
Oct 25, 2017
people are dying in the cold conditions, and it's particularly afflicting the ill, impoverished, and underhoused in the area.

Snow is cool and all, but these current conditions (frigid temps, icy roads) in general are less than ideal.


Oct 26, 2017
They should make a reality show called "Switching CliMates" or something, where people that want to experience the extreme opposite climate/weather conditions in another location, have to move for like 2 weeks and experience it during the worst time of the year. Maybe then people would have a newfound realization that others have a different set of crappy weather issues that they need to deal with.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
people are dying in the cold conditions, and it's particularly afflicting the ill, impoverished, and underhoused in the area.

Snow is cool and all, but these current conditions (frigid temps, icy roads) in general are less than ideal.

Yeaaaaaaah, terrible weather is only ever cool for people who get to sit in their nice warm home and watch it happen. For everyone else it's a nightmare.

I'm not saying I don't enjoy looking at snow, but too much of it is only a bad thing. Snow for me means arduous shoveling, salting, and putting on three layers to trudge two miles to work in freezing temperatures. It means idiots who can't drive causing accidents. I hate snow.


May 17, 2020
People die from the cold, doctors postpone vaccinations because of it, they postpone covid tests, 300+ accidents from slippery ice conditions, people slipping and breaking hips and legs and elbows, your commute quadruples in length and is white knuckle from start to finish because you don't even know if your car can get over a hill if traffic stops on it, you go snowblind from being out in the -30F but sunny weather reflecting off all the snow.

Nah it sucks. MN gets over 100F during summer and I work outside and I can easily take that over the amount of variables that snow, ice and cold bring.

Deleted member 60582

User requested account closure
Oct 12, 2019
I'd kick somebody's dick in to be able to spend another winter/Christmas in Chicago. I grew up there until the age of 14, but haven't been back since '95. Spent the rest in California and now in Texas. I would trade 10 years of my life just to spend a few more up there.


Oct 27, 2017
We "might" get some. Forecast will say snow and I'll walk outside to find rain for the whole week. Maybe some slush.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
Winter weather is great when you can visit it, and then get the fuck out. It's absolutely miserable to live and work in.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Where exactly are you getting 10's of digits in CA outside of parts directly stuck to the mountains, way up north or odd bits of the central valley everyone ignores? I mean 30 years living as far north as Oakland then down to LA. Our weather is super tame unless you go looking for it. You can absolutely find cold weather here, but the most common places people talk about are some 30s at worst the majority of the time.


Again, not saying there isn't 10 degree shifts and cold snaps, but the coastline of CA is absolutely not that. At best you get winter time that hovers around 20s like right now.
Paso Robles in North SLO County used to get really cold. Snow is a natural part of winter and necessary, just like cold temps and rain used to be a natural part of our winter in California. Our local meteorologist paints a grim-er picture with every passing year. Average rainfall dropping dramatically, breaking more heat than cold records. I do love it here in California, especially in the Central Coast, but it's sad that my son won't get to experience the same California. Last year the wildfires got dangerously close to my house and it's not even technically in a 'dangerous' spot. Not to mention our lakes which are almost depleted.
SLO county reporting too, Santa Cruz before that. I miss there being seasons in CA as well. People that don't buy into global warming have not lived in a place like this to see and feel it escalating every year.

I'm with ya; I would be so relieved to feel a cold and wet winter again for a change. The lack of rain/greenery in SLO is especially stressful.
Yeah, SLO doesn't look like the postcards they sell at Cal Poly anymore. We used to have emerald green hills like the ones in Ireland. I'm sure all our natural greenery will die off soon. All my fruit trees are dead because of the lack of water.
Before global warming fucked up California we would get down to the mid 10s (farenheit) in the winter but now we barely get below freezing.

OP, I think the biggest issue here is that California (SoCal, at least), is now inevitably headed into yet another drought. For the third time in 20 years. La Niña sucks.

Yeah, it's been an absolutely dreadful winter here. It's one of the few times where too much sunny weather affects my mental well-being.

Living here is like watching one of the most beautiful places slowly wither and die right before your eyes because of climate change. It's absolutely devastating to watch happen in real time.

THAT'S the reason it sucks to live here right now.


Dec 5, 2018
They should make a reality show called "Switching CliMates" or something, where people that want to experience the extreme opposite climate/weather conditions in another location, have to move for like 2 weeks and experience it during the worst time of the year. Maybe then people would have a newfound realization that others have a different set of crappy weather issues that they need to deal with.
The premise should be what OP and I have experienced though; you stay in your home state (NY, WI, IL) but experience the rain, snow, cold and seasons slowing vanish and merge into a neverending sunny day. The best part is you eventually lose track of months altogether. When I first moved to the CA central coast, March - May meant rainy season and lush spring grass and flowers into the summer. Nowadays, dead brown hills all year long, for years in fact because of drought. It really starts to affect your mental well-being, in the same way I would imagine long frozen winters affect people. The catch is the sun never goes away, at some point most Americans have an end of winter.


Alt account
Jan 17, 2020
After a warm first half of the winter it looks like you guys are finally getting some proper winter storms. Hell even the PNW is getting snow.

Meanwhile here in California it's fucking awful. Probably another February with little to no rain, warmer than average temps. I know I complain a lot but goddamnit I just want a proper winter for once.

Hopefully if covid is over by next winter I'll spend a week, probably Christmas week somewhere where it actually feels like winter.
Where in California are you? We just got a ton of rain in SoCal last couple weeks. The Sierras got DUMPED on with snow - we are talking more than 10 feet at Mammoth and similar in Tahoe. Just 45 minutes north of LA there were multiple storms that dumped over a foot of snow each. Big Bear, Snow Summit, Mt Baldy were a winter wonderland. Even here in San Diego County we got snow - just had to drive east of downtown about 45 minutes into Alpine. This week and the last has been cold AF in SD proper. Its been getting into lower 40s at night and some days it didn't even get up to 60. I been having plenty of fires in my fire place last few weeks. This is about as much winter as I want haha - bring back the 70s at the beach already!


Oct 27, 2017
The only thing that makes california worth living in is the warm weather year round. Dealing with snow sucks, you don't want it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
OP, I think the biggest issue here is that California (SoCal, at least), is now inevitably headed into yet another drought. For the third time in 20 years. La Niña sucks.

Yeah, it's been an absolutely dreadful winter here. It's one of the few times where too much sunny weather affects my mental well-being.

Living here is like watching one of the most beautiful places slowly wither and die right before your eyes because of climate change. It's absolutely devastating to watch happen in real time.

THAT'S the reason it sucks to live here right now.
Very true. As someone with chronic anxiety, I let the weather and climate dictate my mood and mental health, which is why I make some many threads to complain. I actually feel better mentally when we have overcast days and have grown to hate sunshine and hot weather. I get really depressed during the summer and you'll find me at my happiest when autumn finally starts peeling it's head in like November.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
Man it's like 60 degrees and fucking PERFECT in San Diego right now.

Fuck snow, I don't pay the fucking sunshine tax for snow.


Oct 27, 2017
I am running out of places to put the snow. I appreciate the aesthetic but am in no hurry to repeat the Snowpocalypse year.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Where in California are you? We just got a ton of rain in SoCal last couple weeks. The Sierras got DUMPED on with snow - we are talking more than 10 feet at Mammoth and similar in Tahoe. Just 45 minutes north of LA there were multiple storms that dumped over a foot of snow each. Big Bear, Snow Summit, Mt Baldy were a winter wonderland. Even here in San Diego County we got snow - just had to drive east of downtown about 45 minutes into Alpine. This week and the last has been cold AF in SD proper. Its been getting into lower 40s at night and some days it didn't even get up to 60. I been having plenty of fires in my fire place last few weeks. This is about as much winter as I want haha - bring back the 70s at the beach already!
We did too. Actually SLO County got the most rain out of everyone but even that barely put a dent on the drought levels and our meteorologist explained how with a warming atmosphere we'll see less rain overall but more occasional dumping of rain.

It's just extremely sad what global warming is doing to our world. I do what I can but we need people with more power to start doing something.


A friend is worth more than a million Venezuelan$
Oct 25, 2017
After a warm first half of the winter it looks like you guys are finally getting some proper winter storms. Hell even the PNW is getting snow.

Meanwhile here in California it's fucking awful. Probably another February with little to no rain, warmer than average temps. I know I complain a lot but goddamnit I just want a proper winter for once.

Hopefully if covid is over by next winter I'll spend a week, probably Christmas week somewhere where it actually feels like winter.
Reminds me a of story. It's the story of a French person moving to Quebec and as a new immigrant loved snow initially and then slowly turned into a local and hated it. I ran it through google translate (for speed translation). everything with '...' is a swear word.

August 12:
We have just moved into our new home in Quebec.
It is very beautiful here.
The mountains are so majestic.
I can't wait to see them covered in snow.
October 14:
Quebec is the most beautiful place in the world.
The leaves of the trees have taken
all possible shades of red and orange.
We went for a walk
in the mountains and we saw deer.
What graceful creatures!
They are certainly the most beautiful animals in creation.
This place is a paradise.
I love it!

November 4:
The deer hunting season is starting soon.
I can't believe we can
blame such a beautiful animal.
I hope it will snow soon.
I love Quebec so much.

December 12:
It snowed last night.
We woke up this morning
to find out that everything had turned white.
Looks like a postcard.
We got out and we plowed the entrance steps.
We had a snowball fight
(I won)
and when the plow has passed,
we had to clear snow from the driveway again.
What a nice place. I love Quebec.

December 18:
Still snow last night.
That's wonderful!
The plow has played its little farce on us again in the entrance.
I love Quebec so much.

December 19:
Still snow last night.
I couldn't get out of my yard to go to work.
I'm exhausted from shoveling.
Cr .... of plow.

December 21:
He fell from the white must again last night.
I have blisters in my hands from shoveling.
I believe the plow guy is hiding around the corner
and wait until I finish shoveling.
The dog ...

December 25th:
More snow ...... snow.
If I ever get my hand on the dog's ..... dog driving the plow,
I'm going to make a ho .... butt on the elbows.
I do not understand why not put it
more calcium on the roads to melt the cr .... of ice.

December 27:
More white mustard last night.
It's been three days since we went out
except to shovel the ta ...... entry each time the ca .... of dirty
passes with his ho .... plow.
We can't go anywhere
the chariot is caught in a mountain of ca ...... white mustard.
The weather guy says it's going to drop another 10 inches tonight.

December 28:
The cr .... of innocent weather forecast was wrong.
We had 24 inches of the cap ..... white mard.
If it continues like this, it won't be melted until August.
The plow got stuck in the snow bank on the road
and the ho .... disgusting who drives her came knocking
home to ask if he could borrow my shovel!
After telling him that I had already been through
six shovels to shovel all the waste he had pushed me into the entrance,
I broke the seventh there on the head ....

December 30:
We ended up leaving the house today.
We went to the store to buy something to eat
and on the way back a cap ..... of deer stepped in front of the car and I hit it.
I have $ 3000 in damage.
Cr .... deer.
How come the ho ... of hunters
did not kill them all in November ???

1st May:
I took the car to the garage in town.
There is always a lot of cr ..... of limits.
The tank ta ...... is all rusty
because of the h ..... of calcium they put everywhere on the roads.

May 30:
We moved to Florida.
I can't understand that there are quite innocent people
to want to live in a cr .... of hell like Quebec


Nov 15, 2017
Moved from Minnesota to Arizona in June during the hottest summer ever and even after experiencing that I never want to live somewhere cold again. Shoveling your driveway sucks. Get too much snow? Now you need to get it off your roof before it gets too heavy. Driving on ice is horrible. Other people driving on ice is terrifying. The only time snow is cool is during the holidays. I can drive up to the mountains for a week and then be right back in the warm weather.


Oct 27, 2017
Only people who visit snowy locations could say with the OP stated with a serious face. The snow lately has been shit (along with the temps).


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
There's nothing to be jealous about. It's fun to watch the snow fall, but just about every other aspect of it is shit, especially if you have somewhere to be.

In the PDX area, we only get significant snow events once or twice a decade, so nobody here really knows how to drive in it. When you combine that with the usual pattern we get where snow falls, melts during the day and then freezes overnight, creating sheets of ice on the roads, It makes driving nearly impossible, especially in the hillier parts of town. Even before the ice comes, if more than an inch of snow falls, the lack of skill in driving in snow means that 30 minute commutes can take 4-5 hours, and some people just leave their cars stranded on the sides of the freeways.

After that, everything gets slushy, the snow gets dirty as the gravel mixes in and car tires mix dirt and gunk from the road surface into the slushy mess, which makes huge, cold, wet dirty slushy puddles that are a pain to walk through and get kicked up by buses and cars onto people on the sidewalks.

I like watching snow fall, but I can do without huge amounts of accumulation. Give me nice, sunny weather over snow any day.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I would trade you OP, I'm in Colorado where we get plenty of snow, but I hate cold weather and would love to have a mostly year-round warm climate. Snow is such a pain in the ass to deal with unless you are sledding/skiing. It makes everything messy, it takes 10x longer to get anywhere, there are so many idiots who refuse to slow down or give more distance between vehicles while driving, and then if it melts during the day it turns into ice overnight and becomes another shit show the next day.

Yup. Grew up in Colorado and couldn't wait to get out for these exact reasons. Texas and Cali have been much kinder to me. Zero desire to live in that climate again. Good for a visit though.


Dec 11, 2017
Snow storms were cool when snow days existed. Now they are just a nuisance.

For example, back in '98 we had a vicious storm that snowed us in for days. I used that to not have to work and play through my Christmas present that year, Ocarina of Time.

Now I just have to shovel in between meetings.


Oct 26, 2017
As a lifelong Seattle native, you can have our snow. We lack the infrastructure to handle it and the majority of the city is on a hill which makes things even more fun.

My father-in-law was out here from Nebraska for our last big snowstorm in 2019 and he helped me shovel the sidewalks. He said our snow consistency is way worse than what they get in the Midwest and finally understood why everything shuts down out here.


Nov 27, 2017
I spent 3 winters in Tahoe and a -20 winter in Wyoming, yeah I'll take that, I enjoy it! Then again I'm a high level skier and I don't mind managing mid level snow. Then again my preference is mid way up a mountain in the 6000-7000 ft area so it's a few minutes to the good stuff but only a couple days or a week or two of heavy stuff at my place


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Fingers crossed that it happens in H-Town.

...or maybe not since that would be my first time driving in snow.
Oct 25, 2017
As a lifelong Seattle native, you can have our snow. We lack the infrastructure to handle it and the majority of the city is on a hill which makes things even more fun.

My father-in-law was out here from Nebraska for our last big snowstorm in 2019 and he helped me shovel the sidewalks. He said our snow consistency is way worse than what they get in the Midwest and finally understood why everything shuts down out here.
I don't really think it's the consistency. The snow here is similar to what we usually got back on the east coast...heavy and wet mostly. I think the hills are definitely one of the biggest issues out here when it comes to snow. Well that and infrastructure as you mention with lack of plows and salt trucks. Temps usually never stay too cold during the day and you will get some melting then it will freeze overnight and cars are just sliding down hills.


Oct 29, 2017
Sacramento, California
I hate California for this too. There is no fall here either. It usually will still be in the 80s by October. Sometimes 90s. November can be in the 70s. Then it will hit the 50s until January until some bullshit high pressure system comes rolling in heating it all up again. It never fails to happens. It can easily get above 110 here in the summer and its just too hot to do anything. Its pure suffering. Its not fun living in CA. It never fucking rains here. Not enough by far not enough. I despise hot weather. Absolutely despise it. I refuse to leave the house unless its either dark or with cloud coverage. Screw the sun. Screw California. I HATE it here. And im stuck here. Fuck this state.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
East Coast Era represent! FUCKING FINALLY we're getting a decent winter here(SW CT) last couple of winter were extremely mild and well below our average in amount of snow.


Oct 25, 2017
Yea, having to break all the ice frozen over my car, and shovel it out, in windy 10 degree weather is so fun.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully if covid is over by next winter I'll spend a week, probably Christmas week somewhere where it actually feels like winter.
Lol, nothing pisses people off in cold climates more than someone who comes for a week, says how nice it is to see some cold and then leaves while they're stuck in -25 weather for another 3 months.

Having said that, I hate LA/California and can't wait to move back to Canada when it's practical for me.