
Oct 27, 2017
New York
So I came home from work this morning to find a mother deer and its fairly young (still has spots, but is fairly tall for a baby) offspring hanging around the side of the house. Mother seemed cautious, but they're around humans enough in this area that they didn't bolt or anything. Baby was busy devouring some of the groundcover on our boarder with the neighbors. This is a pretty common sight and I didn't think anything of it.

Came home just now to find my 60 year-old neighbor just sitting on her porch crying and looking into the shallow wooded area behind my place. Apparently she had been watering her garden when this little dear (still had spots so I'm assuming it's the same one, but maybe it's a different one and that was just a coincidence) leapt out of some of her plants and ran into our woods. She said it was hobbling and when she got a good look at it she saw the entire right flank was flayed open, to the point where you could see the muscle and bone as it moved. She said it just stood in the woods shaking for a while. She called a cop to come put it down, but the moment his car showed up it apparently ran full speed into the woods and disappeared. We've seen it a couple times since I got home slowly and shakily wandering through the woods and sitting under my porch.

So now I'm sitting here not entirely sure how to proceed. I don't want to hurt the little thing, but I'm clearly not qualified to help it. I don't want to kill it, but it's also clearly suffering. The mother is no where to be found. I have a feeling they both tried jumping over a fence in one of our neighbor's yards and the mother made it over while the baby... didn't...

Sorry for the downer of a thread, just not really sure what to do since animal control isn't able to send anyone right now.

EDIT: Forgot I had footage of the baby and mother from this morning. Too dark to take video of this one tonight and way too graphic for me to want to.
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Oct 27, 2017
New York
Maybe call a local vet or wildlife protection agency (if you have that).
I will tomorrow, but it's currently 11pm and they're all closed/not responding. I wish someone who'd actually been here at the time had thought to do that rather than just call the police to shoot it, but deer are sort of a nuisance here, so it's not a huge surprise.


Oct 30, 2017
User Banned (5 days): Trolling, history of trolling infractions
Call a real man to put it out of its misery.


Oct 25, 2017
Did, they said the soonest I can expect someone would be 4am if it's still an issue by then. This isn't something that would qualify as a priority from what I can tell.
Well that's all you can really do. I wouldn't go out and mess with it or anything unless you want to put it out of it's misery... which I️ wouldn't do as it might fall into a protect hunting thing


Oct 27, 2017
New York
Call a real man to put it out of its misery.
I mean, I have a shotgun right here. But I'd prefer to exhaust literally every other option first...

Well that's all you can really do. I wouldn't go out and mess with it or anything unless you want to put it out of it's misery... which I️ wouldn't do as it might fall into a protect hunting thing
Yeah, was sort of wondering how that would be looked on. I don't have a hunting license or anything for any part of this year.


Oct 27, 2017
New York
If you can protect it overnight from predators that is ideal. Box or fence it in your garage or something.
Yeah, waiting to see if it comes back. Walked off into a different yard about twenty minutes ago. We've got foxes and coyotes back here, so it's always a possibility... thought I have no idea if a fox would go after something that big. Either way, they stay clear of our porch and house, whereas the deer is coming right up to it pretty consistently. Might not be so hard to keep other stuff away if it comes back this way.


Oct 27, 2017
New York
Seriously though-call animal control that's all you can and should do.
Yeah, that's been taken care of. I just hate this waiting period is all. Like, I know I described it in the OP, but seeing the way it's hurt is fucking unsettling. I've seen some horrific injuries on people and animals before, but something about this one just really effected me... thread's more just here for me to vent, I guess, than anything else at this point.


Dec 3, 2018
Yeah, that's been taken care of. I just hate this waiting period is all. Like, I know I described it in the OP, but seeing the way it's hurt is fucking unsettling. I've seen some horrific injuries on people and animals before, but something about this one just really effected me... thread's more just here for me to vent, I guess, than anything else at this point.

If you can ignore thousands of people living through hell everyday in this world, you can put this deer out of mind.


Oct 25, 2017
It's morbid, but if the deer is as injured as you say, then it won't be alive much longer. And the dead don't suffer, at least.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
If you can ignore thousands of people living through hell everyday in this world, you can put this deer out of mind.
Not really how that works and no different to telling OP to 'deal with it'. An animal actively in pain and distress can very easily weigh heavy on the mind.


Oct 25, 2017
You've done all you can, short of shooting it yourself. That part's up to you.

Same thing happened at our place years ago. Thankfully that was at like 1PM, so I got a park ranger on the phone who could come out and shoot it pretty quickly.
Oct 27, 2017
If OP doesn't want to shoot it then can you blame him. Plus I wouldn't put something down with a Shotgun. Just give it a safe place till you can get some help.