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Oct 26, 2017
From those 2, I prefer the second option. Reminds me of Arkanoid and their power drops. Getting them by constantly moving the paddle and reacting to the ball was a risk reward sort of thing.

Yes except that would be all the time so it shouldn't become a pain. But i agree with that indeed.
Correct me if I'm wrong but in Street Fighter the landing of special moves is only one of the contributors to your meter, right? You also get meter charge for the execution of special moves and for taking damage. The disadvantage may be too much if the player loosing has no way to build their meter up at all or have no defensive techniques they can implement. If I recall correctly, Street Fighter 4 introduced the revenge gauge which was separate from the Super Meter and only filled up when you took damage.

Maybe, i didn't look at everyone. I looked at Alpha i think and i saw no damage reward, but defense reward, and especially attack reward with difference between just attacking and those attacks reaching opponent, so i guess the gauge will go way faster if you just destroy your opponent.


Oct 26, 2017
Thx guys! It's thx to correojon

I have some kind of a game design philosophy question to you arcade fans! I'm hesitating between 2 things, that i couldn't test yet
Let's say in my game i have those special skills (that allows to make more point, cancel the ball of the other player and such) and they use a gauge that fills during the match (actually 3 small dots like 3 slots). The question is, what does fill the gauge.

_The points, but that means the guy leading already will have more things to be even stronger. (Note, this is actually ow it works in Street Fighter for exemple. If you're detroying your opponent, you'll have the super gauge filled, which will give you even more advantage)
_Energy coming out of the destroyed blocks, which has a different dynamic cause you have to collect them (and you don't always have time to), but the other player can also collect the ones from the block you destroyed, so it balances things. You can make the more points, but still having less super gauge available than the other player. The problem with that is that well.. having to constantly move the paddle to pick up that energy can be a pain, especially when you have to focus on the ball at the same time. i'll have to see. It can also be fun.
Glad I could help :D

I like the second method more, but make the powerups bounce around and go out in a random direction, so that getting them is more complex than just staying below the blocks you break. That way you have to keep track of them and of the ball and is a sort of risk-reward scenario like K Monkey says. At the same time, randomizing the direction means that the player who breaks the block won´t have any advantage to get it more easily (though he´ll have some as he´ll control when the powerup appears). Also, this way you give something to do to the player who has just hit the ball util it´s turn again, so it´s a win-win in my book!

Another idea is implement SF´s gauge system: have an energy gauge which is filled by breaking blocks and another one which is filled veeeery slowly with some amazing specials to help the losing player catch up. You could even make blocks that give more energy so players can decide to go after these special blocks instead of hitting the ball to a harder place to reach for the opponent.

Does anyone do their dev work mostly on a laptop? If so, what laptop are you guys using? I'm thinking about getting one of the new Macbook Pro's but I'll wait a bit for the new gen CPU's I think.
I do, but I´m mkaing a 2D platformer so almost anything works for me :P


Game Services Developer at Unity
Oct 28, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
Does anyone do their dev work mostly on a laptop? If so, what laptop are you guys using? I'm thinking about getting one of the new Macbook Pro's but I'll wait a bit for the new gen CPU's I think.

Yep! Macbook Pro here and it works great for everything I need. So far haven't run into any issues with any of my Unity projects with it, working in both 2D and 3D.

And another mini-update on my goofy little jumping game, actually made quite a bit of progress this week... albeit a bunch of small things. First off I added support for moving platforms now. They're fully configurable in my little editor tooling so that's nice, should be able to re-use the waypoint system for one of the hazards I have planned as well which would be ace.

High quality version

I also did a quick test of my game state/game settings manager by making a quick player 2 configuration and throwing two players into the settings to see what would happen. Surprisingly enough, it worked with however many players I added in there pretty flawlessly as long as they have spawn points waiting for them. No errors or anything, so I'm glad I future proofed that.

High quality version

And last but not least I added artwork for the invincibility pick-up, finally.

High quality version

There are still some low-hanging fruit that need to be taken care of, like 2 hazards and lots of artwork, but at this point the biggest thing is just level design and lots of play testing to make sure everything is balanced and I've got the hazards and pickups to a point where they keep things interesting. I'm hoping to just put my head down, spend a couple days focusing on level design and balance so I can get a test flight build out to some of my coworkers with just the single player mode enabled so I can get some external feedback. We'll see how quickly I get distracted, though :D


Oct 26, 2017
Haven't had much time to check this out in the past few weeks -- I'm glad to see everyone settled nicely! There's some really great projects in here (both new and old!).
Popstar great job on the OT! Good balance of info and projects/games this time around.

In some Unity update news, Unity 2017.2 got a new patch release. (2017.2.0p2) Seems to fix a lot of the weird regressions that 2017.2 had on launch.

In other Unity news, Unity's doing a big Black Friday sale. You can peek at the list of asset's that will be on sale here.


Oct 25, 2017
So Deep Sky Derelicts is about to go live for early access in some 15 minutes, some let's plays are starting to appear and I'm basically going


And of course, after a couple of weeks of non-stop bugfixing, an annoying UI bug showed up today and gets to go in the known issues. >_<
It's still light on content, buggy and rough as usual for EA... but it mostly works and is out there, which is honestly pretty weird.

Here's a new trailer:

Amazing! Really diggin the style! gj

... And another mini-update on my goofy little jumping game, actually made quite a bit of progress this week... albeit a bunch of small things. First off I added support for moving platforms now. They're fully configurable in my little editor tooling so that's nice, should be able to re-use the waypoint system for one of the hazards I have planned as well which would be ace.

High quality version

I also did a quick test of my game state/game settings manager by making a quick player 2 configuration and throwing two players into the settings to see what would happen. Surprisingly enough, it worked with however many players I added in there pretty flawlessly as long as they have spawn points waiting for them. No errors or anything, so I'm glad I future proofed that.

High quality version

And last but not least I added artwork for the invincibility pick-up, finally.

High quality version

There are still some low-hanging fruit that need to be taken care of, like 2 hazards and lots of artwork, but at this point the biggest thing is just level design and lots of play testing to make sure everything is balanced and I've got the hazards and pickups to a point where they keep things interesting. I'm hoping to just put my head down, spend a couple days focusing on level design and balance so I can get a test flight build out to some of my coworkers with just the single player mode enabled so I can get some external feedback. We'll see how quickly I get distracted, though :D
I like the minimal art style here. Keep going! :)


Oct 26, 2017
Glad I could help :D

I like the second method more, but make the powerups bounce around and go out in a random direction, so that getting them is more complex than just staying below the blocks you break. That way you have to keep track of them and of the ball and is a sort of risk-reward scenario like K Monkey says. At the same time, randomizing the direction means that the player who breaks the block won´t have any advantage to get it more easily (though he´ll have some as he´ll control when the powerup appears). Also, this way you give something to do to the player who has just hit the ball util it´s turn again, so it´s a win-win in my book!

Another idea is implement SF´s gauge system: have an energy gauge which is filled by breaking blocks and another one which is filled veeeery slowly with some amazing specials to help the losing player catch up. You could even make blocks that give more energy so players can decide to go after these special blocks instead of hitting the ball to a harder place to reach for the opponent.

Blocks that gives more energy is an interesting idea indeed. The game is really about those kind of strategic choices, like going directly for the bonus block or waiting for a big combo and a great multiplier to action it (cause some bonus are not blocks but cases on the ground, that are only triggered by pushing the button when on top of them, which 1, needs skill, and 2, let the player NOT trigger it if it's not the best time. As they will be way more efficient after a chain.). So, indeed, second option is probably best. It will really depends on how fast are the energy dots falling down actually. If they fall too fast or too slow, the active player won't be able to pick them and the other player will. The thing is when you're not active, you can't touch the ball, but you can pick those energy dots, except you're under the active player so he'll have priority to pick them of course.
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone have experience with networking in GameMaker Studio and Unity? Which is easier to work with, and which is more flexible?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm working on a ball rolling platformer that's obnoxiously shiny atm as a portfolio project, so there's that I guess.

Oct 25, 2017
I'm working on a ball rolling platformer that's obnoxiously shiny atm as a portfolio project, so there's that I guess.

I felt like I'd seen an extremely similar ball somewhere and I finally dug up a game I played part of, called InFlux:

It turns out the ball in that game looks vastly different so I must have imagined it. :P Nice shininess. I also ran across Spectraball but again it's different.

K Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
I'm working on a ball rolling platformer that's obnoxiously shiny atm as a portfolio project, so there's that I guess.


looks shiny (i like it). Also reminds me of this game i worked on

Blocks that gives more energy is an interesting idea indeed. The game is really about those kind of strategic choices, like going directly for the bonus block or waiting for a big combo and a great multiplier to action it (cause some bonus are not blocks but cases on the ground, that are only triggered by pushing the button when on top of them, which 1, needs skill, and 2, let the player NOT trigger it if it's not the best time. As they will be way more efficient after a chain.). So, indeed, second option is probably best. It will really depends on how fast are the energy dots falling down actually. If they fall too fast or too slow, the active player won't be able to pick them and the other player will. The thing is when you're not active, you can't touch the ball, but you can pick those energy dots, except you're under the active player so he'll have priority to pick them of course.

Another alternative, have blocks that require X number of hits, lets say 4 hits. The last player to make that hit gets the power up by either an energy drop colour coded for that player OR instantly so you can avoid having to move the paddle to get it.


Oct 26, 2017
Angoulême, France


Oct 27, 2017
In other Unity news, Unity's doing a big Black Friday sale. You can peek at the list of asset's that will be on sale here.

Is anyone familiar with Amplify Shader Editor? Was thinking maybe I'd pick up Shader Forge (not listed, yet, as part of the sale), but this looks very interesting. Anyone have experience with the two?

I felt like I'd seen an extremely similar ball somewhere and I finally dug up a game I played part of, called InFlux:

It turns out the ball in that game looks vastly different so I must have imagined it. :P Nice shininess. I also ran across Spectraball but again it's different.

It looks a little bit like Samus' ball in Metroid Prime.

Either way, I like it.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Great trailer, and your game looks fantastic!! Best of luck, keep us posted on how it's going!

Thanks! Looks pretty good so far. Some surprise bugs that need quick treatment as usual, some good feedback and suggestions, and the first few reviews seem positive, so maybe my blood pressure will settle down after we get the initial problems out of the way.


Oct 29, 2017
Is anyone familiar with Amplify Shader Editor? Was thinking maybe I'd pick up Shader Forge (not listed, yet, as part of the sale), but this looks very interesting. Anyone have experience with the two?

I like Shader Forge more, but that one had its price halved recently and it doesn't get as many updates (anymore) as Amplify Shader Editor. Also, Amplify Shader Editor supports custom nodes, so you can get nodes made by the community.

It seems like Amplify Shader Editor is the better long term investment. I'm planning to take a day soon to learn it properly. I'm just so used to Shader Forge!!
Nov 1, 2017
There are only so many looks you can give a shiny, glowy ball lol. My initial impression was Samus's Morph Ball but I could see it being passed off as from any of the other games posted.


Oct 27, 2017
I like Shader Forge more, but that one had its price halved recently and it doesn't get as many updates (anymore) as Amplify Shader Editor. Also, Amplify Shader Editor supports custom nodes, so you can get nodes made by the community.

It seems like Amplify Shader Editor is the better long term investment. I'm planning to take a day soon to learn it properly. I'm just so used to Shader Forge!!

Thanks. The dude behind Shader Forge is also behind one of VR's most anticipated titles: Budget Cuts. Makes sense that updates aren't as prolific as they once were.

Speaking of VR, do you know if Amplify Shader Editor plays well with forward rendering? I've finally got some VR ideas that are worth moving forward with, but anyone who's ever used VR knows MSAA and forward rendering are absolute requirements if you don't want the game to be a shimmering mess.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
Hello, Im on unity 5.3.1f1 and wanted to ask f someone know how to add distance based tesselation in an already made shader used to blend multple textures ?


Oct 26, 2017
Whoo! My game is finally out on all platforms:

Google Play: iOS App Store: Amazon App Store: Steam: Itch:

It finally feels like I'm done done done with it outside of trying to keep sales going. But now I can fully move onto my next thing and it feels like a weight is off my shoulders.

I finally did it. I finished something. Like, finished finished.
Time to start the next one ;)


Oct 26, 2017
Angoulême, France
Whoo! My game is finally out on all platforms:

Google Play: iOS App Store: Amazon App Store: Steam: Itch:

It finally feels like I'm done done done with it outside of trying to keep sales going. But now I can fully move onto my next thing and it feels like a weight is off my shoulders.

I finally did it. I finished something. Like, finished finished.

Congrats :-D

K Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Whoo! My game is finally out on all platforms:

Google Play: iOS App Store: Amazon App Store: Steam: Itch:

It finally feels like I'm done done done with it outside of trying to keep sales going. But now I can fully move onto my next thing and it feels like a weight is off my shoulders.

I finally did it. I finished something. Like, finished finished.

nice one!


Oct 25, 2017
Congrats, COOLIO!

I thought a bit about my defocusing stuff for 2d layers. It's cool and works,
but seems not so much applicable overall, because the DoF depends on the entire
"depth" of the scene. As an artist you would need to define sort of a pseudo
depth for each layer, which would produce the correct overall defocus
depending on the lens settings, but cannot be controlled locally, for you may
want to defocus individual layers differently or even want to defocus parts of
a 2d sprite. My idea now is to use for each layer and/or sprite sort of a
defocusing depth map such that each sprite can be defocussed individually no
matter the global defocusing, if any. If that is going to work you could take
any 2d image/sprite and paint a defocusing depth map on top of it. My DoF
computation would then individually defocus that sprite given this map. Well,
that's the idea at least. Don't know if that's going to work that way, but I
think this would be much more useful for any artist given any 2d images, for
you would just need to draw the depth as an overlay and with my DoF algorithm
computing a defocus form the foreground to the background (and vice versa) all
automatically. Useful?


Oct 26, 2017
Whoo! My game is finally out on all platforms:

Google Play: iOS App Store: Amazon App Store: Steam: Itch:

It finally feels like I'm done done done with it outside of trying to keep sales going. But now I can fully move onto my next thing and it feels like a weight is off my shoulders.

I finally did it. I finished something. Like, finished finished.


Did you get any media coverage?

Deleted member 2625

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Unity sprite editor giving me conniptions this morning.

that thing only applies changes when it feels like it. had to wave a dead chicken over my laptop to get it to obey...

grats Coolio, will check it out!


Oct 26, 2017
Is anyone familiar with Amplify Shader Editor? Was thinking maybe I'd pick up Shader Forge (not listed, yet, as part of the sale), but this looks very interesting. Anyone have experience with the two?
I have Shader Forge, but I barely used it. I used an early version of Amplify Shader Editor and found it to be a bit more intuitive. ASE seems to be getting updates at a pretty rapid pace, so it might be the better long-term investment.

Whoo! My game is finally out on all platforms:

Google Play: iOS App Store: Amazon App Store: Steam: Itch:

It finally feels like I'm done done done with it outside of trying to keep sales going. But now I can fully move onto my next thing and it feels like a weight is off my shoulders.

I finally did it. I finished something. Like, finished finished.

Bit late to the congratulation party, but congrats!


Developer at Pixel Arc Studios
Oct 26, 2017
Harrisburg, Pa

We are still hard at work on Bushiden. Currently focused on enemy implementation--AI and animations. Here's a WIP attack animation from the Kusaragama Lord. Looking foward to sharing more footage of the game soon :)

Deleted member 2620

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
congrats -COOLIO-!


We are still hard at work on Bushiden. Currently focused on enemy implementation--AI and animations. Here's a WIP attack animation from the Kusaragama Lord. Looking foward to sharing more footage of the game soon :)

This looks great. Complete Ninja Warriors Again stuff.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Whoo! My game is finally out on all platforms:

Google Play: iOS App Store: Amazon App Store: Steam: Itch:

It finally feels like I'm done done done with it outside of trying to keep sales going. But now I can fully move onto my next thing and it feels like a weight is off my shoulders.

I finally did it. I finished something. Like, finished finished.
I know how hard actually finishing a game is, so congrats man!


Oct 26, 2017
Whoo! My game is finally out on all platforms:

Google Play: iOS App Store: Amazon App Store: Steam: Itch:

It finally feels like I'm done done done with it outside of trying to keep sales going. But now I can fully move onto my next thing and it feels like a weight is off my shoulders.

I finally did it. I finished something. Like, finished finished.
Congrats man! Hope I can post the same thing someday.


Oct 26, 2017
South of San Francisco
Are you allowed to tell us what new rules there are, or is it a NDA thing?

Oh, no, I just put up our third game's Coming Soon page yesterday and got an e-mail that my unfinished game that comes out in the future is unfinished. It's just information that I would have liked before uploading the build so as to make everything perfect. I didn't have to do this for either Army of Tentacles games so it came as a bit of a shock that they are now looking at the builds so closely.

Well, it's out! HP_Wuvcraft

There's another thread about it, but I figure the news is worthy of sharing here as well. If it's even half as good as RPGMaker is, it's got to be worth looking into!

One hooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuur.
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