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Oct 25, 2017
What was his crime? Talking stupid shit and being racist? Tbh if he was extremely successful and looked mentally sound I would saying "fuck him" cause people follow and listen to successful and popular people but he isn't extremely successful, and he does not seem mentally sound at all, so I really don't feel the need to silence him's not like anyone is looking at him and saying hes spreading dangerous ideas or is popular.

For example, if some homeless guy called me a racially insensitive word, I'm not gonna be pissed or tell him he's wrong, I'm just gonna ignore him and continue on my day, it doesn't affect me at all.

And that's not even getting into being sympathetic for his problems....end of the day, no one thinks PewDiePie can't influence people but whoever is saying Etika needs to be silenced should drop it, cause he isn't doing anyone harm except to himself.

Just for clarification the level empathy should be tied to how big of a platform the person saying shitty things has?

Deleted member 34881

User requested account closure
Nov 30, 2017
Man some of his fans are just making this worse. There was a video of some kid saying that he was arrested because he was black and was wronged and taht the revolution is starting tonight, he also had machete so Idk what the hell is going on.


Oct 26, 2017
A black man in America greeting the SWAT team at his door by saying the officer is so handsome that he would suck his dick until he comes in his mouth does not strike me as someone who doesn't pose a threat to himself.


Oct 25, 2017
Perhaps you should have clarified that you honestly and truly cared about his mental health as the reason why you wanted banned from the internet for life, instead of a drive by, ad hominem post?

Pretty sure your original post I quoted was clear and concise, you're now amending the intent behind it.

Lemme drop some knowledge since you're looking silly right now. First of all you need to know what a drive-by/hit and run post actually is. My post wasn't that.
Hit-and-run posting refers to a tactic where a poster at an Internet forum enters, makes a post, only to disappear immediately after.[1] The term comes from the hit-and-run crime with auto vehicles, in which the driver hits another car or person causing an accident and then flees the scene. It is also known as making a "drive-by" posting, a play on the phrase drive-by shooting. The post often consists of a lengthy text making lots of claims that can be, but are not always, on topic.
or if you want another definition
On online forums and other online discussion spaces, a hit-and-run post is the term used to describe users who register for the service, post one message, then never return. In most cases these single posts contains information not related to the forum topic or the post may contain a single URL that is posted for the purpose of advertising.

I've been in this thread since it opened and I've posted numerous times and have always stayed on topic so no, my post was not a drive by post. You trying to label it that is just an example of you trying to cause static because you screwed up. Good job pal.

Next, that post you responded to was made after numerous posts by myself commenting on Etika's health and his safety.

My post was post 675 and I said
" What's it gonna take for him to be taken off of social media and Youtube/Twitch for good?"
On that very same page earlier I said

"Its clear he had issues mentally and now its progressed to this. I hope he gets out of this safe, gets help and then stays off of social media for his health."

"It's not right but I took it as him wanting people to be angry at him due to how he is mentally. Reminds me of someone I know who, when in a mentally bad spot, lashed out at everyone regardless due to pain even though they didn't feel that way because they felt that they, the one doing the lashing out, deserved it.

Etika might be different but it's weird given his stances on certain things seemed to contradict how he's acted when he's lashing out. Who knows.

At this point the only thing anyone knows is that he needs help because we dont really know who "Etika" is right now. He could be worse than we think, could be better. We don't know."
That's not taking into account the other numerous posts I've made about Etika's health and his safety and nowhere have I said "I'm sick of him" or shown anything other than commenting on his health. You can literally go through this thread and see my comments. I've got receipts Skippy.

What you did is you took one thing I said and rather than ask what I meant like adults do before they make their judgement (or hell scrolling up and seeing what I meant) you assumed and now you're looking silly. Rather than saying "man I should have asked" or "man what did you mean" you're acting like I meant ill intent when the reality is no, you screwed up. Let alone the fact when confronted with the fact you're speaking more on his income rather than his health (which I've been commenting on the whole time) you pull the "BUT BUT YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ETTTIKKA SO Y-" card. You're off base here.

Bruh, get outta my face with this childish crap.
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Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
Am I though? Some of us are sick of the cancel era. As if all of us aren't human and don't do less than savory things at times. Unless you committ a heinous crime where you've done something to dramatically impact someone's life permanently, I dont think someone should be destroyed forever. Yes there should be consequences for actions, but how far must we take things?

What is this "destroyed forever" thing. That he shouldn't be allowed a platform to yell out racist and bigoted things means that "he's destroyed forever"? His ability to seek or receive help is not dependent on him having a platform to yell out and do stupid, racist things.

Lots of people from all around the world lose their jobs for spewing racist and bigoted things, why should this guy deserve any better than the rest of them?


Mar 17, 2018
Why is Era even arguing about whether a mentally ill person who does horrible shit because of their mental illness is to be held fully responsible?
Let me see you be bipolar or psychotic and still sing the same tune.
For being a supposedly progressive place, people here sure don't have a lot of empathy for mental illness. Yes, what he did and said is despicable. No, he's not fully responsible. He's living in another world right now. He needs to lay down for a while, stop using the Internet, and rebuild himself, and obviously apologize.
Someone doesn't become literally Satan himself as soon as they say something racist or bigoted. Your mental state can make you say and do stupid and even dangerous things, for yourself and for others. Things aren't so easy as "oh no, he said the bad word! It is my duty to bury him six feet below now!"
If your tolerance and empathy for certain things (in this case, being a racial minority and being LGBT) is making you intolerant and unempathetic of other things (in this case, being mentally ill and deluded), you're not doing it right.

Anyway. Repeating myself, but someone needs to take all Internet access away from him. He's made a fool of himself, and hurt others, for long enough.
they are still gamers after all


Oct 25, 2017
Devil World, Toronto
I wish him the best in his recovery, hope he'll get good treatment.

Edit : what !? He's already out ?

Sometimes it's incredibly hard to get decent mental help. My mother is schizophrenic and it took almost10 years of being taken into the hospital every week or so by the cops just for them to let her go despite her continuously threatening to hurt herself and others. People like to say get help but the help isn't always willing to be got.


Mar 17, 2018
So a guy who yelled a bunch of gibberish to the police while being dragged in a stretcher, who on video was acting like a crazy person, who spent hours hours tweeting cryptic shit, someone who was hospitalized before for past mental breakdown, and has both joke about and implied about suicide, was released in a few hours




Apr 9, 2019
Just hope he gets help. Thats really all anyone can do tbh, even the people close to him are pushed away and lied to.


Oct 26, 2017
I didn't watch all of each video and whatever livesteams.

So I didn't see him express his desire to kill himself to the cops, but yeah he could've

To be clear, I meant that the way he was sometimes close to antagonizing them felt like something you do when you want to die by provoking police into shooting you. It's a known method of attempting suicide.


Oct 27, 2017
He really needs help.

At this rate, it's only a matter time before he gets himself or someone else hurt or worst, killed.


Oct 27, 2017
Given recent events, I have to think that the police were extra alarmed that he was live streaming. Some of these mass shooters want a live audience now. A standard confrontation with police is dangerous enough. He's fortunate that he wasn't hurt or killed.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
This guy just needs to be removed from social media, for his own good. He's been melting down for a long time and his idiot fans think that it's cute. Well it's not cute, he's mentally ill and needs help and people egging him on for entertainment is disgusting.


Oct 13, 2018


Just for clarification the level empathy should be tied to how big of a platform the person saying shitty things has?

No, if someone is actually harming others with their speech, then in general they should be told to stop it, however, in my opinion, Etika isn't harming anyone except himself, therefore asking him to cease his talk is....not worth it, counter-productive, not actually dealing with his more important problems like his mental health? Back to the homeless guy....idgaf whats hes saying cause it does not affect me in any way, aside from me walking further away from him (i.e Etika is only burning himself at this point, everyone bitching about whatever hes saying, dude's got more serious problems and all you can do is go tut tut at him?)


Oct 13, 2018
Just for clarification the level empathy should be tied to how big of a platform the person saying shitty things has?

Basically, the more influence you have, the more responsibility you have for your actions and words since they potentially affect more people. I can feel empathy for him, but still think hes needs to apologize and show remorse if he is actively negatively influencing others, except in my opinion (aside from the few strange people), I don't think anyone is looking at Etika as a beacon to follow. So, theres no point in saying things like he needs to take responsibility for his words, and this is where my empathy for him kicks in, Etika, whatever hes dealing with, I hope he gets better. I mean, if your gonna comment about the crappy stuff he is saying, while ignoring the fact hes running straight into the ground, that seems a bit callous to me.

bear force one

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
You actually don't, you can foam at the mouth all you want on an online forum. Holds zero weight on what should or will happen in real life.
I actually do and you get zero say. It's cute that you think you do. 😏

You're The one foaming with the meltdowns and ridiculous amount of posts in the thread.
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Dec 27, 2017
The moral of the story is that the American health system is trash. Honestly I think it's for the best if this thread is locked, since we're not really even talking about etika anymore.


Oct 27, 2017
Basically, the more influence you have, the more responsibility you have for your actions and words since they potentially affect more people. I can feel empathy for him, but still think hes needs to apologize and show remorse if he is actively negatively influencing others, except in my opinion (aside from the few strange people), I don't think anyone is looking at Etika as a beacon to follow. So, theres no point in saying things like he needs to take responsibility for his words, and this is where my empathy for him kicks in, Etika, whatever hes dealing with, I hope he gets better. I mean, if your gonna comment about the crappy stuff he is saying, while ignoring the fact hes running straight into the ground, that seems a bit callous to me.
He's a youtuber, so he has followers that listen to what he says by definition, doesn't he?
It's just speculation to say nobody listens to his bigoted shit.


Oct 13, 2018
He's a youtuber, so he has followers that listen to what he says by definition, doesn't he?
It's just speculation to say nobody listens to his bigoted shit.

Some people were saying he was supportive of LGBT+ causes in the past. Maybe he decided to burn down his career, alienate and shut out his friends and colleagues, and get detained by the police and he's doing so perfectly sane but I feel like you gotta have to think, "what's going with his mind?"


Oct 27, 2017
Some people were saying he was supportive of LGBT+ causes in the past. Maybe he decided to burn down his career, alienate and shut out his friends and colleagues, and get detained by the police and he's doing so perfectly sane but I feel like you gotta have to think, "what's going with his mind?"
That's a whole another line of argument. I'm not saying mental illness can't affect what he does, just that as a youtuber he definitely have people that listen to him.


Oct 27, 2017
This is so depressing to see. I wonder how much of Etika's mental illness went under the radar because of his personality. Sometimes he would be watching character reveals and his heart rate would go up to the upper 100s. He's always been incredibly hyperactive. I hope he's able to get some treatment.

Also, I understand that mental illness is often used as an excuse to do shitty things, but in this case Etika is obviously not well. People say things they don't mean when they're having a mental breakdown. I'm not saying that excuses him, but at least wait for him to get a bit better before you start judging.

Deleted member 40102

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
This is so depressing to see. I wonder how much of Etika's mental illness went under the radar because of his personality. Sometimes he would be watching character reveals and his heart rate would go up to the upper 100s. He's always been incredibly hyperactive. I hope he's able to get some treatment.

Also, I understand that mental illness is often used as an excuse to do shitty things, but in this case Etika is obviously not well. People say things they don't mean when they're having a mental breakdown. I'm not saying that excuses him, but at least wait for him to get a bit better before you start judging.
I use to think the same tbh ,but after seeing him get out and still act the same way I'm starting to believe he is doing it for fame and he got what exactly he wants. He even tweeted about being on number 1 trending on tweeter.

Yeah this is manipulative and I have 0 sympathy for him now.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
He has obviously a really destructive behavior, he's destroying himself.
Medical treatment is by consent as per the Hippocratic oath.

If he doesn't want treatment, it is exceptionally hard to force it unless if there's a clear and present danger to others.

In mental health there's ways around it to override this but they're still difficult and it's common for people to refuse treatment.

The attention and pressure of a constant online presence has clearly had an awful effect here and Ekita must get help and reconsider his path in life before it runs into catastrophe.

Hopefully once he realises what he's been doing and gets himself back into the right place, he can address his actions and learn from them so to avoid repeating the self destructive behaviour that precipitated this.

Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
I use to think the same tbh ,but after seeing him get out and still act the same way I'm starting to believe he is doing it for fame and he got what exactly he wants. He even tweeted about being on number 1 trending on tweeter.

Yeah this is manipulative and I have 0 sympathy for him now.
The 2 are not mutually exclusive.

In a warped state of mind, the attention albeit completely negative is craved and the more they get it, the more they act in escalation of erratic behaviour.

If that's indeed the case here, it could be a psychological form of Munchausen. If the cycle continues as is, and repeated events of extreme behaviour leading to police/hospitalisation occurs, this may well be so.

The attention brought to him by the internet may well have caused him to seek the attention more and more, and thus having to outdo previous events to gain even more attention. That sounds like selfish attention seeking and it is, but it's also the sign of someone whose control of their self has slipped and the addiction of attention has taken over.

Ekita needs help, but what you describe isn't untrue either.


Oct 27, 2017
Sometimes it's incredibly hard to get decent mental help. My mother is schizophrenic and it took almost10 years of being taken into the hospital every week or so by the cops just for them to let her go despite her continuously threatening to hurt herself and others. People like to say get help but the help isn't always willing to be got.

Sorry to hear about it.

Medical treatment is by consent as per the Hippocratic oath.

If he doesn't want treatment, it is exceptionally hard to force it unless if there's a clear and present danger to others.

In mental health there's ways around it to override this but they're still difficult and it's common for people to refuse treatment.

The attention and pressure of a constant online presence has clearly had an awful effect here and Ekita must get help and reconsider his path in life before it runs into catastrophe.

Hopefully once he realises what he's been doing and gets himself back into the right place, he can address his actions and learn from them so to avoid repeating the self destructive behaviour that precipitated this.

There's no forced hospitalization by a third person in USA ? even just for a few days ?


Nov 3, 2017
The slurs look like self-destruction, well, social media image self-destruction, and reveling in it.

Destructive pulsion can go towards his internet life.
It seems fragile/breakable yet it's unmoving ; his fans will still continue to echo him. A distorted echo of a web-celeb. He can't break it. Few of many is still a crowd.
For each breakdown, he's also back on the news. Maybe that contradiction of destruction and fame is what he's looking for.
A kind of joke at his own expense.
Pika told Kotaku that "since he posts photos of him with weapons, it explains why there were so many cops there, because fans were scared he was going to kill himself. But those photos were fake, photoshopped guns on his image." (via)
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Stop It

Bad Cat
Oct 25, 2017
Sorry to hear about it.

There's no forced hospitalization by a third person in USA ? even just for a few days ?
Yes, just like here in the UK. I know as a friend who visited the US found themselves in a mental hospital there after a breakdown as a unconsenting patient.

But it's not as easy as "lock him away boys". There must be a clear danger to override consent and if the person is judged to be of sound enough mind to understand consent, it's not going to be overridden easily.


Oct 27, 2017
There's no forced hospitalization by a third person in USA ? even just for a few days ?

There's forced hospitalization, but you need to be a physical threat. Think Amanda Bynes setting someone's driveway on fire.

It's so bizarre how we lack compassion for people who haven't hit absolute rock bottom yet. But when they do, we say that we wish we could've done something.
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