Oct 28, 2017
Sonic 06 is just so glitchy that it's kinda hard to call it better. I probably found what I played of 06 (Sonic and Silver) to be more enjoyable than the Balan demo, but it's a mix of liking that era of 3D Sonic, and laughing at how broken it gets.

I think the more suitable question is: is it worse than Rodea Wii U?
You didn't play Shadow's story? But that's the best one.


Oct 26, 2017
You didn't play Shadow's story? But that's the best one.
I actually can't remember if I finished Silver's story tbh. I honestly didn't mind the game; it was more frustrating the fact that I feel like fit could've been a worthy Adventure successor if not for the loading and all the glitches. It's also doubly frustrating that on PS3 at least the split screen mode runs really damn well seemingly because it doesn't do the thing were when boxes explode they shatter into like 30,000 pieces and slow the fps to single digits.


Oct 27, 2017
Having not played either, I vote Sonic 06 as superior simply because its the only game with human kissing hedgehog action.


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
Try the demo if you're curious. Sonic 06 had a lot wrong with it on the technical side.

Deleted member 61002

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2019
Balan Wonderworld is a mediocre footnote. Sonic 06 was the result of a company completely unwilling to admit it was time to slam the breaks and took both the franchise and the people behind it to the absolute breaking point and has pretty much forever tainted the brand's reputation.


Oct 27, 2017
Sonic 06 is more comparable to Super Mario Sunshine in the sense that they are games that actually had some good ideas on how to keep the series fresh, but were released in a very incomplete and unrefined state.


User requested ban
Aug 3, 2018
Sonic 06 worked fine to me, some glitches here and there but sure never crashed.

(I did play the 360 version tho ps3 version is supposedly worse, can't comment on that one)


Aug 9, 2018
Any game that has the amount of glitches and bugs that sonic 06 has is an automatic 0. Games will always have glitches, but to be as bad as sonic 06 would be to not work properly as a software, and that is simply unnaceptable.

Balan is just a small boring game.Is not even worth to compare both games.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, on entertainment value alone Sonic 06 provides far more than Balan ever will, it'll be an eternal source of laughter and bemusement. Balan will be sitting along with all the other forgotten platformers like Rascal, Jersey Devil and Gex in a couple of years.


Oct 27, 2017
Sonic 06 is one of the worst games of all time. They somehow made a game that is even less enjoyable than the already bad Adventure games. The only good thing about it that I can say is that it runs at a decent framerate. Which I guess means that it might be more tolerable to play than Sonic Unleashed, so I guess that's something? But really the game is filled with so many bad ideas and the game had barely any time in the oven. Although with Sonic 06, even if it was polished would still turn out to be a pretty shit game. As the core of it completely unsalvagable.

I still have no idea how some baffling terrible ideas got past the concept stage, as the red flags should have been obvious immediately.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
They're both two different kinds of bad, and I'm not gonna lie, I feel like there's more entertainment to derive from Sonic 06's brand of it.


Oct 28, 2017
I still love that 06s demo was made later so it works better than the actual game.
Haha i was just about to comment on this. Animations, controls and camera os better in the demo. Im gonna have to hunt down a copy of this game to see how it feels today.

Theese changes would not have made the game any better though. Story, cut scenes, level design, feel and so on would still be just as bad.


The Fallen
Nov 6, 2017
Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric is so bad that we almost have forgotten about it, it even don't have good music.
But it wasn't make by Sonic Team, so they have at least some competence left even when a game is bad


Mar 13, 2018
I guess you could make an arguement about the projects' intentions as well.
You got stuff like that fan-remake of Sonic 06 that honestly makes it feel like a proper entry, even if not as interesting as Unleashed.
But with Balan, the core idea seems to be flawed from what I saw. If you wanted to fix it you'd need to rethink the game idea itself.


Oct 25, 2017
I get that Sonic 06 was 15 years ago but it feels like some people are too soon forgetting exactly what that game was and why it sucked. It wasn't just bad, it was an absolute trainwreck in every aspect. The team was split in two during development to make Secret Rings and the game was rushed to be ready for Christmas. It has horrifically long load times, gameplay that feels far worse than its primitive Dreamcast predecessor, multiple mechanics like snowboarding and climbing on walls that simply do not work, hideous graphics, ridiculous and trivial hub missions, voice acting errors, a cringeworthy story, a gross Eggman redesign, lifeless character models, and bestiality. The only things going for it are the soundtrack and the sheer comedy value of playing such a mess of a game.

Balan on the other hand is completely serviceable and mostly fun despite its flaws. Most of the people I've seen who actually bought it have a much better opinion of it than people who only played the demo. Don't buy it hoping for a similar so-bad-it's-good disaster because it's probably not going to entertain you in that respect.


Oct 25, 2017
no. 06 was a bigger mess.

However, I never thought 06 was some sort of tax scam or something simular , balan has surpassed it in that way. 06 also didn't have robo reviewers


Master of Balan Wonderworld
Oct 25, 2017
Most of the costumes just suck or serve a very specific purpose and there's lots of duplicates that have a minimal or no difference. The game seriously needed a jump and action button. The costumes that pressing a button does something can't jump which makes them a pain in the ass in a 3d platformer. The ones that can jump just do their thing when they feel like it which makes it difficult to get them to do their thing when you want.

Fuck that level where you get the Fox Box and it wants to you kill 4 enemies on this narrow platform and makes it almost impossible to get enough momentum to kill the enemies with the box but not so much that you don't fall off the platform into the abyss.

The keys to unlock the costumes serve no purpose since they are always within 10 feet of a costume and respawn infinitely.

Having said that, for some stupid reason I just beat the game and 100%ed everything up to the post game and I'm currently working on the Act 3's.

Those dance numbers at the end of every level sure are something though.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
The final game released in november, the demo release in June. I doubt that the full game already was finished at E3.
The demo at E3 that year was almost unplayable. There was no queue on it at the PS3 booth despite it being the first time the PS3 was playable for a lot of us. I gave it a go despite the session having been abandoned mid demo and due to Sonic taking off at full speed with a slight nudge on the stick, I remember it being almost impossible to pick up a solitary ring on the platform I was on. Like, I shot past it numerous times before I finally picked it up. After falling off a few times, I walked off to play Motorstorm, Resistance, Gran Turismo HD or something else, leaving Sonic still midway through the level.

It was shockingly bad. I know the game has a reputation for being awful, but I'd be amazed if it played as badly as that demo did.


Jul 17, 2019
The demo at E3 that year was almost unplayable. There was no queue on it at the PS3 booth despite it being the first time the PS3 was playable for a lot of us. I gave it a go despite the session having been abandoned mid demo and due to Sonic taking off at full speed with a slight nudge on the stick, I remember it being almost impossible to pick up a solitary ring on the platform I was on. Like, I shot past it numerous times before I finally picked it up. After falling off a few times, I walked off to play Motorstorm, Resistance, Gran Turismo HD or something else, leaving Sonic still midway through the level.

It was shockingly bad. I know the game has a reputation for being awful, but I'd be amazed if it played as badly as that demo did.
I only know the 360 version of the demo, which was available on Xbox Live and the final game on Xbox 360. The final game was worse than the demo (even though the demo wasn't really good). The demo demonstrated the (by far) best part of the game, the Sonic action levels at normal speed, and looked significantly better than the same scene in the final game. If you think the demo was bad, I dare you do play the final game.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think 06 demo was worked after the final game or something. It was probably just a different build, more polished yet less feature complete. 06 was severely rushed and at the end they released the build that had all the content done, not necessary the most polished.

On topic, didn't play Balan but for what I saw no way it's worse than 06. It's no use to compare them.
Oct 28, 2017
From what I've seen of Balan, the problem is that it's just a boring game with unimaginative solutions. Stuff like invisible walls and the inability to chain costumes in creative ways means the number of solutions are going to feel quite limited compared to the acrobatics you can do in, say, Mario Odyssey. Then you have the god awful Balan's Bouts that just look awful to play.

As someone who actually played Sonic 06, I dunno if Balan is actually better than Sonic 06. Technically Sonic 06 is clearly the worse game with out of bounds issues, faulty bounce pads, and load times galore but the awful story and technical mess of Sonic 06 probably makes it a more enjoyable and memorable game if that makes any sense. Balkan's problem is that it's just boring and I argue that's the worst sin a game can make.


Dec 18, 2020

Sonic 06 failed at pretty much everything it tried to do. No contest.
Oct 27, 2017
Guess my hot take for the day is Sonic 06 would be a serviceable sonic game if all the bugginess was fixed. Balan looks like it works but it's not fun.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been watching Retro Pals stream Sonic 06 this week and it's pretty amazing how every 5 minutes there's some new inexplicable glitch or design oversight.



Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.

I've never really paid attention to this game before but watching it being played from the start it becomes really evident just how unfinished it is as a whole. Really feels like an internal beta that was never meant to leak to the public.


Nov 9, 2017
Sonic 06 is a divine punishment brought down upon Sonic fans in reprisal for that one Sonic fanart that got posted online.

You know the one.

Balan Wonderland is just what happens when you let a person who isn't a game designer design a game.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I get that Sonic 06 was 15 years ago but it feels like some people are too soon forgetting exactly what that game was and why it sucked. It wasn't just bad, it was an absolute trainwreck in every aspect. The team was split in two during development to make Secret Rings and the game was rushed to be ready for Christmas. It has horrifically long load times, gameplay that feels far worse than its primitive Dreamcast predecessor, multiple mechanics like snowboarding and climbing on walls that simply do not work, hideous graphics, ridiculous and trivial hub missions, voice acting errors, a cringeworthy story, a gross Eggman redesign, lifeless character models, and bestiality. The only things going for it are the soundtrack and the sheer comedy value of playing such a mess of a game.

Balan on the other hand is completely serviceable and mostly fun despite its flaws. Most of the people I've seen who actually bought it have a much better opinion of it than people who only played the demo. Don't buy it hoping for a similar so-bad-it's-good disaster because it's probably not going to entertain you in that respect.
Is there that much of a difference between romance with a human and an alien or human and a fantasy species then a human and furry
Nov 2, 2017
Based on what I've played from Balan (and also having finished Sonic 06), I think Balan is on average less outright busted than 06 but that 06 is more exciting and has way better peaks than Balan.

Jonathan Lanza

"I've made a Gigantic mistake"
Feb 8, 2019
Sonic 06 could be 100% playable and would still be worse for those loading screens alone.
I hate long loading times.
I hate them.


Oct 25, 2017
No. Sonic 2006 legit didn't work and was filled with bugs. At least Wonderland functions despite how insane it is


Dec 15, 2018
Balan Wonderland functions as intended, 06 doesn't.

But it's an unfair comparison. 06 is a game in a long line, Balan is a new IP. It is impossible to divorce the garbage-ass choices in 06 from Sonic as a whole. Play the speed sections and tell me there's a God.
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Oct 25, 2017
Is there that much of a difference between romance with a human and an alien or human and a fantasy species then a human and furry

I can't think of too many human-alien/fantasy species relationships in media where the difference between the two parties is noticeably ridiculous and off-putting, and when it is it's generally played for laughs or intentionally supposed to be weird. This on the other hand is played completely straight:



Oct 25, 2017
Sonic 06 was a glitchy broken mess. I heard Balan is just bad game design.


May 17, 2020
People really exaggerate how bad Sonic 06 is and it's pretty obvious how few people have actually played it. The actual platforming and running through stages isn't particularly more wonky than any other 3D Sonic game since Adventure and the crazier parts of 06 are hilarious. "It didn't work" or "barely playable" isn't even partially true. It has terrible and frequent load times and you can make it do really funny things with the physics but it's not like it refuses to listen to button presses.

Balan is atrocious in a boring way, the worst possible kind of bad.

Even something like Left Alive is far worse than Sonic 06.
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
No. Sonic '06 is both poorly designed AND busted while Balan is just poorly designed but it's largely a functional video game.

Even if Sonic '06 wasn't busted the stage designs are definitely worse than what in Balan. Also load times are much better in Balan.
Arguable for the Sonic stages. Sonic 06 genuinely has some good stage design that gets hidden by the game being... Well, Sonic 06.

Sonic 06 is more comparable to Super Mario Sunshine in the sense that they are games that actually had some good ideas on how to keep the series fresh, but were released in a very incomplete and unrefined state.
Goddamn, you just murdered Sunshine.

But it's true.


Oct 27, 2017
Goddamn, you just murdered Sunshine.

But it's true.
I played Sonic 06 a couple of years ago and Sunshine last year. Sunshine is clearly not as bad or broken as 06 but, considering the standard Nintendo set for every other Mario game, it feels just as disappointing.

Anyway, my point is that Balan does not seem broken or incomplete, I get the feeling that somehow it's exactly what the designers wanted to make.


Apr 29, 2019
I played Sonic 06 a couple of years ago and Sunshine last year. Sunshine is clearly not as bad or broken as 06 but, considering the standard Nintendo set for every other Mario game, it feels just as disappointing.

You're definitely not wrong though, in the sense that both games are clearly not what the developers fully intended, and there were corners cut in order to meet specific release dates. In a world where both '06 and Sunshine are allowed an extra year or two of development time, both would probably be considered decent to great games, even if Sunshine was always destined to be better.

That said, I always find it puzzling how often people talk about '06 like it's some sort of glitch fear. I've played through all the stories at least 3 times (on the less polished PS3 version), and I've never seen any glitches. I wonder how many people who talk about it in that way have actually played through it, or are simply parroting what they've heard.