Feb 13, 2019
How many different ways are they going to make her say "it felt bad" and "I didn't like it" and "I had concerns" and all? Seems like kind of a waste of time, even in establishing a narrative.

The line of questioning is meant to display her emotions in the relatively safe space of the Democratic Counsel rather than letting the Republican Council rile her up.


Oct 25, 2017
Yovanovich served in Canada. Canada voted for Doug Ford and invented Don Cherry. Also home to weird crime capital of the world, Chilliwack, BC. Coincidence?

I think not.

Checkmate, Peloser.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
We live in stupid times that shit takes from the president are being used in impeachment hearings.


Oct 27, 2017
The President's tweets are being referred to in real time in this committee hearing. That Somalia tweet came up within 30 minutes of Tr*mp posting it. In a world where the Oval Office functioned even a little, someone would have taken a sledgehammer to that phone within five. And the chairman then segues to witness intimidation, and that tweet probably didn't help on that front from the perspective of people watching on television.


Oct 28, 2017
Holy Smokes PBS' Youtube stream is way more informative than other streams have watched... it's not like regular Youtube's staff live sourcing what's being discussed. Nice.

Deleted member 2533

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Trump just got a rush of endorphins by hearing his name during his impeachment hearing. He's gonna be non-stop tweeting every one for the next month. This is gonna be a shit show.


Oct 25, 2017
While the president can recall an ambassador at his discretion, there should be limits. Employers can fire anyone they want, but can't for certain reasons like race/religion/sex/etc. I wish someone would raise that point.
Oct 27, 2017
Remember when we had a POTUS that didn't shit himself in public, daily?

I will never forgive Trump cultists for what they're doing to us all.


Oct 28, 2017
I would also like to point out that there were no attacks on Taylor or Kent but as soon as a woman testifyies, the pathetic fuck can't help but attack her. It's reflexive.


Oct 27, 2017
Worth pointing out Zelenskiy indicated months before the July 25 phone call he wanted to remove the corrupt prosecutor general, Yurij Lutsenko, that Yovanovitch repeatedly referenced.

May 15:
Ukraine's top prosecutor said he doesn't plan to resign and is ready to work with President-Elect Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who's indicated repeatedly that he'll replace him as one of his first orders of business after taking power.
Yuriy Lutsenko said he held talks on May 11 with Zelenskiy, a comedian and political novice who won elections in April and is expected to be sworn in this month.

June 11:
In a string of rapid-fire decrees, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has sacked 15 oblast governors, removed a handful of other officials, made one appointment, and proposed firing Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko.

July 25: When the Zelenskiy - Trump phone call happened, the firing of Lutsenko was already a quasi done deal. Zelenskiy wanted to clean up corruption and Lutsenko, as Yovanovitch said, was corrupt.

August 29: Lutsenko resigns / is fired


I always wondered why Trump went out on such a limb in the phone call to praise Lutsenko when his firing was all but a sure thing already. I haven't seen this explored further but on the surface it looks like one more attempt by Trump to exert pressure on Zelenskiy.


Oct 26, 2017
Yep. Someone needed to take Trump's phone this morning.
He's incriminating himself in real time, and is only serving to give Rs in the hearing a headache.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Remember when we had a POTUS that didn't shit himself in public, daily?

I will never forgive Trump cultists for what they're doing to us all.

More than the cultists, anyone who voted for him believing he wouldn't continue to be the crooked, hysterical hatemonger he's been his entire life should bear that shame for the rest of their lives. Fuck them all.

Who could have possibly seen any of this coming, except anyone who was paying attention?


Oct 27, 2017
Yep. Someone needed to take Trump's phone this morning.
He's incriminating himself in real time, and is only serving to give Rs in the hearing a headache.
They already used the, "it could've been worse" excuse. Fairly sure they're gonna stick with that.

"It's not like he live tweeted calling for a mafia style hit"

Trump tells everyone they are "going to go through some things"?
If you threaten everyone all the time, would people take you seriously when you actually mean it?