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Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017
Do not live a sedentary lifestyle.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
And do cardio

I'm the same, I was starting getting fat, then saw my father and said... "NEVER"

I still need to lost 10 pounds to be comfortable....


Oct 27, 2017
Don't listen to resetera posters when they say going to the gym is a waste of time or they don't want to be too bulky. Fit not fat!


Oct 25, 2017
Move around and don't eat like shit.

You can eat a little shitty here and there if you move around. You can be sedentary if you don't eat like shit. Doing both though gets you a gut.

Broken Joystick

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Normally I wouldn't pin something like that down to one thing, but everyone I know with a large gut is a huge beer/binge drinker.

Moderation at all times.

Congo Jack

Oct 25, 2017
Candy Apple Island
Most of those guys spend their days sitting around, drinking cheap beer and eating nachos. As long as you eat (semi) healthy and move around from time to time, you should be fine.


Nov 4, 2017
1. Calories in vs. Calories out.

2. Live a life where you don't get so bummed that you don't care if you eat yourself to death.

How? What are good guides?

Honestly start slow, if you go from no exercise to tons and shit diet to great diet you likely won't stick to it.

Unless you are already morbidley obese (aka you need to fix it now or die) take baby steps.

1. Drinking a ton of beer/full sugar soda? Switch to lower/no calorie drinks and hopefully no soda eventually.

2. Not exercising at all? Go for a 20 min walk every two days, then start either jogging or going to the gym 1-2 times a week (even if you're just doing random isolation machines to avoid the "scary" stuff it's a better start than nothing) then if you like lifting go from there to find a real routine.

3. Consider your diet, going from candy and pasta and other carbs to 0 carbs is going to make you hate the planet. Slowly transition, smaller amounts of sweets. Love ice cream? Start buying some of the "healthy" brands like halo top. Obsessed with pasta? Start better controlling your portions/try whole wheat.


Oct 28, 2017
Eat one bowl of mushroom soup a day. Nothing else.

On Sundays you can add a pinch of salt for flavour.

You won't need to drink because soup is already mostly water.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Diet, exercise and a good nights sleep. Getting a standing desk if possible, if not get up regularly, like every 20-30 minutes, and walk around for a bit.


Oct 25, 2017
How? What are good guides?

Eat a lot of vegetables. Know what your body can and can't do. Don't eat fast food. Alcohol in moderation.

Sign up for yoga classes, vinyasa/flow classes are a great work out. Msg me if you're interested, or ask here and I can give you info.

Work out if not yoga.

Remove as much sugar from your diet as you can.
Oct 28, 2017
There are tons of different recommendations for eating and living healthy. You need to find some that work for you. I'd search on Google to get a wide variety of advice. There are countless, countless articles on how to be healthy and it'll mostly all work. You just need to be able to make it a part of your life. Major change will probably not be permanent.


Oct 27, 2017
Start good habits now. More protein, less carb. Regular exercise. Reasonable portion size. Anyone over the age of 30 has to work harder to keep the weight off and it keeps getting harder. Key factor is genetics. If your family is thinner by nature, you're luckier, and your metabolism is such that your skinny no matter what.

And it is complicated. Just not for some. If it was easy there wouldn't be an worldwide industry on weight loss and healthy diet.


Oct 26, 2017
I work in a print shop. I'm 34 and most everyone else here is 45+ and overweight.

I don't see letting myself ever get overweight but who knows what life may bring!
Dorothy Gale

Dorothy Gale

May 25, 2018
Eat a lot of vegetables. Know what your body can and can't do. Don't eat fast food. Alcohol in moderation.

Sign up for yoga classes, vinyasa/flow classes are a great work out. Msg me if you're interested, or ask here and I can give you info.

Work out if not yoga.

Remove as much sugar from your diet as you can.

Feel free to post anything helpful. I have difficulty reaching my toes.


Oct 27, 2017
Weigh yourself weekly and adjust your diet accordingly.

Being active and fit helps but at the end of the day being active won't be enough if your diet consists of 4000 calories worth of sugary garbage daily.
Dorothy Gale

Dorothy Gale

May 25, 2018
Start good habits now. More protein, less carb. Regular exercise. Reasonable portion size. Anyone over the age of 30 has to work harder to keep the weight off and it keeps getting harder. Key factor is genetics. If your family is thinner by nature, you're luckier, and your metabolism is such that your skinny no matter what.

Any specific food that are good?


Dec 17, 2017
You've already taken the biggest step: "I don't want this for my future". You know the rest and now you just do it and make it an everyday habit until the day you die.

I shed 45 lbs after crossing that psychological hurdle.


Jan 26, 2018
It really depends on where you live. In NYC, I walk a ton, so I can eat a lot more than I would in the burbs. Otherwise, my advice is...

1. Keep a picture of you that shows you as overweight. Refer to it weekly, unless it makes you cry. Then look at it everyday instead.
2. Build muscle. It lets you eat more. I prefer to watch TV/Netflix and lift weights, use resistance bands. It keeps you fit and you can catch up on stuff you've missed.
3. Per others, keep your calories hovering around 2,000. Watch out for shitty foods. You know your vices. Cut back when you can.
4. Get a bit overweight? Use myfitnesspal to count calories for a few weeks. It will stop you from eating poorly.
5. Join a gym if you can.
6. Most important of all, you're doing this for YOU. Not for a significant other, not to impress those around you, but because you want to feel and look good.

My personal motivations include all of the above, plus my fathers weight issues, my divorce, and getting better abs than my daughters, who's stomachs are spider-webbed with the most amazing muscles. I'm jelly.


Oct 29, 2017
Diet is the main lever on gaining/losing weight. Exercise or lack thereof can help move things along, but diet is much more important.
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