Jan 24, 2018
Replaying VC right now for the first time in like... probably 10-15 years, genuinely havent sat down and played it end to end in ages, so I will do just that when I'm done. But be warned ... I'm definitely going to contrast it to what I think is a much more sophisticated game in GTA:SA :D
Blahhhhhh! You don't have to compare it 😭. This is great though, especially since I usually play through at least once a year. I'm curious to hear your thoughts and views. I always try to look for things I probably haven't seen but I think I've uncovered most Easter eggs. The one thing that still makes me go "woah" are some of the comments and commentary when listening to the different stations.

I just wish I could pop in my PS2 copy and listen to the original soundtracks. I was just listening to Flash FM last week and it felt weird hearing Billie Jean and Running With The Night since they've been excluded for a long time.

Regardless, I still remember the first time I played and everytime I decide to go through it I have those flashbacks. Those were some good times.


Dec 4, 2017
I got really and fully back into gaming after my last relationship. My girl just...didn't allow it really. Thought it was stupid and a waste of time. And I abided by it. Spent most of my time doing what she want. Which was clubbing, reality TV, etc. Looking back, I find my one hobby infinitely more healthy than hers. LOL. But anyway, long story short, we had a kid, she left when he was an infant and it's been me and my son alone since then.

And... I want to say 2014. I grabbed a Wii U and Mario Kart and he got REALLY into it. Dude was doing 200CC races at 4 and coming in first place. Something I still can't do. And so we dabbled a bit from there. In 2015, my dad was diagnosed with cancer and I was taking care of him a lot. He told me to go to Best Buy to pick up an order. Got there and it was a PS4. Probably the greatest just straight gift I've gotten in my adult life.

And then in November 2016, I got FF15, say what you want about that game. But it was like that OH SHIT!!!!! moment. I was like I REMEMBER!!! THIS is why I love video games. All my FFX and OoT memories came flooding back. And I returned to Gamefaqs for discussion. And it just wasn't the place it was in the late 90s, early 00s. I floated around the internet for a year after that before finally finding this. And my experience has been great. Helps that I'm like minded I guess. I lean way left. And I'm "woke" I guess. But I agree with the sentiment that most people here are intelligent and there is good conversation to be had.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't really imagine myself posting anywhere else. There are likely places that have more people with similar gaming tastes as me, but mods here do decent job cutting off bullshit which might not be the case in those places. So I'm good.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, it kinda wins by default by being practically the only populated one left that isn't as bad as twitch chat 'cept with more words.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
In the earliest days of this forum, there was a shared sense of community and trust, a willingness to engage one another, to invest the time and emotional energy required to foster good discussion and mutual understanding. It's been hard for many to keep that trust… more often than not, for good reason. I'm as guilty as anyone else (if not moreso) of helping to encourage and enable a rise in particular posting habits and approaches to discussion which have, in turn, helped to make ResetEra a less welcoming and positive community than it once may have been.

I don't know how to undo that damage, and I've helped to push away members of the community who tried. All I can do is try to self-moderate, to be kind to others here and to express myself and my opinions in ways that don't ostracize people over minor things… and it's hard, because I spent years posting like an asshole. After all, it's easier, it's safer (in the sense that I wasn't extending trust and investment that wasn't being reciprocated), and the dopamine hits come more quickly. Hard habit to break, but I think it's important for all of us to try, because it's becoming a defining aspect of discussion here - the sniping, the quipping, the hit-and-run posting, and the lack of baseline respect for one another's emotions and personhood that seems to underpin it all.

It is absolutely worth acknowledging that this community still plays host to a lot of fine people. People who take it upon themselves to shoulder the burden of keeping that sense of community alive. It's a good place to be, a lot of the time, and I appreciate that, and I appreciate you. Particularly those of you who stay cognizant of others, and the emotional impact that their time here and their interactions with you many have on them. I think that is exactly the thing we need more of, if we want to deal with the creeping negativity.


Aug 13, 2020
They are though, especially by "Internet standards."


Jun 4, 2019
Agreed, sometimes I think we are way too hardcore and live in our own bubble but whatever, still love you all


Oct 25, 2017
"Least diseased cesspool" isn't really the accolade some of you think it is lol.


Oct 28, 2017
It is fine but we shouldn't be too proud about it. It's gatekeeping many people by requiring professional or school mail addresses (that are not common in most countries and jobs) and it has very strict rules for posting and creating threads. It's the same assholes you meet anywhere else but they are forced to behave. But whatever.


Oct 29, 2017
What an embarrassing post lmao
Imagine if vegan activists proclaimed that eating meat was immoral and was supporting animal cruelty and anyone eating meat is wrong and should be ashamed of themselves. And also you're not allowed to argue, reason or discuss this or you will be banned. In fact you're not allowed to acknowledge that meat exists or you will be banned.


Oct 25, 2017
My primary issue continues to be the cultural tendency toward mega threads, which is something we always tried to veer away from at GAF. Someone posts a new thread, and people will be like "OLD, we're already discussing it go check out page 608 of this now 800 page thread." I just cannot use this place as my primary information aggregator anymore due to this kind of thing, and I find that to be a bummer.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah it's a great forum. But in my honest opinion, as far as a gaming forum goes, i think it was better in the neogaf days. Not trying to be controversial. That place was on fucking fire when it came to gaming. More breaking gaming news and inside information. At least, as i remember it. It was good that we left that place at the time we did. There are things that are way more important than games. And that is why i'm on this forum. But as far as game info goes i now get my info from all over the place instead of from one forum like back then. I discuss it here though.
Love how humane it is here. Not a fan of banning games. It's patronizing and silly. Just discuss things. We're not idiots. Ban people when they actually say bad stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
Overall I think this is a pretty great forum both in terms of how active it is and the majority of posters being pretty decent to one another. I know it's not perfect, and really probably can't ever be with just how numerous we are, but I still check Gaming and Etcetera more often than any sort of social media. I felt much the same at the old place and was gutted back in 2017 when all the bad shit went down over there that I'd lost my little hive of information forever. I was elated that such an effective replacement was built so quickly.

May ResetEra continue on forever!


Oct 28, 2017
It's definitely far from perfect, but it's been kind of home for me as far as message boards go since its inception. I've been on a small handful since the 2000's but have lurked on enough to see what a really toxic community is like and personally, I feel like this place hasn't even come to close to that state.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
My primary issue continues to be the cultural tendency toward mega threads, which is something we always tried to veer away from at GAF. Someone posts a new thread, and people will be like "OLD, we're already discussing it go check out page 608 of this now 800 page thread." I just cannot use this place as my primary information aggregator anymore due to this kind of thing, and I find that to be a bummer.
Do you have examples of this? It's not the first time I see you talking about this, and every time, I am at a loss because it feels like you're talking about a different website.


Jun 21, 2019
Yeah it's a great forum. But in my honest opinion, as far as a gaming forum goes, i think it was better in the neogaf days. Not trying to be controversial. That place was on fucking fire when it came to gaming. More breaking gaming news and inside information. At least, as i remember it. It was good that we left that place at the time we did. There are things that are way more important than games. And that is why i'm on this forum. But as far as game info goes i now get my info from all over the place instead of from one forum like back then. I discuss it here though.
Love how humane it is here. Not a fan of banning games. It's patronizing and silly. Just discuss things. We're not idiots. Ban people when they actually say bad stuff.

GAF at least as far as I call tell was way more active (or seemed to be, I don't have any numbers) and as Aeana put it had a greater variety of threads and almost functioned like a chat room at its peak. But that comes with the the good and the bad.

And I was a fairly lazy mod on GAF during my time. I know it takes a lot of work to keep these things going.

Reddit's biggest gaming forum by far banned all talk of a certain game too cause sometimes the headache just isn't worth it.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 1, 2017
I feel like too many LTTP threads for old games and stuff get 3 posts and then fall off the front page.

The majority of people here just want to talk about the new hotness these days, probably a result of pushing out so many communities over the years.


Oct 25, 2017
Its a mix. Some threads are great (mainly game/series centric ones), some threads are abysmal trash fires.


Oct 25, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
It has its good sides, but it can get ugly really fast. I know it's not gaming, but I remember people in the politics threads wishing for Bernie Sanders to die.

Nevertheless, dedicated gaming communities in Hangouts are nice.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I like it a lot here and I attribute my own personal negativity to just being on the site for too long each day. Everything on the internet annoys me when I'm glued to it too long, but in moderation, this is definitely my favorite place to be. Both for games and off topic in my case.


Dec 8, 2018
This place is ok , far from the best but pretty good. Some people here can be pretty mean for no good reason though (but that's everywhere I guess lol).


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I think so. You consider what a lot of "gamers" are like out in the wild and it could definitely be a lot worse. This feels as close to the internet could get to normal, rational people talking about games.


Feb 15, 2018
In my opinion…

It's a great forum to talk about games and only games.

BUT, when politics start spilling over into the gaming forum, I block those threads instantaneously. Gaming forum ERA has a propensity for politicizing video games. It's just not fun to talk about games for what they are here when that happens. Hell, you get banned for having differing opinions sometimes. And we all know it's never fun when we can't share our opinions.

All in all though it's a decent place to share and gain knowledge about one of our favorite hobbies.
Last edited:

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Do you have examples of this? It's not the first time I see you talking about this, and every time, I am at a loss because it feels like you're talking about a different website.
Obviously I don't know what specific threads they are talking about, but I can think of FFXVI, SF6 and MS/Acti threads off the top of my head where most of the news goes there and only bigger stuff get their own threads.

It's especially bad for MS/Acti thread because it's like 500 pages. And sure you can have threadmarks but that isn't a good substitute for a new thread imo. You are not gonna get many new people involved in the discussion when a thread is that huge, and many people will miss the latest news because it's a megathread that just out of habit your mind will ignore due to it having mostly the same primary thread title (even if mods change the end of the title from time to time).


Dec 10, 2022
I really like how easy it is to find and discuss news here. Passion is also a lot more abundant here. You can tell that almost all the users here really want to discuss games (and other topics in EtcetEra), and hold a lot of value for the ideas, opinions, and perspectives of others.
Some more hospitality and clearer rules wouldn't hurt. I want to understand this place's culture so I can be a good contributor, but I'm still in the dark on proper ettiequte here after reading the rules, a year of lurking, and a short time posting.

I feel like too many LTTP threads for old games and stuff get 3 posts and then fall off the front page.

The majority of people here just want to talk about the new hotness these days, probably a result of pushing out so many communities over the years.

/r/patientgamers is the only place on the internet I've found that gives more focus (than ResetEra) to older games while also not being excessively toxic.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017

I'm not really disagreeing with you, I just thought this was a good opportunity to post a Commando GIF.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Obviously I don't know what specific threads they are talking about, but I can think of FFXVI, SF6 and MS/Acti threads off the top of my head where most of the news goes there and only bigger stuff get their own threads.

It's especially bad for MS/Acti thread because it's like 500 pages. And sure you can have threadmarks but that isn't a good substitute for a new thread imo. You are not gonna get many new people involved in the discussion when a thread is that huge, and many people will miss the latest news because it's a megathread that just out of habit your mind will ignore due to it having mostly the same primary thread title (even if mods change the end of the title from time to time).
Hmm. The MS/Acti stuff, I can understand because it a big legal thing, and it makes sense to have every new development contained there. But for proper gaming news... you mention FF16 and SF6. Could you point to specific news of theirs that didn't get their own thread? I am a Square fan and I have been following FF16 closely, and I can't remember any piece of news for that game that didn't get its own thread.


Oct 25, 2017
It's weird to say since I don't even really know him but it just hasn't been the same for me since blamespace was banned, for awhile with various communities leaving I thought they weren't giving enough charity to the thankless job of moderating but after that happened the idea of "community" here just felt entirely hollow and I feel powerlessly chained to the newsfeed to do anything about it, so it's a bit of a downer. Pretty much the same as Twitter now where I feel like I have zero impact or value to the leadership.