
"This guy are sick"
Dec 6, 2017
You can't kill the Video Games,
The Video Games will live on,
Jack Thompson tried to kill the Video Games,
But he failed, as he was smite to the ground.
Parenting groups tried to kill the Video Games,
But they failed, as they were striken to the ground.
Some politicians tried to kill the Video Games, hahahahaha,
They failed, as they were thrown to the ground.

Aarghhhh! Yeah
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Oct 31, 2017
Can we also ban guns/knifes/screwdrivers and the list can go on and on while we are at it. Can't do a carjacking without one of those items


Nov 3, 2018
Let's not work on societal problems such as poverty and lack of good public education and public transportation that are much much larger factors as to the outcome of crime, and let's ban video games.

Yeah that sounds like a politician all right. I mean, while we're at it, the Bible is pretty violent. We should probably stop sales and distribution of that also.
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Oct 30, 2017
Videogames: *exist*

Politicians: I blame our ills that we create on this entertainment




Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
This is really what we are wasting time on? There are no more pressing issues you could tackle?


Oct 27, 2017

Ban sale of Grand Theft Auto, other violent video games, state rep says

With carjackings rising, Rep. Marcus Evans wants to prohibit the sale of violent video games promoting criminal activity. Also Monday, Operation Safe Pump announced its gas station guards program will expand to south suburban Olympia Fields.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't this be unconstitional with the Supreme Court ruling video games to be an art form?

I can't imagine it passed and if it does I would assume it would be overturned at some point.


Oct 25, 2017
Hold on. This guy is a Democrat?!

Actually... at least in the 80's/90's it was the democrats who had the reputation for wanting to censor music and video games. Tipper Gore ring a bell? She had a huge campaign against music and video games. The Republicans have managed to get most the spot light these days for crappy stuff but that is something that has been attached to the democratic party.


Oct 27, 2017

Ya know what?

Ban guns then.

If guns weren't part of the equation, someone attempting to carjack me would be met with a belly laugh and me driving away.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Illinois baby! I love my state! Who cares that the state is broke, pensions have gone unfunded for decades, roads are crumbling, violence is still ongoing, taxes and fees are passed on to the average Joe like a hot potato? Lets fix this video game problem! I wish I could vote for this guy in my district!



Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I can think of at least a hundred things that should be done to fix violence and crime in low income communities and none of them involve banning video games.

I can't believe we are just retreading old arguments instead of tackling the real issues. I guess banning a game is easier than dismantling an institution built around racial and economic inequality.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017

Obi Wan Jabroni

alt account
Dec 14, 2020
Given the increasing proliferation of digital media, I'm curious what this fool thinks he can do even if this bullshit law was passed.


Oct 25, 2017
I doubt even he believes it will pass. Seems more like a "hey look I'm doing something" thing that you know will not do anything while not going after real problems that are less popular to criticize.

Also something separate but funny to consider. Imagine if you showed the footage of a modern game like CoD or MKX at the congressional hearings about violence in video games back in the 90s. Shit would have been banned outright.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
Art can bring up emotions and cause a reaction among the population if publicized, and all it takes is one deranged individual like the beheading of a teacher in France last year showed. That said I think censorship is a slippery slope. Better to combat bad ideas with good ones on a equal playing field. Not playing gatekeeper by controlling who gets to say what.


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
Why help to determine the issue and an actual solution when you get just blame something else that has no actual data-backing.

Obi Wan Jabroni

alt account
Dec 14, 2020
Art can bring up emotions and cause a reaction among the population if publicized, and all it takes is one deranged individual like the beheading of a teacher in France last year showed. That said I think censorship is a slippery slope. Better to combat bad ideas with good ones on a equal playing field. Not playing gatekeeper by controlling who gets to say what.

That is literally the primary reason art exists.

And no stable person watches or plays violent media and then opts to become a criminal. That's not how it works.

Also, are you referring to the murder of Samuel Paty? Because that wasn't about violent media propelling a violent act. He was a teacher who showed caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad during a class debate on free expression and one of his students - who apparently had been radicalized - murdered him for it.


Oct 27, 2017
Good luck trying to ban a trillion dollar industry. Gaming is not a soft target like it was in the 90s.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Hold on. This guy is a Democrat?!

EDIT: Yes, yes, I've already been informed in this thread that democrats have a history of doing this shit. I'm just surprised that this is the kind of politics coming out of (at least some members of) the mainstream left wing in the US in this day and age.

It really gets most noted for being a Republican perspective as Jack Thompson was a staunch Republican. He claimed that the reason Democrats couldn't get anything done was because they were Democrats.

Both sides have different reasons for banning them. Democrats felt that it was glorifying violence and crime and ruining young minds. Repubicans feel that it is training kids to commit crimes and school shootings.