
Oct 26, 2017
London, UK
So Screen Time has now been out for a few weeks, time to see how healthy our Era habits are! Here are mine


Nearly a full working day on Era this week. I need to cut down... and 28h on iOS devices, that's more than half a working week.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
My phone says I spend the most time on Youtube, but that's kind of a fallacy as I'll often turn on some music and put the phone aside while I'm washing dishes, cooking, or cleaning.


Oct 30, 2017
Turning this feature off improved battery life dramatically on my XS Max.

.... it also hid the shame of the obscene amount of time I spend on my phone (and era) every day *sweat emoji*.


Oct 27, 2017
Something ended up resetting my stats so I don't have a full week built up again yet, but I limit this site to 15 minutes a day, and sometimes allow myself an extra 15 minutes.
I'd seriously consider switching to a macOS computer for desktop usage if it had Screen Time built in too.
This feature, and getting an Apple Watch with its activity reminders, have both had a positive impact on me already and it's only been a couple of weeks.
I thought I was pretty good about managing my time with these devices - at least compared to most of the poeple around me whose phones never stop buzzing with notifications and who check social media every few minutes - but it's easy to fall into bad habits.


Oct 26, 2017
London, UK
Something ended up resetting my stats so I don't have a full week built up again yet, but I limit this site to 15 minutes a day, and sometimes allow myself an extra 15 minutes.
I'd seriously consider switching to a macOS computer for desktop usage if it had Screen Time built in too.
This feature, and getting an Apple Watch with its activity reminders, have both had a positive impact on me already and it's only been a couple of weeks.
I thought I was pretty good about managing my time with these devices - at least compared to most of the poeple around me whose phones never stop buzzing with notifications and who check social media every few minutes - but it's easy to fall into bad habits.

Yeah I would love to have this on Mac. My Era figures would double :D

I guess the implementation is harder on Mac since you can have multiple windows open.

As a result of Screen Time, I decided to buy remote controllers to our home. We currently control our home AV, lights etc on the Crestron app on iOS, and it's so easy to just slide back in. With the remotes we can leave iOS devices into the hall.


Oct 25, 2017
So much that I think it has to be inflating the numbers a bit or the calculations are off. Sometimes it says 5 hours, others approaching 3 (per day).

I wish I could see these kinds of stats on Android.
Doesn't Google have their own well-being app or settings that are similar? Could've swore it rolled out before iOS did too.


Oct 30, 2017
Too damn much. 6h57m per day. Just my iPhone. But to be fair, I use it constantly throughout the day for work.


Oct 27, 2017
Hmm, I checked my stats again and now I only have yesterday listed.
So while it's a great feature it seems to be very unreliable for me, since those stats keep resetting by themselves. I had a similar issue with the Activity app where the rings for one of my days just disappeared, resetting some of my streaks by a few days.
The only thing I can think that it could be is that I have the "share across devices" option enabled (note: just toggling this option will clear the stats, so be careful).

Is anyone else having these issues, or has read of a way to fix them?
Oct 27, 2017
It's extremely buggy, yeah. Under 'devices' it has iPhone and the actual name I've given to my iPhone. 'iPhone' shows some stats, the actual name nothing. I just got a notification that my screen time over the past week has averaged 4 hours and 5 minutes (which seems truer to my daily usage than its usual claims of 17 minutes or something ridiculous). The 7 day count resets to zero every Sunday morning when the aforementioned notification comes through.


Oct 25, 2017
I spend 2h 8m on average on my phone, out of which 47m average on Chrome...
I want to lower the Chrome usage to 30m per day. Got a limit set, but I keep overriding it :(


Oct 29, 2017
Way to fucking much time. But not that extreme reading people's comments here.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope they'll add macOS to Screen Time stats - since most of my browsing is still done on my Macbook...

Screen Time is a great tool already - like, my girlfriend recently said "My iPhone 7's battery life is so-so ...", i checked her screentime "Yo, before leaving the house today, you already spent 15 minutes on whatsapp and 20 minutes on Instagram ... that's 35 minutes of screen-on time before 7am, no wonder your phone's dead by 11pm"


Oct 25, 2017
No one has answered why there is a disparity between the total hours shown and the actual hours used.

It says you've used about 16 hours but shows a larger weekly total.

It does this on mine.

No one has explained why this is.

What do the (unlabelled) grey bars signify?

Go into Screen Time, hit "Show categories" underneath the graph, you'll see that only the top 3 categories (by usage time) are the ones colored in the graph.
The grey parts are still split up in various categories.

For me it's 40 mins "Entertainment" (Youtube, mostly), 40 mins "Others" (Safari, mostly), 39 mins "Social Networking" (Instagram, Facebook mostly)
Total usage is 4h 31 mins this week, the remaining time is 21 mins "productivity", 17 mins "health and fitness", 14 mins "creative" etc.
Oct 28, 2017
Still don't get it.


22seconds total usage, yet says 49mins. What is it actually measuring here?

Go into Screen Time, hit "Show categories" underneath the graph, you'll see that only the top 3 categories (by usage time) are the ones colored in the graph.
The grey parts are still split up in various categories.

For me it's 40 mins "Entertainment" (Youtube, mostly), 40 mins "Others" (Safari, mostly), 39 mins "Social Networking" (Instagram, Facebook mostly)
Total usage is 4h 31 mins this week, the remaining time is 21 mins "productivity", 17 mins "health and fitness", 14 mins "creative" etc.


Oct 28, 2017
Over the last 7 days

6hr 13 mins a day with ERA taking a total of 9hrs (1 hr 15 min avg per day)


Oct 27, 2017
No one has answered why there is a disparity between the total hours shown and the actual hours used.

It says you've used about 16 hours but shows a larger weekly total.
It does this on mine.
No one has explained why this is.
That is "most used", not total usage. On the phone you should have a "show more" option at the bottom of that list, though I'm not sure if it shows everything.
Still don't get it.


22seconds total usage, yet says 49mins. What is it actually measuring here?
Post the full stats.
Oct 28, 2017
I'd suspect you didn't use the device much post midnight, and then opened the device in the morning, so the 20s / 2s would be just what you have done past midnight. Not sure where the gap to 49m comes from though.

I've used it for 22 seconds in total, so where does the 49min come from?

Nothing seems wrong about those?

I've not been actively using the device for 2h38 as first suggested. When you add together the usage minutes of all the apps/websites shown on the screen, it differs significantly from the hour/minutes shown in the large, bold font at the top of the screen.

My only assumption is that it also measures whenever the screen is activated by a notification, and whenever apps refresh in the background. It must be doing more than recording the time of when we merely pick up the phone.


The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
I've used it for 22 seconds in total, so where does the 49min come from?

I've not been actively using the device for 2h38 as first suggested. When you add together the usage minutes of all the apps/websites shown on the screen, it differs significantly from the hour/minutes shown in the large, bold font at the top of the screen.

My only assumption is that it also measures whenever the screen is activated by a notification, and whenever apps refresh in the background. It must be doing more than recording the time of when we merely pick up the phone.

Have you listened to anything in the background? Music or podcast? Now I'm curious about this as well


Oct 28, 2017
Yikes this is depressing. I need to set myself some boundaries so I can actually get shit done in the day.