
Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I get to try out so many games i normally wouldn't have otherwise thanks to Gamepass. Just finished River City Girls and now playing Tell Me Why. Two games i wouldn't have given a second thought if i didnt have Gamepass.
Oct 25, 2017
It's great if you don't buy that many games and have a huge backlog. It's whatever for me since I buy games at launch, for cheap and am up to date on the games I want to play/buy.


Oct 28, 2017
It's so good that since like half a year or so, not a week has gone by where at least one of my friends says "man, gamepass is great" or something along those lines.

It's seriously transformative to how people look at gaming.

It's the best..


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
Planning to dip in for a month or two when something catches my interest on pc, but it's nothing I'm interested in long term. Great if you're interested in the games available.

This is also my plan. The titles coming from Microsoft Studios that I might be interested in when they come out are mostly single player RPGs. I'll most likely just Xcloud for a month and play what's there then cancel.

Now if they make a new Killer Instinct? I'll likely buy an Xbox (but still only intermittently Game Pass).


"This guy are sick"
Apr 8, 2018
It's so good it feels like there should be a fucking catch, but there isn't.


Oct 27, 2017
Let me be clear. It's the ONLY reason I remain playing Xbox. For the cost of one game a year, stacked for the next 3 years, it's the best value in gaming without question.

For example, it's amazing for fighting games, racing, EA back catalogue, Ori, basically stuff you hate paying full price for. It is the 2020 version of Blockbuster video.


Oct 27, 2017
Depends on the person. I don't think it's THAT good. FOMO took over and I got an entire year right before the price hike on PC. Still haven't used it. I had it on Xbox One X, barely used it.

If you're fine with Microsoft picking out your games, you'll like it. If you want to play lots games as cheap as possible, you'll like it. it certainly has a lot of value, but it depends on your tastes.

At least for me, there are enough games I want to buy that wouldn't be on GamePass that I'd never have time for games that actually show up on GamePass.
If I was a big Xbox fan, and all I owned was an Xbox, I'd get GamePass because why not? I would not buy an Xbox just for it however, if you already enjoy lots of games on other platforms.
Pretty much this for me too. Got like 29 months of Ultimate super cheap, but didn't use it on PC or Xbox One X at all aside from Gears 5 horde when it came out. Maybe I'm just an idiot though judging by how much people love Game Pass. The idea for me was to have it for Halo and other first party games, but Halo got delayed sadly, and it'll run out for me before we see stuff like Avowed and big Bethesda games. I might actually check out what is available on PC some time since I still have over a year left (sold my XB One X).

I think bottom line OP is you have to look at the list of games and see if much of the offering interests you.
Mar 8, 2018
What makes it good is not really even the library, it's the fact that first party games and many of the year's biggest indie titles will launch day 1.

Deleted member 43552

User requested account closure
May 17, 2018
Browse the list of available games. If they're for you, it's worth it. If you're interested in games not offered, it may not be. It's a personal question.

People typically talk about "value" but the real question is we all have limited time. In that time we play games that interest us. If the games on Gamepass interest you, then it's the best way to approach it since it's so affordable and accessible.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly it's nice to have since I was able to convert like 3 years of Gold to Ultimate, but I don't think I would buy it if I had to pay $15 a month.

That could change if they start rolling out new big blockbuster games 3, 4, 5 times a year I really want to play with all the new studios.
Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I don't think it's worth buying a Series X purely for Game Pass right now. It's a fantastic service, but it's not going anywhere and Microsoft's library will get better with time. Stick to your PS5 and Switch right now, grab a Series X later.


Oct 28, 2017
Would you recommend a series x and game pass over switch??
As a switch owner and a Game pass subscriber I would say yes. I use my switch a whole lot less when I realize the game i want to buy for it is already on Game pass. This happens more often than you think. Unless portability is important to you, I would recommend it.

Let me add that the best part of GP for me is discovering new games and genres. Trying new stuff I would never spent money on before cause im afraid of wasting money.
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Oct 28, 2017
If you tend to play the newest games and often suffer from FOMO, I don't recommend it. I had it for 3 months but barely used it. It's definitely a great deal, but I typically play 1-3 games a month and already have a backlog of games I want to play in physical copies and digital store fronts. I ended up wanting to play something i already owned that had been on the back of my mind for months or wanting to play a game that just came out. So I couldn't get much use out of it, However, it's definitely a service I will subscribe to for 1-2 months once or twice a year when I have an itch to play a game on there.

TLDR: YMMV, but if you can get a year or 6 months for Hella cheap, give it a shot, but don't expect to get a ton of use out of it (but you might.)

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
It's pretty good. Overall, I think it's overstated how good it actually is tbh, and I think the, uh, excessive praise for it at times is really distasteful. It's a scattershot of titles, some good and some not good. You just have to look at the list of titles and see what you think.


Dec 20, 2017
Imo yes. I've been playing my XSX everyday since release without "using" any games for it. Gears 5 and Tactics, FH4, Ori, Destiny 2 and all its expansions, Jedi Fallen Order, and Crusader Kings 3 on pc.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I think it's great value, but my opinion doesn't match everybody else's. Whether or not you like it may depend on:

a) You like the current list of games available, or have an interest in MS 1st party games being the main constant (other AAA games are put in here and there, some drop off after 3 months, others are around for a year)

b) You have an open mind and like to just load up /try whatever. Lots of weird little indie games have a nice safety net releasing on game pass, I've tried several and have discovered some great games I probably wouldn't have tried otherwise. Sometimes you can use this to try out games that you think might play better on Switch...

edit: oh yeah, it has EA games on it now too (the Ultimate tier), if that sweetens the deal


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntilda’s Lair
It's absolutely amazing. One of the best things in gaming and I'd happily pay the $15/month if I wasn't stacked until October 2023 with all of these deals.


Oct 25, 2017
It's better than that good, especially with the sales. Aside from the $1 Gold conversion deal, I just got 9 months of it (Ultimate, not the base Game Pass) for $60.00. I would have gotten more but that'll carry me to 2022 and I'll just keep going every Black Friday to extend it.

I think the potential of it will increase once Microsoft's first party start to really ramp up - consider that Starfield and the next Elder Scrolls will now be on the service with no additional charge (other than the charge of Game Pass itself).
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Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Sep 2, 2018
The only problem I have with gamepass is that it's almost too good.


May 9, 2018
I'd say yes. It has changed my buying habits tremendously. Now I always have something to play so I can wait for a price drop on a game I'm looking forward to.

Honestly, it's more about what game pass can, most likely will, be in the coming years.

I've gotten one year of game pass ultimate for $80 b/c of the black Friday sale. That's almost the price of ONE next gen game.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a great service even if you don't have an Xbox. If you jump in, make sure you enroll into MS/XB rewards so GP ends up being free if you keep up daily.

Target: $19.99 - 3 Month Game Pass Code

Tip: Turn off auto-renewal after each redeem top to get the +1 month for turning on auto-renal.
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The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
Honestly OP, the only one to tell you whether it's good is yourself. Look at the games list here and then look at the upcoming Xbox Game Studios games and ask yourself if you would be interested in paying $10/$15 a month to access all of these games and more


Oct 25, 2017
Not right now. Not enough nor good enough MS Studios output for a monthly sub. But in a few years? Going to be amazing.


Oct 27, 2017
It's crazy value, but I don't really understand anyone who plans to purely play Game Pass games (though that might just be my taste).


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty damned great as-is.

In a few years it's going to be bonkers.
I had it on PC for a few months but the MS Studios output is not frequent enough nor good enough to sustain a monthly sub for me. When their output and quality increases in the years ahead, though, I thought it would be hard to argue against subscribing monthly for it.


Oct 25, 2017
Do you play a lot of games.
Do you want a lot of games to play.

if you answered yes to any of this then yeah


Oct 25, 2017
Well, yes?

access to hundred of games at the same monthly price as netflix
Easy to see why folk love it


Aug 25, 2020
Like any subscription, it's good at first but i already own most of the major games on there that I want and have played everything I've wanted to try. If I wasn't already subbed till 2022 I wouldn't currently have it. But it's nice when new games come in that you want to try out. And will be nice once Microsoft starts pumping out some games from all those studios they now have.


Oct 27, 2017
I had it on PC for a few months but the MS Studios output is not frequent enough nor good enough to sustain a monthly sub for me. When their output and quality increases in the years ahead, though, I thought it would be hard to argue against subscribing monthly for it.

Yeah, I figured that's what you meant.

First party output efforts are definitely a bit of a disappointment.


The Fallen
Sep 26, 2018
It's a decent deal, you'll be able to play the Xbox Game Studio games on day one for the price of admission.

Right now, I barely use it but I anticipate using it more when Halo 5 and Halo Infinite hit the service.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
Its as valuable as you can find things you want to play on it and consistently.

I have the PC version and I know it is much more limited in scope but most of the library is not something I am interested in.

When the cheap rate for the PC version ends this month, I will be ending my subscription.

Again, the above is my own personal take, others mileage may vary.

This is how I feel honestly. If I had an Xbox, it's almost a no-brainer especially with the amount of games you can play (and especially if you can convert cheap XBL and $1 GPU deals). However on PC, like you I feel the same way - the library is much smaller and truthfully, I don't care for most of them.

This is a personal thing but I also do not like using the Microsoft Store to download games on PC. in fact, Halo MCC decided to stop working the other day after months of being fine, so I ended up getting the game on Steam.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
Depends. If you are the sort that is open to trying a bunch of different games, and enjoy finding new games that you might not have normally played - double so if you like MS first party - game pass is easily worth the price of a new console + subscription.

If you are more the buy 1 AAA new release every 3 months and play it solid. Perhaps not.