese and is definitely not playing in straight to dvd garbage.

Yeah. And Garfield really had one huge role as Spider-Man, which he landed after established himself in Never Let Me Go, Boy A, and The Social Network.

Now that he's done with Spider-Man, he jumped back into killing it with his dramatic work. It's not like he tried again with another blockbuster franchise or anything.

Lady Murasaki

Scary Shiny Glasses
Oct 25, 2017
Some on this list may be pushed due to external causes, but Liam Hemsworth acting skills are... not the greatest. And he also isn't as hot/charming as Chris, I couldn't stand him on The Hunger Games. Just reinforced #teampeeta for me. Btw, Josh Hutcherson is also out of the spotlight these days.


Oct 30, 2017
A lot of these up and coming "talents" have....done things...to get the studio executives behind them.


Oct 27, 2017
Sure as hell felt that way with Sam Worthington.

He got like a ton of big roles out of nowhere and he was completely forgettable in every one of them.


Oct 28, 2017
It's not "Hollywood" and often times isn't studios pushing but agencies that leverage their client lists to push their lesser known talent. That and regular old nepotism where a big star is behind the scenes pushing for a friend or family member to get work. It's not all that different from any other job in that sense. It's just easier to spot undeserved roles because the nature of film and tv means we literally see that an actor isn't particular great at their role(s).


Oct 25, 2017
Is it fitting that as soon as I saw that thread title, Jai Courtney popped into my head? Anyway, Sofia Boutella sure is not an example of this. She had some well received stunt heavy side roles in Kingsmen and Star Trek Beyond, which lead to her getting the title role in The Mummy (which like Star Trek was a makeup heavy role many actresses would have displeased with). So now she's established and getting regular work as herself rather than a makeup laden character, though usually supporting roles. That's a pretty standard progression career wise. If anything she was on the verge of being typecast in heavy makeup only roles (like how Andy Serkis is expected to do motion capture even though he's perfectly good in live action too).

Andrew Garfield was already well known for critically acclaimed roles also, that was a bigger factor in him getting the Spider-Man role than anything else. But the "bland stubble white guy", of which there is an inexhaustible supply, is absolutely fed by execs seeing some guy with a good look on paper and casting him based on that assumption, though there is usually something more behind some of the harder pushed names (such as connections in Hollywood, nepotism within the studios, etc). Also there's that circular logic thing where a guy gets cast a bunch because someone is pushing him based on whatever, and then a casting director sees "Woah, this guy is getting cast in a lot of big stuff, he must be hot right now" and cast him too. So an artificial demand is created out of thin air even though audiences don't give a shit.

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I will never understand why they tried to make Sam Worthington a thing. Zero charisma, mediocre acting, the only thing he's ever been big in is when he was painted over with blue CGI cat person.
James Cameron loved him. The dude has made tons of hits so it's normal for people to think he has box office draw.

He doesnt of course, but I thought he was good in that Netflix series.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I thought this been known. Look at Taylor Kitsch


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Jai Courtney has always struck me as an attempt to clone Channing Tatum by Hollywood that went horribly, horribly wrong. Dude just cannot act in any way, and like Sam Worthington his charisma is like a gravity well that sucks in everything around it.

I mean does anyone even like Armie Hammer?

Dude was great in Reaper.


Nov 13, 2017
Funny, when I think of Renner I always think he was screwed out of a big wrestlemania payday by being left off the Infinity War card.

I think this happens to actresses more than actors, though sometimes people step away from the spotlight. For instance, what ever happened to Phoebe Cates?


The Fallen
Nov 30, 2017
Your heart
I liked Jai Courtney back when he had a supporting role in Spartacus, but he is not leading man material.

I feel like Scott Adkins is the opposite of this. He has loads of leading roles in straight-to-video type stuff, and only ever plays henchman roles in big Hollywood stuff. Make me wonder if he's happily found his niche, or if he has tried and failed to get bigger roles.


Oct 26, 2017
I always take my mother's point of view when discussing this issue.

When she is about to watch a movie, she asks "Who's in it?"

I tell her, and she says "Oh, I don't know who that is."

She still believe there is some parallel between a star and a great movie, or that movie stars are what people base their movie choices on. I try to tell her that this hasn't been the case for almost as long as I've been alive (35 years), but it's still an extremely powerful sentiment.

I'd like to think that those who get the most steady, solid work make great choices and have smart people around them.

Getting to work on The Avengers or with Steven Spielberg is just blind luck, and it only lasts so long (like until Spielberg retires, or they stop making Avengers movies)
Oct 27, 2017
ryan reynolds reminded me of the movie waiting (remember that stupid comedy about working in a restaurant) which also had dane cook and justin long, who were in lots of comedies during that 06-09 era. the mac guy was co-starring in freaking DIEHARD!!


Reynold's was pushed heavily mostly because of the popularity of Van Wilder at the time IIRC. After that he was stuck in rom com hell where the hate started coming in. Deadpool essentially saved him.

I remember when Matthew McConaughey was one of the most hated actors around due to being in rom com hell as well. For the longest time all people would remember is him being shirtless all the time, while referring to Dazed and Confused as the only movie he was ever good in. Then came Killer Joe, then Mud, then Bernie, then True Detective and now he's one of the most beloved actors on the planet.

I'm not saying that fucking Jai Courtney just needs the right role, as there's always those bland white guys who seemingly get pushed for no reason. But a lot of the time an actor does show promise only to be swallowed up in all the wrong roles critical and public acclaim wise.

Sam Worthington, by the way, was only really pushed due to the success of Avatar, where producers mistook the movie's popularity for his popularity.


Oct 25, 2017
John Cena is trying so hard to pull a Rock and be a huge Hollywood star but all his movies are flopping lol


Oct 26, 2017
I actually like Kitsch after watching The Grand Seduction; also was creepy as fuck in Waco.


Nov 7, 2017
I don't know how good of an actress Sofia Boutella is because I've only seen her in Kingsman 2 where I don't think she talked, but I know I want to see more of her, she is strikingly beautiful


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
Sam Worthington's push went over about as well as Roman Reign's push too


Oct 27, 2017
Washington DC
I talked to someone who worked in TV casting about this once, why there are actors/actresses that seem completely unremarkable, but somehow get tons of big roles. She basically indicated that the issue is usually that every casting director wants to be "first." Basically get a great actor/huge star at a low price because you got there a step before anyone else. It reflects really well on you with producers if you can produce a lot of star power for less money.

Sounds like his wrestling career. Maybe if he sticks around for a decade he'll get ironic meme love there too.

Cena is an all time great wrestler lmao