
Oct 25, 2017

I recognize that walk


Oct 25, 2017
I'm short AF but also gay so I haven't had to deal with the full brunt of my being short (aside from not being able to reach certain shelfs)


Jun 9, 2018
This is true, but I've also been told this in real life on a first date: "Oh, you're not short. You should put your height on your profile because when I saw it wasn't listed I was worried you were short and insecure about it." Basically implying that not listing height is a red flag for women.

I think a lot of really short guys try to lie and round their height up to 5'9", which causes people to have a warped perspective of what 5'9" actually is. In person I've had women act surprised when I tell them my height (thinking I must be taller than that), which to me is weird...

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
Pfft, that's ridiculous. I'm 5'3 and I never had any issues dating. I'm married and have two kids. Sure I've had people say shit about my height before and gotten rejected by girls in the past, but I always considered those people garbage humans and moved on. I made it out okay and would never consider anything like this.


Oct 29, 2017
I imagine if you asked a sample of women to pick between a man who's 5'4'' and one who's 6'2'' but had this surgery, they would all pick the first guy.

Deleted member 4461

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
It's a fair point... and in general I should shut my mouth because I really don't care for plastic surgery, boob jobs, duck lips, etc. I feel like it's easier to work on who you are on the inside than it is to pay someone to make you more attractive. That's a fine opinion for me to have to myself, but there's no nuance to it, and it's not fair to paint all people who change their bodies as inherently flawed and insecure. I'm flawed and insecure as fuck, just not about this... and yeah... you're absolutely right... there's plenty of people with unfuckable personalities that still end up in relationships.

Nah, you're good! I came to a similar realization recently too about cosmetic surgeries. Everyone has their own story and their own way their genetics have impacted them. And that's before we toss social media in the mix.

I am thankful that this isn't something I want, but I understand the pain that leads others to consider it.


Jan 6, 2021
LMAO bro. This is not short gtfoh

although I have a feeling you wanted to be told this, like a beautiful person saying "I look so ugly today" fishing for reassurance. Well there you go.
All of my guy friends expect 1 is taller than me. No joke I'm the short guy of the group. My wife and daughter are taller than me too.
Oct 27, 2017
Pfft, that's ridiculous. I'm 5'3 and I never had any issues dating. I'm married and have two kids. Sure I've had people say shit about my height before and gotten rejected by girls in the past, but I always considered those people garbage humans and moved on. I made it out okay and would never consider anything like this.

I get the impression that this is more a thing that became a big problem once dating apps started to include height. How long ago did you begin dating your now-wife?
Oct 25, 2017
How does this affect ones TDEE? Do you have the metabolism of a 5'7 or a 6'2?

Also, this would throw off certain other proportions, if you know what I mean.

Real talk as a bald 5'7 dude. I'd rather pay 75k for hair than six inches of height.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Texas, USA
I'm 5'4. Sometimes being short eats at me, sometimes it doesn't.
But I'm married, I'm sure it would eat at me a whole lot more if I was single.
Oct 25, 2017
All of my guy friends expect 1 is taller than me. No joke I'm the short guy of the group. My wife and daughter are taller than me too.
That's nice but completely anecdotal. I've felt like the shortest guy in the gym with the basketball team one day but was literally the tallest person in at my gf's 200+ family reunion another. But the science and data don't lie; at least in the US, 5'9" is drop dead average. Congrats, you're an inch above average.

heathen earth

Mar 21, 2020
Gonna need to see at least two therapist's letters for this gender affirming surgery, thanks

Anyway, I find the height shaming men experience to be really sad. No one can change that and it's so wrong to make someone feel bad about it. I understand having preferences, but to denigrate someone because they don't match yours is just awful. As for myself, maybe it's because I'm not into men in general, but I find tall men very intimidating. It's always in the back of my mind how easily they could hurt me if they really wanted to.

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
I get the impression that this is more a thing that became a big problem once dating apps started to include height. How long ago did you begin dating your now-wife?

Oh yeah I skipped that whole era of dating thankfully. I was primarily dating in the MySpace age. I've always had friends who would hook me up with their female friends and acquaintances so I got lucky.

I'm not gonna sit here and say I was a fuckin Mack daddy or anything. I've definitely got several rejections due to my height in the past, but I've gotten more hits than misses too. It's all in your attitude and personality. Many girls will drop those height requirements if they like your personality enough.

So again, fuck this surgery shit. There's plenty of people out there who will love you for who you are.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm only 5'8 and that's good for me. I'm 63kg so quite slim but my body proportions look right for my height and weight. I can't imagine how weird I'd look 3 inches taller with the same body shape.

Also surely you would be a bit more clumsy despite any physio as increasing your hight must change your center of gravity slightly and what strain would it put on stretched muscles and ligaments?

This kind of surgery when it's used to repair an injury or birth defect I completely understand (I presume that's what this surgery was originally thought up for). But as something just to make you a tiny amount taller seems a little ridiculous and more than a bit risky to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
How is this any different from any other cosmetic surgery to improve dating appeal except for it being cishet men doing it? When has cosmetic surgery not been expensive, painful, and fraught with risk?


Oct 25, 2017
I know height discrimination is a thing everywhere, but it seems especially pronounced in the US. These discussions and height requirements are always in feet. I always have to Google the height in cm, lol. American masculine ideals are so extreme.

I have to say I am tall myself though, but I haven't heard many comments about my height (although I guess it's a privilege to not worry about it).
Oct 27, 2017
Oh yeah I skipped that whole era of dating thankfully. I was primarily dating in the MySpace age. I've always had friends who would hook me up with their female friends and acquaintances so I got lucky.

I'm not gonna sit here and say I was a fuckin Mack daddy or anything. I've definitely got several rejections due to my height in the past, but I've gotten more hits than misses too. It's all in your attitude and personality. Many girls will drop those height requirements if they like your personality enough.

So again, fuck this surgery shit. There's plenty of people out there who will love you for who you are.
Yeah I maintain that everyone can be a little shallow and petty at times but dating profiles, especially one where height is listed as a field, just make it like people are trying to shop for a custom PC, every spec must be perfect lol.

The solution is to remove height from the apps, I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm 5'2 and I've always wanted to be at least *average* height but hell with doing all that. That's my lot in life, I'll make due (and continue to wish I could at least reach the top shelf). Never really cared about the height of a dude. Girls who do that come across as superficial to me.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 176cm (5'9?) and honestly it's perfect for me and wouldn't want to be any taller. My dad was over 6' but I guess I never got that gene lol.

I live in Japan so even 176 here is quite tall here at least. Also being taller would be more of a pain here as finding clothes that fit would be more difficult. Also feel sorry for taller people trying to squeeze into some of the seats here like on busses and such lol.

But the biggest reason I wouldn't want to be taller is that I love cars and most cars are designed for people around my height as the standard. So even smaller Kei cars like the Suzuki Cappuccino I have no issues at all fitting inside and actually being comfortable (as comfortable as one can be in a Cappuccino anyway lololol). Taller people wouldn't even be able to fit not to mention look like they are in a clown car lol.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
It's because for whatever reason stuck up men and women are obsessed with the 6'0 mark. I have lost count how many times I have seen the 6'0 mark be their "cutoff".

It's bizarre and toxic.


Oct 25, 2017
Are they able to walk and run normally eventually?

If you lose your mobility it can't be worth it.


Hermen Hulst's Secret Account
Feb 15, 2020
Self-inflicted medieval torture. We truly live in amusing times, neoliberalism at its finest.


Nov 27, 2017
I had a friend in school who went through this as she was growing up, but she had a physical condition from birth where her right arm and leg were significantly shorter than her left. The operations and resulting therapy were torturous for her, but her parents were trying to keep her from being in braces and eventually wheelchairs after growth spurts. I can't imagine someone going through that shit "just because" and I am really doubting the ethics of the doctors that offer this as a service.

Extra Sauce

Oct 27, 2017
there's no way this doesn't introduce major health issues sooner or later as well as look grotesque. imagine paying a fortune to make yourself go through that.