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Nov 4, 2018
User banned (permanent): troll account
Recently I played through an excellent game of theirs, Bloodstained Curse of the Moon and was excited to play the sequel. And then I saw the character design for only new playable female character. After being totally disgusted by this I decided I'd rather watch some of the game than play it and sure fucking enough I find out not only is this character incredibly sexualized, but she also becomes a damsel in distress in the game. A god damn fucking object. This isn't the first fucking time Inti Creates has done this. For Blaster Master Zero 2, they decided to give the main female character a new design that heavily sexualizes her and the whole goal of the game is to, you guessed it, save her. I've also come to find out that Inti Creates are also the creators of the pedophile hentai game series Gal Gun and I don't even need to mention how trash that series is to female characters. I'll provide a picture below showing off some of these abhorrent female character designs.


Until I see a massive improvement of their treatment of their female characters, until all sexualized female characters are either removed from future games or heavily redesigned, and until they cancel the Gal Gun series, I will no longer support Inti Creates. They are a trash company for how they handle female characters in video games and I implore you all, other members of Resetera, to stop as well until a change is made.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
Is so ridicolous how Eve (the character that OP mentions) goes from this

to this

Her chest has a "canon" reason for getting bigger: the infection that she gets at the beginning of the sequel which has to be the most stupid reason ever

Also in case you ask no, her chest "conveniently" stays the same after she gets cured
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yikes... yeah that's pretty much the reason I'm not touching Genshin Impact. And those designs in the OP, as a group, are definitely terrible. Like it'd be one thing if they were one design among plenty of decent ones, but nope.


Oct 25, 2017
OP go an find the japanese preorder bonuses for Gunvolt games, what you posted is child's play in comparison.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
Is so ridicolous how Eve (the character that OP mentions) goes from this

to this

Also apparently her chest has a "canon" reason for getting bigger: the infection that she gets at the beginning of the sequel which has to be the most stupid reason ever

I think it's universally agreed upon that the story of that game was extremely stupid despite being a good playing game lol


"This guy are sick"
Oct 28, 2017
Is so ridicolous how Eve (the character that OP mentions) goes from this

to this

Her chest has a "canon" reason for getting bigger: the infection that she gets at the beginning of the sequel which has to be the most stupid reason ever

Also in case you ask no, her chest "conveniently" stays the same after she gets cured
I would say the lower body focus of the first design isn't much better.


Oct 29, 2017
User Warned: Inflammatory Generalization
Have you ever seen anime?
Not saying it's okay by any means, but this is standard Japanese culture. Inti is following the trends, they're not specifically at fault here.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I agree, anime needs to be called out for the sexist treatment of their female characters and designs.


Oct 25, 2017
The character in Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 is not a "new" character, and her breasts were heavily criticized in the main Bloodstained game seeing as her attire made that focus absolutely ridiculous.

Dominique always looked stupid. I'd go as far as to say her look in CotM2 is better than her RotN look.


Oct 25, 2017
Some Japanese developers give absolutely so few fucks about this they almost make a special effort to outdo each previous embarrassing design.


Oct 25, 2017
Some Japanese developers give absolutely so few fucks about this they almost make a special effort to outdo each previous embarrassing design.
The otaku culture has basically ruined any Japanese game that isn't aiming for a casual or international audience


Nov 10, 2017
Honestly they should just have made Eve the main character of 2. Though IIRC the end of 1 pretty much shows that she's helpless without the hero Jason because some rando dude has to be better at everything.

wtf is the character bottom right
A plant-based alien you run into in Blaster Master Zero 2.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
the bottom right plant character is by far one of the most embarassing I've ever seen

to top it off she has a raising minigame, so she's like 0 years old I guess, and some of the alternate designs seem to be extremely questionable going by one of the other thumbnails I saw

Inti seems to have some genuine talent but yeah they must feel the need to cash in on the tasteless bucks. Bit of a shame since BMZ1 was a pretty solid early Switch game, and the Mega Man Zero games seem very well regarded.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I was expecting worse? This is honestly pretty mild considering how strongly worded the OP is.


Oct 25, 2017
When people try to normalise sexist designs by saying it's a Japanese culture thing, it's good to remind yourself that anime is also looked down upon in Japanese society and they don't have the best opinion of anime fans who are usually assumed to be hermit NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training). It's just the industry is very insular and focused on catering to the whales who favour such designs and school nostalgia.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Is so ridicolous how Eve (the character that OP mentions) goes from this

to this

Her chest has a "canon" reason for getting bigger: the infection that she gets at the beginning of the sequel which has to be the most stupid reason ever

Also in case you ask no, her chest "conveniently" stays the same after she gets cured
That bottom design looks like they just hit the randomize button on a character creator and were like "Yeah,that's good."
What an absolute mishmash of nonsense costume design.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I don't think OP's desire to burn any relations they have with inticreates is unfounded. They've made it clear that they're going to lean heavily into the anime sexualization of their female characters in order to sell more copies to otaku culture.

But I will say, OP, that expecting them to change is foolhardy. They will not. They're proud of this.


Sep 20, 2020
OP, you might need something more concrete than a bunch of rando female character designs, 90% of which are fully clothed and don't look remotely sexualized. Having tits does not mean "sexualized". You can create characters with breasts that aren't sexualized, just like you can create characters ~without them~ that can. Gal Gun is a good example, but... yeah, your visual representation is not exactly hitting the mark.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm well in the camp of "if you don't like it, don't buy it." Every country is in a different place in how it depicts... well everything no just women. I try to not be too judgmental about it and simply ignore or opt out of things I don't personally jive with. These smaller companies find their random niches and lean hard into them to survive, I understand it, but in turn, don't spend my money or attention on it.

Personally I find some of their designs so damn dumb it goes into the stupid pile. Giant watermelon boobs sure is a take I wasn't expecting to see though.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Have you ever seen anime?
Not saying it's okay by any means, but this is standard Japanese culture. Inti is following the trends, they're not specifically at fault here.

LOL no it isn't. I can assure you, these designs are just as embarrassing in Japan as they are here. They're aimed at teenagers who think that titillation is the end all, be all of sex.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
OP, you might need something more concrete than a bunch of rando female character designs, 90% of which are fully clothed and don't look remotely sexualized. Having tits does not mean "sexualized". You can create characters with breasts that aren't sexualized, just like you can create characters ~without them~ that can. Gal Gun is a good example, but... yeah, your visual representation is not exactly hitting the mark.
That most of them have breasts about the sizes of their heads with clothes that perfectly contour around their shape to accentuate them doesn't seem remotely sexualized to you? That is not a normal aspect of how clothes work.



Sep 22, 2020
Is so ridicolous how Eve (the character that OP mentions) goes from this

to this

Her chest has a "canon" reason for getting bigger: the infection that she gets at the beginning of the sequel which has to be the most stupid reason ever

Also in case you ask no, her chest "conveniently" stays the same after she gets cured
So those aren't boobs but sacks of pus? Because if so, I'd argue that is not sexualized but instead the grossest, least sexy idea ever.


Oct 17, 2018
Looking at this picture, which one are you saying is sexist, OP?

EDIT: Upon further inspection, the boobs on the right two on the bottom row are pretty comically sized, lol


Jan 17, 2019
A couple of them are sexualized (plant girl for instance), sure... but most of those look pretty tame? The bulk of those are no worse than what's in something like Pokemon, at the very least.


Oct 27, 2017
Have you ever seen anime?
Not saying it's okay by any means, but this is standard Japanese culture. Inti is following the trends, they're not specifically at fault here.

I thought otaku (which these kind of designs pander to) is looked down in Japan.

But eh, I'm not an expert in Japanese culture.


Oct 27, 2017
I you disagree?
I've never played an inti creates game that wasn't Mighty No. 9 (which is offensive for many other reasons) so I have no idea how these characters are treated in the game and can only go off the picture you posted, but the most offensive thing about them is how generic they seem? Doesn't look like a big deal compared to something like Xenoblade really - they mostly seem to have far too large breasts and clothes which accentuate that which is a tasteless design choice but I have a feeling you're seeing the short skirts / dresses as sexualization which is a bit unfair.

I actually quite like the second character design on the middle row with the pink cape and the 2nd one on the bottom with the stylized features and tanned skin.


Sep 20, 2020
That most of them have breasts about the sizes of their heads with clothes that perfectly contour around their shape doesn't seem remotely sexualized to you?

Again: Having tits does not inherently mean "sexualized". Breasts are a thing that exist, their mere existence does not inherently mean "sexualized". Like I pointed out: Gal Gun is a perfect representation of the argument that "sexualization != breasts", you can sexualize anything regardless of its design. It's the context that matters, not necessarily its design.

Most of those characters are fully clothed, in most cases completely covered and "conservatively dressed", and the ones I'd argue are cringe-worthy are the bottom left and bottom right characters which are either showing a little too much skin for an underage-type character design, or having 50% of its design just be tits + posing to highlight them.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm a huge fan of Inti Creates and I thought this thread would be about Gal Gun, it's the one Inti series that I avoid.
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