The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
Because of my experience, it's more narrowed down to ask which game offers the LEAST toxic experience


Oct 25, 2017
I never play online other than games like Smash or Souls, so I never even have to think about it. Life is good. :)


Dec 18, 2019
I don't play a lot of PC games but from consoles - I would have to say COD -

Each time I am on chat in the lobby or something - I cannot stand the kids and just everybody is always screaming and using racial slurs and all.

The complete opposite is Rainbow Six: Siege and Battlefield 1 and V - Amazing team work always welcomed


alt account
Aug 28, 2019
Nintendo's fanbase is straight up weird. Goes from neurotic toxic cesspool to dogmatic borderlinr religious devotion... to kind, friendly and funny. All in the blink of an eye

In terms of games, hmm... I am no online guy but I guess LoL was awful. The price of being F2P I guess


Oct 25, 2017
Admittedly i didn't play too much of it but in terms of concentration of awfulness, L4D2 Versus is the worst. I never had a good experience with that.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
f what I've played, definitely Overwatch. Stupid shit and how people act in it was a bigger turnoff to me than the game becoming stale.


Nov 1, 2017
The Blizzard "community" in general. I recall around the time of Burning Crusade, the "PIHB" meme was plastered up and down the off-topic forum every single time I dared to peek. They literally could not get enough of it and thought it was the most hilarious shit ever.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
For me, it's far and away Rainbow Six Siege. I am a hardcore Rainbow fan and have been playing ever since Raven Shield and I just cannot tolerate the chat in the community. I've been been online games since WCIII nothing beats Rainbow Six Siege's. I suppose it comes with the competivie nature of the game but have played several games over the years with occasional asshole in game but nothing like Siege. I clocked about 60 hours and I think I am done. It's a fun game but I just can't escape it. I know I could turn off voice chat but it's once of those games that is robbed of some of the experience with out.

How about y'all?

Siege comes off more annoying because you have at least 3 round. If someone TK you, fine I can let it go. But then they have a friend TK you and there's nothing you can do about it .
Voice chat wise, I have no issue on siege when it comes to that.
I have had the Worst experience via voice chat on siege but nothing I couldnt just ignore. I had to since my gf wont let me trash talk -_-

Pubg on the other hand, fucking hell these trash ass kids are annoying. I've learned to read my team mates motion to tell if they'll betray me later or not. Nothing worse than getting to a crate and your team killing you because you "didnt share"


Nov 26, 2017
Gears 5 is friggen really bad for this, just a quick look at any tweets from the devs or posts on Reddit will show. Plus in game is awful as well with the hardcore pvpers being really aggressive and toxic to anyone not at their level.

Overwatch,Pokemon and WoW communities really awful to be around too if they don't get their way.


Oct 25, 2017
ffxiv pre HW was pretty bad. People treated new tanks like shit and in the summer 2014 patch, the community was at each other's throats over rare monsters that roamed the overworld.
This is fascinating, because my current experience (only been playing for the last year or so) is that it's been the most welcoming, easygoing community I've seen online. I can think of only one or two times where someone got aggro in a dungeon, and someone else quickly responds with "chill out." Really heartening to hear that they apparently turned the vibe around.

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
I have a thick skin, but Overwatch is the only game where I've seen people get angry on how you perform in pubs 😂
Literally the last time I played, some guys was making fun of me because my level was low? And I'm like well this is matchmaking in pubs why are you here LOL
May 21, 2018
Most toxic of all-time = Anarchy Reigns (aka Max Anarchy) hands down.

Most toxic this gen? Hmm... not sure.

So far, nothing this gen has been as toxic as Anarchy. Not Overwatch. Not Rocket League. Not League of Legends. Not (insert random fighting game here, etc).

... it's not even close.
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2017
Lately I've been trying CSGO and it's been really bad, me and a buddy tried the Wingman queue but that was a hack infested shithole. It didn't even seem to get better when he shelled out for 'Prime'.

Meanwhile when I queue regular competitive my teammates are astonishing assholes. And boy are they really mad that I have a '10 year coin'. Like yeah, I bought CS Source and CSGO back in the day on steam sales for probably less than $10 total and never got into the game, kill me. Oh wait, you literally did TK me over it. And then look up my Steam account. And then tell me I'm "one of those PUBG tryhards" and I should go back to my game... Because god forbid someone play more than one game online!

Doesn't help that the casual mode in this game is nonsense, 9v9 and dead people get maphack and free cam? What? Doesn't seem like there's anyplace other than the ranked queue to learn the game. Also seems strange that it matches me with people with thousands of hours on the game. Did I hop in on a full MMR reset or something? Rocket League and Siege have the sense to do soft MMR resets with their new seasons.

For me, it's far and away Rainbow Six Siege. I am a hardcore Rainbow fan and have been playing ever since Raven Shield and I just cannot tolerate the chat in the community. I've been been online games since WCIII nothing beats Rainbow Six Siege's. I suppose it comes with the competivie nature of the game but have played several games over the years with occasional asshole in game but nothing like Siege. I clocked about 60 hours and I think I am done. It's a fun game but I just can't escape it. I know I could turn off voice chat but it's once of those games that is robbed of some of the experience with out.
Are you talking about the PC version? The Xbox community at this point is an unmitigated disaster filled with COD kid refugees (hey, COD, now there's a trash tier community and the game isn't even really competitive!). But on PC it's still surprisingly playable. Most people on mics aren't total dicks, someone will usually respond if you ask for a certain operator or a reinforce. I can't speak to the complete noob experience since I got in on the ground floor more or less with that game. And I avoid casual... err I mean "quick match" because Siege as a game makes no sense when people aren't at least trying to take it seriously.

Rocket League Doubles got really, really nasty for me.
Yeah, it's not good. Around Diamond it's intolerable. In low Champ it's better but my god this game needs a "please don't queue me with my last teammate again" button even if it only deletes them from your life for like and hour or something. It's the beefs that last multiple games that really drive me nuts. Hell, sometimes I will try to duck my teammate by switching to 3s, and get teamed with them in 3s because they were trying the same damn strategy.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
While I'm not sure how it compares to other online communities I did get bullied out of the Left 4 Dead 2 PC scene when I tried to rekindle my love for the series there a few years ago. So that one has my vote


Nov 1, 2017
Xbox Live with Voice Messages - CoD and Madden
Xbox Live with voice messages disabled - PUBG and WoW Classic

Deleted member 49438

User requested account closure
Nov 7, 2018
Heroes of Newerth. Toxicity was builtin, with garbage bin emotes (sit down son), humiliations, racist CEO, spamming Gs macros, etc. It was absolutely ruthless.

Yeah, I've played some of the other ones mentioned here like Overwatch, but Heroes of Newerth takes the cake from my experience. Hateful voice chat, terrible people all around.


Oct 25, 2017
Overwatch by a mile, sexist, racist, transphobic, xenophobic. Literally you name it the game has people like that in it. It harbors literally the worst fucking community I've ever seen.
Overwatch was the worst I experienced when I was trying to get deep into comp. It was all blame game & people never wanting to adapt away from playing their "main".
I play both LoL and OW; Overwatch is the most toxic by a country mile. Had to stop playing OW for a long time because of how bad it was.
I never played ranked anymore tbh. I don't really feel like having my evening ruined by a try hard asshole.
For me it was Overwatch.

Part of the reason why I decided to stop playing it. It wasn't even being yelled at or called names, I can handle that.

It's when you try to work as a team and communicate and people react poorly to any input and do things like throw the game. It just makes for a miserable experience.

My life is a lot better since giving up games like this.
Overwatch and League of Legends were easily the worst experiences I've ever had. Extremely obnoxious, both.
For Overwatch it killed all interest I had for the game, I just played it for, like, 1 month and uninstalled it, never again.
Overwatch and I have more than 6k in Dota and 2k hours in CS:GO. Also, from my experience MMOs tend to be the least toxic.
1. Overwatch
2. League of Legends
3. DoTA 2
I can't speak for LoL, but by god the experience with Overwatch was/is sickening.

When's the last time you all played Overwatch? In a post Endorsement and 2/2/2 world I don't really have these problems anymore.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Blizzard games in general. World of Warcraft back in the day, and Overwatch more recently. Just hateful, bigoted players again and again and again.


Oct 10, 2018
Another vote for Rocket League. I thought CSGO was bad until I played Rocket League, god it was miserable.


Oct 25, 2017
It's Dota fucking 2.
Players fighting to get mid or carry.
Rage quitting when dying once.
I love the game but the toxicity was too much.


Oct 27, 2017
DMC fans range from gatekeeping duders to downright life threat psychos. Like with most things, not all of them are like that, but the ones like that are usually loud and proud, ugh.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I play Overwatch quite regularly since release and sure there were some idiots but nowhere near what you people have experienced. 619 hours into the game and I can count my toxic experiences with a single hand. I don't know if there's a big correlation but I play in EU.
That said, Overwatch gave us some of the most disgusting videos on how women are treated in this game, absolutely horrific so there's that.

In my experience Dota-likes are by far the worst of the lot. LoL, DotA2, HoN when that was still a thing... All equally terrible, homophobic and racist slurs are commonplace.
Also it's impossible to simply ignore their rambling since (adding to the verbal issues) moronic teammates can ruin your game on so many levels... Feeding, ragequit, forcibly occupying your lane and taking your farm, AFKing, calling your position to the other team and so so many ways.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Pokemon Showdown seems like it's literally just a toxicity producing machine and little else based on the snippets I've seen.


Info Analyst
Jan 3, 2019
When's the last time you all played Overwatch? In a post Endorsement and 2/2/2 world I don't really have these problems anymore.
I have played this game since S1 all up till now. I come back and test waters for a couple of days, my experience does not change what so ever. If you're a comp player and you're in higher then silver grats, you've made it and you're never going to see this shit crowd. If you've ever seen the words bronze pop up on your screen this is all you'll get. It's shitty, and still happens. Any time I play I literally am scared to talk to anyone on my team. I do not know enough people to even stack a team so I can't get around this.


Avatar Artisan
Oct 1, 2018
When's the last time you all played Overwatch? In a post Endorsement and 2/2/2 world I don't really have these problems anymore.

I played it literally the first month it came out. That's it.
edit: well, maybe 2 months. I don't remember exactly, I sure wasn't playing anymore when Ana came out.