
UI/UX Game Industry Veteran
Oct 26, 2017
Those are there to validate behavior modification techniques. I usually have to stop myself from getting to hooked in only because I understand the psychology behind why these design techniques are being pushed and what else they can lead to.

Like others mentioned it can be a part of your normal routine but the moment I feel I am delaying real life to wait for a timer to turn over to collect some digital bonus I take a break lol.


May 17, 2018
I think it's cool in games like Forza Horizon or Halo Reach that have little challenges that are fun but not intrusive, like see if you can do 50 headshots in a week or something. Stuff that's easy to ignore if you want.


Oct 27, 2017
I hate them. I pick up a game, play it's single player, then move to next game. It's fucking annoying when shit is locked behind it. I just ignore them when I can.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Worst thing was doing these stupid MyNintendo missions every week in hope they would ever put something worthwhile on there. How naive I was back then.

Only thing I'm doing are the Extra battles and missions in SFV. But that's one game only once a week and requires 5-10 minutes so that's tolerable. The costumes you unlock are cool but I really dislike so far for most extra battles are the only chance to ever get them.
That really cool costume for your main character is currently a reward in extra battle but you're not within reach of you're PC/console for more than a week this month? Guess you're screwed then.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
The best part of Dragalia Lost is that there are 15 daily quests but you only get enough stamina to do like 2 of them every 6 hours.


Nov 5, 2017
as far as they are not cumulative i don't mind them, they sometimes are super helpful in grinding for stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
I can absolutely understand how frustrating it would be trying to keep up with that many games, but thankfully Fortnite is the only game I play that has dailies.

Overwatch has weekly loot boxes for winning in Arcade mode, but I've long had every item in the game and stopped opening loot boxes, so I don't care about those at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok, except maybe Animal Crossing.

Great example, didn't even cross my mind. That's the one case where I really don't mind that stuff (referring to the portable games of course, never played the mobile version for more than 5 minutes).

But this is a very different example, daily tasks are literally what Animal Crossing is all about, so it doesn't feel cynical or manipulative like my experiences with Hearthstone and Overwatch did.


Nov 12, 2017
Not completely the same, but it reminds me of playing Bravely Default the first time. I hadn´t interacted with "social-rebuild-the-city"-aspect of the game at all. I get stuck at a boss, and after playing around with different strategies, I finally decided to look up some tips for beating the boss. All the guides I read mentioned that it actually was supposed to be a pretty easy boss. All you had to do, was buy this specific gear in the social aspect-sidecontent city (which I hadn´t touched/logged into, and thus was unable get the gear.) Turned the game off and walked away. Horrendous gamedesign in my opinion. Having to log into all kinds of stuff and "be social" (read: promote the game or help it keep going for free), in a singleplayer game is the worst.

Pata Hikari

Jan 15, 2018
I pretty much only bother with these with f2p mobile games where it's as simple as clicking an app on my phone.


Oct 27, 2017
Only did dailies in WoW, but even there I took breaks.

Elsewhere? Yeah, no. I'm not going to even touch mobile dailes, fuck that noise.
In the last 10 years in WoW, I mostly log in to raid and maybe a few hours on the weekend to do some dailies/weeklies. Ever since daiies were implemented, I've never completed them all or capped them on a daily basis. Maybe a few times during MoP since important recipies were locked behind rep.

I am not beholden to my games. My games are my release and relaxation. If I feel I have to play every day or week or I miss out, I'll just stop playing. Can't tell you the last time I completed all three quests for HotS or HS.


Oct 27, 2017
These sort of things always begin to feel like a chore sooner and later, so I eventually just ignore them. Then if I get one it's just a nice bonus.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
Sometimes I'll do them if I'm jumping back into a game that has them, but eventually I get burned out and stop caring.

And I'm certainly not going to obligate myself to do daily check-ins or challenges. Like you OP, I've been getting more annoyed with them recently.


Oct 11, 2018
I play a lot of mobages but with most of them I just log in and I do as much as possible in the games where I invested money.


Aug 28, 2018
I like it when it gives you something that matters.
(Siege for example gives you credit for operators and skins, and LoL for characters)


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
I generally just stick to one game where they do the daily shit. I don't think I could handle two, let alone five. Right now it's just Fire Emblem Heroes for me.
I usually grab the daily orb login bonus, but I don't really bother with the endless daily quests for 200 feathers anymore. I did previously, but it started to feel like a chore and wasn't fun anymore. It's also not as big of a deal. Sure it's 1.400 extra feathers a week, but you get a few thousand from weekly arena anyway.

Before FEH I played the EU version of Brave Frontier. At some point they changed the login bonus system where logging in every day for 20/30-something days straight would give you really good login rewards at the end, but missing just a single day would drop you to the bottom with crap login rewards immediately. Felt so needlessly... aggressive? Atleast the new system actually helped me to just drop the game entirely and move on


Oct 27, 2017
Some games hold your bonuses and rewards until you claim them or capacity is reached. I logged into Kingdom Hearts Unchained x after almost a year to start working on the code to get the keyblade for KH3. I was shocked and surprised to see all the bonuses I had waiting to be claimed. There were some medals and items and over 60,000 jewels.

Heroin Cat

Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
For a while it was Killer instinct, Warframe and Quake champions. I managed to drop KI when I hit 100 days and it reset back to day after. I have enough free time that it's not a problem at the moment, but I know I should really be better than this.

In a way it's a nice incentive to play, but it's also annoying and frustrating - Warframe for example locks weapons and mods behind login milestones, so there's potential gameplay that requires me to boot the game once a day until I unlock them.


Dec 21, 2017
Yep. I also wholeheartedly hate it. Also hated amiibo integration in some games just because of this. Hyrule warriors, FE warriors, Zelda BOTW are some that include daily amiibo bonuses that i can remember I made a chore of.

Seraphis Cain

Oct 25, 2017
Warframe and ESO. Warframe's are actually not that bad since it never resets your progress towards the "milestone" rewards no matter how many days you miss. Honestly at this point I'm logging in every day so I don't lose my place in the ERA clan more than for the daily rewards.

ESO's dailies just started recently, and while it's a pain to log in daily (especially considering how long it can take to go from booting up the game to actually playing), the rewards are *really* good so I don't mind all that much.


Oct 25, 2017
Warframe does this. What's worse is that there is a rare weapon that is amazing that they tie behind 800 days or something. I hate that shit.


Oct 27, 2017
Usually I just stop playing the game when I stop going for the login benefits, which is the point of their existence at work

Wouldn't be so bad if the reset time for all of them was around the same time for me. A lot of these dumb gacha games I play have a system where they have one reset at one time and then a different reset a few hours later for other things. Drives me insane.


Attempting to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Oct 25, 2017
You're not alone OP, Legend of Solgard (Android) has me hooked :(


Oct 26, 2017
I only do the daily log-in thing if it's for a game I already play regularly... If it's a game I've stopped playing I really don't see the reason to continue with said routine as I no longer have a use for whenever the log-ins might grant me.

Currently the only title that I play that has a daily log-in system is Smite.


Oct 25, 2017
FFXIV used to be terrible for this but they wised up. The worst of the games I play that do this is Warframe, and its the worst by far hiding weapons (some good some bad but all needed to increase your in-game rank) and top tier mods behind a truly intimidating number of cumulative logins. Whats worse is that their recent "overhaul" did nothing to address the systems real problems.


Nov 21, 2017
To be fair mhw doesnt encourage you to play the game everyday. It has accumulation system, so even if you only play it on saturday the vouchers from monday till friday are accumulated once you are in the game on saturday


Oct 25, 2017
Those daily stuff fabricate a sense of responsibilty that make me have to complete everything, almost like how I want to do every sidequest in a small part of an open world game before moving forward. I used to be invested in those dumb daily things until I decided to steel myself and drop everything. Now I feel a lot better since I'm not chained and free to choose what I want to play and how to spend my time.


Jan 11, 2018
I remember telling myself I was gonna get all the Extra Battle costumes cause they were basically free

Didn't even get *one* lol


Oct 27, 2017
I typically do them the first two days, then delete whatever has them a week later when I haven't touched it again >.< MHW was the only exception for two or three weeks.

Oh, and WoW when I played, making sure I did arena 5s for maximum points every week, etc.
Oct 26, 2017
Only time I do daily stuff is for FFXIV when I need to get tomes so I can get the gear level I need to do the new patch stuff.

Other than that I don't care about them.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
I stopped doing them in Overwatch and SFV. I realized I was ignoring other games just to do this and it felt like a chore if I wasn't really in the mood for those games.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
I keep up with SFV by default because I play almost daily anyway.

I fall off any other games that have daily or weekly grinds like that. There's gotta be a stronger hook than just bonus. I gotta want to actually play.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Meh, I got enough "dailies" in real life between work, wife, kids and the house. There is no way I am going to bother with that shit in games.

That's one of the big reason I don't do gatcha games on my phone (other being that I haven't seen one gatcha game I liked yet). For other games I just ignore all that stuff. It doesn't matter much and of does I ignore that game.

Deleted member 11018

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This is psychological manipulation, using micro-rewards. Just don't do them, you don't need these extras, you had your fun with the games didn't you ? There's no real void to fill.
Play the game when you want to play, not to get a digital reward... that's my routine anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
MMOs has done this for like 10+ years.

I think it is neat, but I don't bother myself with it if I am no actively playing a game. Like now I play ESO every day anyway, so it is nice to get lil something something in return (would prefer NOT to get exp boosts or crown consumables, give me gold and AP and Tel Var Stones moar!).

In LotRO I like to collect the stuff, there is often some really need stuff to be had (like that skirmish currency, easy to buy high lvl crafting mats etc.).

It is your fault if you let yourself become a slave for this mechanic.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
I don't find it to be an issue. Many games I play involve that kind of design. The way I see it, if I am actively playing the game during that time, I'll do them. If not, I'll just miss them. It's no biggy.

If you don't want to feel this way about them, simply choose not to. It's not as hard to stop caring about something as you think it is.


Oct 26, 2017
I only have the mental capacity for 2, maybe 3 of these tops.

Deciding what kind of persistent progression poison you want to subscribe to out of the few you may be interested in is probably good for your mental health in the long run. Either you like SFV more, or you like Dragalia Lost more. Cut out one or the other.

I don't think it's any different from a decade ago and trying to find time to juggle multiple multiplayer titles which require some form of time commitment (say, WoW + CS + DotA way back when) which also kills time to play other games you may want to; It's just a little more overt.


Oct 27, 2017
I choose to ignore them, there are better things to do than log in to a game for whatever bonus they are giving me when I am not actively playing it. If I am playing the game that has these then I get them as a bonus for playing.


Jan 4, 2018
I literally just told Forza Horizon 4 to fuck off when I unlocked the weekly and dailies. You ain't telling me to do shit.


Oct 27, 2017
I usually only play one game at a time with login quests/dailies. Right now that's Legend of Solgard on mobile. There are login quests with a minor but important reward, a more substantial reward for logging in 7 days in a week, and daily quests that pay off with a different type of small reward each but give a bigger reward if you do them all.

It probably takes me an hour or so easy h day to do the daily quests. They basically revolve around doing one battle of each mode you've unlocked. It's totally worth it to do all of this anyways, because each mode has a focus on a different reward structure (some let you earn a lot of non-premium currency, some let you items for leveling up characters, etc). I really like the game, but the burden is so great that I usually spend whatever time I'm going to give the game on doing these quests instead of actually playing campaign levels.

And there's no way I could play 2 of these games at once. I don't mind a little motivation to play a f2p game, especially if they are letting me earn stuff they'd rather me spend cash on. But it's undeniable that these mechanics turn the games into a chore. When Animal Crossing comes out, I'll probably drop whatever dailies game I'm playing for that, due to it's similar sort of daily play system.